Afghanistan Terrorism Report: December 2022 to January 2023

Following is the December 2022 to January 2023 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

During the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, attacks by ISIS-K continued at a reduced level. A pattern of reduced violence during winter months is typical for Afghanistan. Harsh weather conditions hamper the ability of perpetrators to relocate to prepare and execute attacks. Nevertheless, during the reporting period, ISIS-K conducted four high-profile attacks in Kabul in quick succession. At the beginning of December, an attack targeted the Charge d’Affairs of the Pakistani embassy in Kabul. During the second week of December, ISIS-K attacked a hotel in Kabul, injuring several Chinese nationals. On January 1, 2023, ISIS-K targeted the entrance of the military section of Kabul airport, killing nearly two dozen individuals and injuring around 30. Finally, an ISIS-K attack on the entrance to the foreign ministry in Kabul on January 11, 2023, killed many people.

Therefore, while the overall number of ISIS-K-claimed attacks decreased at the end of 2022, with these four high-profile operations in Kabul in the span of fewer than six weeks, the group was able to target several key interests of the Taliban regime successfully. On the one hand, it demonstrated to nations friendly to the Taliban regime, such as Pakistan and China, that the Taliban will continue to face significant challenges in providing security. On the other hand, with the attacks on the entrances of the military airport and the foreign ministry, ISIS-K signaled that even hardened targets in the capital can be hit, albeit at their weakest point, the entrances, where employees often line up to present identification. ISIS-linked and pro-ISIS propaganda outlets highlighted these attacks with several posts, especially the Kabul hotel attack, since it was portrayed as taking action to fight the Chinese government, while the Taliban welcomed their investment, despite the persecution of the Uyghurs. The propaganda messages also highlighted the Tajik origin of two of the perpetrators in an apparent effort to signal that it is an ethnically broad-based entity in contrast to the Taliban regime, which is Pashtun dominated.

Finally, on January 4, 2023, the propaganda news outlet Amaq published an overview of all ISIS-claimed attacks in Afghanistan in 2022. The infographic claimed that the group conducted 181 attacks with 1188 victims. While it is difficult to verify these figures in detail, it is clear that ISIS-K remains a significant security threat in Afghanistan, albeit currently without the ability to strategically destabilize the Taliban regime.

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On the ideological front, ISIS-linked and pro-ISIS propaganda continued to attack the Taliban, highlighting factional infighting, corruption, and mismanagement, such as the current frequent power outages in Afghanistan and crimes allegedly committed by Taliban officials. One particularly gruesome example is ISIS propaganda reports at the beginning of January 2023, highlighting the attempted abduction of children by Taliban officials in Panjshir province, apparently resulting in the death of two young boys.

Interestingly, pro-ISIS propaganda took up the story of Taliban figures purchasing Twitter checkmarks in January 2023. Pro-ISIS users argued that this is not only an example of the Taliban’s wasteful use of scarce resources but also an indication that the movement remains beholden to the U.S. Although this incident only involved small sums of money being forwarded by these Taliban figures to Twitter and despite these checkmarks being removed shortly afterward, this incident does display a shocking laissez-faire attitude of Twitter, a U.S. company, towards the implementation of U.S. and international sanctions, designed to constrain the Taliban regime. Allowing the receipt of what can only have been electronic transfers of money from prominent members of a U.S.-sanctioned entity on the Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (SDN) by Twitter demonstrates either a severe failure of internal controls or the near complete lack of these.

Pro-ISIS propaganda also emphasized the Taliban’s decision in December to ban women from universities, stressing that this will lead to a lack of female teachers, doctors, and nurses. Despite ISIS committing horrific violations of the basic rights of women, both during their so-called caliphate as well as in territories currently under the control of ISIS affiliates, such as the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP), pro-ISIS propaganda claimed that women have a central role in society and that the group maintained specific female educational institutions during the time of its so-called caliphate. Despite highlighting the issue of female education in several posts, unsurprisingly, pro-ISIS propaganda ignored the Taliban decree that banned Afghan women from working for international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). ISIS defines international humanitarian organizations as enemies and their staff as legitimate targets. This new Taliban measure endangered the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Afghan population in the middle of winter. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres immediately issued a statement criticizing this decision by the Taliban, which had forced several international humanitarian organizations to suspend their activities in the country. In January, some movement on this issue seems to have been achieved, with some international organizations resuming their humanitarian work in the country. It remains to be seen which concessions the Taliban received in exchange for allowing Afghan women to continue working for these international organizations.

Pro-ISIS propaganda rhetoric criticizing al-Qaeda and its affiliates seems to have become increasingly aggressive. While in early 2022, pro-ISIS propaganda criticized al-Qaeda and the al-Qaeda leadership for their support for the Taliban, in more recent posts, pro-ISIS propaganda defines al-Qaeda as apostates and highlights the parallels between the group and the Taliban regime. For example, the pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan web magazine published a lengthy article highlighting what it calls the betrayal of Abu Muhammad al-Golani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. So far, no reports have emerged that indicate that ISIS-K has begun targeting the several al-Qaeda affiliated entities that currently operate in Afghanistan or members of the leadership of al-Qaeda core residing in the country. However, the increasingly sharp ISIS-linked rhetoric against al-Qaeda may be an early indication that such attacks might become a possibility.

Finally, al-Qaeda’s ambitions to strike Western targets remain undiminished. On December 26, 2022, the new al-Qaeda-linked web magazine One Ummah highlighted the current situation in Somalia, where al-Shabaab, the local al-Qaeda affiliate, is increasingly aggressive in its operations. Comparing the situation there with the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan, the magazine ominously declared that “the war is not over,” highlighting the continuing threat emanating from al-Qaeda and its affiliates.

Afghanistan Content Report

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Editions 370, Published December 22, 2022, ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 371, Published December 29, 2022, ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 372, Published January 5, 2023
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Amaq Video Released December 26, 2022
  5. Pro-ISIS Al-Adiyat Media Image Regarding December 12 Kabul Hotel Attack, Posted on December 21, 2022
  6. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine, Released December 19, 2022
  7. Al-Qaeda English Edition One Ummah Magazine, Issue 5, Released December 26, 2022

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 370, Published December 22, 2022
  • No content related to ISIS-K

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 371, Published December 29, 2022

  • “Caliphate soldiers overthrow one of the most prominent Taliban leaders along with his bodyguards with a controlled bombing in northern Afghanistan”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province overthrew one of the most prominent security leaders of the Taliban militia, along with a number of his bodyguards, with a car bomb in the northern region of Badakhshan, after intensive monitoring of his movements.”

  • “A car bomb was detonated, targeting him directly”

“And in the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate were able, on Monday (2 / Jumada al-Akhira), to park and detonate a car bomb on the leader of the ‘militia police’ in the region (Badakhshan), the apostate ‘Abdul Haq Omar,’ after monitoring him while he was heading with his guards to his office is in the nearby police headquarters near his home in the city of (Faizabad), which resulted in his death, along with a number of his guards, and the wounding of others, praise be to God.

Amaq Agency published a videotape hours after the operation, showing the moment of the major explosion that directly targeted the leader and his guards, causing their death. The killed leader is considered one of the most prominent militia leaders whom the Mujahideen succeeded in overthrowing since they came to power from the American forces.

It is noteworthy that the bombing came days after the militia closed most of the religious schools, which the militia labels as ‘takfiri’ in the Badakhshan region, for violating the Sufi and heretical doctrines that, at the time the car was detonated on the commander of the ‘militia police’ in the (Badakhshan) region, a large number of the militia follow.”

  • “The moment the car was detonated on the commander of the ‘militia police’ in Badakhshan”
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ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 372, Published January 5, 2023

  • “A martyrdom operation claimed 50 dead and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban at the entrance to the (Kabul) military airport”

“About 50 members of the Taliban militia were killed or wounded this week in a qualitative martyrdom operation at the entrance to (Kabul Military Airport), whose hero was one of the perpetrators of the attack on the Chinese hotel in (Kabul) weeks ago, which constituted a strong blow to the militia and its spokesmen who claimed at the time, ‘the elimination of 3 of the attackers.’ The new attack undermines the credibility of the statements of this militia and confirms that its leaders are investigating premeditated lies. The Mujahideen also assassinated two Pakistani intelligence spies in two separate attacks in the border areas with Afghanistan.”

  • “The martyrdom brother (Abdul-Jabbar Al-Tajiki), may God Almighty accept him”
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  • “Assassination of two spies with gunshots”

“And in the details, by the grace of God Almighty, on Thursday (5 Jumada al-Akhira), the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy of the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the area of (Birbala) in (Peshawar), with pistol shots, which led to his death, just as they targeted on the next day, Friday, a second spy of the intelligence in the Khar region of Bajaur, in the same way, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “Assassination of a Pakistani intelligence spy in Birbala, Peshawar”
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  • “50 dead and wounded in a martyrdom operation”
  • “At the entrance to the ‘Kabul’ military airport and in a new qualitative operation for the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan, on Sunday morning (8/Jumada al-Akhirah), one of the knights of martyrdom, brother (Abdul Jabbar) - may God accept him - set off towards a gathering of Taliban members who were lining up at the gate of the military section In (Kabul Airport), to check their entry cards to the headquarters in a periodic security measure, where the martyrdom man succeeded in penetrating the security fortifications and reaching the gate of the military headquarters, then he detonated his explosive belt in the midst of a gathering of Taliban members, killing about 20 fighters and wounding about 30 others.”
  • “Heavy surprise!”

“The heavy surprise came to the apostates, when the security sources of the Mujahideen in that attack revealed the identity of Manf, to show that he was one of the perpetrators of the Chinese hotel attack weeks ago, after he succeeded in withdrawing from the hotel after completing the operation and returning to his attack, his brothers in peace, before the second denied the attack. May God accept him, thus combining fighting communists and apostates. Many Muslim activists on the Internet have praised the martyrdom operation - accept it with the permission of God -, and they considered it an image of the ‘high aspiration’ that characterizes the soldiers of the Islamic State, and the extent of the strength of the faith of these heroes in the unseen, the judiciary and fate - we consider them as such -, and on the other hand People and observers mocked the militia leaders and their false spokesmen who went out that day and announced the elimination of three attackers!’ Today it becomes clear that this was a pure lie with premeditation and investigation!”

  • “In the footsteps of the apostate governments”

“In this regard, a private source confirmed to Al-Naba that this particular incident is only one example that shows everyone the extent to which the Taliban militia has reached in lying at the international and local levels, with regard to the results of the attacks and the successive losses and failures in its ranks. The tongue of the militia leaders and spokesmen is a natural result of walking in the ranks of the apostate governments and regimes that sell ‘illusion’ to their masters and operators in exchange for persuading them of their eligibility to ‘fight jihad’ which America calls ‘terrorism’ and the Taliban and its sisters call it ‘external!’”

  • “Abdul-Jabbar Al-Tajiki left the world and decorated it”

“On this occasion, the source revealed to (al-Naba) a part of the secret of the attacker, where the source said that the brother Abdul-Jabbar is from (Tajikistan), and he spent most of his life outside his country, and he was kind, well-behaved and loyal to the truth. From the money that prepares him to live the life of luxury and amusement that young people fight over today in pre-Islamic societies, however, this world with its adornment and adornment did not divert him from the path of jihad that he undertook in obedience to God Almighty accompanied by a number of his Tajik brothers.”

  • “Attack on the Communists”

“The source explained to (al-Naba) that brother Abdul-Jabbar had registered his name in the office of the martyrs a long time ago, and after the killing of some of his brothers he insisted on avenging them, and he began urging his princes to expedite sending him to carry out a martyrdom operation in the darkest and most difficult goal they saw, and after persistence and urgency His brothers chose him to be one of the perpetrators of the attack on the Chinese hotel in the heart of (Kabul), and the world saw his will, accompanied by his brother - may God accept them - as they pledged allegiance to the caliph Aba al-Hasani al-Quraysh (may God protect him) to be a blood oath, then he executed him after completing his mission in the attack, and by God’s grace To withdraw through the windows of the hotel, as you have seen on the visionary screens, and he contacted his brothers and they were able to secure his way back, with the grace of God Almighty, so that he would return to his brothers with greater determination and determination to kill and fight for the sake of God Almighty.”

  • “Attacking the apostates”

“Where the source confirmed to (al-Naba) that Abd al-Jabbar, after the success of the Chinese hotel operation and his safe return to his brothers, did not feel comfortable for him, and he continued to pray to God to go to the homes of the martyrs. And his princes responded to him and chose him again to be the hero of the martyrdom operation over the gathering of the apostates at the gate of the (Kabul military airport), so that God would unite him between fighting the communists and the apostates, and his story would be a living example for the Muslim youth in giving, benevolence and loyalty.”

  • “Last week”

“It is noteworthy that the soldiers of the Caliphate in the province of Khorasan overthrew, during the past week, one of the most prominent security leaders of the Taliban militia, along with a number of his guards, by detonating a car bomb in the region (Badakhshan) in northern Afghanistan, after intensive monitoring of his movements.”

  • “The brothers Abu Omar and Abdul Jabbar - may God Almighty accept them - inside the Chinese Hotel in (Kabul)”
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2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • December 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Afghanistan’s electrical infrastructure is failing and that water infrastructure has been “cut off” for 9 months. The post asks how this is possible, considering the Taliban receives currency infusions every month. The post also states that even while ISIS has been under attack, they have striven “to provide electricity and water, despite the near impossibility of the matter.” The post states that the Taliban are corrupt, steal funds, and send their daughters to fancy schools abroad.

“#Khorasan. The country is plunged into complete darkness due to the long interruption in financing electricity. The speaker also complains about the lack of water and that it has been cut off for 9 months.

Which raises confusion and wonder, where does the 40 million dollars in cash go that the apostate Taliban militia receives once or twice a month?? We will not ask for hardship the millions spent specifically to support the militia’s war on Islam.

The Islamic State, may God bless it, at the height of the siege and the continuous bombardment 24/7, it was striving to provide electricity and water, despite the near impossibility of the matter.

#Ukraine is immersed in darkness, and it is supported by the West with stacked billions, and its neighbors provide electricity, gas and water, yet the outages continue…

And the apostate Taliban militia claims empowerment, rule, and the economy of the country is in its pocket, and millions of Americans are guaranteed every week, so it worked in filling its pockets, sending the families of the leaders across the oceans, and preventing the education of girls and their daughters studying in 5-star schools in #Pakistan and the two states of #Qatar and #Khamarat ...”

  • December 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Iran has appointed a former officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, to be the new ambassador to Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. Magian Iran appoints a former officer in the Quds Force of the Iranian Magian Guard as its ambassador to the apostate Taliban militia.

After the recent scandal caused by the leaking of the discussion of the former Iranian ambassador, Bahadur Aminian, about the plans of the Magi in Afghanistan, the position of ambassador was assumed by the Iranian special representative, the Magusi Hassan Kazemi Kumi.

Consider the dog's joy over his unclean master.”

  • December 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are only hostile to Sunnis and are lenient towards Shiites and Iran. The post states that the Taliban allow Shiite to practice their religion and hang public banners in areas they control. The post also states that the Taliban have not called for Muslims to immigrate to Afghanistan, and are committed to their “American masters,” and have declared fighting to be over.

“#Meditation. The malicious Taliban is only hostile to the Sunnis, and it has admitted that it fights ‘Salafi Wahhabism’ and does not have mercy on those who believe in its belief, and says ‘The Shiites are our brothers and Iran is an Islamic state!!’

Indeed, look at the state of the areas that were controlled by the Taliban, you find polytheistic rituals today in the Taliban areas pervading the cities, and the pictures and banners of Al-Hussein are everywhere.

These polytheists are at the base of the perishing dementia and its wicked and cursed sheikhs; Mujahideen on the methodology that is pleasing to God the Most High, in fact they are a purer methodology than the state that was established on following the righteous predecessors, established God’s religion and its limits on the earth and reverted to God, published Sunni books, and prevented even the Christians from establishing their rituals as well as killing the polytheists.

You should know that the Taliban does not fight the Afghan army ideologically, but rather says that they are agents and aggressors, their situation is like the case of the perished Ahmed Yassin with the Jews, as he says, ‘Our fighting against the Jews is not for an ideological reason, but rather because they are aggressors, and if my brother attacks me, I will kill him.’

Here, we have to ask the enemies of God, the apostates of Al Qaeda, the Awakenings, the Priests of Levant, and all those who celebrated and cheered those alleged victories!!

Can you today or tomorrow migrate to the Taliban, can you incite your followers to migrate?

This is despite the fact that the Taliban does not call for immigration to it because it is not on something, and is committed to the terms of its American masters, and it has stated time and again that the Taliban’s fighting is over and it will not be opened again.”

  • December 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that that an explosive device detonated in Takhar, killing a Taliban member and two others, who were guards of Qari Lal Muhammad, the “region’s security commander.”

“#Khorasan. An explosive device exploded in the sixth district of the city of Takhar, killing a member of the apostate Taliban militia and wounding two other guards of the apostate Qari Lal Muhammad, the region's security commander.”

  • December 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have forbidden female students from attending colleges and universities. The post states that that since the Taliban have come to power, they have “prevented girls from going to school from all levels.” The post also states that the daughters of Taliban leaders are studying abroad in Qatar and Pakistan at expensive schools, possibly paid for by corruption.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia closes the doors of universities in the face of female students.

It is noteworthy that the apostate Taliban, since assuming power, have prevented girls from going to school from all levels, the latest of which is universities.

Note that all the daughters of the leaders are studying abroad; In the state of #Qatar and #Pakistan) with high-end schools and universities, and alimony from the people's money...”

  • December 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pakistani police are tying Afghan refugee children togethers and violating their rights.

“#Pakistan. This is how the apostate Pakistani police treat displaced Afghan children. Tied together.”

  • December 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding disputes between different armed Taliban factions. The post states that there are many conflicts in Helmand and Kandahar, and that Taliban troops left Helmand with their equipment. The post states that disputes have been caused due to “the selective application of Sharia and the preferential treatment of some over others.” The post concludes by stating that the Taliban is not united the way they were before coming to power, and that now they have divided along tribal structures.

“#Spider's home. Disputes between the elements of the apostate Taliban militia and the leadership in Helmand have reached their peak, and accusations have become public.

An audio recording appeared on the Internet talking about the conflicts in the provinces of Helmand and Kandahar, which arose between the elements of the apostate Taliban militia.

She says that there are many conflicts between the security forces of the new regime, and that is why the militia is divided into fanatical groups on geographical and tribal bases, and has begun to suppress others from other regions.

This situation sparked outrage among the apostate militia in Kandahar, who left Helmand with their weapons and belongings.

They blamed the leaders of the apostate militia and even the tyrant, the disgraced tyrant himself, for the reason for the increase in divisions among the elements of the apostate militia in the south, and this is due to the selective application of Sharia and the preferential treatment of some over others.

These divisions between the Taliban prove that their leadership now is not one as it was before, they are divided into groups, directions and tribal structures...”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban released two Americans who were previously held, sending them “on a Qatari plane to…Qatar.”

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia released two Americans who were being held by it, and sent them on a Qatari plane to the state of Qatar.”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban released the filmmaker Ivor Shearer, who was arrested in August, and a second unknown individual.

“An American media revealed that the Afghan ‘Taliban’ movement had released two American prisoners.

And CNN quoted informed sources today, Tuesday, that the two American citizens are on their way to Qatar after their release, according to Sputnik.

She explained that one of the Americans who was released was director Ivor Shearer, who was arrested by the authorities of the Taliban (an organization subject to sanctions due to accusations of terrorist activities) while filming in Kabul in August.

As for the second person, his identity was not disclosed at the request of his family.

The Taliban movement seized power in Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, coinciding with the withdrawal of the United States and NATO forces from the country.”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the two American were freed in return for cash payments from the U.S. government.

“#comment. The Americans’ deal will be paid in cash into the pockets of the Taliban’s tyrants.”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that large numbers of university professors have resigned and male students have gone on strike over the banning of women students.

“#Khorasan. Bulk resignations of university professors and a strike by male students over the decision of the apostate Taliban militia to prevent builders from learning.

Imagine that after this decision, she will not be a doctor or a nurse in the future in the country.

We are waiting for patchwork professionals, apostasy captives.”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram (originally from al-Naba 355). Groups that want “legitimacy and support” from either the East or West lack “Islamic legitimacy.”

“#to post. Emirate of embassies!

The images of the leaders of these movements and organizations that are addicted to touring the palaces of the tyrants of the East and the West, and lying on the thresholds of their embassies in search of ‘legitimacy’ and ‘support,’ are movements that lack Islamic legitimacy, and that victory passes through these Crusader embassies and departs from them, begging for their support, and defeat Two sides of the same coin, which can only be spent in the markets of humiliation and servitude to other than God.

Indeed, jihad after the validity of monotheism is a source of honor for Muslims, and those in charge of its cause who are steadfast in it are the dearest of the people of the earth, even if they are burned in the trenches, and those who abandon it, those who neglect it and prey on its path, are the most humiliated and insignificant of people, even if palaces and hotels were opened to them, and the one who looks at these apostate movements and entities as they make pilgrimages to The embassies of the unbelievers ask for their love, and beg for crumbs from them, knowing with certainty that they are far from jihad and monotheism after the East.

The news issue 355.”

  • December 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban allow the practice of Shia Islam but would not allow the practice of ISIS’s interpretation of religion.

“#Meditation. Some of the Shiite polytheistic rituals that prevail in Afghan cities continue in the province of Ghazni, which was controlled by the Taliban gangs.

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that one of the Muslims in their regions made a stall like this and began to sell the books of the pious predecessors and hung the banner of monotheism behind him. Will this polytheistic movement leave him?

The question is drawn by the wearers of the base and a large broth.”

  • December 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that “22 senior (Taliban) leaders” send “their daughters to schools in Doha, Peshawar, and Karachi,” while banning women from attending schools in Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. Press sources reported that while the apostate Taliban militia in Afghanistan is preventing girls' schools from reopening, more than 22 senior leaders in the militia are sending their daughters to schools in Doha, Peshawar and Karachi.

The sources stated that the leaders include Qalandar Ibad, acting head of the Ministry of Public Health of the apostate Taliban militia, Deputy Foreign Minister Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai, and Suhail Shaheen, the militia's candidate for Afghanistan's seat in the godless nations.

The sources said that the daughter of Suhail Shaheen and his three sons are studying in public schools in Doha, where the Taliban political office is located.

And that Suhail Shaheen's daughter was also a member of her school's football team.

The sources added that Abbas Stanikzai's daughter graduated from a well-known school in Doha and graduated from the medical college in the city.

As for Qalandar Ibad, he provided medical education to his daughter, and that his daughter is now working as a doctor in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.”

  • December 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that in an interview with Piers Morgan, the Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen admitted that his daughters attended a school in Qatar, but that “it was permissible for them to go to study as long as they wore a hijab.” The post asks if the question of girls educated is “related to their veiling,” and states that the Taliban are hypocrites.

“#See. The infidel Piers Morgan gathers the hypocritical apostate Shaheen…

The infidel asked if it was true that his two daughters went to school.

The hypocrite stammered reluctantly that it was true.

The infidel individual, of course, is studying because they are already in #Doha…

The hypocrite falsely argued that it was permissible for them to go to study as long as they wore a hijab!

If allowing girls to learn is related to their veiling, and by God they are no less veiled than your women, and let us not forget the female journalists in your channels who are sad about their feelings.

If hypocrisy had a form, it would be embodied in the apostate Taliban and its damned captives.”

  • December 22: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are hypocrites for banning women from attending schools after stating they would not, and for sending their daughters to study overseas “at the expense of Mama America.”

“#See. Hypocrisy of the apostate Taliban militia…

They promised women education on the day they assumed power, and today they return in their vomit.

On the other hand, their daughters are abroad, overseas, studying in prestigious universities and at the expense of Mama America.

#glitter _ clips.”

  • December 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Afghan airspace is open to foreign drones.

“#Khorasan. The sky of #Afghanistan is open to all…

Two drones are fighting in the sky of #Kabul…”

  • December 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there was an explosion in the courtyard of a mosque in Kabul.

“#Khorasan. An explosion targeted the courtyard of the Dirar Mosque in Kabul…”

  • December 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there are rumors of a coup by Sirajuddin Haqqani and his allies

“#Khorasan. What is going on in the Taliban's spider web?

Since yesterday, there have been reports of a coup against Al-Masredab Akhund and the attempt of the intelligence officer, Haqqani, to install himself as the emir of the apostate militia, and suggested to Yaqoub the position of prime minister, while Mullah Omar’s son opposed him, as he was more deserving of it, according to his proposal. As for the spy, Barader, he wants to install the current prime minister; Hasan Akhund, Emir, and his successor in office.

While Pakistan's intelligence is trying hard to control matters to prevent a possible defection, with its full support for the Haqqani intelligence…

All this coincides with the widespread spread of armed elements in the vicinity of the homes of those concerned, including foreigners.

Time will tell to prove or disprove it.”

  • December 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that medical students are leaving universities after the ban on woman attending. The post states that “there will be no female doctors, teachers, and nurses” in Afghanistan, but that the Taliban do not care because their daughters will receive “treatment in the hospitals of the state of Qatar.”

“#Khorasan. The dormitory of medical students on their way home after the #Taliban_ignorance militia prevented women from seeking knowledge.

With the stupidity and ignorance of donkeys, there will be no female doctors, teachers, and nurses in the future, so they do not care about their daughters studying abroad, and receiving treatment in the hospitals of the state of Qatar and the mufflers…”

  • December 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Taliban affiliated Twitter account was given a blue check mark.

“#Meditation. They gave them the country, and gave them weapons and money to fight the Monotheists... Today they get the blue mark…

Oh, the captives of the fragmentation, we are preparing for you a missile that crosses the skyscraper, which will fly your impure foreheads regarding your latest release…

I broke them to such a degree…

A tumbleweed the size of the ocean, you degenerates.”

  • December 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban stated that women could not work outside of government positions.

“#Khorasan. Preventing women from working outside government positions.”

  • December 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a regional head of the Education Department in Badghis was killed by unknown individuals.

“#Khorasan. The killing of the leader, Abdullah Obeida, head of the Education Department in the Cadiz region of Badghis, by gunfire from unknown gunmen... along with a companion who is believed to be his brother...”

  • December 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram, with a presumably old flyer from ISIS’s Diwan of Health stating that submission for both “males and females.” The post states that the Taliban, in banning women from receiving education, are preventing the emergence of future “doctors…nurses…(and) midwives.”

“#Diwan_of_Health in the Khilafah State. Submission is for males and females, while the Taliban militia of ignorance prevents females from their right, and in the future they will not be neither doctors nor nurses nor midwives.”

  • December 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram, stating that the Afghan Taliban condemned an attack by the Pakistani Taliban on a police checkpoint in Pakistan.

“#Pakistan. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for bombing a vehicle at a police checkpoint yesterday. The apostate Taliban militia rushed through its embassy in Pakistan to condemn the attack and expressed its deep sorrow for the victims and labeled the perpetrator a suicide. These things that a Jewish child said about jihad; If you come up with a thousand pieces of evidence, we will not accept it.”

  • December 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram, stating that ISIS had “shopping centers,” and educational facilities that were women only, while the Taliban “deprive women of their rights.”

“#See. While the apostate Taliban militia deprived women of their rights, the Islamic State had unique shopping centers for women only, providing them with work with respect and privacy.

They also opened their own schools and universities with an innovative educational system based on the tolerant Islamic Sharia.

To learn the difference between ruling by the revealed Sharia and the rejected tribal ruling…”

  • December 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that male students from Kabul University are boycotting classes until women are allowed to attend.

#Khorasan. Male students of Kabul University announce their boycott of studies until girls are allowed to study. Now at least every student - not to say all of them - from two or three has a sister who has been deprived of education, think about this and do not go too far with your mind...”

  • December 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that classes at a medical school in Western Herat are suspended. The post states that Afghanistan will not have any female medical personnel, including gynecologists, dentists, midwives, or nurses. The post states this problem will only impact “the common people” of Afghanistan, as the Taliban send their daughters to school outside of the country, and send their wives there to give birth.

“#Khorasan. A notice from the teaching staff at the College of Medicine in Western Herat Governorate, regarding the suspension of teaching until further notice, or until education prevails between males and females.

Now all teachers - male or female - need a gynecologist, a dentist, a midwife, a nurse for them / their daughters / their wives / their sisters, and with the hot beast mentality, women in the future will have to be examined by Abu Shanab Talabani, this matter is restricted to the common people of #Khorasan only, or the tyrants of the militia know where their daughters go to school, where they receive medication, and even where their wives give birth.”

  • December 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated the Christmas holiday with Christians. The post states that Pakistan is the “official sponsor, guide, trainer, masseur, and publicist” for the Taliban.

“#Pakistan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #Pakistan celebrates the feast of the polytheistic Christians. Now that you are reading the news, remember that #Pakistan is the official sponsor, guide, trainer, masseur, and publicist of the apostate #Taliban militia...”

  • December 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there was explosion in the Dar Ul-Aman area of Kabul.

“#Urgent. An explosion sounded in the Dar Ul-Aman area of the sixth security district in Kabul…”

  • December 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there was an explosion near the Russian embassy in Kabul.

“Afghan media: An explosion near the Russian embassy in the Afghan capital, Kabul.”

  • December 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the security commander in Badakhshan was killed by an explosion.

“#Urgent. #Khorasan. An explosion near the security headquarters of the apostate #Taliban militia in the city of #Fayezabad in the center of #Badakhshan, led to the death of the apostate Mawlawi Abdul-Haq, the security commander in #Badakhshan.”

  • December 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram with an alleged photo of the Badakhshan security commander killed in an explosion.

“#Khorasan. A picture of the dead in the explosion…”

  • December 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a delegation of Iranian diplomats arrived in Kabul, where they discussed the importance of their relationship, increasing Iranian trade and investment in Afghanistan, and “the situation of Afghan immigrants in Iran.” The post claims that Iran’s new ambassador to Afghanistan is a former officer in the IRGC.

“#Khorasan. A delegation of wise Iranian diplomats arrived in Kabul today to meet the foreign tyrant, the apostate Taliban militia. During the conversation, they discussed the importance of the relationship between the two parties, increasing trade and investment from the Iranian side in Afghanistan, as well as the situation of Afghan immigrants in Iran.

The juggernaut Mottaki referred to the good relations between the two countries and thanked the former Majusi ambassador Bahadur Aminian (who came up with the idea of rejecting the Taliban as its sister Hamas), wishing him success in his new job.

It is noteworthy that the former Magusi ambassador was succeeded by a former officer in the Magusi Guard, and your understanding is sufficient.”

  • December 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram mocking the Taliban for denouncing the Pakistani Taliban attack on a Pakistani police checkpoint. The post asks if they will describe the Pakistani Taliban as “extremists and Kharijites soon?”

“#Khorasan. After the apostate #Taliban militia denounced the attack of their loved ones in Pakistan, describing it as a suicide attack. Do you think you will reach the point of describing them as extremists and Kharijites soon?”

  • December 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there was an explosion “in the central square of Takhar province.”

“Khorasan. An explosion sounded in the central square of Takhar province.”

  • December 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram, which shows a video of a packages being thrown from the back of a pickup truck into a large crowd. The post states that this is the Taliban throwing “crumbs” to the poor of Afghanistan, and stating that the Taliban “receive millions of dollars.”

“#Khorasan. This is how the dogs of the apostate Taliban militia treat the destitute and the poor. They receive millions of dollars and throw crumbs to people.”

  • December 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban also pay Twitter $8 per month (or 709 Afghanis) to have their accounts verified with blue checkmarks.

“At the time, the tyrants of the apostate #Taliban on Twitter pay $8 a month in order to verify their accounts with the blue tick. $8 ~ 709 Afghani”

  • December 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the blue checkmark was removed from a Taliban affiliated Twitter account after “negative reactions from inside and outside.”

“#Khorasan. Twitter removes the blue tick from the account of the tyrant Talabani, who paid $8, which is the price of the badge for one month. The badge was removed after negative reactions from inside and outside.”

  • December 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban have “stopped the work of bakeries in which women work only.”

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia stopped the work of bakeries in which women work only.”

  • December 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that while the Taliban “rant about empowerment” children are involved in the dangerous harvesting and production of poppies and opium. The post states that the drug trade “from hashish to dangerous methamphetamine” has doubled under the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. In glory, the tyrants of the apostate #Taliban and their captives rant about empowerment and clear conquest.

A child purifies the narcotic cannabis plant from the soil after drying it.

Opium cultivation, poppy harvesting and its production process, and skin-to-skin contact leads to addiction.

The cultivation and production of drugs, from hashish to dangerous methamphetamine, did not stop in Afghanistan, but rather doubled under the rule of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • December 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Afghan women and children are being held in Pakistani prisons. The post states that the Taliban are not advocating on their behalf.

“#Pakistan. Afghan women and children in the prisons of the tyrants of #Pakistan…

Why don't the apostate #Taliban seek to dismantle them? ...which is the basis for that, a thousand percent.”

  • December 30: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that more Taliban members are buying blue checkmarks on Twitter.

“#Khorasan. The fashion of buying the blue badge is spreading among the leaders of the apostate Taliban.”

  • January 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that approximately 20 people were killed and wounded in an explosion in the military section of Kabul International Airport.

“#Khorasan. An explosion in the military part of Kabul International Airport resulted in the killing and wounding of about 20 people, and the sources suggested that the cause of the explosion was due to the poor storage of ammunition.”

  • January 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that 20 people were killed and wounded in an attack with explosives on the entrance to the Kabul military airport (later claimed as an ISIS attack by Amaq).

“Afghan media: 20 people were killed and wounded in an explosion targeting the entrance to the military airport in the center of the capital #Kabul #Afghanistan”

  • January 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the number of people killed and wounded at the Kabul airport has risen.

“#failure. #follows. The death toll from the attack with an explosive belt on a group of the apostate Taliban militia at the entrance to Kabul International Airport rose to 32, and 14 of them were wounded.

It is likely that Ben al-Halki is a leader in the apostate Ministry of Defense.”

  • January 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that children are sleeping on the streets of Jalalabad, and asking what the Taliban does with the money they receive, insinuating that they are corrupt.

“#Khorasan. Children of Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar. Where do millions of dollars go every week?”

  • January 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the ISIS-K terrorist who attacked the Kabul Airport’s military section had participated in the attack on the Kabul hotel on December 12 and had escaped after committing the attack in December by climbing out a window.

“#Witness. A passage said to be of Brother Abdul-Jabber, may God accept him- the moment he withdrew from the Chinese hotel.”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Taliban police killed four people while they were trying to kidnap a “businessman.” The post claims that the four men were members of the Taliban forces.

“#Khorasan. The apostate militia police announced the elimination of four people who tried to kidnap a businessman. After the investigation, it became clear that the four were members of the apostate militia. protector and thief. The kidnappings included even children.”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban are involved in the kidnapping of children.

#Khorasan. Regarding the kidnapping of children by the apostate Taliban militia… We will tell you the tragedy of a handsome child.”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that two male children from the village of Khaniz in Panjshir were allegedly kidnapped by Taliban members while walking back from school. The two children jumped from the vehicle, one died, the other is in critical condition.

“The child Muhammad Waseem, 8 years old, from the village of Khaniz in Bazark district in #Panjshir. Yesterday 2/01/2023, he went to school with his friend to receive their exam results. On the way back home, they were stopped by a car belonging to the apostate #Taliban_militia, in which they were riding in disbelievers.

The apostates put both boys in the back of a car and said they would drive them to their village. After a while, Muhammad Waseem and his friend realize that the car has passed their village and they are heading to a different place...

The two children started screaming and hitting the roof of the car from behind, begging the apostates to stop, but to no avail. The two children panicked and jumped out of the moving car when it passed two other villages.

After the two apostates realized that Wassim and another child had thrown themselves from the back of the car, they fled the scene instead of stopping the car.

After a while, they were found unconscious by passers-by, and they were taken to the emergency hospital in Panjshir with their relatives summoned.

Doctors indicated that the children should be transferred to Kabul as soon as possible. But Muhammad Wasim died at the same time. His friend is also in critical condition and his survival is almost non-existent.

When the body of the child, Ahmed Wassim, was taken to his home, members of the apostate Taliban militia came in a hurry. And when they discovered that the child had fallen from the back of their Ranger car, they left the place and did not return after that.”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban minister of education claimed that “educating men and putting them in jobs nullifies the need for women’s jobs and education.” The post asks whether it is religiously permissible according to the Taliban for men to be gynecologists, nurses, or dentists for women.

“#Khorasan. The tyrant of the Ministry of Non-Education and Ignorance in the apostate Taliban militia, the apostate Nada Muhammad Nadeem declares:

‘Educating men and putting them in jobs nullifies the need for women’s jobs and education.’



met him


By understanding this ignorant man, men can fill the void of these jobs.

Of course, their harem is being practiced in #Dubai and #Doha...”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that an art show sponsored by the Iranian consulate was held in Herat on the anniversary of the killing of Qassem Soleimani and that Hazara children presented 70 paintings “dedicated to the death of the Iranian general.”

“#Khorasan. An art exhibition organized by the Iranian Magian Consulate was held in Herat in honor of the death anniversary of Qassem Soleimani, and in the presence of the tyrants of the apostate militia, in which the children of the Rawafid Hazara painted 70 paintings dedicated to the death of the Iranian general Soleimani.

This is not the first time that the rejectionists of Iran and the rejectionists of the Hazara, along with the rejectionists of the Taliban, celebrate the anniversary of the destruction of the impure butcher of Muslims.”

  • January 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that four Taliban members accused of kidnapping were part of an unnamed Taliban intelligence entity and that one of them was the brother of the governor of the Kut region.

“#Follows. #Khorasan. It turned out that the kidnappers were not just members of the apostate Taliban militia, but were affiliated with its intelligence, and one of the perishers, Abdul Majeed Ahmadi, known as Mawlawi Abbas, is the brother of the governor of the Kut region.”

  • January 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that there were several explosions in Kabul.

“#Khorasan. A series of explosions in the eighth district of the city of #Kabul.”

  • January 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that General Mobin was arrested after calling for attacks against Pakistan over border disputes. The post also states that there are rumors that General Mobin has sympathies for ISIS-K, but the post states that this “ready-made” charge is “used against everyone who opposes the decisions of the apostate militia” no matter their status.

“#Khorasan. A number of sources, including those loyal to the apostate #Taliban_militia, circulated that one of the most prominent active leaders in the militia, Mobin Khan (aka General Mobin) was arrested by the security forces. The reason for the arrest is that the apostate posted a video clip calling for fighting against Pakistan because of the border disputes.

#Pakistan is considered a red line for the apostates of the Taliban, and even the apostate Mobin, who is very popular among the militia, did not cross it.

This is not the first time that General Mobin has been arrested for making anti-Pakistani remarks, the difference is that this time he lost his post as Kabul Police Chief.

Canned accusations about alleged involvement with the Islamic State and desire to join its ranks also began to circulate.

These ready-made charges were used against everyone who opposes the decisions of the apostate militia and used them as a pressure card against them, no matter how high their status and the weight of their loyalties.”

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that unknown individuals “eliminated a Taliban member of Tajik origin” in Badakhshan.

“Afghan media: Unidentified gunmen eliminated a Taliban member of Tajik origin, nicknamed ‘Abu Omar’ in the Bahrak district of Badakhshan.”

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban closed “a Salafi school for boys and another for girls in Badakhshan province” and “seized 4 other private Salafi schools and expelled all Salafi teachers.”

“#Khorasan. Local sources reported that the apostate Taliban militia closed a Salafi school for boys and another for girls in Badakhshan province. They also seized 4 other private Salafi schools and expelled all Salafi teachers.”

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban condemned Israeli actions regarding al-Aqsa Mosque as a violation of “international regulations” as opposed to religious grounds.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia condemns the Jews' violations of Al-Aqsa Mosque because it is a violation of international regulations!

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pakistan conducted airstrikes against the Pakistani Taliban in Nangarhar. The post states that the Taliban is not stopping Pakistan from meddling in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

“#Khorasan. Pakistani air strikes target the strongholds of the Pakistani Taliban militia in Nangarhar.

Where is the apostate defense minister who was threatening Pakistan not to interfere in the country's affairs?”

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a severe earthquake impacted “most of the provinces of Afghanistan.”

“#Khorasan. An earthquake described as severe hits most of the provinces of #Afghanistan.”

  • January 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban and China have agreed on a deal to “extract fuel” in Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia made a deal with the Chinese communists to extract fuel. China is known to use the economic trap to trap poor countries, and the land of Khorasan is very rich in underground minerals.”

3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • December 26: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban police commander and several others in Fayzabad with a car bomb.

“Khorasan Province A prominent leader of the apostate Taliban militia was killed along with a number of his companions in a car bomb explosion in Afghanistan.

By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate were able to park and detonate a car bomb on a leader of the Taliban militia police while he was going to his office at the militia police station in the city of Faizabad in the Badakhshan region in northeastern Afghanistan, which led to his death along with a number of his companions and the wounding of others, and praise be to God.”

  • December 26: Following up, ISIS-K states that the Taliban police commander was killed with his bodyguards, and several others were wounded, when a car bomb detonated while the commander was on the way to his office in Fayzabad.

“A senior Taliban police commander was killed along with his guards in a car bomb explosion by Islamic State militants in Badakhshan province, northern Afghanistan.

Badakhshan - Afghanistan - Amaq Agency A prominent commander in the Taliban militia police was killed along with a number of his companions and others were wounded in a controlled bombing of Islamic State militants in the ‘Badakhshan’ region, northern Afghanistan. Security sources told ‘Amaq’ agency that the Islamic State fighters closely monitored the movements of the Taliban police chief in ‘Badakhshan’ province while he was hesitating back and forth between his home and workplace located in the city of ‘Faizabad,’ the capital of the region. The sources added that the fighters parked a rigged car and detonated it today, Monday. The aforementioned leader was killed while he was on his way to his office, about 200 meters away from his house. As a result, he was killed along with a number of his guards, and others were wounded.”

  • December 30: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani intelligence agent in Bajaur.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy of the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the Khar region of Bajaur, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • December 30: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani intelligence agent in Peshawar.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy of the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the area of (Pirbala) in (Peshawar) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • January 2: ISIS-K claims to have killed or wounded 50 Taliban members in a suicide attack in front of the military section of the Kabul airport.

“Khorasan Province: About 50 members of the apostate Taliban militia were killed and wounded in a martyrdom operation in front of the (Kabul) military airport.

With the grace of God Almighty, one of the Knights of Martyrdom, brother (Abdul-Jabbar) - may God accept him - set out towards a gathering of the apostate Taliban militia, in front of the gate of the military section at (Kabul) airport yesterday, while they were carrying out procedures for checking cards before entering the section, where the martyrdom detonated his explosive belt In the midst of their crowds, which led to the killing and wounding of about 50 members, and praise be to God.”

  • January 2: ISIS-K claims that the Kabul military airport suicide bomber had been one of the perpetrators of the December 12, 2022 Kabul hotel attack. The post states that he killed 20 Taliban members and wounded approximately 30 others while they were lining up to show identification cards before entering a military headquarters building.

“50 Taliban militia members were killed and wounded in a martyrdom attack at the entrance to the Kabul military airport.

Afghanistan - Kabul - Amaq Agency: About 50 members of the Taliban militia were killed or wounded yesterday, in a martyrdom attack that struck the gathered in the capital, Kabul. Security sources told Amaq Agency, ‘A martyrdom fighter from the Islamic State succeeded yesterday, Sunday morning, in penetrating the security fortifications and reaching the entrance to the military headquarters.’ Attached to Kabul International Airport. The sources added that the fighter detonated an explosive belt he was wearing, in the midst of a gathering of Taliban members who were lining up to check their cards before entering the military headquarters in a periodic security measure. The sources indicated that the heavy explosion resulted in the killing of about 20 and wounding about 30 others. The same sources revealed to Amaq that the perpetrator of the attack was one of the two Al-Inghmasi who carried out the attack on the Chinese hotel in Kabul a few weeks ago, as he was able to withdraw from the hotel after the attack. Today, he carried out his second attack successfully.’”

  • January 4: Infographic of attacks allegedly committed by ISIS in 2022. ISIS in Afghanistan (bottom item, last column on the right) claims to have committed 181 attacks, killing or wounding 1188 people.


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4. Amaq Video Released December 26, 2022

The video is dated December 26, 2022, and was released on December 27, 2022. The 13 second video shows a group of men walking by a vehicle as it explodes.

“Amaq Agency: A video featuring the moment the Islamic State fighters detonated a bomb-laden car on the commander of the ‘Taliban police’ in Badakhshan province, with his guards today, in the city of Faizabad.”

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5. Pro-ISIS Al-Adiyat Media Image Regarding December 12 Kabul Hotel Attack, Posted on December 21, 2022

“The Islamic State, as a country based on the method of the Prophet and took upon itself the victory of Muslims everywhere, its role in this issue was to strive to translate its threats towards China into actions on the ground. This is what its soldiers recently succeeded in attacking a Chinese hotel in the center of Kabul. To begin the march of revenge, which is still in its infancy. The opening of the news: Why do you say what you do not know: 369”

“New design: [The role of the Islamic State in the issue of the Uighurs.]”

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6. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine, Released December 19, 2022

Article 1: Jihad Betrayed: the Riddah of al-Jawlani the Munafiq

  • Abu Mohammad al-Julani has imposed an “un-Islamic and tyrannic rule over Idlib” in Syria.
  • Julani pretended to be one of the mujahideen but betrayed ISIS and is in an alliance with the U.S., Europe, and Israel.
  • Julani is now a mafia boss “surrounded by armed foreign thugs who pretend to be muhajirin.”
  • Julani and his associates claim to be Muslims, but they are hypocrites and traitors who blaspheme.
  • Those in Idlib reach out to ISIS supporters globally to tell them of the horrors under HTS.
  • There are no jobs, the sick are left to die. The only people who do well are Julani’s “henchmen.”
  • HTS allows Christians to make religious videos, allows the consumption of alcohol, and does not enforce mandatory veiling.
  • Julani appeared in western dress to appease his international partners.
  • Julani has said that he is following the path of the Taliban, and will eventually try to join the United Nations. Julani and his forces are Turkey’s current janissaries.
  • Eventually Julani will face his downfall.
  • ISIS will eventually return to Idlib in force and overthrow Julani and HTS.

Article 2: Hypocrisy (An-Nifaq)

  • Hypocrisy is “pretending to have qualities or beliefs that one does not really have.”
  • Types of hypocrisy:
    • Hypocrisy in belief
      • Major disbelief.
      • These people claim to be believers, but are not.
      • Six types: “denial of the Messenger, Denial of the thing with which the Messenger is sent, Hating the Messenger, Hating the thing with which the Messenger is sent, Rejoicing at the disgrace of Islam, Disliking the prevalence of Islam.”
    • Hypocrisy in deeds and actions
      • Someone who is a believer but deserves punishment anyway because their actions are not pure.
      • Examples: lying, breaking promises, betraying trust, immoral behavior in disputes, breaking contracts,
  • Hypocrites are described as being greedy and only concerned with outward appearances.
  • Hypocrites will ultimately go to hell.
  • Hypocrites deserve a harsh punishment because they claim to be truthful while deceiving.

Article 3: Shaykh Abu Ubaitha the Amir of Istishhadi Knights: Who Wreaked Havoc on the Crusaders in Sri Lanka

  • Abu Ubaitha was born in Kaathankudi, Sri Lanka.
  • He pledged his allegiance to ISIS along with 800 others.
  • Abu Ubaitha was nominated to be head of a shura council, and killed 18 people including police officers, in attacks as revenge for the attacks on Baghuz, Syria.
  • Abu Ubaitha chose the attackers for the 2019 Easter Bombings, which were also in revenge for Baghuz.
  • The Sri Lanka Easter attacks (allegedly) targeted Westerners visiting Sri Lanka on vacation.
  • Churches were (allegedly) targeted because the March 15, 2019 Christchurch attack targeted mosques.
  • If you choose martyrdom, you cannot lose.
  • Fighting is obligatory.

Article 4: Today’s Traitors Following the Footsteps of Yesterday’s Traitors 2

  • Turkey has committed crimes in Afghanistan.
  • After the ISAF withdrawal, Turkish troops were supposed to stay in Kabul to protect embassies and maintain the airport. The Taliban asked the U.S. that Turkish troops withdraw “for the moment.”
  • Turkish and Qatari troops have returned to Afghanistan allegedly to maintain the Kabul airport and provide technical assistance.
  • Turkey is working on behalf of the U.S.
  • The Taliban have allowed this violation of their territory.
  • Taliban officials have celebrated Turkish national holidays with Turkish diplomats in Kabul, and have celebrated democracy.
  • The Taliban support democratic systems and told Turkish officials that they would pray for them.
  • The Taliban are proud of their disbelief and blasphemy, and have celebrated Turkey’s Republic Day, in violation of religious law.
  • Turkey has acted criminally by allowing democracy (human made laws), which contravenes religious law. The Taliban support this.
  • This raises the question of whether the Taliban will institute similar systems in Afghanistan.
  • If the Taliban institute democracy in Afghanistan, or befriend democratic governments, why did they fight against the previous government?
  • Anyone who is satisfied with disbelievers is a disbeliever themselves.
  • The Taliban have accepted secularism by attending the Organization of Islamic Scholars conference in Turkey.
    • The Taliban adopted slogans of “freedom of humanity, respect for the human rights (sic), and ensuring happiness for humanity.”
    • The conference was an attempt to formalize the Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan and strengthen them economically.
    • This is despite the fact that Turkish troops were previously deployed to Afghanistan, where they fought the Taliban.
  • The head of the Taliban’s delegation in Qatar celebrated Turkey’s Republic Day at the Turkish embassy in Doha.
    • The Turkish state is secular.
  • Like the Taliban, Ataturk took on the appearance of someone who is religious in order to gain power.
  • Also like the Taliban, Ataturk closed religious schools and sought to destroy Turkey’s “Islamic identity.”

Insert: Sections from ISIS spokesperson Abu Umar al-Muhajir speech released on November 30, 2022

  • Announcing the death of Abu Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi and calling for a pledge of allegiance to the new ISIS caliph, Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi.

Article 5: Path to Salvation at the Time of Tribulation

  • People who claim to be Muslims have “surrendered themselves to the Americans and other Crusaders for a few dollars.”
  • People refuse to fight to free captives, even though women and children are held in prison.
  • Fighting is obligatory.
  • Some people refuse to fight because they think that the U.S. and its allies are too strong and technologically advanced, but those who rely on technology are, in fact, cowards.

Infographic: The Price of Granting Qatar the Opportunity to Host the World Cup

  • Qatar was given the World Cup after they spent “nearly two decades…sponsoring interfaith dialogue aimed at spreading absolute filth!”
  • Qatar is blamed for spreading confusion and humanism.
  • Qatar was “rewarded” for because they “Served the Jews and Christians more than other Gulf states.”

Article 6: Operations Paving the Way to the Victory

  • Wilayah Sahil: ISIS killed 80 al-Qaeda militants, after the latter attacked people alleged to be allied with ISIS (November 12).
  • Wilayah Sinai: Two ISIS fighters attacked the Egyptian police in el-Qantara el-Sharqiya (November 27).
  • Wilayah Khurasan:
    • December 4-ISIS-K attacked the Pakistani embassy in Kabul, targeting the ambassador and his guards. “The…Taliban militias are not capable of protecting foreign interests in Afghanistan, despite their repetitive speeches offering security assistance to their infidel masters with a view to inviting them to the country for infrastructure development and foreign investment.”
  • Wilayah Mozambique: December 2- ISIS attacked a Mozambiquan military barracks in Cabo Delgado, killing six soldiers, disabling two vehicles, and seizing weapons.
  • Announcing the Bay’ah to the Khalifah of the Muslims
    • ISIS groups all over the world have pledged their allegiance to the new caliph.
    • The ranks of ISIS are still unified.

Article 7: Answer to Those Raising Questions About Bay’ah to a Stranger

  • People accused Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of being imaginary before he appeared in public.
  • You should pledge your allegiance to the new ISIS leader.
    • If you have honor, you will do so.
  • It makes sense that some people would be confused, when ISIS is being fought by a large coalition of enemies.
  • Public appearances by leaders cannot happen to preserve their safety.
  • There is an advantage to an enemy not knowing who their opponent is.

Article 8: Taliban – The Patronizer of Shirk and its People

  • Sufi monasteries must be destroyed. Mosques must be the only houses of worship in Islam.
  • Monasteries have allowed for the proliferation of polytheism, innovations, dancing, singing, etc.
  • Polytheism must be destroyed.
  • It is also obligatory to destroy idols in public places.
  • Those who pay jizyah may keep idols in their homes.
  • List of monasteries and shrines protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan:
    • Shrine of “Sufi Hakim Sanaya” in Ghazni
    • “Jaber Ansar” shrine in Kabul
    • Shrine and tomb of “Tamim Ansar” in Shuhada-e-Salihin in Kabul
    • Shrine of “Panja Shah” in Shuhada-e-Salihin in Kabul
    • “Rawdah Sakhi” shrine in Kart-e-Sakhi in Kabul
    • “Shah Du Shamsher Wali” shrine near Pamir cinema hall in Kabul
    • Shrine of “Hadrat Abu Fadl” in Mard-e-Khana of Kabul
    • Shrine of “Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsah” in the center of Balkh
    • Shrine of “Khwaja ‘Abdullah Ansari” in Gasargah in Herat
    • Shrine of “Sultan Mahmud Ghaznawi” in the center of Ghazni
  • The article states that there are many other shrines and monasteries in Afghanistan.
  • List of Sufi Khanqas protected by the Taliban:
    • “Murshid Syed Gulab” Khanqah
    • “Hadrat Khwaja Gharib-e- Nawaz” Khanqah
    • Pahlewan Sahib Khanqah
    • ‘Ala ad-Din ‘Alia Khanqah
    • “Hadrat Imam Hussain” Khanqah
    • “Inchi Baghban Chahar Dahi” Khanqah
    • “Dhamzang” Khanqah
    • “Mir Waidh Kabuli” Khanqah
    • Integrated “Murshid ahadur Jan” Khanqah in Qala Zaman Khan
    • “Maulvi Sahib Faidani” Khanqah
  • People come to these shrines to make wishes, participate in acts of polytheism, make sacrifices, etc. which are acts of shirk.
  • The Taliban are polytheists because they allow this behavior.
  • The Taliban have abandoned the true religious path and have decided to protect these locations.
  • The Taliban have stated that they will protect religious minorities and Hindu and Buddhist religious relics.

Infographic: Information on contacting al-Azaim Foundation

7. Al-Qaeda English Edition One Ummah Magazine, Issue 5, Released December 26, 2022


  • The forward compares current events in Somalia to the war in Afghanistan. The essay states that Somalia will fall to Shabab, the same way Afghanistan did to the Taliban.
  • “Like Afghanistan, Somalia is a classic example of a failed military intervention followed by decades of experimentation with political and economic frameworks imported from the West. Somalia was another site of experimentation with the Karzai model: a corrupt and inefficient government hastily assembled in Western capitals replacing an indigenous Islamic government forcibly driven out of power by a Western-backed occupation force.”
  • “And like its former counterpart in Afghanistan, the federal government in Somalia depends almost completely on foreign financial assistance to run ministries and pay salaries to its employees.”
  • The essay states that corruption among both the Afghan and Somalian governments are analogous.

Exit Strategy: How to End a Conflict?

  • A history of the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
    • “The Soviets were late to discover that they had been badly trapped.”
    • “Lacking a realistic exit strategy, the Russians were made to swallow the bitterness of a military and political defeat.”
  • “Did America achieve any of its stated goals in Afghanistan? The United States revived opium and heroin production in Afghanistan that had been banned earlier by the Islamic Emirate.”
  • “The United States is alleged to have covertly engaged in international drug trade. during the two decades of occupation. It also engaged in systematic exploitation and theft of the natural resources and mineral wealth of Afghanistan. The Afghans, however, did not leave the Americans alone. They made their life hell-on-earth in Afghanistan. The Americans were made to pay a very heavy price- militarily, economically, and psychologically- for their misadventures in Afghanistan. The United States failed to eliminate or militarily defeat the Islamic Emirate. The experiment of ‘nation-building’ and importing democracy turned out to be a complete farce. The Americans inadvertently helped al Qa’eda spread its global reach.”
  • The article states that the U.S. owes reparations to the Taliban.
  • “It is important for us to understand that victory in war does not necessarily translate into an end of the conflict. The conflict will never end as long as the apparently ‘defeated’ side continues to find a way to reverse the situation. This is why it is important to be extremely careful and avoid engaging in wishful thinking. It is critical to be wary about those whose hearts are devoid of faith. We might win the war, but it is important that the battle against some enemies continues, even if its flames remain buried beneath the ashes of a concluded war (emphasis added). Some enemies will always continue to be on the lookout for any opportunity to regain their strength, spread their devious ideology and achieve their heinous goals. History teaches us that it normally doesn’t take long before the winds start blowing in new unexpected directions and the conflict resumes.”

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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