What is the Counter Extremism Project?
The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is a non-for-profit, non-partisan international policy organization formed to help confront the growing strength of extremist groups worldwide.
Why was CEP formed?
The alarming rise of extremist groups is an extensive, complex and urgent challenge that governments cannot combat alone. There is not just a role, but a responsibility for private groups to organize in opposition to extremists and give their support networks the thorough and sustained scrutiny necessary to thwart them.
Who is CEP?
CEP is a global organization of former government officials, policymakers, subject matter experts and statesmen working to develop the best strategies and practices to counter extremists. We represent no single nation or political party, but have joined efforts to help combat a threat to all our countries, and to the security of peace-loving, humane people everywhere.
What, exactly, is CEP going to do confront extremism?
CEP will confront this threat by exposing and holding accountable their financial and other support; by serving as a best-in-class database of information about extremist groups and their supporters to governments, the private sector, the press, NGOs and other interested parties; by conducting a sophisticated media campaign to counter extremist ideology, and disrupt their messaging and recruiting; and assisting governments in the formulation of policies to degrade and stop extremist movements.
Who does the CEP consider extremists?
CEP is focused on groups whose ideology and practices threaten international peace and stability and the security and values of civilized societies, whether by force or terror or politics. From Boko Haram in Nigeria to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots based in multiple countries, CEP will oppose any group that imposes an extremist ideology, gives sanction to violence, rejects basic human rights, and suppresses economic and social progress.
What makes CEP distinctive from any of the other such efforts around the world?
CEP offers a comprehensive approach to address extremism internationally. Our leadership is bipartisan and multinational. While aiming to educate the public about the dangers of extremism, CEP is not modeled as a think-tank. Rather, CEP is an action and policy organization with a multi-pronged approach to countering extremism including by implementing media, regulatory, economic and counter-narrative campaigns against extremists and their supporters worldwide. We are committed to concrete deliverables and practical and action-oriented counter extremism solutions to fully counter the extremist threat on an international level.