Afghanistan Terrorism Report: April 2023

Following is the April 2023 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

Although ISIS-K-linked propaganda outlets did not highlight various attacks that the group conducted in Afghanistan in April, it seems clear that terror operations perpetrated by ISIS-K continued in the country, albeit in a reduced manner. This mirrors the developments in other regions in which ISIS-K is active. In the past years, ISIS-core had regularly announced so-called “Ramadan campaigns,” using the holy month of Ramadan for increased activities in several conflict zones paired with propaganda efforts. However, this year no such campaign was announced. Consequently, while terror attacks continued in the conflict regions where ISIS affiliates operate, for example, in the Sahel region, no significant increase in the overall operational tempo was observable.

As expected, in April, American officials confirmed that the Taliban had killed the ISIS-K leader of the attack on the Kabul airport in August 2021, ISIS-linked propaganda outlets did not report his death or eulogize him. However, pro-ISIS-K propaganda outlets claimed in several posts that the Taliban are cooperating with the United States on counterterrorism issues. One pro-ISIS-K linked post alleged that the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul on July 31, 2022, was made possible by information leaked by Taliban rivals of the Haqqani Network that sheltered him. This claim seems to mirror the suggestion by some experts that U.S. counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan depend to a certain extent on information provided by the Taliban. ISIS-linked outlets also highlighted the role of Pakistan in the alleged counterterrorism cooperation between the United States and the Taliban regime. Interestingly, although ISIS-linked outlets only highlighted a handful of attacks in April, the majority of these were conducted in Pakistan. This could be an indication that ISIS-K intends to increase its operational area beyond the border of Afghanistan in the coming months.

Pro-ISIS propaganda outlets continued to attack the Taliban on ideological grounds. One frequent theme was the activities of Iranian officials regarding Afghanistan’s eastern Province of Nangarhar. Pro-ISIS outlets highlighted the meeting between Iran’s deputy ambassador in Kabul with the governor of the province and increased Iranian activities in the health sector in that area. In addition, Iran continued to negotiate with the Taliban regime concerning the release of Iranian prisoners in Afghan jails and the issue of water management concerning the Helmand River, which is a central issue to both countries. These events demonstrate the continuing attempts of the Iranian government to develop its ties with the Taliban regime following the handover of the Afghan embassy in Tehran to the Taliban at the end of February. Any developing cooperation between the Taliban regime and Iran would further feed into the destabilization role that Tehran is playing in the region.

Pro-ISIS propaganda outlets also mocked the participation of the Taliban at a regional meeting in Uzbekistan, highlighting that the Taliban were only allowed in after its first official part concluded. On April 13, 2023, the fourth meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring states brought together the top diplomats from China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. A Taliban delegation was permitted to attend only part of the meeting. Interestingly, despite the Taliban presence, the official declaration issued at the end of the conference highlighted the continuing regional and global threat posed by a range of terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan, such as ISIS-K, al-Qaeda, and the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as well as the ongoing illegal drug economy in the country. This indicates that Afghanistan’s neighbors, including governments more open to engaging with the Taliban regime, such as Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China, also continue to see a terrorism threat emanating from the country that goes beyond ISIS-K and includes al-Qaeda. Unfortunately, despite highlighting the importance of humanitarian assistance to the country, the official declaration did not mention the disruption caused by the Taliban decree banning Afghan women from working for the United Nations in the country.

Following the announcement of this Taliban decision banning Afghan women from U.N. employment, the United Nations decided to send all its Afghan staff home and to review its operations in Afghanistan until May 2023. At the beginning of May, a special meeting on the situation in Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar—chaired by U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres and to which the Taliban were not invited—did not bring any progress on this issue. Indeed, in the runup to the meeting, a statement by U.N. Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed caused confusion as she seemed to suggest that official recognition of the Taliban may be the way forward. Mohammed visited Afghanistan in January 2023. During her trip, she had said “some progress” had been made on women’s rights in Afghanistan. This was an obvious misreading of the situation since weeks after her visit, the Taliban enforced their degree banning Afghan women from working for the United Nations.

Unfortunately, the consensus between the various stakeholders within the United Nations to resist the Taliban decree seems to be breaking down. Some U.N. agencies have recalled their Afghan staff to work, despite the continuing Taliban ban on female staff members. Furthermore, according to a leaked email, the United Nations country team decided that all its agencies could now individually decide how to handle the situation. That the United Nations can no longer present a united front against the Taliban regime means that the international stakeholders have relinquished the limited leverage they had vis a vis the Taliban regime. In essence, it seems that some parts of the U.N. structure in Afghanistan are currently beginning to adhere to the decree. This is even more regrettable since, at the beginning of May, U.N. experts reported that increasingly female staff members of the United Nations in Afghanistan were harassed and, in some cases, arrested by the Taliban.

Finally, as expected, Afghanistan’s overall human rights situation continues to deteriorate. Already in November 2022, Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada decreed the reinstatement of harsh punishments in the country. At the beginning of May 2023, a United Nations report highlighted the increasing use of dehumanizing methods of execution, such as burying the condemned under a wall are used in Afghanistan. Pleas by the international community to end such practices continue to be rebuffed by the Taliban regime.

Afghanistan Terrorism Report

April 2023

Table of Contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters, April 2023
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 24, Released April 2, 2023
  5. Graphic from pro-ISIS Moata News Agency, April 4, 2023
  6. Al-Qaeda Web Magazine One Ummah Issue 9, Released April 6, 2023
  7. Pro-ISIS Telegram post on April 23, “The Treachery of the Apostate Taliban militia against the Uzbek brothers.”
  8. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Media Video, “The Unrestrained Metastasis within the Body of the Ummah,” Released on April 24, 2023

1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters, April 2023

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 385, Published April 6, 2023

ATR_April 2023_1
  • “The killing of a Christian and a Sikh by the fire of the Mujahideen in Khorasan”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in the state of Khorasan killed a Sikh and a Christian in two separate attacks in the city of (Peshawar), northwest of Pakistan.”

  • “Sikh murder”

“And in the details, by the grace of God Almighty, on Friday (9 Ramadan), the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a follower of the polytheistic (Sikhism) sect, in the area of (Deir Kaloni) in the city of (Peshawar), with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • “Christian killed”

“On the other hand, the Mujahideen targeted, on the following day, Saturday, one of the unbelieving Christians, in the city of Peshawar, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province had inflicted, during the past week, about 20 dead and wounded among the employees and guards of the headquarters of the ‘Foreign Militia of the Taliban’ in the second martyrdom operation targeting the same headquarters, which is located within a fortified security area in the center of the capital (Kabul), while the Mujahideen assassinated a spy of the Pakistani intelligence. On the other side of the borders that the Mujahideen seek to remove by force.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 386, Published April 13, 2023

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 387, Published April 20, 2023

ATR_April 2023_2
  • “The assassination of a member of the Taliban militia by the Mujahideen fire”

“A special source reported to (Al-Naba) that the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted, on Wednesday (21/Ramadan), a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Bajaur) area, with pistol shots, which led to his immediate death, and the mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and praise be to God.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 388, Published April 27, 2023

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.

2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • April 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that after the UAE sent 40 tons of food and medicine to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia sent “100 tons of dates in support of the…Taliban.”

“A day after the UAE state sent about 40 tons of food and medicine, the Saloul family sent 100 tons of dates in support of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • April 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban are stealing sheep from shepherds, under the claim that they can “take one sheep out of every 40.”

“#a witness. A video clip showing members of the apostate #Taliban militia forcibly taking sheep from the shepherds in the mountains. This sheikh opposes this practice, but the apostates insist that they take one sheep out of every 40 and this is their right!”

  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that five members of the Taliban, including “the head of a court” in Panjshir, were wounded during a fight between two different Taliban factions. The post alleges that the fight occurred “because of the search of the phones” of government employees and that searches of phones are being conducted because of Taliban fears of infiltration by ISIS-K.

“#Khorasan Better than a spider's house...

Local sources reported that five members, including the head of a court in the apostate Taliban militia in Panjshir, were injured as a result of a fight between them.

This dispute took place between the two factions of the apostate militia because of the search of the phones of the employees of government institutions.

The reason for the inspection is due to the militia's fear of the Monotheists infiltrating their ranks, and this is indeed the case.”

  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Badakhshan is flooding.

“#Khorasan. Floods and torrents in Badakhshan.”

  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Mawlawi Qudratullah Abu Hamza admitted to assaulting a girl or woman and that afterward the Taliban appointed him to be governor of Zabul.

“#a witness. The apostate Mawlawi Qudratullah Abu Hamza admits the immoral dog assaulted the honor of a virgin girl with the brother-in-law of a friend of his and his uncle.

So the apostate Taliban militia punished him by appointing him governor of the city of Zabul.”

  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Abd al-Jabbar Agha, the deputy commander of the 205th al-Badr Division, killed the wives and children of Uzbek Salafis in Zabul after they surrendered.

“The criminal butcher Mullah Abd al-Jabbar Agha, the murderer of the children and women of the Monotheists, was appointed as deputy commander of the 205th Al-Badr Division by the Akhund Taghut Militia, the apostate Taliban.

The butcher killed the children and women of the Uzbek monotheists in Zabul after they surrendered.

Where they were inside the tents, their machine guns opened fire on the tents randomly.”

  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s Public Prosecutor, in a meeting with the Iranian deputy ambassador, confirmed that the Taliban would soon release Iranian prisoners in Afghanistan. The post states that Shiites will be released while Salafists are imprisoned.

“The Public Prosecutor of the apostate Taliban government, Mullah Shamsuddin Pahlawan, said in a meeting with the Rafidi Sayyed Hassan Mortazavi, the Iranian deputy ambassador, that the apostate militia government will soon begin the process of releasing Iranian citizens who are imprisoned in Afghanistan.

They release the polytheists and imprison the Muslims.”

  • April 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban attack and “humiliate” people on the street.

“#a witness. People are humiliated and assaulted on the streets by the apostate Taliban militia. I swear to God, dictatorship.”

  • April 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the U.S. turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban so that the latter could fight terrorism in the country.

“#a witness. What is the reason for America handing over Afghanistan to the apostate Taliban militia?

Hear it from the mouth of the worshipers of the cross:

The militia will forever do what we Americans can do for ourselves,

This is so that Afghanistan does not become a hideout for terrorists.”

  • April 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pashtuns “with the support of the …Taliban” forced 10 Uzbek families to leave the town of Lal wa Sarjangal and took their homes.

“#Khorasan. Forcing 10 families to leave in the Lal wa Sarjangal regions of Ghor by ‘armed Pashtun Bedouins with the support of the apostate Taliban militia.’ The apostate militia continues to settle the Pashtuns in the homes of the Uzbeks, as is the practice of the Jews in Palestine.”

  • April 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are hypocrites for denying women educational opportunities while their daughters study overseas.

“#a witness. Hypocrisy of the apostate Taliban militia. They promised women education on the day they assumed power, and today they return in their vomit.

On the other hand, their daughters are abroad, overseas, studying in prestigious universities and at the expense of Mama America.

#glitter _ clips”

  • April 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s permanent representative to the UN, Suhail Shaheen’s daughters study in Doha. The clip is from a May 2022 segment.

#a witness. The presenter asks the apostate Suhail Shaheen, who appointed himself as the representative of the apostate Taliban militia in the atheist nations: ‘You have two daughters who go to study in Doha.’ The apostate replied, ‘Yes.’

Referring to the apostate Taliban militia preventing girls from studying…

Episode Title: ‘Taliban Rule: A Demonic Government’”

  • April 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the old Taliban never accepted money from the U.S.

“#contemplation. Two billion dollars in aid from the Guardian of the Cross.

Then an examined captive comes to you, frowningly asking, What is the difference between the Taliban of Omar and the Taliban of Akhund?

Did Mullah Omar receive a tenth of the money and aid that your Taliban receive today?”

  • April 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Taliban spokesperson claimed they only care about Afghanistan, not issues beyond, such as Israel and Palestine. 

“#a witness. In an interview with Al-Khazr TV, the broadcaster asked the spokesperson for the apostate Taliban Mayshya, Muhammad Naeem Wardak, if the replaced regime in Kabul was ready to deal with the Jehudi mini-state if they wanted to deal with everyone.

And your response to that was answered by saying that the apostate militia do not see any obstacles in this, as they have no problems with the #Jewish_state.

He added that he should not be asked about problems that are not exclusively related to Afghanistan, as the militia does not care. Therefore, the assertion that the apostate Taliban is not concerned with the issue of Palestine or the issue of any Muslim outside the borders.

But whether the Jewish state is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with the new Afghan regime is another matter.

This is your emirate, O captives of the apostate al-Qaeda.”

  • April 6: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a leader in the Haqqani Network claimed that Pakistan trained them to launch attacks on the U.S. “because that was in the interest of Islamabad.”

“#a witness. The documentary ‘America and the Taliban’ was shown on Frontline PBS where the same broadcaster who interviewed the Jolani apostate in Idlib, interviewed Samiullah Mohammadi, one of the leaders in the Haqqani Intelligence Network. In his speech, he stated that Pakistan had trained them to launch attacks against Ghani's government and to kill Americans, because that was in the interest of Islamabad.

The documentary sparked confusion among the militia's tyrants.”

  • April 6: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Iranian deputy ambassador met with the Taliban governor of Nangarhar and that they discussed increasing cooperation, such as “increasing the number of flights between Jalalabad and Iran, as well as opening Iranian medical centers.”

“#Khorasan. The Iranian deputy ambassador to Afghanistan met with the governor of Nangarhar province, and they discussed increasing the number of flights between Jalalabad and Iran, as well as opening Iranian medical centers.

It should be noted that Tehran is very interested in this particular province, one of whose former rulers was one of the main pawns and supporters of Iran in the ranks of the apostate Taliban militia, who perished at the hands of a martyr from the Islamic State.”

  • April 6: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounces “what is happening in al-Aqsa Mosque.”

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate Taliban militia denounces and denounces what is happening in Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

  • April 6: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the GDI director of Herat sent elite forces to attack Taliban rivals. The post states that 40 people were killed or wounded in the attack and that the Taliban falsely claimed it was a strike against ISIS-K.

“#Khorasan. What happened yesterday in the city of Herat?

Confirmed local reports that the GDI Director of Intelligence in Herat sent his elite forces to attack the leaders of his rivals, Mawlawi Ghafoor and Mawlawi Daud, killing them and wounding 40 people in three different locations, where many RPGs and even explosives were used to blow up buildings. The media of the apostate Taliban militia concealed the internal strife as an operation against hostages of the soldiers of the Islamic State.”

  • April 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s health department head in Nangarhar met with the Iranian Consul General. The post says that the Taliban have weakened the healthcare system, especially women’s quality of care and that Iran can take advantage of this to “expand its influence in the country.”

“#Khorasan. The Iranian Consul General in Jalalabad, the tyrant of the health department of the apostate Taliban militia in Nangarhar province, met the apostate Muhammad Rahim Qalandari, where he discussed the issue of aiding the new regime in the medical field.

It is worth noting that the policy of the apostate militia has greatly harmed the health care system, especially the female side of it, and Iran can take advantage of that to gradually expand its influence in the country, and the rejectionists of Iran take over more and more areas of economic and social in Afghanistan, embodying the policy of soft power.”

  • April 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Taliban official claimed that the international community recognized the government because the Taliban received funds. The post says that this money is payment for the Taliban fighting against ISIS-K.

“#Khorasan. The leader of the apostate Taliban militia, Abdul Basir Sabri, said in a program with TOLO TV, that sending sums of $40 million means our official recognition by the world: ‘If the world does not officially recognize us, why do they do that? Every week they send it to us? Do not be deceived.’ The international community itself declares that it officially recognizes us.

Reports indicate that this money is given to the apostate militia in the name of the war against the Islamic State, and according to a US statement, they have so far paid more than $2 billion to the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • April 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Akhundzada’s office had a budget of 4 billion Afghanis, while the security budget was 60 billion Afghanis.

“#contemplation. The tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, whose existence is still suspected, received 4 billion Afghanis to finance his office. An office that has no developmental tasks, nor is its organization clear.

On the one hand, they talk about security, which has received a budget of more than 60 billion Afghanis, and on the other hand, its tyrant is hidden. He is so hidden that he does not show his face or make his voice.”

  • April 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that a Taliban fighter alleged that the hadith collections of Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim were false, and that they were only followed by Salafists and Wahhabis.

“#contemplation. A fighter from the apostate Taliban militia attacks Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and accuses them of inventing false hadiths, and his argument is that the Hanafi school of thought recognizes only 500 hadiths, and the rest is all extra.

And whoever follows the rest of the hadiths is an external Salafist and Wahhabi, and he has no place among them.

This is what the rabbis of the apostate #Taliban militia teach their fighters, and by this they incite them to fight the people of monotheism.”

  • April 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban received another funding package of $40 million.

“#Khorasan. For the second consecutive week of the month of Ramadan, the wages of anti-Islam efforts, estimated at 40 million dollars, provided by the American protectorate of the cross to its mercenaries in Afghanistan.”

  • April 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban condemned Israel for allegedly violating “Western human rights conventions” in a “blatant recognition of man-made laws.”

“#Khorasan. Officially, the apostate Taliban militia denies its threats to open Jerusalem.

The apostate Taliban militia strongly condemned the Jewish aggression, considering it contrary to international norms, i.e. Western human rights conventions, and it is a blatant recognition of man-made laws.

The weak statement also referred to the necessity of responding to what is happening in Al-Aqsa from the infidel Islamic and Western countries.”

  • April 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban officials, in a meeting with Shiite leader Muhammad Akbari, affirmed that the Taliban “does not distinguish between” Shiite and Sunnis.

“#Khorasan. A meeting was held in Kabul between the Rafidite polytheist Muhammad Akbari, the representative of the Council of Rejectionist Preachers, and Mullah Abdul Kabir, the deputy of the tyrant, Taliban ministers, the apostate Taliban militia.

The polytheist Akbari informed the apostate barrel during the conversation of the arrival of Iraqi and Iranian generalized Rafidah in Afghanistan.

During their visit, they expressed their support for the new regime for its good attitude towards the Shiites.

In turn, the apostate barrel Abdul Kabir confirmed that the apostate militia does not distinguish between the Shia polytheists, the Rafidites, and the Sunnis.”

  • April 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the former Taliban governor of Kunar, Osman Turabi, was killed by unknown gunmen in Bajaur, Pakistan. The post says that Turabi fought against ISIS-K in Nangarhar.

“#Khorasan. The death of the former leader of the apostate Taliban militia of Kunar, the apostate Haj Osman Turabi, by unknown gunmen, and his companion was injured in the Pakistani tribal district of Bajaur.

It is mentioned that the perisher is one of the leaders of the apostate militia who participated in the fight against the Monotheists in Nangarhar.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi traveled to Uzbekistan to participate in a regional conference concerning Afghanistan. The post notes Muttaqi was “received….with (an) embrace.”

“#Uzbekistan. The arrival of a delegation from the apostate Taliban militia to Samarkand, led by the tyrant of its foreign ministry, to participate in the meeting of foreign tyrants of countries neighboring Afghanistan.

And the tyrants received him with embrace.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that before traveling to Uzbekistan, Muttaqi met with the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The post claims that the Iranians were “enjoying the meeting.”

“#Uzbekistan. It is noteworthy that the taghut of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate Taliban militia had met before the meeting of Samarkand, the taghut of Iran's Magians. From the picture, you can see that the Rafidah are enjoying the meeting.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Muttaqi was snubbed by representatives from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan because he allegedly was not allowed to attend the beginning of the meeting and did not appear in the photo. 

“#Uzbekistan. Despite the fact that the apostate Amir Khan Muttaqi went to Samarkand, he was not allowed to attend the meeting or even to take a group photo of the foreign tyrants of Afghanistan's neighboring countries in the presence of representatives from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Muttaqi was allowed to enter the meeting after an hour and a half and that he stated that the Taliban would “establish stability and security in the country.”

“#Uzbekistan. An hour and a half after the summit in Samarkand, the foreign tyrant, the apostate Taliban militia, was allowed to enter.

He later stated that the apostate militia was ready to fulfill its obligations towards neighboring countries. The apostate stressed that the constructive role of Afghanistan in the region was discussed at the summit, and the apostate militia expects to help establish stability and security in the country.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. is the “master” of the Taliban and that U.S. soldiers dishonored Iraqi children during the war.

“#a witness. A video clip shows the masters of the apostate Taliban militia mocking the children of Iraq, forcing them to chant (Fuck Iraq, I love pork). Then they made them run after their vehicle for a bottle of water.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are friends with the U.S. The post shows “an archive clip…during the invasion of Iraq” from CNN, where a U.S. Marine shoots and kills a wounded man.

“#a witness. An archive clip of CNN, during the invasion of Iraq, of American soldiers having fun by killing a Muslim in Iraq and chanting, while the infidel expressed his ecstasy by doing so.

Now they are the lovers of the apostate #Taliban militia.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram accusing the Taliban of killing Salafis and Sunnis, receiving money from the U.S., and blowing up Sunni mosques.

“#contemplation. Whoever kills Salafis and Sunnis because their reference is the Qur’an and Sunnah, and whoever receives 40 million dollars a week from America and gives it 7 billion weapons to him to fight the monotheists, and worse, who used to blow up Sunni mosques, accuses the monotheists with all boldness and insolence of blowing up mosques, which are, in fact, the shrines of the Rafidite Shiites.”

  • April 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram accusing Taliban leaders of eating lavishly while common people “suffer from poverty and hunger.”

“#contemplation. The Afghan people suffer from poverty and hunger, and their rulers are busy inflating their stomachs.”

  • April 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Chinese company has offered the Taliban $10 billion for lithium deposits.

“A Chinese company offers $10 billion to the Taliban for lithium deposits.

As part of the investment, Götchen said, it will repair the Salang Pass within seven months, dig another tunnel, and process lithium mined inside Afghanistan.

Since the Taliban's return to power, China has expanded its economic relations with the Taliban, with Chinese companies offering investments in Afghanistan.

In January 2023, Xinjiang Central Asia Petroleum and Gas Co (CAPEIC) signed a $540 million deal to extract oil from the Amu Darya Basin in northern Afghanistan.

According to Bloomberg, Chinese mining companies have long coveted access to Afghanistan's large lithium deposits, which are estimated to be worth $1 trillion.”

  • April 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban recklessly killed the members of two families in Khairkot, Paktika Province, while responding to a hostage situation.

“#Khorasan. Heinous crime. To catch the murderer of the apostate Taliban militia, they killed two families, including children.

In Khairkot district of #Paktika Province, a local resident killed his father-in-law during a personal dispute.

Then the criminal fled with his wife and child to a neighbor's house, where he took his family hostage.

When the apostate militia arrived at the scene, they fired at the house without hesitation with various weapons.

The killer and 8 common civilians were killed, including the killer's wife, the wife of the owner of the house, and 4 of his children.”

  • April 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the hostage taker in Paktika informed the Taliban that he took women and children as hostages. The post says that the Taliban's response “was to kill them all.”

“#a witness. Follow-up regarding the massacre of the apostate Taliban militia in Paktika.

A video clip that the killer sent to the apostate elements shows nine children and two women hostages, threatening to kill them if a way is secured for him to withdraw.

The answer of the ungodly was to kill them all.

This is the religion of the guardians of the fragmented captives.”

  • April 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. has acknowledged “the support of the…Taliban” in the fight against ISIS-K. The uploaded video shows a news report including footage of former President Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging the Taliban to fight against terrorist groups in Afghanistan, including ISIS-K.

“#a witness. Protector of the Cross, America acknowledges the support of the apostate Taliban militia in its battles against the Monotheists in Khurasan.”

  • April 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram insulting a performer who recorded a song for the Taliban. The post calls the performer “effeminate” and states that the Taliban used a “Sufi” rhythm.

“#contemplation. These are the songs of the apostate Taliban militia. They made the innovated Sufi ‘al-Haw Ho’ a rhythm for them, and the performer is effeminate and imitates women...even the color of his phone is pink...”

  • April 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding the arrival of a financial package from the U.S. to the Taliban, “America’s mercenaries.” The post alleges that the Taliban tried to “hide the matter.”

“#Khorasan. The arrival of the salaries of America's mercenaries, 40 million dollars in cash, the difference this time is that the apostate Taliban militia wanted to hide the matter, but America exposed it.”

  • April 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating tha thet Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for a resolution between the two factions in Sudan “to prevent a civil war that foreign countries could use to invade.”

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called on the parties to the conflict in Sudan to cease fire and settle issues through dialogue to prevent a civil war that foreign countries could use to invade the country.”

  • April 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban officials, including Abdul Kabir, met with Russian representatives, the latter who said that “they support the new regime and its policies.” Abdul Kabir is described as stating “his hope for expanding cooperation and relations between Russia” and the Taliban, including formal recognition of the Taliban government. The post concludes by stating that Russia (described as polytheists) asked the Taliban to “maintain their moderate…approach.”

“#Khorasan. The militia of the apostate #Taliban and the tents of the hypocrites.

The apostates of the militia received a delegation of the infidel Putin's rabbis and rabbis, where they met the representative of the apostate militia, Mullah Abdul Kabir.

During the conversation, they said that they support the new regime and its policies, and also hope that thanks to maintaining such a ‘reasonable approach’ to the militia, the world will get to know it in the near future.

For his part, the apostate Abdul Kabir expressed his hope for expanding cooperation and relations between Russia and the apostate Taliban militia, and also called on Crusader Russia not to stop at diplomatic relations and to finally recognize the apostate militia government in Afghanistan.

#contemplation. Polytheists call on the apostate militia to maintain their moderate, moderate approach.”

  • April 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming to show a member of the Taliban breaking his Ramadan fast, drinking from a “jug or other object” in the middle of the day.

“Video shows a man drinking from a jug or other object. #a witness The owner of the clip says that he is a member of the apostate Taliban militia in the height of the day in Ramadan.”

  • April 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban and Iran discussed the latter’s water rights in the Helmand River during the Samarkand summit.

“The Iranian foreign minister reveals that he raised Iran's rights in the waters of the Helmand River with the foreign minister of the Taliban movement, during their meeting at the Samarkand summit, and that this official from the Taliban movement affirmed the movement's commitment to Iran's water rights.”

  • April 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that another cash shipment of $40 million has reached the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. The fifth wage package for the apostate Taliban militia, amounting to 40 million dollars in cash, during the month of Ramadan.”

  • April 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the UN will hold a closed-door meeting in Doha for special envoys from May 1 to May 2 regarding Afghanistan and how to deal with the Taliban.

“Doha hosts ‘within weeks’ an international meeting on Afghanistan.”

  • April 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram that includes tweets from the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan, Thomas West, stating that the U.S. expects the Taliban to hold up their side of the bargain in fighting ISIS-K. The post states that the U.S. and the Taliban are “united against the fighters of” ISIS-K.

“The Special Representative for Afghanistan, the infidel Thomas West, talks about the #Doha agreement and how America and the apostate #Taliban militia united against the fighters of the #Islamic_State

  • April 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Doha agreement includes a provision that the Taliban will “ban jihad in Afghanistan” and “agree to protect America.”

“The first page of the Doha agreement includes the agreement that the apostate Taliban militia will ban jihad in Afghanistan and that they agree to protect America. Yes, the apostate militia agreed to protect the Americans.”

  • April 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Taliban leader and two Taliban members were killed after a verbal fight on Eid led to an armed clash.

“#Khorasan. The death of the so-called. The killing of Toure Khan and two other members of the apostate Taliban militia on the borders of Darqad and Khwaja Bahauddin regions, after verbal altercations with his subordinates over the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which developed into an armed clash between them.”

  • April 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that as Afghanistan becomes more reliant on Iran economically, the latter will make increasing demands, such as the Iranian president recently saying that Afghanistan needs “a new government that represents all religious and ethnic groups.”

“#Iran. The Iranian tyrant Raisi held a meeting with the ambassadors of various countries. During his speech, he stated that Afghanistan needs to form a new government that represents all religious and ethnic groups.

The ceremony was attended by the ambassador of the apostate Taliban militia to Iran, the apostate Fazel Ahmed Haqqani.

Iran has become more insistent on imposing its vision of Afghan politics after the two sides concluded economic agreements. Now the new regime has become more dependent on Tehran's will, which allows the latter to express its demands brazenly and openly.

The influence of the Magi will increase after the completion of the missions of the atheist nations in Afghanistan.”

  • April 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram quoting an anonymous U.S. official in the Washington Post. The Telegram post states that the U.S. and the Taliban are working together to fight ISIS-K.

“#contemplation. A document from the intelligence that is considered very secret acknowledges the garrison of the Cross, America, to recruit the militia of the apostate Taliban to wage war against the Islamic State and protect its interests. pressure on the Islamic State in Khorasan. ‘In Strange World, we have mutually beneficial goals there.’”

  • April 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram accusing the Taliban of killing Uzbek ISIS-K members “before the fighting” between the Taliban and ISIS-K commenced. The video shows a previously released clip.

“#For God then for history. The treachery of the apostate Taliban against our Uzbek brothers who fled on foot to Khurasan.

They betrayed them and killed children and women, and their crime was that they pledged allegiance to Sheikh Al-Baghdadi - may God accept him - And all of this was before the fighting between the Islamic State and the apostate Taliban began.”

  • April 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram referencing a New York Post story regarding cooperation between the U.S. government and the Taliban to fight ISIS-K. The post states that the Taliban has become “an unexpected ally (of the U.S.) in the fight against” ISIS-K.

“#contemplation. America and the apostate Taliban militia are cooperating to fight the Islamic Caliphate in Afghanistan after a disastrous withdrawal: a report by the New York Post.

A report said that Afghanistan has turned into a sanctuary for the Monotheists since the rapid US withdrawal in 2021 - but America has found the new apostate Taliban militia government an unexpected ally in the fight against the Mujahideen.

A senior US defense official told the New York Post that the Taliban are once again fighting against the advance of the Islamic State in Khorasan.

Report link”

  • April 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram mocking Mullah Baradar, claiming that if “Biden had spit on his face, he would not have covered his face for a month or more.”

“#a witness. Mullah Bradley: The American President did not speak to anyone on the phone for more than ten minutes, except for me, as he spoke to me for a full 35 minutes. Oh the joy of the midst of disbelief in you. If Biden had spit on his face, he would not have covered his face for a month or more.”

  • April 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the world has united to fight against ISIS, to “kill the people of Islam and leave (not kill) the people of idols.” Al-Qaeda has allied “with the armies of the African coast” to fight against ISIS, and the Taliban have allied with the U.S., NATO, and Russia, to fight ISIS.

“The militia of the apostate al-Qaeda allies with the armies of the African coast to fight the Kharijites!

The apostate #Taliban militia is allied with America, the Russians and NATO elements to fight the Kharijites!

Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are in the Hudaybiyah peace with all the boredom of disbelief, but their sword is directed against the Kharijites!

Movement and organization kill the people of Islam and leave the people of idols.

From the Kharijites..!?”

  • April 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a New York Times article claimed that the U.S. supervises its operations with the Taliban through the Serena Hotel in Kabul and uses drones to gather information which is then shared with the Taliban. Please note that the Serena Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan appeared in an April 24 video released by the pro-ISIS al-Azaim Media group.

“New York-Times: Great and solid military cooperation between the American forces and the apostate Taliban militia in Afghanistan to fight the Khorasan Province.

In the article: America supervises its operations with the Taliban through the Serena Hotel in Kabul and directs the movement's soldiers with an American group through the information that is captured through the massive deployment of drones.”

  • April 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban Foreign Minister spoke with the leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami party in Pakistan and that they agreed to further cooperation between the two “brother countries.”

“#Khorasan. Pakistani media reported that the leader of the non-Islamic group, Mawlawi Siraj-ul-Haq, held a telephone conversation with the foreign tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, Amir Khan Muttaqi, about the political situation in the region.

The Nation News Agency said that the two sides discussed the political situation in the region yesterday (Monday) and stressed the need for cooperation between the two countries to improve the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The leader of the Pakistan Non-Islamic Group said that Pakistan and Afghanistan are ‘brother countries’ and that both countries have a bright future. He stressed their solidarity with each other in order to establish peace and development in the region.

According to the report of the Taliban Foreign Ministry, the tyrant Muttaqi will visit Pakistan in the near future, and he expressed his hope that this trip will lead to ‘the consolidation of relations between the two brotherly countries.’”

  • April 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that an American drone conducted a strike in the Takhar Mountains.

“#Khorasan. Yesterday, a drone strike took place on the Takhar Mountains, and local media reported that the news was authentic and that the drone was American.”

  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. is pleased with the Taliban for killing the ISIS-K member who planned the August 2021 suicide bombing at the Kabul airport.

“☝️ America is happy that the Taliban killed the leader of the state cell that humiliated the Americans and killed 13 Marines at the time of their withdrawal... Do you remember?

Do you know who is with whom?


  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that it was revealed in a book written by Dr. Hassan Abbas of the National Defense University that Taliban leaders requested permission from the Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army to invite Indian diplomats to Kabul. The post states that Pakistan accepted because they could not financially support the Taliban.

“#contemplation. In the new book he published about the apostate Taliban militia, by Hassan Abbas, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington, the foreign tyrant of the apostate militia is reported to have met and talked in detail with the apostate Qamar Javed Bajwa, former Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army, before inviting Indian diplomats and technicians to Kabul.

The author of this book said that India's return to Kabul after the Taliban took control would not have taken place without consulting Pakistan.

The book ‘The Return of the Taliban’ was written by Hassan Abbas, an American writer of Pakistani origin, and the book will be published in America later this week.

The Pakistani journalist said that Pakistan agreed to establish a relationship between the apostate militia and India, because it wanted to open horizons for aiding the militia, as well as Pakistan is currently unable to support the apostate Taliban financially.

According to Hassan Abbas, India has strategic interests in Afghanistan, and unlike China and Russia, it severed diplomatic relations with this country after the control of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram following up on the previous post, stating that the Taliban wants relations with India to increase their international legitimacy and “attract foreign investments.” The post says that the Taliban Foreign Minister brought Hedayatullah Badri, the head of the central bank, to shake hands with Pakistani General Qamar Bajwa to rehabilitate him in the eyes of the Pakistanis. The post also mentions meetings between the Taliban and the heads of the CIA and the ISI, again mentioning the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

“The writer believes that the Taliban is keen to establish a relationship with India in order to gain international legitimacy and recognition, as well as to attract foreign investments to Afghanistan.

Hassan Abbas writes: ‘The Taliban need the resources to rebuild and revive Afghanistan, and India has these necessary resources.’

Regarding the influence of Pakistan in the ranks of the Taliban, this book mentioned that Hedayatullah Badri is the head of the central bank under the control of this militia, in reference to the influence of General Qamar Bajwa in the ranks of the Taliban. The book states that Hedayatullah Badri was harassed by the Pakistani security forces after the September 11 incident.

Hassan Abbas wrote that Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi ‘took Hedayatullah Badri personally to Bajwa to shake hands with him’

The author of the book added that Reza Bajwa gave Hedayatullah Badri the opportunity to become the Minister of Finance in the Taliban regime.

Part of this book mentions the trip of Faiz Hamid, the former head of the ISI, to Kabul immediately after the Taliban took power. The book mentions that the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs at that time asked Faiz Hamid to stay at the Pakistani embassy in Kabul, but he refused this request.

According to the book, Faiz Hamid later defended his actions in a meeting with senior Pakistani politicians, including Bilawal Bhutto, that country's foreign minister. He also said that the US and Chinese intelligence chiefs visited Kabul immediately after the Taliban took control, but only a picture of the Pakistani intelligence chief was leaked drinking tea at the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

Referring to the publication of a picture of the ISI chief in Kabul, this book said that this ‘visual document of Pakistan's formidable influence on the Taliban’ damaged both sides.

It is stated in this book that during one year of Taliban rule in Afghanistan (from August 2021 to August 2022), the Islamic State claimed responsibility for 262 attacks in this country.

According to this book, the expansion of the influence of the Islamic State in Afghanistan was one of the important topics on the agenda of the conversation between Nadeem Anjum, the head of the ISI, and William Burns, the head of the CIA, in May 2022. Major General Faiz Hamid was also included in the Pakistani negotiating delegation.

The book quotes the head of the CIA as saying that the Islamic State could control 20% of Afghanistan's territory by mid-2023 at its current pace.

In response to America's concerns, the head of the Pakistani intelligence called for targeting the prominent leader in the country and exchanging information.

Hassan Abbas wrote that US and Pakistani officials reached a common conclusion at this meeting: ‘The primary threat to the national security of America and Afghanistan's neighboring countries is no longer the Taliban, but the Islamic State.’

Part of the book states that during the early days of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, General Faiz Hamid asked the Taliban leadership to give two high-ranking positions in the government to Abdullah Abdullah and Hamid Karzai, but the Taliban did not agree to this request.”

  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban intelligence is secretly working with U.S. intelligence agencies and have held meetings in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The post alleges that Taliban and U.S. intelligence are discussing future cooperation. The post further states that Pakistani intelligence has sway with the Haqqani Network and that Zawahiri was killed in order to weaken the Haqqani Network.

“News 18 TV: Intelligence of the apostate Taliban militia and the United States are working together.

The Indian News 18 channel reported, quoting its sources, that the intelligence of the apostate Taliban and the US intelligence agencies are working secretly together, and that the two sides held meetings in the states of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. According to these sources, the two sides began their close cooperation in some operations, and they also discussed areas of cooperation in the future. These sources also indicated that the relationship between the two intelligence agencies increased a lot after the militia took power in the country.

Referring to the differences between the Haqqani Network and the Kandahar faction of the Taliban, News 18 said that these differences are due to the fact that the intelligence services of Pakistan have influence and their relationship with the Haqqani Network.

According to News 18, the rise of the Haqqani Network was not acceptable to some people in Kandahar and Pakistan, and as a result, Ayman al-Zawahiri, a senior aide to Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Taliban's interior minister, was killed in an attack on a secured place.”

  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram, following up from above, stating that Zawahiri’s location was leaked by Haqqani’s rivals in the Taliban.

“The media also said that information about the whereabouts of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the former leader of the apostate al-Qaeda organization, had been leaked by Haqqani's opponents in the militia, along with the Americans.

The former leader of the apostate al-Qaeda organization perished last year in the heart of Kabul, in the house of the assistant leader of the Haqqani Network.”

  • April 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that a Taliban leader in Panjshir stated that women should not be upset when Taliban soldiers touch or search them because Taliban soldiers cannot marry them due to familial closeness.

“#a witness. The ruler of the apostate Taliban militia in Panjshir says in a speech that all members of the apostate militia are considered mahrams for Afghan women, and added, ‘Do not feel insecure or ashamed when they touch your body. Because they are mujahideen, the hand of the mujahid touches your body, you should be happy. I swear as a ruler that I proud of the work of the Mujahideen.’

Now the tyrants and captives say that the clip is cut off and the immoral addresses a certain man. The question here is when, how, why and where does the male need to be forbidden from men?”

  • April 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that hundreds of Afghans sought blessings from Mullah Omar’s tomb on Eid and that the Taliban endorsed this behavior.

#a witness. Hundreds of Afghans make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Mullah Omar to seek blessings from it on the day of Eid, and the apostate Taliban militia expresses its happiness with the new heresy.

It is mentioned that the militia are followers of the Deobandis who glorify the graves, and they also placed an iron cage around the tomb of Mullah Omar to prepare it for these things.”

  • April 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing al-Qaeda, stating that the Taliban accuses them of “disbelief at times, and at (other) times of polytheism,” but that al-Qaeda will not say anything negative about the Taliban.

“Despite the lack of value and weight of the dementia al-Qaeda militias and their foolish supporters, we wanted to give them a simple measure.

A statement of their condition and expose them to the public over their scandals.

What is your position, you damned group, when you see the soldiers of the Caliphate responding to the call from the far and near states of the Emir of the Muslims and their imam, the polished sword, Abu Al-Hussein Al-Husseini - may God protect him -.

And in return.

Your elements, soldiers, and supporters are floundering. Is the dementia alive or perished? They are waiting for your shabby statements...

They see the Taliban militias, which they consider to be one of their branches, erasing the earth with their dignity day and night, by accusing them of disbelief at times, and at times of polytheism.

And instead of repelling them, stopping them, denouncing them, and disavowing them, we see them bowing down to them every night, and they do not hear or obey the rule.

With all meanness and contempt, they follow them, indifferent to loss.

Oh, the happiness of Hell when it is filled with such despicable people.

And whenever I receive an act of their actions, their deeds, and their patching

I became more certain that there is no sin after disbelief.

How did they repeatedly fall for each of the nullifiers of Islam?!!”

  • April 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban Minister of Foreign Affairs claimed that the Taliban was “’’equal and identical’ to the countries of the region.”

“A foreign tyrant, the apostate Taliban militia: Our government is equal to the governments of the region.

After news spread of Afghanistan turning into a safe haven for terrorism, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Apostasy published a video clip of the foreign tyrant saying that their government is ‘equal and identical’ to the countries of the region.”

  • April 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that al-Qaeda killed Ahmad Shah Massoud because of his relationship with the West and the Taliban killed Burhanuddin Rabbani for his efforts to initiate peace talks, but now al-Qaeda and the Taliban have relations with the U.S.

“#a witness

Recently, al-Qaeda disbelieved Shah Massoud because of his closeness to the West, so they killed him..!

Then it was the turn of the Taliban, so they insulted Burhanuddin Rabbani under the pretext of his meeting with the Americans and his efforts for peace, so they killed him!

What was forbidden yesterday is permissible today!

Today, al-Qaeda and the Taliban are at peace and they have sworn with the Americans, so why did you kill the two men, then!!!?

And when we kill you because you committed their actions, then with what pretext do you accuse us of injustice and transgression??!”

  • April 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that the Taliban are creating fake Twitter accounts to promote their propaganda. In this instance, the Taliban are accused of creating a phony account for a former U.S. military officer who pays for a blue checkmark.


We had previously talked about the use of the apostate Taliban militia to women's accounts with pictures of beautiful girls to attract followers, then they praise and promote the militia.

Here the militia created an account in the name of the infidel Linda Thompson (lawyer) and it was documented with a blue tick.

The infidel Linda died as a result of a drug overdose in 2009, and through this fabricated account of an infidel who died 14 years ago and who was in the ranks of the American army, the entrance is being misled and glorified for the apostate militia and even the fabricated words of the unknown are announced.”

  • April 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban members beat people and threw them into an open sewer. The video shows a presumable Taliban member beating a man with a stick and throwing him into a sewer.

“#a witness. Because of the high temperatures, members of the apostate Taliban militia threw the residents in sewage water to cool them down.”

  • April 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that two Taliban members tried to rape a pregnant woman in her home.

“#Khorasan. According to local sources, two members of the apostate Taliban militia stormed a house inhabited by a pregnant 23-year-old girl and tried to rape her.

  • April 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that one of the Taliban members who tried to rape the pregnant woman killed her with a gunshot. The post says that the rapist is a Taliban leader and that locals beat him before his comrades rescued him.

#a witness. The residents arrested the apostate dog who tried to rape the pregnant girl, and when she called for help from the neighbors, the damned one shot her in the heart. The damned dog is a leader in the apostate Taliban militia, and the residents beat him before the militia members rescued him, and we will see his fate.

And congratulations to the captives of the fragmented group of saints who wear adulterers and sodomites, may God shame you all.”

  • April 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are interfering with Sunni prayers, but the post notes they “do not restrict the Shiite preachers and their followers in any way” and allow Shiite groups to collect money, meet “with foreign representatives, and have their own media…and even recruit mercenaries to send them to the Levant.”

“#contemplation. It turned out that the intelligence report of the apostate #Taliban militia, in which the Muwahhidin families claim that they are Sunni Salafis, came to mediate for an imam who prayed 8 rak’ahs of Tarawih during the last Ramadan, and he was arrested.

It is noteworthy that the militia imposed 18 rak’ahs plus the Shafaa.

On the other hand, the apostate militia does not restrict the Shiite preachers and their followers in any way, and they continue their work, collecting aid, including meetings with foreign representatives, and have their own media in the country, and even recruit mercenaries to send them to the Levant.”

  • April 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are not applying religious law and do not have a legitimate excuse for not enacting it.

“a witness. From their mouths: The apostate #Taliban militia does not apply God’s punishments without a legitimate excuse, but rather for the interest.

The speaker, who is a student of knowledge affiliated with the militia, added: In the time of Mullah Omar, all borders were applied under the constant whistling and bombing of planes, and today, in the glory of empowerment, they are not applied! In the Hanafi jurisprudence, it is not permissible to suspend the hudud for a full year, and the militia has passed a year since it assumed power.

ENG Subs included.”

  • April 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram comparing the Taliban to Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, because “both of them reassure” the West and fight against ISIS.

“#contemplation. What is the difference between the tyrant Sisi and the tyrants of the apostate Taliban militia? Both of them reassure the infidel West and make promises to protect it from the monotheists.”

  • April 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban head of intelligence for Kandahar province tweeted that they informed religious officials that large gatherings of Salafis and Wahhabis would be prohibited.

“#contemplation. The intelligence tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia in Kandahar province tweeted:

‘We summoned a group of Salafi scholars and sheikhs of Ahl al-Hadith and informed them for the last time that all kinds of small and large gatherings of Salafism and Wahhabism, and calling for them and teaching them are forbidden, otherwise they will bear the consequences of that.’”

3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • April 2: ISIS-K claims to have murdered a Sikh man in Peshawar.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a follower of the polytheistic Sikh sect, in the area of (Deir Kaloni) in the city of (Peshawar) the day before yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • April 2: ISIS-K claims to have murdered a Christian in Peshawar.

“By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a disbelieving Christian in the city of Peshawar yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

4. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 24, Released April 2, 2023

Article 1: They Have Commercialized Allah’s Ayat in Hind

  • The article accuses Muslim leaders in India of negotiating with the RSS despite the latter’s attack on Muslims in Assam.
  • Additionally, laws are targeting Muslim men in Assam who have married girls under the age of 18.
  • Negotiations with RSS are forbidden.
  • These leaders are accused of having sold their religion in exchange for good will.
  • The article accuses Indian Muslim leaders of:
    • Acceding to the RSS demands of giving up claims on Gyanvapi Masjid and Shahidgah Masjid
    • RSS is demanding that they no longer be referred to as “kafir”
    • The promotion of “harmony and brotherhood,” which means giving up the right “to counter the perpetrated aggression against them.”
    • Agreeing to a national ban of the slaughter of cattle.
    • Agreeing to other secret points in negotiations.
  • Indian Muslim leaders have made a public appeal to embrace tolerance.
  • This is nothing less than appeasement
  • ISIS is fighting against Christians in Africa, while Muslim leaders in India have called for negotiations with the Hindus.
    • The article blames this on “neo-Sufism” which promotes “pacifism and tolerance.”
    • Pacifism will lead to humiliation by the RSS.

Article 2: Jihad-A Mercy to Humanity

  • Religiously mandated fighting is a gift to humanity.
  • Without fighting, the right path does not spread generationally.
  • It is how disbelievers are replaced with believers.
  • Religiously mandated fighting offers resistance to the coalition of unbelievers.
  • Covid-19 was the wrath of God.
    • “The pandemic significantly weakened the military and economic might of America's evil empire”
  • “Sufis, nationalists, seculars (sic), democrats” have abandoned religiously mandated fighting.

Article 3: Life of the Companions: ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud

  • A story of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, the companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • He is described as honorable, honest, brave, and the best at reciting the Quran.

Infographic 1: Some Attributes of Evil Scholars

  • “They carry knowledge without acting on it”
  • “They leave the obvious and take the unspecific”
  • “They conceal what Allah revealed”
  • “They lie against Allah and the Prophet”
  • “They break Allah’s covenant”
  • “They sell Allah’s signs for a meager price”

Article 4: The Signs of Allah’s Nusrah

  • People will not necessarily choose the right path if it is new and differs from what they expect.
  • While some groups claim to follow the right path, they do not.
  • The “people of truth” have an “unwavering determination.”
  • ISIS is the only group following the right path.

Article 5: Arab Tawagheet Conciliating Assad: Only Concern of Tawagheet is Their Material Interests

  • Middle Eastern states and their people are being manipulated by the West.
  • Several Middle Eastern countries are no longer working to topple Assad.
  • Arab leaders met with Assad in Damascus on February 26, 2023 to normalize relations with the Syrian regime.
  • Leaders focused on the number of people killed in the earthquake in Syria, but have forgotten about the deaths and displacement committed by Assad and his forces.
  • The Assad regime has not changed. They are responsible for countless crimes, including the use of cluster munitions against camps for internally displaced persons.
  • Eventually, Arab leaders will seek an accommodation with Assad and eventually with Iran.
  • Arab leaders do not have a problem with Assad or Iran on religious grounds
  • Saudi Arabia has accepted China, “the mass-murderer of the Uyghur Muslims – as the mediator” in talks with Iran.

Article 6: A Message From the Heart to our Muslim Brothers in Ukraine, written by a “Sincere Mujahid from the ‘European Dar al-Kufr’”

  • The article stated that Muslims should not fight in either the Russian or Ukrainian armies.
    • They are involved in a fight over “minor worldly issues of pride, territory, and resources,” and not religion.
  • Muslim Chechens are fighting with Russia against Muslim Tatars fighting on the side of Ukraine.
    • Small groups of Chechens are also fighting on the side of Ukraine.
    • Muslims are “being exploited as cannon fodder” by the Russians.
  • Both sides should abandon nationalism.
  • Positive story about Ibn al-Khattab and Shamil Basayev, who fought against Russian forces in Chechnya, and sought to unite Muslims in the Caucasus.
  • Kadyrov is a puppet leader who uses torture to prop up his rule.
  • Celebrations of attacks in Chechnya and neighboring states in the Caucasus.
  • Putin declared victory in Chechnya, all the while there have been attacks against Russian backed Chechnyan forces.
  • Russia and Iran joined together to prop up the Assad regime
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi established the Caucasus Wiliyah.
  • A Chechen killed Samuel Paty in France.
  • Those fighting on the Ukrainian side are equally wrong though, and should fight with ISIS instead.

Article 7: Pakistan Tumor Cell in the Body of the Islamic Ummah (2)

  • Mufi Taqi Usmani called the Pakistani constitution Islamic.
  • Those who claim to be religious scholars criticize ISIS while supporting the Pakistani government.
  • Democracy is forbidden because it relies on popular decisions, not religious law or rulings.
  • Pakistani Parliament passed the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018 to imitate the West despite this allegedly violating religious law.
  • The article condemns equal protection for LGBTQ people under the law.
  • Condemnation of Pakistan arresting Aymal Kansi, who murdered two CIA employees in Virginia in 1993.
  • Condemnation of allegedly assisting the U.S. in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and accusations of killing Taliban commanders who did not obey the ISI.
  • List of alleged crimes of Pakistan:
    • Ruling by human made, not divine law.
    • Not enacting religious punishments.
    • Allowing disbelief.
    • Equal rights between men and women.
    • Equal rights between believers and non-believers.
    • Women leaders.
    • Non-Muslim leaders.
    • Legal consumption of alcohol, usury, and LGBTQ relationships.
    • Acceptance of international law.
    • Allowing the construction of foreign military bases and cooperating with foreigners to fight against ISIS and other groups.
    • Befriending non-believers.

5. Graphic from pro-ISIS Moata News Agency, April 4, 2023

Statistics of ISIS-K attacks on the Taliban, Shiites, journalists, and foreigners in Afghanistan between January and March 3, 2023. The infographic was released in English and Arabic.

ATR_April 2023_3

6. Al-Qaeda Web Magazine One Ummah Issue 9, Released April 6, 2023

Issue 9 of the web magazine One Ummah contained a section condemning ISIS-K and commending the Taliban for attacking them.

7. Pro-ISIS Telegram post on April 23, “The Treachery of the Apostate Taliban militia against the Uzbek brothers.”

“The treachery of the apostate Taliban militia against the Uzbek brothers.”

“The massacre committed by the Taliban militia against the Uzbek brothers in Zabul.

Agreement for Bringing Peace Before beginning the massacre carried out by the Taliban against the brothers in the Islamic state (formerly the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan) in Zabul, I would like to list the events in the form of a document points.

  • A group of brothers and sisters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fell into captivity with the Afghan government, with the treachery of some people, after they sided with the regions of Waziristan into the Afghan border, and then the movement carried out several ways to release the brothers and sisters, but it did not bear fruit, so they resorted to the method of capturing a number of Shiite Hazaras, because of the weight of the Shiites in the Afghan government.
  • Emir Ghazi Othman Talib, in a visual statement about the reality of Mullah Omar’s condition, is he alive or is he considered dead. (I mean, he was the first to reveal the game of concealing the news of Mullah PM.)
  • After a while, the negotiations succeeded, and most of the brothers and sisters who were prisoners of the Kabul government were exchanged with the Hazaras who were with the movement. The Kabul government did not release all the prisoners, but rather several individuals remained, so a number of Hazaras were kept from the movement.
  • The death of al-Mullah A. was announced.
  • The pledge of allegiance to the movement of Uzbekistan was announced.
  • The Taliban asked the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan to leave the region in which they are (Zabul) because of their allegiance to the Islamic State. But the brothers did not leave the region.
  • The movement of Uzbekistan had a branch in northern Afghanistan, and most of its members were from the Uzbeks of Afghanistan, and their prince is Haji Bashir, and after the pledge of allegiance to Emir Ghazi Othman, this branch was pressured by the Taliban knowing that their loyalty to the state is shining – to pledge allegiance to Akhtar Mansur, so they worked hard and saw as a matter of interest the pledge of allegiance to the Taliban. For a while, because they were a minority and did not have enough numbers to fight with the Taliban and due to their lack of equipment and their fluid economic conditions, and the pledge of allegiance was conditional on conditions that the God of people of insight know that they do not apply to Akhtar Mansour, that is, they were weak. They can dissolve the pledge of allegiance whenever they want.
  • The important thing is that four days after this pledge of allegiance, the Taliban gave Haji Bashir (the Emir of the Uzbeks in the north) a Ranger car, and after they rode it and on their way back to their area, a drone bombed them, killing Haji Bashir along with four of his senior aides!! Then the Taliban’s dealings with Haji Bashir’s followers differed, and restrictions began on them until they had to leave their areas and move to other states, and they were dispersed.
  • When the Kabul government did not release all the prisoners and kept a number of them as mentioned, the Uzbek brothers also seized a number of Shiite Hazaras, and months passed and nothing new was found in the matter, so some of the brothers killed the Shiite Hazara prisoners.
  • The Hazara rejectionists learned about the matter, demonstrations and sit-ins took place in the capital, Kabul, and surrounded the Republican Palace, and demanded retribution or that members of the Afghan government leave their chairs, headed by Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.
  • The Afghan government and the Taliban (at the behest of the Pakistani intelligence) agreed to eliminate the Islamic State (the Uzbek brothers) in Zabul. A military sector was formed consisting of the Taliban’s special forces, numbering 800 people, and 200 members of the Hazara Shiite militias, in return for 15 million Afghanis (dollars)=67 Afghani. Means about a million dollars, and 20 Ranger cars.
  • The attack took place and the Uzbek brothers were besieged in their camps, led by the military official by the Taliban Commander Pir Agha, and the governor of Zabul state by the Taliban, Mawlawi Muti Allah Akhand. A delegation came by the Taliban to the centers of the State shining brothers, demanding the Uzbeks surrender their weapons in exchange for guaranteeing they security and the security of their families and transferring them to a region other than this region and by military calculations, the number of the Uzbek brothers is not qualified to engage with the besieging forces, so the Uzbek brothers agreed to surrender their weapons. Thinking well of the Taliban who were until recently in one trench against the Americans and the Afghan government, and as soon as the weapons were handed over, the Taliban killed the brothers, and their number was approximately 15 to 20 brothers, and then they killed all the women and children, even infants, including Taher Jan’s widow, and his sons, daughters, and grandchildren, may God have mercy on them (and only one survived) from the family of Qari Taher Jan, except for those who were in another region, and it was a general milling and the total number of martyrs, including men, women and children, exceeded 150, and there is neither power nor strength except with God.
  • Then they attacked the other centers, and due to the inequality between the two ranks, all the brothers were killed, and had it not been for the intervention of some good people at the time, the women and children would have been killed as they did in the first camp, and some escaped. Some of the 6 brothers, including Emir Ghazi Othman, were able to get out of the siege to an unknown location, and on Tuesday, December 9, 2015, the location of Emir Ghazi Othman was discovered by the Taliban, and they beat him, and he was seriously injured, then they captured them. The captive families who were in the hands of the Taliban at the time were approximately 80 to 90 families. After the intervention of the good people and their demands not to kill the prisoners (only women and children), the Taliban agreed and gave them two weeks to transfer them to another area, otherwise they would have been executed as well.
  • Then Commander Mullah Dadullah Mansoor was martyred along with 45 of his family members and relatives, including women and children, and there is neither power nor strength except with God. Unfortunately, (the former Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan) has almost been eliminated, and perhaps only 10% are left. They may have been on the fronts or in the other missions during the events of Zabul. What America and their agents could not do in 20 years, the Taliban did in 24 hours.
  • There is a difference between the one who sacrificed his property for the sake of the immigrants and their families, and the one who sacrificed the immigrants and their families for the sake of a fleeting kingdom This was not the first mass killing (general killing), when the Taliban took control of Mazar-i-Sharif, they occupied the city for three days, killing nearly 10,000 people there, under the pretext of killing the Shiite Hazaras, so many Uzbeks and Tajiks, Sunni men and women, even livestock were killed. You did not surrender from them and to God the complainant.
  • Since their migration from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan during the days of Mullah Omar, and then their migration from Afghanistan to Shahi-Kot at the first American invasion, and then their migration from Shahi-Kot to South Waziristan, and then their migration from South Waziristan to North because of the Pakistani army and the Awakenings led by Mullah Nazir who was provided by al-Qaeda in one of its versions is that he is a Mujahid: and then they migrated from South Waziristan to Zabul, and there was almost their end, and there is no might nor power except with God. Their wishes were while they dreamed of returning to their countries as conquerors, as most of them left behind elderly fathers and mothers who were unable to emigrate, and their news was almost interrupted, then their dreams fade when they are destroyed by the Taliban militia, which in its official statement claims to be good neighbors with neighboring countries, so is this the case? good neighborly? Or do you mean good neighborliness with the tyrants?

8. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Media Video, “The Unrestrained Metastasis within the Body of the Ummah,” Released on April 24, 2023

On April 24, the pro-ISIS-K propaganda group al-Azaim Media released an approximately 21-minute video advocating for terrorist attacks in Pakistan. The narrator stated that Pakistan’s actions negatively impact the countries around it, including Afghanistan.

The video accused the Pakistani government of selling out the country to China and the West. The video warned that Chinese loans for projects in Baluchistan, including the port at Gwadar, would result in “mass subjugation to China.” It noted the Chinese government’s human rights abuses against the Uyghurs. The video stated that China would eventually offer similar predatory loans to Afghanistan. The video also condemned alleged predatory lending practices of the West through the IMF.

The video also condemned the government of Pakistan for human rights abuses and the killing of civilians in Waziristan. The video also criticized the Pakistani people for “abandoning religion.” The video warned the Pakistani government that development projects paid for with foreign loans were vulnerable to attack and concluded with footage of a police facility and the Serena Hotel in Islamabad before a montage of attack and execution footage.

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Gwadar Sea Port in the pro-ISIS al-Azaim video released on April 24.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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