Afghanistan Terrorism Report: July 2022

Afghanistan Terrorism Report: July 2022

Following is the July 2022 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

Due to the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri at the end of July 2022, this report covers July and relevant items from the first week of August 2022 to outline ISIS-K’s initial reactions to the death of the leader of al-Qaeda. It is noteworthy that at the time of publication, al-Qaeda propaganda outlets have yet to comment on this incident.

Following the death of Zawahiri, pro-ISIS-K propaganda outlets reacted immediately, speculating that the Taliban must have invited him to stay in Kabul and that they must have cooperated with the United States to enable his killing. Pro-ISIS-K propaganda claims that this was the Taliban fulfilling their commitments under the Doha Agreement, including by pointing to the fact that the Taliban have not released a statement of condolences for the death of Zawahiri.

Rather than the Taliban cooperating with the U.S., all available information indicates that the Taliban sheltered Zawahiri in Kabul. He was killed by a U.S. drone while staying in a house in the Sherpur neighborhood of Kabul, which prior to the takeover of power by the Taliban, used to be the home of high-ranking officials of the former Afghan government. According to media reports, the house in which Zawahiri was killed belonged to the acting minister of interior of the Taliban regime, Sirajuddin Haqqani. The U.S. government officially confirmed that it was aware of Zawahiri’s location at this house for several months. Therefore, rather than being unaware of Zawahiri’s presence in Kabul, as the Taliban claim, all evidence indicates that the Haqqani network, which has historically been the link between the Taliban and al-Qaeda, actively sheltered this top global terrorist inside one of the most secure neighborhoods in the capital of Afghanistan.

While speculating about the Taliban’s involvement in the death of the al-Qaeda leader, several ISIS-K- linked propaganda posts also criticized Zawahiri, claiming that he had become a puppet of foreign intelligence services and was no longer involved in operational decision-making. Furthermore, pro-ISIS-K propaganda listed Zawahiri’s failures, such as opposing the creation of the so-called caliphate and issuing positive statements about former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and therefore, betraying the legacy of Osama bin Laden. For some time, pro-ISIS-K propaganda criticized Zawahiri for his closeness to the Taliban.

Interestingly, on July 14, shortly before his death, Zawahiri released a public message criticizing the concept of the nation-state and the international system, indirectly attacking the Taliban. This occurred after a meeting in Kabul at the beginning of July, where religious and tribal leaders called for the international community to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This meeting was also attended by the leader of the Taliban, Haibatullah Akhundzada, demonstrating the importance the regime afforded to this gathering. ISIS-K propaganda strongly criticized the declaration issued at the conclusion of the meeting. In a lengthy document released on July 11, ISIS-K-linked outlet Al-Azaim refuted each of the eleven points of the meeting’s declaration, arguing that these demands amount to apostasy.

Pro-ISIS-K propagandists continued to attempt to delegitimize the Taliban regime in other posts. In several messages on July 21, pro-ISIS-K propaganda highlighted the moral corruption of the Taliban regime, claiming that the Taliban did not punish officials accused of adultery in Bamiyan province. In the same posts, the pro-ISIS-K propagandist also recounts a now infamous case from March 2022. In March, the brother of Alam Gul Haqqani, a member of the Haqqani network and at that time the head of the Afghan passport office in the ministry of interior, was arrested while attending a party in a Kabul hotel that included alcohol, music, and the attendance of women not wearing hijab. The video of the arrest was shared widely on social media at the time.

In July, ISIS-K propaganda outlets also continued to portray a high operational tempo of terrorism attacks in Afghanistan. ISIS-K attacked the gathering of religious and tribal leaders in Kabul several times, and unsurprisingly, ISIS-K propaganda outlets reported on these attacks. After several months of ISIS-K attacks concentrating primarily in the north and east of the country, in July, ISIS-K reported an attack in Herat, the first of such attacks in the west of the country since April. In this recent attack, ISIS-K targeted a bus with Taliban military officials, killing two and wounding 20 individuals. Remarkably, attacks claimed by ISIS-K propaganda posts in Pakistan seem to gather speed. In July, ISIS-K propaganda highlighted several attacks in Pakistani cities along the border with Afghanistan. Furthermore, once again, ISIS-K claimed a rocket attack against the Uzbek town of Termez, near the northern border of Afghanistan. On July 5, media reports confirmed that five rockets fired from Afghanistan had landed in the city.

Map of incidents highlighted by ISIS-K social media propaganda in July 2022


The attacks in Pakistan and Uzbekistan demonstrate that the Taliban remain unable to prevent terrorist attacks from being launched from within the country. The relationship with Uzbekistan is significant to Afghanistan, as it is the country’s largest electricity supplier, followed by Tajikistan and Iran. Interestingly, according to media reports, despite Taliban claims that international sanctions inhibit financial transfers, the Taliban transferred several million U.S. dollars to Uzbekistan to settle outstanding electricity bills at the beginning of August. This transfer also highlights the ongoing risks of the Taliban using largescale asset flows out of the country to launder proceeds from the illicit drug trade, which according to both pro-ISIS-K propaganda outlets and international media reports continues as well as for the laundering of illicit income generated by the diversion of aid.

In June, ISIS-K-linked propaganda outlets highlighted the activities of the RAND Corporation and the Special Inspector General for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan (SIGAR). On July 18, the ISIS-K linked publication “Voice of Khorasan” again commented on an international organization, this time taking aim at the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, calling it a conspiracy. In a lengthy article, “Voice of Khorasan” warned of the activities of Pugwash and stated that ISIS-K should kill anyone cooperating with the organization. Despite Taliban representatives taking part in such gatherings in the past, it is not clear why ISIS-K propaganda chose to highlight this organization, as Pugwash announced no new reports or meetings focusing on Afghanistan in recent months.

Table of contents

  1. ISIS June Al-Naba Newsletters
  2. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Amaq video released on July 4, 2022
  5. ISIS Amaq Photoset, Released July 13, 2022
  6. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Document Released July 11, 2022
  7. Ayman al-Zawahiri Video Released July 14, 2022
  8. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Media’s “Voice of Khorasan” Issue 10, Released on July 18, 2022
  9. Al-Naba Infographic, Published July 28, 2022
  10. Al-Azaim Document, “Rulings About Helping the Infidels and Its Harm,” Released July 26, 2022
  11. Al-Azaim Propaganda Video, Released July 29, 2022

  1. ISIS June Al-Naba Newsletters

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 346, Published July 7, 2022

  • “About 30 killed and wounded from the Taliban militia and the killing of three Pakistani police by attacks by the soldiers of the caliphate in Khorasan.”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province killed and wounded about 30 Taliban militia, burned a vehicle and damaged another vehicle for them. They also killed three Pakistani police and a tribal leader loyal to them, in a series of attacks in Kabul, Kunar and Kunduz, and (Herat) in addition to the border areas with neighboring Pakistan.”

  • “The inghimashi Saif al-Islam Omar, may God accept him, the perpetrator of the attack on the Taliban bus in Herat”
ATR July 2022_1
  • “Taliban killed and wounded in two attacks during a militia conference in (Kabul)”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, three soldiers of the Caliphate attacked on Thursday (1 / Dhu al-Qa’dah) the Taliban militia elements while they were guarding a large conference the militia had set up in a meeting room in (Kabul), where the three Mujahideen were stationed on a nearby building and killed two Taliban members who were guarding the roof of the building, then armed clashes erupted, prompting the militias to bring in helicopters to repel the attack, and the Mujahideen detonated explosive devices on the militia patrols, which led to the killing and wounding of a number of them, and the Mujahideen bombed the vicinity of the place the next day with six Katyusha rockets coinciding with the arrival of the Taliban tyrant to the conference venue, praise be to God. The Taliban militia was keen to deny the attack, for fear of damaging its image in front of its followers and allies in the militia's first "official" conference behind closed doors!”

  • “Targeting two Taliban vehicles in Kunar and Kunduz”

“In a related context, on the same day, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the Taliban militia, in the (Narhank) area in (Kunar), which led to its damage, killing and wounding those in it. The Mujahideen also detonated a sticky bomb on Monday (5/Dhul-Hijjah) on a second vehicle of the militia, in Kunduz, which led to its burning and the killing and wounding of five members there, praise be to God.”

  • “The Taliban bus that was attacked by the mujahideen in Herat”
ATR July 2022_2
  • “About 30 members of the apostate Taliban were killed and wounded in an attack on two buses in (Herat)”

“The same Monday witnessed a qualitative attack, as two inghimasis of the Caliphate soldiers attacked two buses of the Taliban militia, in the city of (Herat), with machine guns and grenades, which resulted in the killing and wounding of about 20 members, and damaging the two buses. One of the inghimasis managed to withdraw from the site of the attack, while the other was killed during the clash with militia patrols, and Amaq Agency showed a videotape that showed the moment of the bold attack on one of the two buses, praise be to God.”

  • “Two Pakistani policemen were killed and a tribal leader loyal to them was killed”

“On the other hand, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted, on the same Monday, two members of the apostate pakistani police in the city of Tank in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in northwestern Pakistan, with automatic weapons, which led to their killing, and the Mujahideen seized their two rifles, and also assassinated a tribal leader loyal to the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the Salaruz region of Bajaur, with pistol shots, and praise be to God.”

  • “Assassination of a Pakistani police officer”

“In the same context, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted, on Saturday (3rd of Dhul-Hijjah), an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, in the Wana area, south of (Wazir Stan), with automatic weapons, which led to his killing. They also targeted their barracks on the (6 / Dhul-Hijjah) in Hayat Abad area in Peshawar, with two hand grenades, which led to the injury of an element, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“Last week, the soldiers of the Caliphate had left about nine dead and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban militia and damaged two of their vehicles, with two separate explosions in Kabul and Kunduz.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 347, Published July 14, 2022

  • “Several dead and wounded from the Taliban militia in separate operations in Khorasan”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan this week killed at least two Taliban and wounded others, one of whom was a leader, and they also killed a spy for the Pakistani government and wounded another, in five separate operations.”

  • “Two explosions in (Kabul)”

“And in the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated two explosive devices on Friday (9 Dhul-Hijjah) on a gathering of the apostate Taliban, in (District 9) in the city (Kabul), which led to the killing and wounding of a number of them, praise be to God.”

  • “The killing of an element of the apostate Taliban militia in the city of (Mazar) in the (Balkh) region” (image has been censored)
ATR July 2022_3
  • “One member was killed and a leader was injured in two other explosions in (Kunar)”

“In a related context, the Mujahideen detonated a second bomb on Saturday (10/Dhul-Hijjah) on a leader of the Taliban militia in the Watpur area in (Kunar), which led to his injury, and on the same day they detonated a third bomb on a militia member in the Manuki area of ​​Kunar, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “The killing of a Taliban member and a spy for Pakistan”

“On the security front, the soldiers of the Caliphate captured, on Monday (12/Dhu Al-Hijjah), an element of the Taliban militia, in the city of Mazar in the Balkh region, and beheaded him, and on the following day, Tuesday, they targeted spies for the apostate Pakistani government, in the Mamund region, in (Bajaur), with a pistol, which led to the killing of one of them and the injury of the other, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Khilafah in the province of Khorasan killed and wounded about 30 people in the Taliban militia, burned a vehicle and damaged another vehicle for them, and they also killed three Pakistani police and a tribal leader loyal to them, in a series of attacks in (Kabul), (Kunar) and (Kunduz), and (Herat) in addition to the border areas with neighboring Pakistan.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 348, Published July 21, 2022

  • “8 Taliban and Pakistani police were killed and wounded, and 4 Rawafid were killed in separate operations in Khorasan”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province this week killed four Rawafid, and inflicted about six deaths and wounded at least in the ranks of the Taliban militia, one of them (a pilot), and they also killed two elements of the Pakistani police, in four separate operations in (Kabul), (Logar) and (Peshawar) on the border.”

  • “4 Rafidah dead in Logar”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Wednesday (14/Dhul-Hijjah) four of the Rafidah polytheists, in (District 2) in the city of (Bul Alam) in the (Logar) region, with automatic weapons, which led to their killing, and praise be to God.”

  • “6 killed and injured in two explosions in Kabul”

“And in (Kabul), the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Friday (16/Dhul Hijjah) on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 22), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of about five in it, and they also detonated a second bomb the next day, Saturday, on a military pilot of the militia, in (District 5), which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “Seizing two rifles in an attack on a Pakistani police barracks in (Peshawar)”
ATR July 2022_4
  • “Two Pakistani policemen killed”

“On the other hand, on Saturday, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked the barracks of the apostate Pakistani police in the city of (Peshawar), with machine guns, which led to the killing of two elements and the seizing of their weapons, and the Mujahideen returned to their positions safely, praise be to God.”

  • “Two elements of the Pakistani police killed in an attack by the soldiers of the Caliphate in the city (Peshawar)”
ATR July 2022_5
  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Khilafah in Khorasan killed at least two Taliban elements and wounded others, one of whom was a leader, and they also killed a spy for the Pakistani government and wounded another, in five separate operations.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 349, Published July 28, 2022

  • This week’s al-Naba had no news items regarding Afghanistan.

  1. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • July 2: Telegram post from pro-ISIS Al-Murhifat Media which states that unlike the Taliban ISIS-K want to drive all ‘infidels’ from Afghanistan. The statement includes a passage from ISIS al-Naba 228 (released April 2, 2020).

“The Apostates in Afghanistan Will Not Rest With God’s Help

The apostate Taliban militia claims that it is in control of the situation in Afghanistan after they took power from America, but the reality belies their allegations. It is like other strikes that target them, to hide the great failure that weakens the crusaders’ confidence in them, and what they taste today is only part of the pledge that the soldiers of the Caliphate made to themselves prior to the American withdrawal, that no infidel is here in Afghanistan, and that is the goal for which the soldiers of the Caliphate are fighting in Khorasan and all the states, as stated in Al-Naba newspaper: ‘The victory that the soldiers of the Islamic State are striving to achieve is for Islam to appear in Khorasan and other parts of the land, so that it is not crowded with polytheism nor mixed by disbelief, but rather a pure master The Mighty and the Mighty, and polytheism in it will be suppressed, as our Lord, the Exalted and Most High, commanded by His saying: (And fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is for God. He has nothing but the renewal of jihad, and the determination to complete the journey to where God Almighty wants and appreciates, and victory is only from God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing.”  

  • July 2: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are not punishing thieves according to religious law.

“#Khorasan. Ruling of a cow thief in the religion of the Antichrist Emirate.”

  • July 2: Telegram post stating the Taliban are not instituting religious law because they want “to please the West.”

“Why did the Taliban become apostates?

‘And whoever does not judge by the what the folk have revealed, they are the unbelievers’ – Quran 5:44

Disrupting parts of the Sharia to please the West, such as disabling the stoning of adulterers.

Resistance by force against groups that try to implement Sharia (abstaining sectarianism)

‘Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, expiates those who work with the rakahs with the application is also good’

The Taliban allow, protect, and assist the Rafidah festivals while fighting those who want to end them.”

  • July 3: Telegram post stating that a Taliban official transported his wife via military helicopter and Taliban leadership denied this, despite video footage showing otherwise.

“#Khorasan. A groom from the Emirate of Antichrist transports his wife by military helicopter, and the leaders of the apostate militia deny despite the spread of clips proving this.”

  • July 3: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for allowing the return of media and communications personnel to Afghanistan.

“#Emirate_Dajjal. The Taliban continues to return the joints of the former regime to the homeland, even the officials of media stations and communications companies!”

  • July 3: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is “begging” for recognition from the United Nations, the post asks “What Islamic regime…seeks recognition from the enemies of Islam?”

“#Emirate_Dajjal. The Taliban is begging the countries of the world, the United Nations and international organizations... to recognize it. What Islamic regime is this that seeks recognition from the enemies of Islam?!”

  • July 5: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is rebuilding the Sikh Gurdwara in Kabul attacked the previous week.

“#Khorasan. The Antichrist Emirate is restoring and rehabilitating the pagan Sikh temple in Kabul under the supervision of the apostate intelligence Haqqani, Minister of Interior of the apostate militia.

It is mentioned that the Inghamisi Abu Mujammad the Tajik - may God accept him - attacked the temple of the Sikhs, inflicted evil on them, mixed the blood of the apostate with the blood of the infidel, and turned their temple in which they disbelieve in God under the protection of the Antichrist Emirate to ruin.

  • July 5: Telegram post claiming that five missiles hit the city of Termez in Uzbekistan.

“#Khorasan. Shelling by five missiles targeting the Uzbek city of Termez.”

  • July 6: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for not condemning the Uzbek government for attacking their citizens during protests in the Karakalpakstan Republic area. The post states that the Taliban are only concerned with matters within their own borders.

“#Uzbekistan.  Pools of the blood of commoners at the hands of the army of the tyrant, will the #Dajjal_Emirate condemn its Muslim neighbor as you call it? They call the militia tyrant the commander of the believers falsely and slanderously, there are no believers with him except the Pashtuns, fanaticism and jihad that go beyond the borders of Afghanistan exclusively, and let the rest of the Muslims go in sixty cunning. He does not even recognize the sales of sheep tarts.”

  • July 6: Telegram post asking why the Taliban wants diplomatic relations with the U.S.

“#Emirate_Dajjal. Why diplomatic relations with America?!! Is it for the sake of understanding to support Islam?! Does this fall under the ‘legal policy’?! If yes. Was it not the first thing not to engage in wars with America from the beginning?! Instead of going back to the starting point?!”

  • July 6: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for their support for the Uzbek government and calling the perpetrators of the recent missile attacks “evil spirits.”

“#Khorasan. The official lamenting apostate tweeted in the name of the #Dajjal_Emirate, condemning the bombing of their Uzbek brothers and neighbors, describing the perpetrators as ‘evil spirits.’”

  • July 7: Telegram post stating that the opium trade is present in Uruzgan province in southern Afghanistan, and that the drug trade continues. The post alleges that Taliban leadership is involved in drug smuggling networks to Iran.

“#Khorasan. The opium drug trade appears in Uruzgan province in southern Afghanistan. Despite the continuous statements from the #Dajjal_Emirate about banning drugs, the absolute open sale of these drugs continues to this day and has little deterrent. This is due to the complicity of the leaders of the Dajjal Emirate who lead part of the drug smugglers network who oversee the supply of opium, heroin and other narcotic substances to Iran.”

  • July 7: Telegram post stating that the Taliban and Uzbek authorities held a joint meeting on border security, smuggling, and combatting terrorism.

“#Khorasan. Yesterday, the officials of the Uzbekistan border and the Dajjal Emirate held a joint coordination meeting in Hairatan (the area from which the missiles were launched), ‘to ensure border security, prevent drug smuggling, communicate and coordinate to combat terrorism.’ The apostates are demonstrating against the Almohads.”

  • July 7: Telegram post stating that the Taliban’s Minister of Defense presented a gift to the head of the Qatar Air Force. The post notes that Qatari air bases were used by the West to launch attacks on ISIS, resulting in the killing of civilians.

“The Minister of Defense of the Emirate of Antichrist, Mullah Yaqoub, presents his gift to the leaders of the apostate Qatar Air Force with a wide smile.

Note that the Qatar Air Force base in Al-Adhir was an air platform and is still actively used by the Crusaders to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and kill commoners in Albion, on the roads, and even in mosques and hospitals. The collusion of the Antichrist Emirate in the war against Islam in Khorasan has become clear and evident.”

  • July 9: Telegram post claiming that China, on behalf of the Pakistani ISI, asked the former Afghan government not to execute Anas Haqqani.

“The only reason why the apostate Anas Haqqani was not executed by the replaced Afghan government is that China interfered with the government in Kabul at the request of the Pakistani intelligence agency.”

  • July 9: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban stopped a wedding between a Sunni and Shiite. The post asks why this occurred if Sunnis and Shiites are equal as the Taliban have claimed, and that if they are not equal, questions why is the Taliban preventing ISIS-K from fighting Shiites in Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. The Emirate of Dajjal stops a Rejectionist wedding from Hazaras with a bride who is considered to be Sunni and detains the Rejectionist groom. If the Rafidis are Muslims in the religion of the Antichrist and the tartar of the rules, then why did they prevent the wedding?! And they rant day and night that the polytheistic Rafidah are their brothers in religion and idolatry. And if they are impure infidels, then why are you protesting against those who fight them?!”

  • July 9: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for sending condolences to Japan after the assassination of Shinzo Abe. The post states that the Taliban have offered condolences to Muslim countries before after the deaths of leaders, but not non-Muslim countries.

“#Khorasan. The apostate from the religion of God, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted, praising:

‘The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Antichrist Emirate extends its deepest condolences to the infidel government and people of Japan for the assassination of the former Japanese Buddhist tyrant Shinzo Abe.

He adds; Japan has maintained close relations with Afghanistan and, as in the past, has provided significant humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan in recent times.

The people of Afghanistan consider this incident a great loss to the infidel people of Japan and sympathize with them.’

Condolences to the apostates is outdated. What is new is the condolences of the infidels.

Watch O Muslim, these are the guardians of the apostate Al-Qaeda.”

  • July 10: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban attacked a young man in front of his mother.

“#Khorasan. The dogs of the #Dajjal_Emirate are upon them, God willing, they attack a young man in front of his mother until she fainted from the horror of what she saw what he was experiencing, the pleasure of her liver.”

  • July 10: Telegram post stating that at least 20 people died from cholera and diarrhea within 24 hours in Helmand province.

“#Khorasan. The Dajjal Emirate's Bakhtar state news agency reported that at least 20 people died due to cholera and ‘severe diarrhea’ in the past 24 hours in Helmand province.

  • July 11: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are restoring the Bamiyan Buddhas and turning them into areas for tourists.

“#Khorasan. The Antichrist Emirate is restoring Buddhist temples and turning them into paid tourist areas.”

  • July 11: Telegram post claiming that the Pugwash Conference brought the Taliban and former Afghan government into negotiations, and made suggestions regarding how to proceed.

“He opened his institute in Afghanistan and initially tried to establish contacts with members of the Dajjal Emirate, and after trying for 11 years, he finally succeeded in bringing the militia to the negotiating table with the apostate Afghan regime.

In 2015, it was Pugwash who suggested removing the #Dajjal_Emirate from the blacklist and releasing their prisoners. He also suggested to the apostate militia to open an office in Doha. They agreed that the new government would be nationalist Islamist, respectful of borders, and would not discriminate against Shiites. During the meeting, Pugwash, the Dajjal Emirate and the apostate Afghan government agreed that the ‘Islamic State; and the Caliphate are wrong and undesirable regimes.”

  • July 11: Telegram post claiming that the Pugwash Conference declared that the Taliban were not a terrorist organization, and suggested that they be used by the West to fight ISIS-K.

“In 2016, Bogwash said that the Antichrist Emirate is not a terrorist, but a legitimate political party. He also indicated the possibility of using the #Dajjal_Emirate to fight the #Islamic_State. This was before 2018, when the #Dajjal_Emirate united America to fight the #Islamic_State in #Kunar.”

  • July 12: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban agreed to cooperate with the UAE and Qatar in exchange for a security agreement, in which Qatar would assist with unnamed ‘military reforms’ and provide salaries for soldiers, and the UAE would manage the Kabul airport.

“The Antichrist Emirate agreed to cooperate with the UAE and Qatar, as the militia's defense minister made a trip to Qatar, which resulted in a scheme for a security agreement. He said that Doha will help Kabul carry out military reform and provide the necessary equipment and salaries for the forces of the Antichrist Emirate.

The UAE state, in turn, will manage the Kabul Airport. Earlier, the Emirati company had already secured a contract for the ground handling of aircraft in the Afghan capital. One of the conditions for transferring Kabul International Airport under the control of the Hebrew state of the Emirates was to provide job opportunities for the citizens of Afghanistan. Therefore, the Antichrist Emirate is trying to show its interest in the population and is able to defend their interests.

Meanwhile, not every element of the apostate militia is happy with these deals. Some members of the apostate militia government fear losing influence in the areas affected by cooperation, as well as the fact that they will have to implement the reforms imposed on them by the West, which is already happening.”

  • July 13: Telegram post claiming that Russia sent 16 tons of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan after the earthquakes.

“#Khorasan. The Ministry of Governmental Affairs for the Dajjal Emirate tweeted on Twitter that a 16-ton shipment of humanitarian aid from the Russian Crusader Federation has arrived in Kabul and that the victims of the recent natural disasters in Afghanistan will be assisted.”

  • July 14: Telegram post stating that the head of the Salafist scholars in Kabul was murdered by unknown individuals.

“#Khorasan. Unidentified gunmen kill Sardar Wali Saqib, head of the Salafist scholars in the city of #Kabul...”

  • July 17: Telegram post stating that the Taliban joined with Turkish diplomats in Kabul to celebrate the failure of the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt. This is portrayed as especially negative because it is a supposed celebration of democracy, and not only pro-Turkish.

“#Khorasan. Yesterday, the Turkish diplomatic mission in Kabul held a ceremony to commemorate the ‘martyrs of democracy,’ attended by the leaders of the Antichrist Emirate.

The supporters of the Ataturk tyrant ‘Kirdogan’ who perished in defense of his rule during the failed military coup in 2016 are called ‘democratic pies.’

It seems that the lords of the taratir of the apostate Al-Qaeda will lick the slayers of the Antichrist for the sake of their recognition, and it seems that the Antichrist of Jordan will reach the blasphemy of Satan.”

  • July 18: Telegram post stating that cholera is spreading in Afghanistan and that health services have declined since the Taliban took over.

“#Khorasan. Cholera is spreading in the country. Hundreds of people have been infected and more than 20 have died so far. The fact that since the restoration of power in Afghanistan, the health services in this country have significantly declined...”

  • July 18: Telegram post claiming that two Taliban leaders will soon travel to Turkey. The post points out that Turkey is a NATO member and states that al-Qaeda is guilty by association with the Taliban.

“Reports indicate that two leaders of the Antichrist Emirate are scheduled to enter Istanbul soon. According to frequent reports, Atatürka, an active member of the Crusader NATO, is planning to accept them.

After democratic Pakistan, Buddhist China, Qatar, Turkmenistan, Magi Iran, and Crusader Russia, Ataturk will be the seventh country to accept diplomats from the Antichrist Emirate.

The gods of the apostate base entrench their roots in the mud of apostasy voluntarily...”

  • July 18: Telegram post stating that an earthquake hit Afghan southeastern provinces.

“#Khorasan. An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale rocked this evening a number of southeastern provinces of Afghanistan.”

  • July 19: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is claiming that Tajik soldiers killed in fighting between Pashtun and Tajik Taliban factions were in fact members of ISIS-K. The post suggests that the Taliban is using the threat of ISIS-K to eliminate non-Pashtun opponents.

“#Khorasan. Local sources in Samangan confirmed that the elements of the Antichrist Emirate in this province offered the gif of two of its members who perished in an internal conflict as soldiers of the Islamic State.

This is what happened between the elements of the Antichrist Emirate today (Tuesday 28) in Kart Mujahid area in the city of Ipek. According to the sources, this conflict resulted in the death of 4 militia members and the injury of 6 others.

This conflict took place between the Pashtun Taliban in Kundzi and the Tajik Taliban in Samangani. According to Pashtun Taliban sources, the corpses of Samanghani Tajik Taliban were displayed in the name of ISIS operatives at the intersection of the city of Aybak.”

  • July 20: Telegram post stating that al-Qaeda will not condemn the Taliban despite the latter’s association with Turkey or other behavior. The post states that al-Qaeda would rather oppose ISIS than follow religious law.

“Al-Qaedaites, by God, will not expiate the Taliban no matter what they do, and they will say about every calamity, ‘It is not unbelief, it is not infidelity.’

People whose hearts are black, opposing the Islamic state in their view of its ruling on the groups takes precedence over following the command of God, and they do not see on the face of the earth more deserving of killing than the Mujahideen and their supporters, they are at peace, bid farewell, and pacify every infidel and do not show mercy to a supporter who falls into their hands.

Their hatred is the same as the hatred of the Rawafids, the Americans and others, and it may even be more severe!!”

  • July 21: Telegram post claiming that a man arrested in Bamiyan for adultery is a friend of a high-ranking Taliban official and the relative of another high ranking official. The post alleges that another man, who worked in a supervisory role at the Department of Education in Bamiyan raped a young girl. The post alleges that one of the men was covertly freed due to his powerful connections.

#Khorasan. Local sources in the state of Bamiyan confirmed that Burhanuddin Beghzad, who was arrested on the charge of ‘committing adultery,’ is a close friend of the apostate Mawlawi Abdul Raouf, deputy director of intelligence and a colleague of the apostate Karoui, and a relative of the apostate Mawlawi Islamuddin Osmani, head of Education # The Emirate of Antichrist in Bamiyan.

Nearly twenty days ago, the adulterer Bashir Haidari, a member of educational supervision in the Department of Education in Bamiyan, and the apostate adulterer Burhan Allah Beghzad, a leader of the apostate militia in the Sadat Valley Center in Bamiyan, were accused of raping a young girl.

The adulterer Burhanullah Beghzad was smuggled out of prison with the help of the Deputy Chief of Intelligence of the #Dajjal_Emirate in Bamiyan.

Previously, in a similar case in Kabul, the Dajjal Emirate militia had already arrested the brother of the apostate Alam Gul Haqqani, the former head of the Passports Department, during a drunken evening with the dancer, but he was released and there is no news of a trial or punishment...”

  • July 21: Telegram post stating that the brother of Alam Gul Haqqani, the former head of the Passport Department, was arrested with wine, in the presence of women, and money for bribes.

“#Khorasan. The brother of the apostate, Alem Gul Haqqani, the ousted head of the Passports Department, was arrested on a red night with wine, women and bribery money.”

  • July 21: Telegram post containing a video that shows Taliban personnel beating a man. The post states that the Taliban view themselves as “police, judges and executors of the ruling,” and that torture is commonplace.

“#Khorasan. Everywhere they are, the apostates of the #Emirate of Dajjal, they consider themselves the police, judges and executors of the ruling, torture and physical assault are a daily routine...”

  • July 22: Telegram post that includes a tweet from a Taliban spokesperson responding to the U.S., stating that the Taliban has “fulfilled all the promises it made to America in the Doha Agreement,” specifically, not allowing groups from using Afghan territory to attack the U.S. or other countries. The Telegram poster states that “this is the core of the agreement,” indicating that the Taliban is subservient to the U.S.

“(Twitter post) The official spokesman of the Islamic Emirate responded to the statement of the White House spokesman. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fulfilled all the promises it made to America in the Doha Agreement. The Islamic Emirate does not allow anyone to use the territory of Afghanistan against America and its Allies.”

Response: “#Emirate_Antichrist. This is the core of the agreement between America and the Dajjal Emirate.”

  • July 23: Telegram post alleging that the Taliban is not enforcing punishments according to religious law.

“#Khorasan. The Taliban have arrested a man who stole 500,000 Afghanis ($5,500) from a currency exchange. His punishment is a free haircut. ✂️.”

  • July 24: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is participating in a meeting with foreign governments in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Delegations from almost 30 countries, including the U.S., met to discuss the future of Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. At the official invitation of the apostate Uzbek authorities to participate in the international meeting... a high-ranking delegation from the Antichrist Emirate led by the apostate Muttaqi heads towards Tashkent.”

  • July 25: Telegram post stating that the director general of the Prime Minister’s office in Afghanistan met with a delegation of Hindu and Sikh leaders in Kabul, where it was claimed that a previous attack against a Kabul Gurdwara was prevented.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Mullah Abdul Wasi, Director-General of the Prime Minister's Office in the Antichrist Emirate, met with a delegation of Hindu and Sikh leaders in Kabul, where Sikh leaders thanked the Antichrist Emirate for preventing the Islamic State's attack on the Gurdwara temple in Kabul, as the ministry's account tweeted the same...”

  • July 25: Telegram post stating that the Taliban has requested that Afghan Hindus and Sikhs return to the country because the security situation has improved.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Mullah Abdul Wasi has asked all Afghans Hindus and Sikhs, who left the country due to the attacks of the Islamic State, to return to their homes after the security situation in Afghanistan has now improved according to his claim…”

  • July 25: Telegram post with image from pro-ISIS propaganda group Tala'a Al-Ansar Foundation, condemning al-Qaeda for their support for the Taliban. It is noted that the Taliban 1) protect non-Muslims and their religious buildings, 2) are participating in diplomacy with Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Russia, and China and want admission to the United Nations, and 3) have an alliance with Pakistan to fight ISIS-K in Nangarhar province.

“Their beards faded after Osama’s death

(Al-Qaeda and the Taliban)

It has certainly been proven that the Taliban have mercy on the perishing of the Rafidah, and even protect the polytheistic Hussainiyat, which crack with polytheism, insulting the Companions and slandering the mothers of the believers, as well as guarding the temples of Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists; On the pretext that they are part of the homeland! As for the second calamity; it is the rapprochement with the nations of disbelief, and the exchange of visits to Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Russia and China; in order to open offices or even embassies for the infidel countries and offer condolences over the demise of the tyrant of the Emirates ‘Khalifa bin Zayed,’ and begging the West and America to include them in the United Nations, it even came to threatening and warning the Americans against the terrorists’ control over Afghanistan if the Taliban were to be fought! And the third Al-Athafi alliance with the Pakistani army for the state war in Nangarhar! All of these actions, and al-Qaeda still has a pledge of allegiance to the Taliban!!! That is why we say to them:

So they imitate the infirmities of women *** The greatness of their works and the length of their sitting…

And their loud barking without explanation, *** Their minds were resolved and their pride increased.

And in lying, deceit and slander, as if they *** Shave their beards after Osama’s death.

Were a nation lying in bed with an adulterer, *** They fall to the West to seek their help.”

  • July 26: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is attending the previously mentioned Tashkent conference, along with non-Muslims, Shiites, and others.

“#Uzbekistan. The launch of the #Tashkent meeting for Afghanistan with the attendance of 20 different countries and organizations between apostate, polytheist and infidel...”

  • July 26: Telegram post stating that the Taliban commander of their anti-ISIS unit, Pir Agha, was killed in a traffic accident in Ghazni.

“#Khorasan. The death of a senior military commander in the Emirate of Dajjal, the apostate Pir Agha, in a traffic accident in Ghazni.”

  • July 26: Telegram post stating that Pir Agha was responsible for killing Mansoor Dadullah after he defected from the Taliban to ISIS-K in 2015 after he observed that Pakistani intelligence was controlling the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. The mortal Syed Pir Agha, who is responsible for the assassination of Mullah Mansoor Dadullah, the younger brother of Mullah Dadullah Akhund, Mullah Mansour defected from the Antichrist Emirate in 2015 after witnessing the arrival of Pakistani intelligence agents to power, and he was cooperating with the state in Khorasan…”

  • July 26: Telegram post claiming that an Islamic scholar from Kandahar and the head of a religious school there has stated that the Taliban are not Islamic and do not apply religious law.

“#Khorasan. Mawlawi Saif Khyber from Kandahar, who is the head of the Irfan Madrassa. Here he admits that the system of the Antichrist Emirate is not Islamic and cannot be called Islamic, and that they do not apply Sharia.”

  • July 27: Telegram post stating that a Sikh store in Kabul was attacked with explosives. No claim of responsibility.

“#Khorasan. Explosion targets a shop for polytheistic Sikhs in Karti Parwan in Kabul.”

  • July 27: Telegram post stating that the Taliban had ignored flooding in Zabul Province two weeks ago despite deaths and the destruction of homes and farmland. The post states that the Taliban were using helicopters to fight ISIS-K, instead of presumably using them to help the people of Zabul.

“#Khorasan. Two weeks ago, the floods swept away the cities of #Zabul. More than 10 residents were killed and heavy material losses. Houses were wiped out and agricultural lands were swept away and there is no news about the #Dajjal_Emirate until now.

The apostates are preoccupied with using helicopters to fight the people of Ut-Tawheed, according to the instructions of the infidel West.”

  • July 27: Telegram post stating that after the Tashkent meeting, Russia is supporting the Taliban by canceling customs duties on Afghan goods. The post states that Russian drug traffickers will benefit from receiving Afghan poppies.

“#Khorasan. Crusader Russia canceled all customs duties on goods coming from Afghanistan after the Tashkent summit held specifically to support the Antichrist Emirate.

Now the Russian drug traffickers will receive enough materials to revive their business, as the cultivation and trade of poppies have flourished with great gratitude under the rule of the #Dajjal_Emirate.”

  • July 29: Telegram post stating that 25 Afghan soldiers from the previous government who were in India receiving military training have returned to Afghanistan where they will be integrated into the armed forces.

“#Khorasan. The Defense Ministry of the Dajjal Emirate said that 25 Afghan students who went to India for military training during the previous apostate government returned to Afghanistan after completing an 18-month military training course. The apostate ministry said that their expertise will be used in the professional and specialized military sectors.”

  • July 29: Telegram post stating that the earlier explosion at the International Cricket Stadium in Kabul occurred at the same time the Taliban was holding a press conference to deny the growth of ISIS-K. 

“#Khorasan. The explosion in the stands of the International Cricket Stadium coincided with a press conference held by the official apostate liar in the name of the Antichrist Emirate, to refute the allegations of the growth of the threat of the Islamic State in Khorasan.”

  • July 29: Telegram post stating that the Taliban promised that the 25 military officers from the former government who received military training in India would be immediately integrated into the Taliban’s armed forces.

“#Khorasan. The Emirate of Dajjal receives 25 officers who received training in India as part of a special mission for the replaced apostate regime, where he decided to integrate them immediately into the ranks of the apostate militia.”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that the Taliban head of the Ministry of Virtue and Vice, stated that obedience to the Taliban emir is a “national duty.”

“#Khorasan. Muhammad Khaled Hanafi, Minister of Enjoining Evil and Forbidding Virtue in the Emirate of the Antichrist, says that obedience to their emir, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, is a ‘national duty’ for every individual.”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that a member of the Taliban was killed in a fight with Iranian border guards in Nimroz province.

“#Khorasan. The death of a member of the Emirate of Dajjal in a clash with the Magus border guards, Darwish area, Kong District, Nimroz region.”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that U.S. drones have attacked a building in Kabul. The post claims that in the Doha Agreement, the Taliban allowed the U.S. to conduct air operations in the country. This attack would later be revealed to be the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri.

“#Khorasan. Sporadic explosions in the capital, Kabul, and this coincided with intense flight of drones over American areas. It became known that one of the terms of the Doha Agreement between the Emirate of Dajjal and the Americans was the complete freedom of the American air force to bomb targets in Afghanistan with the complete consent of the apostates.”

  • July 31: Telegram post accusing the Taliban of negotiating with China and ignoring the latter’s genocide of Uyghurs.

“Intimate meetings and spinning at the expense of the suffering of Uyghur Muslims”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that 40 million dollars was sent to the Afghan Central Bank, and that total cash assistance since the Taliban’s takeover has been close to a billion dollars.

“#Khorasan. The arrival of a cash aid package worth 40 million dollars to the Central Bank, with the greetings of the infidel nations. Cash assistance since the receipt of the #Dajjal Emirate is close to a billion dollars.”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that Shiite and Taliban banners hang next to each other as preparations for Ashura begin.

“#Khorasan. The banners of the polytheistic Rejectionists were raised side by side with the banner of the #Dajjal_Emirate, as part of the Rejectionist #Afghanistan's celebration of Muharram and in preparation for Ashura under the eyes of the #Dajjal_Emirate and their strict protection…”

  • July 31: Telegram post stating that the that the Taliban have allowed Shiite, Iranian, secular, and Western holidays to be celebrated in Afghanistan.


Celebrations of the apostate Taliban militia since it took power in Afghanistan:

Ashura (Rafidite holiday)

Arba'inah (Rafidi feast)

Yalda Night (The Feast of Zoroastrianism)

Condolences to the dead Soleimani (Rafadi)

The Rafidi Revolution Day

Valentine's Day (Crusader)

Women's Day (Secular Crusader)

Condolences to the dead, Abd Ali Mazari (Rafadi)

Mahdi's birthday (Rafidhi)

Nowruz (Pagan Zoroastrianism)

Liberation Day (secular)

World Book Day (secular holiday)

The day of the killing of Jaafar al-Sadiq (a Rafidi feast)

The rituals of the first Muharram (Rafadi)

Ashura for the second time is another infidel preparation…”

  • August 1: Telegram post stating that the Taliban gave the U.S. air access to Afghanistan and lets them carry out attack missions, and gave the U.S. the coordinates of Zemari Ahmadi’s house, who was killed in a U.S. drone attack on August 29.

“#See. Spokesman for the Political Bureau of the Apostate Emirate of the Antichrist, Muhammad Naim, responds to the question of the pig reporter about whether there was coordination between America and the Antichrist Emirate before the implementation of American military operations against the Islamic State.

Do you think that whoever acknowledges America’s authority over the atmosphere and its right to bomb whoever it wants, and whoever gives the coordinates of the house of a public volunteer in charitable institutions and admits that he did and the house was bombed with its children and women, will not sell foolish senators? #Meditation”

  • August 1: Telegram post questioning whether the Taliban revealed intelligence information on al-Zawahiri’s whereabouts to prove their commitment to “fighting terrorism.”

“#Emirate_Antichrist. Did the Taliban militia offer America a ‘big deposit’ to prove its commitment to ‘fighting terrorism’ and to prevent the use of Afghanistan's land as a base for ‘foreign groups?’”

  • August 1: Telegram post stating that the killing of al-Zawahiri was the “first big step” for the Taliban after their “Great Conference of Ulema” in July.

“#Emirate_Antichrist. The first big step for the Taliban militia after the meeting of the ‘agents conference’ in Kabul, was America's announcement of the assassination of al-Qaeda leader ‘Ayman al-Zawahiri.’”

  • August 1: Telegram post consisting of a Twitter message stating that the Taliban foreign minister reaffirmed their commitment to the Doha agreement, fighting terrorism and protecting minority rights,” and using the hashtag “#Anti-Christ Emirate.”

“’Afghan Acting Foreign Minister Amir Muttaqi confirmed that his government is committed to its commitments in the Doha agreement with Washington, stressing that they will combat terrorism and protect minority rights.’ #Anti-Christ Emirate”

  • August 2: Telegram post implying that the Taliban invited Zawahiri to Kabul’s diplomatic quarter, and alleging that if they did not, the Taliban movement is not the “real ruler of Kabul.”

“#Emirate_Antichrist. Who invited ‘Al-Zawahiri’ to the diplomatic quarter?! Taliban or Taliban?! Or maybe the Taliban. If the diplomatic quarter - the center of the Taliban's control - on the government, infiltrated? Who is the real ruler of Kabul?!”

  • August 2: Telegram post repeating the New York Times statement that the house Zawahiri was living in was affiliated with Sirajuddin Haqqani.

“#Emirate_Antichrist. The New York Times: The house in which al-Zawahiri was killed was affiliated with Sirajuddin Haqqani.”

  • August 2: Telegram post claiming that the U.S. used munitions to kill Zawahiri to limit other deaths and damage to buildings in order to avoid embarrassing the Taliban. The post alleges that this was a compromise.

“The New York Times about an American analyst: The drone that bombed Al-Zawahiri's site used smart munitions that greatly reduce collateral damage! This means that America did not want to embarrass the Taliban too much, it was a compromise between the two sides.”

  • August 2: Telegram post claiming that when the U.S. killed ISIS leaders, the buildings they took shelter in were destroyed to ensure death, but that this was not the case with the killing of Zawahiri.

“#Emirate_Antichrist. When America bombed the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or the Caliph Abu Ibrahim al-Qurashi, the building was completely or almost completely blown up, to ensure that he did not come out alive. Here America was confined to a drone with live ammunition! I mean gunshots! As if she ensured that the man would be killed inside the house without the need for any destructive bombing?! Who sold al-Zawahiri to this degree?!”

  • August 2: Telegram post questioning whether the Taliban informed the U.S. about Zawahiri’s location after Zawahiri criticized the Taliban for their bid to join the UN.

“#Emirate_Antichrist. Did Al-Zawahiri pay the price for his implicit criticism of the Taliban's bid to join the United Nations in his last speeches?!”

  • August 2: Telegram post questioning whether the Taliban will admit the killing of Zawahiri on Afghan soil, ignore it, or offer condolences to Zawahiri.

“#Emirate_Antichrist. Will the Taliban recognize the killing of al-Zawahiri on its soil? Or will you deny? Or will you ignore it completely?! And can the Taliban mourn Al-Zawahiri and offer condolences for his death?!”

  • August 2: Telegram post criticizing a Taliban statement that they considered the killing of Zawahiri a violation of the Doha Agreement. The Telegram post claims that only the Taliban view it as a violation of the Doha Agreement.

“’However, after investigations by the security and intelligence services in the Islamic Emirate, it became clear that the incident was an air strike carried out by US drones.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this raid under any pretext, and considers it a clear violation of international principles and the Doha Agreement.’

‘Statement by the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate regarding a drone attack in the city of Kabul on the second of Muharram 1444 AH an air raid was carried out on a residential house in the Sherpur area of Kabul city. The nature of the accident was not revealed at first.’

“# A copy for al-Qaeda

Only the Taliban object to the matter from this aspect.”

  • August 2: Telegram post stating that the killing of Zawahiri does not mean anything to ISIS supporters, calling him an ‘intelligence puppet’ with no operational role, and hoping that all al-Qaeda leaders and those who champion “apostasy and misguidance” are killed.

“The destruction of the enemy of God al-Zawahiri does not mean anything to us, as intelligence puppets have perished that no longer have a role in the arena.

And perhaps if the rule of the two al-Qaeda is mentioned again, it will replace the tyrant al-Zawahiri with other haphazard blood, declaring that al-Qaeda’s penetration of infidelity is more than that of the Taliban in it.

Praise be to God for his doom, and we ask him, may He be exalted, that all dogs of disbelief, apostasy and misguidance catch up with him and at the hands of the monotheists, God willing.”

  • August 2: Telegram post stating that Zawahiri “lost Osama’s legacy,” “delayed the jihad” by, it is implied accepting the pledge of allegiance from Abu Mohammad al-Julani in Syria, and fought against ISIS, among other misdeeds. The post states that Zawahiri ‘was not a good successor to a good predecessor (referring to Osama bin Laden).

“Al-Qaeda leader perished after losing Osama's legacy

After he separated the Mujahideen, and delayed the jihad for dozens of years by accepting the pledge of allegiance to the treacherous traitor, and scorned the enemy Mujahideen

After he attacked the Mujahideen and said about them Kharijites and fought them for that

After he fought the project of the caliphate

After Morsi embraced the tyrant and prayed for him

After he embraced the verdict of Sham and named them the Ummah and the Mujahideen

After the Taliban blessed and did not break their obedience

Osama's legacy has been lost, and with him the religion of his soldiers who disgraced him and his symbolism

He was not a good successor to a good predecessor

Oh God, you turner of hearts, make our hearts firm on your religion, and there is no power or strength except with God...”

  • August 2: Telegram post mocking a Taliban statement, stating that they were upset that the Doha Agreement was violated and it “conflicts with interests between them and America” but did not mention the death of Zawahiri.

“’However, after investigations by the security and intelligence services of the Islamic Emirate, it became clear that the incident was an air strike carried out by U.S. drones. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this under any pretext, and considers it a clear violation international principle and the Doha Agreement.’

‘This incident is a repetition of the failed experiments of the past two decades, and conflicts with the interests of the United States, Afghanistan and the region, and its repetition will miss available opportunities.’

The Taliban are upset, not because al-Zawahiri was perished, but because the operation conflicts with interests between them and America, even when it did not mention the name of al-Zawahiri's death 🤣

  • August 2: Telegram post mocking the Taliban, deriding them for being American puppets and American forces on the ground during the attack on Zawahiri.

“‘US official: There were no American elements on the ground in Kabul during the operation targeting al-Zawahiri’

The Taliban government is enough”

  • August 2: Telegram post claiming that Taliban leadership are snubbing Zawahiri by ignoring his death and issuing press statements on other issues.

“‘His Eminence, the Commander of the Faithful, Sheikh Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, received a number of distinguished scholars, and listened to their opinions, suggestions and demands.’

Ignoring Al-Zawahiri's death, they are a dog and a snub ):”

  • August 2: Telegram post stating that right before the killing of Zawahiri, the U.S. began discussing “unfreezing Afghan assets” and that the Taliban have been attempting to distance themselves from al-Qaeda. The post states that Zawahiri was killed in a house owned by Sirajuddin Haqqani, who is linked with Pakistani intelligence.


Paragraph #DidYouKnow

Did you know, dear listener, that shortly before the assassination of Al-Zawahiri, America began discussing the issue of unfreezing Afghan assets..., and that the Antichrist Emirate itself is constantly trying to distance itself from terrorist organizations, in particular the apostate Al-Qaeda.. it is indicated that Al-Zawahiri is a kebab, Based on the available information, he was in the house of a member of the apostate network Sirajuddin Haqqani, whose family has close ties with the Pakistani intelligence, while no one was injured except for the leader of Al-Tatrate.

Oh no, the accuracy of the Americans' weapon, a ‘slide’ missile, with the greetings of the Haqqani Network, is a lethal weapon, by God!”

  • August 2: Telegram post stating that the Taliban did not hold a day of mourning for Zawahiri.

“#Khorasan. Leaders in the #Dajjal_Emirate refuse to hold a national mourning for the deceased, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Al-Balkhi, the sad complaint on his seat in the atheist nations, the apostate Mottaqi.”

  • August 2: Telegram post claiming that after the killing of Zawahiri, Haqqani network soldiers did not allow the Taliban’s intelligence service to enter the building.

“#Khorasan. #follow up.  In the morning following a drone strike on Al-Halik Al-Zawahiri, two different groups from the #DajjalEmirate Intelligence (GDI) arrived at the scene. The group linked to the apostate Haqqani network did not allow them to enter the building.”

  • August 3: Telegram post quoting Sirajuddin Haqqani that al-Qaeda poses no threat to the region from Afghan soil and has no strength in the country. The post states that an Afghan media network is responsible for carrying the news.

“’The Minister of Interior, Sirajuddin Haqqani, al-Qaeda has no strength in Afghanistan and no longer poses a threat to the security of the region and the world from Afghanistan.’

#copy_for al Qaeda. Of course (Ariana News) a local network.”

  • August 4: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban’s response to the killing of Zawahiri.

 “’Announcing the Emirate’s demand of US President Joe Biden. On the second of Muharram 1444, an air raid was carried out on a residential house in the city of Kabul, and two days later, U.S. President Joe Biden claimed that U.S. forces had targeted al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in this attack. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has no information about the arrival and residence of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul. The leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan directed the investigation and intelligence services to conduct a thorough and serious investigation into the various aspects of the incident. There is no threat to any country, including America, from the land of Afghanistan, and the Islamic Emirate wants to implement the Doha Agreement and the violation of the agreement must end. The fact that America invaded our lands and lost all international principles, we strongly condemn this act once again. The responsibility for any consequences will be on the United States of America.’

#Emirate_of_mirages. #Al-Qaeda_version. The second official statement of the Taliban about the assassination of al-Zawahiri. Al-Qaeda comforted you! The Taliban drank your blood!”

  • August 5: Telegram post stating that al-Qaeda has previously supported the Taliban. The post claims that ISIS supporters “do not claim its infallibility” but that if a mistake is made “scholars reject it with knowledge.”

“The funny thing is that the al-Qaeda have their hands on their hearts at every statement of the Taliban, and they carry patching, and you see them repeating their excuses, our excuses, hahahahahahahaha Praise be to God for the blessing of the state, we do not claim its infallibility, but at least even if it makes a mistake, it is diligence, and students of knowledge and scholars reject it with knowledge.”

  • August 5: Telegram post stating that protests condemning the killing of Zawahiri are taking place in Afghanistan at the same time as Shiite celebrations.

“#Khorasan. Revenge for the death of a running dog along with the caravans of celebrations of the polytheists Rafidah.”

  • August 5: Telegram post stating that the Taliban responded to the assassination of Zawahiri by holding a protest condemning the U.S.

“This is how the Taliban responded to the assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri.”

  • August 5: Telegram post stating that Taliban supporters chanted against the Pakistani ISI, and that the Haqqani Network and the ISI have a “strong relationship.”

“#copy_alqaeda. Taliban supporters staged a demonstration chanting against the ISI (local media)

It seems that the Taliban attributed the Haqqani Network and the Pakistani intelligence services to a strong relationship.”

  1. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • July 2: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban vehicle in Kunar with explosives, killing and injuring an unknown number.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Narhank) area in (Kunar) yesterday, which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of those who were in it, praise be to God.”

  • July 4: ISIS-K claims to have killed a tribal elder in Bajaur District, Pakistan, who allegedly worked with Pakistani intelligence.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a tribal leader loyal to the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the (Slaroz) area in (Bajaur), with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • July 4: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded approximately 20 members of the Taliban in attacks on two buses in Herat.

“Khorasan Province: About 20 members of the apostate Taliban militia were killed and wounded in an attack on two buses in Herat, western Afghanistan.

With success from God Almighty, two inghimasi from the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked two buses, carrying elements of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city (Herat) in Western Afghanistan with automatic weapons and hand grenades, which led to the killing and wounding of about 20 members and one of the buses damaged, killing the Mujahid who killed the two fighters. The second Mujahid- may God accept him- during the clashes praise be to God.”

  • July 5: ISIS-K claims to have killed two Pakistani police officers in Peshawar and taken their rifles.

“Khorasan Province By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the apostate Pakistani police, in (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) in (Peshawar) yesterday, with a machine gun, which led to their killing, and the Mujahideen seized two rifles that were in their possession, and praise be to God.”

  • July 5: ISIS-K claims to have killed and injured five members of the Taliban in Kunduz, in an attack on a vehicle with an IED.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated a sticky bomb on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Imam Sahib) area in (Kunduz) yesterday, which led to its burning and the killing and wounding of 5 members on board, and praise be to God.”

  • July 5: ISIS-K claims to killed a Pakistani police officer in Waziristan.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, in the Wana area, south of Wazir Stan, last Saturday, with automatic weapons, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • July 6: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police barracks in Peshawar, injuring one police officer.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police, in the (Hayat Abad) area in the city of (Peshawar) yesterday, with two grenades, which led to the injury of one of them, and praise be to God.”

  • July 9: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban member using explosives in Kunar.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Manuki) area in (Kunar), which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • July 10: ISIS-K claims to have injured a Taliban leader in Watapur District in Kunar using explosives.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the village of (Dhoz) in the (Watapur) area of (Kunar) yesterday, which led to his injury, and praise be to God.”

  • July 10: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded in an unknown number of Taliban members in two bombings in Kabul.

“Dead and wounded Taliban militia in detonating two explosive devices in (Kabul)

By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a gathering of the apostate Taliban militia in (District 9) in the city of (Kabul) the day before yesterday, which led to the killing and wounding of a number of them. To the death and injury a number of others, and praise be to God.”

  • July 12: ISIS-K claims to have captured and beheaded a member of the Taliban in Mazar-i-Sharif.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate captured a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of (Mazar Sharif) in the (Balkh) region yesterday, and beheaded him, praise be to God.

  • July 13: ISIS-K claims to have killed one alleged spy for Pakistani intelligence in Bajaur, and injured another.

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two spies for the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the (Mamund) area in (Bajaur) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to the killing of one of them and the injury of the other, and praise be to God.”

  • July 14: ISIS-K claims to have killed four Shiites in Logar.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted 4 of the polytheistic Rafidah in (Nabih 2) in the city of (Bul Alem) in (Logar) yesterday, with automatic weapons, which led to their killing, praise be to God.”

  • July 15: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban vehicle with explosives in Kabul, killing and wounding five.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Nabih 22) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage, killing and wounding about 5 in it, and praise be to God.”

  • July 16: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police barracks in Peshawar, killing two police personnel.

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police, in the city of (Peshawar), with automatic weapons, which led to the killing of two members and the seizing of their weapons, and the Mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and praise be to God.”

  • July 17: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban military pilot in Kabul with an explosive device.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a military pilot of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Area 5) in the city (Kabul) yesterday, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  1. Amaq video released on July 4, 2022

“The moment the Islamic State fighters attacked one of the two Taliban militia buses today in the city of Herat.”

Video description: A video that shows the attack on an alleged Taliban bus with automatic weapons. In a written Amaq statement, ISIS-K claimed to have killed and wounded 20 Taliban members in an attack on two buses.

5. ISIS Amaq Photoset, Released July 13

Two photos showing an alleged member of the Taliban wearing an orange smock or jumpsuit, beheaded in front of an ISIS flag.

“Khorasan Province. Photos: Capturing and killing a member of the apostate Taliban militia in the city of Mazar in the Balkh region.”

ATR July 2022_6

6. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Document Released July 11, 2022

The document, released by the pro-ISIS Al-Azaim foundation, is a 62-page reply to the declaration of the Taliban’s Ulema Grand Assembly, held in Kabul between June 30 and July 2. It is summarized below.

  • The Taliban were given power in Doha on the condition that they institute the false religion of democracy.
  • Taliban leadership has done everything possible in order to receive recognition from the United Nations.
    • The Taliban banned religious law and jihad, instituted equality of religions.
    • Members of the previous Afghan government were pardoned and, in some cases, returned to their previous positions.
  • The Jews and Christians are cooperating with the Taliban, therefore the Taliban is doing their bidding.
  • The Taliban participate in the banking system and receive humanitarian aid.
  • Taliban leaders travel the world on diplomatic missions.
  • The Taliban gathered “magicians and blasphemers from all over Afghanistan loyal to the same republic and democracy” to attend the Ulema Grand Assembly.
  • The Taliban have been blinded to “anti-Islamic violations” by money coming from the West.
  • In “true” sharia, there is no friendship with infidels, and there can be no protection for polytheists. The Taliban violate this. The Taliban have united with “atheist” nations to fight ISIS-K.
  • The Taliban said that they “do not listen to the words of the disbelievers,” but the Taliban are following the orders of the Americans given to them during the Doha negotiations to fight ISIS-K.
  • Taliban leaders have stated that the U.S. is no longer their enemy and that they want good relations with all countries.
  • ISIS-K are the “obvious enemies of every tyrant, infidel and blasphemer,” and attacked the Taliban’s “un-Islamic” Loya Jirga.
  • The Taliban Ulema Grand Assembly created an 11-point declaration.

  • Point 1: The Islamic system will be instituted and followed in Afghanistan. The Islamic system brings peace and blessings.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    •  The Islamic system is not followed. Non-Muslim holidays are allowed, fighting jihad is forbidden, refugees are deported, friendships have been made with infidels.
    • Hindus and Sikhs are allowed in Afghanistan.
    • Jizya is being denied and slavery has been abolished.
    • Apostates and traitors are not punished.
    • There is no peace in Afghanistan. There is fighting in Panjshir and Balkhab, there are armed robberies.
    • There is no justice in Afghanistan. Murderers are imprisoned (instead of executed). Pakistan was allowed to bomb Khost.
    • The Taliban eat well but the country is starving.
    • Because there is no justice in the Taliban system, it is not an Islamic system.
    • The Taliban do not fight on behalf of the honor of women. Aafia Siddiqui is in an American prison.
    • Women in Afghanistan are poor but the Taliban leadership have wealth.
    • The Taliban’s system is not Islamic but “Qatari.”
    • There are no blessings in Afghanistan, there is famine, starvation, and deprivation.
    • People sell their kidneys, water in Herat and Kandahar is drying up.

  • Point 2: Renewal of allegiance to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Hibatullah Akhundzada. Acceptance of Akhundzada as the Sharia ruler and emir of the Islamic Emirate.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Those present at the meeting swore allegiance to an apostate.
    • How can Akhundzada be accepted as the Sharia ruler if he does not follow Sharia?

  • Point 3: The Islamic Emirate emerged from the Afghan people and not through foreign influence. The Taliban has centralized governance. Strengthening this system is not only in Afghanistan’s interest, but in the interests of the regional powers and the world. The Taliban calls on the rest of the world, the United Nations, and other international organizations, especially Islamic countries and organizations to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as a legitimate government and interact positively with it. Sanctions must end and frozen assets must be unfrozen and made available to allow for economic development and reconstruction.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Is the government legitimate because of Islam or the people of Afghanistan?
    • The ISI supported the creation of the Taliban, so there is clearly foreign influence. Most Taliban leaders are students of “ISI madrassas and have received military and ideological training” from the ISI. The Taliban maintained offices in Pakistan, and when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, Taliban leadership fled to Pakistan, leaving behind real fighters and refugees.
    • The relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan is one of “the master and the slave.”
    • The Taliban cannot ensure security in Afghanistan.
    • The Taliban want to be recognized by atheist countries and organizations.
    • Recognition by the UN requires the adoption of international law according to Article Four of the UN Charter:
      • “All countries that are committed to peace and accept the provisions of the Charter can join the United Nations.”
      • “These countries will be admitted to the United Nations on the recommendation of the Security Council and with the approval of the General Assembly.”
    • The Taliban are required to accept the provisions of the UN Charter before they are allowed to join. By demanding to join, the Taliban are acknowledging that they will adopt the provisions of the UN Charter.
    • The UN Charter forbids aggression, international conflicts that harm international peace. The charter also “consider(s) the believer and the infidel equal,” and calls for equality between men and women, and allows leadership by “infidels” and women.
    • International law is based on polytheism, forbids slavery, legalizes “adultery” and same sex relationships, allows “shirk of ethnicity and patriotism,” allows for the holders of land to create international borders, denies Jizya laws, considers religion optional, allegedly legalizes “prostitution,” calls for decisions made by majority, and hands over power to the UN Security Council.
    • (Al-Azaim asks) How can the Taliban claim to be an Islamic Emirate but agree to all of this?
    • According to Article 103 of the UN Charter, if the commitments of an individual country come into conflict with the UN Charter, the charter should be given priority. This is seen as giving the UN Charter priority over religious law.
    • The UN Charter calls for countries to provide military forces to act as peacekeepers.
    • The UN promotes blasphemy, accepting the UN is blasphemy, and applying it to others is blasphemy.

  • Point 4: Calls on all within Afghanistan to stop the cultivation, production, trafficking, and use of narcotics.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Narcotics have been banned for less than a year in order to drive up the price. Taliban leaders are involved in the drug trade and are profiting more now that drugs are more expensive.
    • The Taliban have not outlawed naswar (a tobacco product), cigarettes, hashish, etc. which are all drugs. Taliban forces themselves use a great deal of tobacco and hashish.

  • Point 5: Calls for non-interference with neighboring countries, the region, and the world. States that Afghan territory will not be used to threaten other countries. Calls for other countries to respect Afghanistan’s internal affairs and not use their own territory to “operate against Afghanistan.”
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Borders are a form of idolatry and means that all those who share nationality, despite their religion, are united.
    • The Taliban have defended Sikhs and Hindus within Afghanistan. Acknowledging borders (and by extension sovereignty) means that the government of China is able to kill Uyghurs with impunity, and allows Iran and India to mistreat Muslims.

  • Point 6: States that the Islamic system and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan dominate the country. All armed opposition to this system is a rebellion which must be defeated.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • The Taliban has given themselves “a fake seal of Sharia.” It is not a rebellion if you are fighting against disbelief.
    • The Taliban are apostates.
    • The two main opponents of the Taliban are ISIS-K and the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan. Neither are insurgents, but the Taliban describes them both as rebels.
    • The Taliban have killed ISIS-K wounded and prisoners.
    • The Taliban have killed unarmed individuals.
    • “The Taliban militias are ignorant people, they do not care about religion or the principles of religion, but they do it for their own survival and to crush their enemy and silence the people.”
    • “There is no such thing as national interest in Islam.”

  • Point 7: ISIS are Kharijites and spread corruption in Afghanistan. Helping or associating with them is illegal.
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • The Taliban call us Kharijites without evidence.
    • This is a falsehood to mislead people. This is not a fatwa. The Taliban cannot prove that ISIS-K is invalid, because Pakistan cannot prove that the caliphate is invalid.
    • Calling someone a Kharijite is a takfir, and a sin.
    • ISIS-K are not Kharijites because the latter have shaved heads while ISIS-K have long hair.
    • ISIS fighters are intelligent, in Iraq and Syria they built drones and all types of weapons, and impacted the global economy.
    • Kharijites “kill the Muslims and leave the infidels.” ISIS “fights all the infidels in the world, fights all the Christians in Africa and always burns down their homes. Always attacking Sikhs…and occasionally in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan...guerrilla attacks on Pakistani army and Sikhs in Pakistan, attacks on Jews in Israel…they do not shy away from attacks in Europe. An example is the Paris attacks.”
    • The Taliban by comparison do not fight against the infidels. The Taliban in fact, share this characteristic of Kharijites in that they kill Muslims, but not infidels.
    • The Taliban do not stone adulterers, while ISIS does.
    • “The Kharijites are takfiris. One of the major hallmarks of the Kharijites is the takfir of the Companions.”
    • “The Kharijites sometimes interpret and sometimes deny the attributes of God.”
    • “The Kharijites consider the leadership of a non-Quraysh permissible.” ISIS follows a Quraysh while the Taliban does not.
    • “On the other hand, the Taliban militias have written in their laws that the Amir al-Mu'minin must be of Afghan origin and Hanafi, so the condition that he hides is that the Amir must be pure Pashtun and Kandahari or Helmandi.”
    • “The Kharijites oppose the Islamic Khilafah.”
    • “The characteristic of the Kharijites is that they stand against the Shari'a ruler.”
    • The Taliban are described as fighting against the “Shari’a ruler” because they fight against the Caliph.

  • Point 8: Calls to refrain from scholars engaging in “damaging debates, as this creates divisions and anxieties among the people and leads to sedition in the nation.”
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Polytheism has taken hold. The Taliban is trying to prevent arguments against polytheism.
    • “We call on all Muslim brothers not to raise controversial issues of jurisprudence but to broadcast day and night against falsehood and false belief, reject their false beliefs and answer their false suspicions.”

  • Point 9: The Islamic Emirate promotes justice, religious and modern education, health, agriculture, industry, the rights of minorities, children, women, and all inhabitants of Afghanistan within “Islamic holy law and all-round development, economic growth and balanced development.”
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • The Taliban protect minority Sikhs, Hindus, and Shiites.
    • Infidels and apostates do not deserve rights. The minority groups mentioned “should be killed” or “should convert to Islam.”

  • Point 10: Calls on the Afghan leadership to strengthen national unity and maintain territorial integrity. “Take positive steps for the realization of national interests, prevention of poverty and unemployment, and welfare of the people.”
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • The Taliban wants to “strengthen the national unity from the apostate emirate, that is, to strengthen the unity with all the infidels and polytheists who live here.”
    • Afghanistan’s borders were created by the UK and Russia. This is what the Taliban are calling to strengthen and maintain.
    • Regarding national interests, the Taliban have “abandoned religion for the sake of expediency.”

  • Point 11: States that the Taliban have invited expatriates to return to Afghanistan. Affirms that “Afghanistan is the home of all Afghans. No one should feel alienated here. We urge foreign dignitaries to consider the situation an opportunity to return to their homeland, refrain from engaging in biased activities at the behest of foreigners.”
  • Al-Azaim response:
    • Allows “traitors, apostates, and infidels” to return.
    • These are described as individuals who have insulted Afghanistan.
    • Communists, Democrats, Sikhs, Shiites, and others should feel alienated. This is a form of polytheism.
  • The Taliban want “to disguise their infidelity and apostasy.” Only the Quran and Sunnah are religion, everything else is “false and illegal.”

7. Ayman al-Zawahiri Video Released July 14, 2022

“Deal of the Century or Crusades Spanning Centuries” (Episode Six)

  • Zawahiri calls for Shariah rule instead of democratic rule.
  • Zawahiri speaks out against the nation-state and the international order. This can be seen as directed towards the Taliban and their attempts to be recognized by the UN.

8. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Media’s “Voice of Khorasan” Issue 10, Released on July 18, 2022

Article 1: “Who Will Expel the Polytheists From Jaziratal-‘Arab? (Arabian Peninsula)”

  • “Americanized” Islam and secularists are seeking to destroy what is portrayed as true Islam.
  • The U.S. has been waging an intellectual war on Muslims in the Middle East.
  • Secularists have promoted humanism.
  • It is obligatory to expel the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula.
    • It is permissible to call Jews and Christians polytheists.
  • The Taliban are pawns of non-believers and cannot protect Muslims from non-believers.
  • It is obligatory to kill polytheists and Shiites. ISIS should “cleanse” Mecca of polytheism.

Article 2: “Nullifiers of Islam Applicable to the Taliban Part 2”

  • The Taliban claim to represent truth but instead are leading people towards disbelief.
  • The Taliban are hypocrites because they claim to be an Islamic Emirate, but do not rule according to the Quran.
  • The Taliban act like “Jews” in their arrogance and stubbornness.
  • The Taliban are deviant and have not implemented religious rule in the land they occupy. The Taliban have tried to fool their followers into thinking that they have implemented religious law, when in fact, they have implemented their own version of religious law.
  • The Taliban have never fully implemented religious law in areas they control.
  • The Taliban admit the importance and existence of national borders.
  • The Taliban tax narcotics and promote their cultivation, even though this is forbidden under Islamic law.
  • When the Taliban controlled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, they clamped down on opium production, but narcotics production increased after they were ousted from power in 2001.
  • Some have estimated that 60% of the Taliban’s revenue comes from the growth and trafficking of narcotics prior to their control of Afghanistan in 2021.
  • Women are currently allowed to be in public without covering their hair, people are allowed to smoke and listen to music.
  • The usuary based banking system still exists.
  • The Taliban are promoting and protecting non-Muslim sites in Afghanistan.
  • Not only are the Taliban disbelievers, but they have adopted Western ideas of an inclusive government that would include Shiites.
  • The Taliban deceive their followers by claiming that they cannot implement religious law at the present time.

Article 3: “Aqidah: The Most Beneficial Knowledge”

  • Monotheism is the core of Islam.
    • Worshiping any other deity or institution would be an act of rebellion.
  • Only religious laws are valid.
  • Anyone who worships any institution or law other than religious law is a polytheist.
  • Even if a country is entirely made up of Muslims, it is not Islamic unless they also live under religious law.

Article 4: “Idolators of Daran-Nadwa”

  • The Taliban have previously gathered to create a fake Islamic system using “sold-out scholars.”
  • The previous democratic Afghan government did the same thing, despite “worshipping” democracy.
  • The Taliban have attempted this again with the recent Jirga held in Kabul, where they adopted a Qatari, Pakistani, and U.S. approved set of principles.
  • The Americans could not defeat ISIS-K, which is why they are using the Taliban as their pawns to finish the job.
  • The CIA tasked the Pakistani ISI with turning over power in Afghanistan to the Taliban.
  • The Taliban were given several tasks in exchange for being given control of the country:
    • Defeat ISIS-K. This involves former Afghan government forces. The Taliban have been told that once they defeat ISIS-K, they will be allowed UN representation, to send their diplomats around the world, and they will be bribed.
    • The Taliban are allowed to rule their democratic government that is falsely called Islamic.
  • The Taliban have captured ISIS-K territories, but they have not defeated them on the battlefield.
  • Members of the former Afghan government have been allowed to remain in the country and participate in power.
  • Taliban fighters stupidly believe that their leaders will institute religious law.
  • The Taliban have gathered their new Jirga of Shiites, Sufis, etc. in Kabul.
    • At this meeting they legalized the current democratic system that they implemented and strengthened their alliance with non-Muslims, gave security assurances to non-Muslims, and called ISIS fighters Khawarij.
    • The ISI wrote the script read by the Taliban at the meeting.
  • ISIS-K successfully attacked the meeting.
    • On the first day, three men identified as Khair ad-Din Badakhshi, Abu Umar al-Khurasani and Abu Ayesha al-Peshawari, attacked the conference with RPGs, a machine gun, and a rifle. They climbed to the roof and fought for two hours until the Taliban called in helicopters.
    • The Taliban lied about the severity of the attack.
    • ISIS-K launched six Katyusha rockets at the meeting, killing “dozens” of Taliban and conference attendees.
    • This was a warning to all those who attended that ISIS-K cannot be easily defeated.
  • After the conference, two military buses carrying Taliban troops were attacked in Herat in two separate incidents.
  • This attack in Herat was in retaliation for the killing of women and children in a raid in Herat several months ago.

Article 5: “The Hungry Orphans”

  • A story about young boys who set out to find food but were robbed and beat by local militias and killed by a drone strike.

Article 6: “The Pugwash Conspiracy”

  • The Pugwash Conference is a Jewish Canadian international organization active in many countries that is seeking to prevent holy war from being waged.
  • The Pugwash Institute promotes peace talks and negotiations as a replacement for fighting.
  • Pugwash wants groups fighting against governments, such as Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan (TPP) to negotiate instead.
  • Claim that Pugwash has asked ISIS-K to make peace deals with the former Afghan government.
  • “The mujahidin of the Islamic State will not take help from one group apostate against others.”
    • ISIS-K is divinely guided and will not be told what to do.
  • Pugwash infiltrators and all those linked to them will be killed.
    • The group has made fake propaganda to defame ISIS-K.
  • Pugwash infiltrators previously caught by ISIS-K were all linked to the Saudi government.
  • Pugwash tried to manipulate prisoners.
  • They try to give money to individual ISIS-K members to tempt them.
  • The Pugwash Institute has fooled the Taliban and other groups into becoming militias for democracy.
  • The article lists individuals who they claim are being manipulated by the Pugwash Institute, including different civil society actors, teachers, and others.
  • The Pugwash Institute has hundreds of subordinate institutions that claim to be charitable institutions.
  • The group promotes peace, democracy, and cooperation.
  • “This institution wants to make political offices for those who are opposing democracy, in order for them to accept democracy.”
  • The Pugwash Institute opened a branch in Afghanistan in 2011 when they tried to take control of the TTP.
  • The Pugwash Institute wanted to create parallel organizations to ISIS-K that would involve the latter in negotiations.
  • The Pugwash Institute promotes distrust of the mujahidin.

Article 7: “American Boomerang”

  • Americans claim to be free, but this comes at the price of American lives in “What is known as ‘American gun culture.’”
  • The Americans killed over a million Iraqis with sanctions after the Gulf War and the invasion in 2003. U.S. soldiers were allowed to kill Iraqi civilians if they thought they were under threat, leading to unnecessary deaths.
  • The U.S. has committed genocide against Muslims.
  • The most serious crisis the U.S. currently faces is firearms deaths on their own soil.
  • There have been 309 mass shootings this year in the U.S. By June 14th, 19,723 Americans had died from firearms related deaths.
  • Mass shootings in the U.S. have increased, with 700 in 2021, 611 in 2020, 417 in 2019, and 400 in 2014.
  • This is divine revenge for the U.S.’s attacks on Muslims in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Article 8: “The Establishment of Khorasan Wilayah”

  • When the Caliphate was declared in Iraq and Syria, Afghanistan soon followed.
  • Hafidh Sa’id Khan Orokzai was declared the Wali, Moulowi Abdur Rouf Khadem was his deputy.
  • Hafidh Sa’id Khan had formerly been the TTP head in Orokzai Agency, Pakistan.
    • After the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, he fought Shiites in Afghanistan and fought in Pakistan against the ISI and ISI backed militias. He then gave bay’ah to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and was appointed head of ISIS-K.
    • Hafidh Sa’id Khan was killed by a drone in Achin district.
  • The ISI collaborated with Iran and Russia to destroy ISIS-K.
  • ISIS-K did not originally want to fight the Taliban and tried explaining that they should both oppose the Afghan government, Pakistan, and the U.S.
  • The Taliban did not accept this and began to fight against ISIS-K, even forcing civilians to turn against them.
  • The Taliban campaign against ISIS-K was brutal and involved killing civilians, including the elderly.
  • After courageously fighting and winning great battles, Muslims began making hijrah to ISIS-K controlled territory from Denmark, Sweden, India, Bangladesh, and China.
  • ISIS-K has successfully mounted significant attacks in Pakistan against the government, judicial system, and Shiites.
  • The U.S. and its allies attacked ISIS-K because they could not defeat their ideology or belief system. Many civilians have been killed in air strikes as a result.
  • Even though ISIS-K has lost its territory, the fight continues in Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially in areas previously untouched by battles.

9. Al-Naba Infographic, Published July 28, 2022

Al-Naba edition 349, published on July 28, 2022, contained an infographic of the 20 “most significant” ISIS attacks for the year of 1443 (August 2021 to July 2022). Two attacks in Afghanistan were mentioned:

  • April 21, 2022, “A martyrdom operation inside a central temple for the Rafidah in Kunduz, which led to about 300 dead and wounded. A double martyrdom attack on the most important temple in Kandahar, which killed at least 100 others.”
  • August 15, 2021, “A martyrdom attack on a gathering of American forces and their collaborators in the vicinity of the Kabul Airport, which led to the death and wounding of about 300 people, and America admitted that 13 of its soldiers were killed and 18 others were wounded.”

10. Al-Azaim Document, “Rulings About Helping the Infidels and Its Harm,” Released July 26, 2022

On July 26, the pro-ISIS-K al-Azaim Media released a 121-page document titled “Ruling About Helping the Infidels and Its Harm.” The document is summarized below.

  • When not living under religious law, many people focus on money, possessions, and obvious benefits.
  • Non-Muslims and the West seek to portray themselves as friendly and heroic by creating development projects. 
  • Foreign development projects and humanitarian projects are used to destroy Muslim societies.
  • Non-believers cannot be trusted and should never be accepted as friends or allies.
  • One who befriends non-believers (alluding to the Taliban) cannot be a true believer.
  • It is important to keep non-believers out of your territory.
  • There are two categories of non-believers: Those who pay a tax (Jizya) and those who do not pay a tax. The latter are enemies and it is obligatory to fight against them.
  • It is forbidden to be friends with Jews and Christians.
  • One should not associate with non-believers (alluding to the Taliban’s appeal to aid from other countries). Instead, one should fight them.
  • Until Jews and Christians pay a tax, they should be fought.
  • The U.S., which has committed horrific acts in Afghanistan now thinks that they can buy the Taliban. This is not the tax as explained in the Quran.
  • The Taliban seeks to ingratiate themselves to other countries.

  • There are foreign embassies in Kabul and immoral behavior is allowed to take place.
    • The Taliban protect them and their immorality.
  • The Taliban do not avenge attacks upon their supposed religion or fight against evil.
  • The Taliban protect Hindus and Sikhs.
  • The Taliban have made a friendship and opened diplomatic relations with China.
  • Among the groups of non-believers are USAID, the WHO, and the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
    • These are institutions that one cannot befriend or make a pact with.
    • These groups are spies sent by the West.
    • They offer assistance that has not been asked for.
    • Do not accept gifts from non-believers or apostates.
    • It is permissible to take goods as war booty, taxes, or fees.
  • The Taliban are nationalists and have sold their faith.
  • There are many people in India and China who do not have food or a place to live, and yet they send aid to Afghanistan. China has imprisoned and killed many Muslims in East Turkestan, but they have donated funds to Afghanistan, so the Taliban thank them.
  • India sent aid after the earthquakes in Afghanistan.
  • Non-believers are coming to Afghanistan and building a presence.
  • The U.S. has infiltrated its way into Afghanistan again. The Taliban accepts this because they are bringing money.
  • Iran has sent teams to Afghanistan in the name of assistance.
  • Iran has tortured Afghans, but has given aid in Paktia province. This does not excuse their behavior.
  • Iran follows in the footsteps of the Red Cross.
  • The Taliban beg the world for assistance, but this will lead to the deterioration of the religion.
  • China kills Muslims in Xinxiang but they support the Taliban, who in turn accept their assistance.
  • Pakistan gave some aid after the earthquakes, but they have also launched attacks within Afghanistan.
  • Erdogan has fought against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and killed many Muslims around the world.
  • Many Muslim rulers around the world make deals with non-believers instead of fighting against them.
  • Aid packages cannot be accepted and must be treated as dangerous and forbidden.
    • They are attempting to corrupt peoples’ minds and subvert religion.
    • They build libraries and other buildings to try to win people over.

11. Al-Azaim Propaganda Video, Released July 29, 2022

On July 29, the pro-ISIS-K al-Azaim Media released a video in titled “Gathering of the Polytheists.” The video, which is approximately 25 minutes long, states that ISIS-K will continue to target houses of worship in Afghanistan. The video praises the ISIS-K attack on the Taliban’s grand assembly held in late June and early July.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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