Afghanistan Terrorism Report: June 2022

Following is the June 2022 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

ISIS-related propaganda continues to portray an image of high operational tempo in Afghanistan. In June, highlighted incidents concentrated on the east of the country, the capital Kabul, as well as Peshawar and Bajaur in Pakistan, illustrating that ISIS-K’s operational area continues to extend into Pakistan. Furthermore, Kunduz and Mazar-e Sharif in the north remained consistent targets for ISIS terror attacks. ISIS propaganda outlets highlighted two incidents in June. Both were attacks on government officials and individuals working in government facilities: airport staff in Mazar-e Sharif and prison guards in Kabul. While in previous months, ISIS propaganda outlets mainly claimed attacks on what they termed “Taliban militia,” and in May, attacks on electricity infrastructure were conducted. Therefore, it seems possible that ISIS tactics will attempt to disrupt government functions in the country and continue targeting Taliban fighters and security officials.

Map of incidents highlighted by ISIS-K social media propaganda in June 2022


Interestingly, one of the most significant incidents in Afghanistan was hardly featured in ISIS-linked propaganda. On June 22, one of the most severe earthquakes in nearly two decades affected Paktika and Khost provinces in the east of Afghanistan, killing around 1,000 individuals and injuring nearly 3,000 individuals. This tragedy could have been an opportunity for ISIS to demonstrate that apart from violence, it is also interested in garnering public support by providing aid to locals in the affected area. The fact that pro-ISIS propaganda did not highlight this demonstrates that the group continues to identify itself purely as a destructive terror movement and, despite its criticism of the Taliban regime as illegitimate, does not attempt to compete with it within the realm of civic governance. The only significant mention of the incident in pro-ISIS propaganda outlets located by the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) was a short criticism that India allegedly provided more support to the victims than other Muslim countries. This emphasis on terrorist operations is also highlighted again by the June 17 issue of the Voice of Khorasan web magazine, which devoted several articles to summaries of attacks and explained the importance of fighting as a core element of ISIS ideology.

In June, ISIS propagandists covered the brutal attack on a Sikh Temple in Kabul, killing two and injuring several others. This attack was allegedly in response to an Indian politician’s offensive comments about the Prophet Muhammad and occurred while India was in the process of reopening its embassy in Kabul. The violence can be seen not only as a message to the Indian government—which as a consequence of the attack, issued over 100 emergency visas to Hindus and Sikhs wishing to leave the country—but also to other governments planning to reopen their embassies that the security situation in Kabul remains challenging. Nonetheless, India reopened its embassy with a “technical team” on June 23, 2022, mainly to coordinate humanitarian assistance.

Similarly, pro-ISIS propaganda criticized the visit of Iranian officials to the province of Khost as an example that the Taliban regime is eager to cooperate with countries that ISIS perceives as hostile to its version of true Islam. Khost province is the home of the Haqqani clan and, until the Taliban takeover in August 2021, was a center of insurgent and al-Qaeda activity, including the famous attack on Forward Operating Base Chapman by an al-Qaeda double agent in 2009. This official visit also indicates that Iran—which previously concentrated its activities on the west of Afghanistan, particularly in Herat—is examining an increased geographic scope of its activities. During the visit, the Iranian Deputy Ambassador to Kabul Hassan Mortazavi discussed the delivery of humanitarian aid and trade opportunities.

As part of its broad delegitimization campaign against the Taliban regime, pro-ISIS propaganda outlets continue to highlight Taliban infighting and the killing of suspected ISIS members. In June, tensions between Pashtun and Hazara factions of the Taliban flared up. To gain increased control over some of the country’s coal mines, the Taliban challenged Mehdi Mujahid, a Hazara leader and senior Taliban figure in Sar-e Pol Province, in the north of the country. Consequently, this military operation seems to have displaced a significant number of Hazaras in the country, creating additional humanitarian challenges for this ethnic group.

The brutality of the Taliban regime’s countermeasures against ISIS in the country was highlighted at the beginning of July when reports emerged that the Taliban may have summarily executed over 100 suspected ISIS members in the east of the country. The issue of extrajudicial killings was also taken up by the regular report of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the U.N. Security Council concerning the situation in Afghanistan and the activities of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA).

As in previous months, pro-ISIS propaganda highlighted the close connection between the Taliban and al-Qaeda and therefore emphasized that al-Qaeda has delegitimized itself. The pro-ISIS web magazine released on June 17 characterized both the Taliban and al-Qaeda as American creations. ISIS’s continued obsession with the U.S. government as well as actual and potential U.S. actions regarding Afghanistan was demonstrated with pro-ISIS outlets not only featuring a recent report of the RAND Corporation but also the latest update report of the Special Inspector General for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan (SIGAR) from April 2022.

As in previous months, ISIS continues to highlight that despite the Taliban ban on drug production in Afghanistan in April, the production of opium in the country continues, regardless of some eradication efforts being showcased by the Taliban. Pro-ISIS propaganda outlets explained that the ban was not only introduced following the poppy harvest in Afghanistan but also resulted in the Taliban's monopolization of drug production in the country. Outside observers also are doubtful about the ban’s impact on the country’s overall level of drug production.

Additionally, a video released by ISIS West Africa Province on June 14 explained that the Taliban in Afghanistan are apostates, elevating the standing of ISIS’s Afghanistan affiliate within the terror group’s global network.

Table of Contents

  1. ISIS June Al-Naba Newsletters
  2. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. The Taliban Mentioned in ISIS West Africa Province Video “A Book That Guides And A Sword That Gives Victory,” Released June 14, 2022
  5. Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 7, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on June 2, 2022
  6. Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 8, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on June 17, 2022

1. ISIS June Al-Naba Newsletters

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 341, Published June 2, 2022

  • “12 Taliban and Pakistani police killed and wounded in separate operations in Khorasan”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan killed and wounded ten Taliban militia, including two spies, damaged a vehicle and burned the property of one of their leaders, while injuring two elements of the Pakistani forces, in six separate operations.”

  • “Two injured Pakistani forces”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Thursday (Shawwal 25) an element of the apostate Pakistani army, in the city of (Peshawar), with pistol shots, which led to his injury, and on Sunday (Shawwal 28) the Mujahideen targeted a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police, in the same city, with machine guns, which led to the injury of an element, praise be to God.”

  • “3 Dead and wounded Taliban”

“On the other hand, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Sunday, on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 11) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of three members who were in it, praise be to God.”

  • “Two Taliban spies killed”

“On the security front, on the same day, the soldiers of the Caliphate killed a spy for the apostate Taliban militia, after he had been captured earlier in the area (Nangarhar), where a security source made it clear that the spy was involved in reporting on the homes of the Mujahideen several months ago. On the following day, Monday, the Mujahideen captured a second spy for the militia after raiding his house in the Nurkel area of (Kunar), and beheaded him and took advantage of his rifle, praise be to God.”

  • “5 Taliban killed and wounded”

"In a related context, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Tuesday (30 Shawwal) on a four-wheel drive vehicle of the Taliban militia, in (District 11) in the city (Kabul), which damaged it, killing and wounding about five members, while burning the property of leaders. On the same day, the Mujahideen had a shop for a leader in the militia, in the Ashin area of ​​Nangarhar, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“The operations of the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan, during the past week, resulted in the killing and wounding of about 44 Rafidah polytheists, and the destruction and damage of four of their vehicles. It also resulted in the killing and wounding of about 17 Taliban militia members, and the destruction and damage of five of their vehicles, in addition to the killing of two officers and an element of the Pakistani police.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 342, Published June 9, 2022

  • “10 dead and wounded Taliban, including two leaders, and the assassination of a spy for Pakistan”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province this week killed and wounded at least ten Taliban militiamen, including two leaders, damaged two vehicles and attacked their barracks, while they killed a spy for the Pakistani intelligence, in six different attacks distributed over the regions: (Kabul), (Kunduz), and (Logar) and (Kunar), in addition to the (Bajaur) border area.”

  • “The assassination of two Taliban elements in (Kunduz) and (Logar)”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Thursday (2 / Dhu al-Qa’dah) an element of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Imam Sahib) area in (Kunduz), with pistol shots, which led to his death, and they also killed another element of the militia the next day Friday, in the city of Paul Alem in Logar, after he was targeted with machine guns, praise be to God.”

  • “8 Dead and wounded, including two leaders, in two explosions in (Kunar) and (Kabul)”

“On the level of the continuous explosions, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated on Friday (3 / Dhul Qi’dah) on a vehicle of the Taliban militia, in the city of (Assaad Abad) in the (Kunar) region, which damaged it and killed and wounded four in it, one of whom is a leader, and praise be to God. They also detonated an explosive device on Monday (6 / Dhul-Qa’dah) on a second vehicle of the apostate militia, in (District 4) in the city of (Kabul), which also damaged it, killing three members and wounding a leader, and praise be to God.”

  • “Attacking a Taliban barracks in Kunar”

“In a related context, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Saturday (4 Dhul Qi’dah) a barracks of the Taliban militia, in the (Norkel) area of ​​(Kunar), with medium weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing and wounding of a number of them and the barracks damaged, praise be to God.”

  • “The assassination of a spy for the Pakistani government”

“On the security front, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy for the apostate Pakistani intelligence on Monday (6 Dhul Qi’dah) in the Bajaur region with pistol shots, which led to his killing, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan killed and wounded ten Taliban militiamen, including two spies, damaged a vehicle and burned the property of one of their leaders, while injuring two elements of the Pakistani forces, in six separate operations.”

  • “Targeting a spy for the Pakistani intelligence inside his vehicle in (Bajaur)”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 343, Published June 16, 2022

  • “More than 32 Taliban and their associates were killed and wounded, including two leaders, in separate operations in Khorasan”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan this week killed and wounded at least 30 in the ranks of the Taliban militia and the apostates cooperating with it, including operational crews working in airports and military prisons, and destroyed and damaged four of their vehicles, as well as injuring two elements of the Pakistani police, with six separate operations, they were distributed in the areas of (Kabul), (Kunar), (Mazar Sharif), (Laghman), and the (Bajaur) border area.”

  • “Attack on a Pakistani police barracks”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Saturday (11 / Dhul Qi’dah) a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police, near the (Khar) bridge in the (Bajaur) region, with four hand grenades, which led to the injury of two personnel and damage to the barracks, and praise be to God.”

  • “6 dead and others injured in prison employees in (Kabul)”

“On the other hand, on the same day, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a bus that was carrying a number of apostates working in the (Bul Charkhi) prison, east (Kabul), which led to its destruction, killing at least six of them and wounding a number of others with varying injuries.”

  • “At least 10 military airport employees were killed and injured.”

“In a similar operation on the following day, Sunday, the Mujahideen attacked a transport bus for apostates working at the military (Mazar Sharif Airport) in the city (Mazar Sharif) with machine guns, which led to its damage and the death and injury of more than a dozen, and praise be to God. And a special source added to (Al-Naba), that the Mujahideen targeted the bus after it left the military section of the airport, which was run by the apostate ‘Ministry of Defense’ and includes many planes, helicopters and military vehicles.”

  • “11 Taliban killed and wounded in two explosions in (Kabul) and (Kunar)”

“In a related context, on the same day, the Mujahideen detonated a sticky bomb on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of (Asaadabad) in (Kunar), which led to its destruction and the killing of two men and the wounding of a leader and an element, and they also detonated an explosive device on Tuesday (14/ Dhu al-Qa’dah) on a second vehicle of the apostate militia, in (District 8) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of about seven, one of whom is a leader, and praise be to God.”

  • “The assassination of a Taliban leader in Laghman”

“On Tuesday (14/Dhul-Qa’dah), the Mujahideen set up an armed ambush for a leader of the Taliban militia, in the (Alinkar) area of ​​(Laghman), and shot him, killing him and seizing his weapon, then they clashed with a support patrol that tried to intervene before they returned to their positions safely, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Khilafah in the state of Khorasan killed and wounded at least ten Taliban militiamen, including two leaders, damaged two vehicles and attacked their barracks, and killed a spy for the Pakistani intelligence, in six different attacks.”

  • “Destruction of a bus that was carrying a number of apostates working in the (Pul Charkhi) Sharqi prison (Kabul).”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 344, Published June 23, 2022

  • “A victory for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, an immersive attack on a Hindu and Sikh temple in Kabul”
  • “50 pagans and their guards are killed and wounded”

“In victory for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the soldiers of the Caliphate launched an attack this week by a Tajik Inghamisi Mujahid on a pagan Hindu and Sikh temple in the capital (Kabul), which resulted in the killing and wounding of about 50 pagans and their guards, and causing great damage to the temple, which the Mujahideen attacked in response to the transgression of the pagan Hindus on the honor of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as well as killing and wounding about 15 others from the Taliban, including two leaders, in addition to an element of the Pakistani police, in other attacks in the Khorasan regions.”

  • “The brother (Abu Muhammad the Tajik) - may God accept him - carried out the immersion attack on the temple in (Kabul)”
  • “One person was killed and 4 wounded, including a leader, in two attacks in Kunar and Laghman”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked on Wednesday (15th Dhul-Qa’dah) the headquarters of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Suki) area of ​​(Kunar), with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing of one element and the wounding of three others, and the Mujahideen returned to their positions safely. The next day, the Mujahideen detonated an explosive device on a militia leader, in the (Alinkar) area, in (Laghman), which led to his injury, praise be to God.”

  • “5 dead, wounded, and vehicle damaged”

“In a related context, the soldiers of the Caliphate on Saturday (18/Dhul Qi’dah) ambushed a vehicle of the Taliban militia in the (Norkel) area of (Kunar), and targeted it with machine guns and a rocket-propelled grenade, which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of five members. The Mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and a special source added to (Anabaa) that the attack came after the militia attacked and burned Muslim homes in the area, and stole their money.”

  • Victory for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, attacking a pagan temple in Kabul”

“The morning of the same day witnessed a complex attack by the soldiers of the Caliphate on a pagan temple in (Kabul), where the Inghamisi (Abu Muhammad the Tajik) - may God Almighty accept him - stormed a temple of Hindus and pagan Sikhs west of (Kabul), after killing his guard - an element of the Taliban -. A security source explained to (Al-Anbaa) that Al-Inghamisi, after he entered the temple, closed the door on himself and began targeting the pagans inside the temple, with a machine gun and eight hand grenades in his possession. This coincided with the detonation of a car bomb and four explosive devices, (two of them were planted at the gate of the temple, and the other two were planted at a further distance) to target Taliban patrols and reinforcements, which tried hard to intervene to protect the temple for three hours of clashes, which the immersive man waged alone inside the temple.”

  • “About 50 pagans and apostates were killed and injured”

“The attack resulted in the killing and wounding of about 30 pagans who were inside the temple, and the killing and wounding of no less than 20 apostates from the protectors of idols. The Mujahideen emphasized that the attack came in response to the pagan Hindus’ aggression against the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and a victory for him as it should. Similar to the work of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - whose biographies were replete with mentioning their heroism in raiding those who harmed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and targeting them with all forms of killing available at the time.”

  • “Taliban elements guard the pagan temple that was attacked by the Mujahideen in (Kabul)”
  • “Taliban: "Our comrades sacrificed their lives for the Sikh community!"

“The Taliban militia whose soldiers failed to protect the Rafidah temples of yesterday and the Hindu temples of today; quickly closed the area completely and prevented the ‘press crews’ from reaching the place, with the aim of covering up the true toll of the dead and wounded, which the Taliban try to conceal at every attack, to cover their repeated failure to ‘confront terrorism!’ However, the destruction of the temple overshadowed the whole scene. The official Taliban narrative was not limited to lying about the extent of the losses, but also claimed the killing of more than one attacker! However, the official statement of the Mujahideen confirmed that one Inghamisi fought the attack in defense and victory for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while the spokesman for the ‘Kabul Police’ in the Taliban - to a crusader radio - said: ‘Our comrades sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Sikh community!’ As he expresses it. The Taliban and the Hindu government were quick to ‘condemn the attack’ and described it as a ‘coward,’ as stated by the Hindu tyrant ‘Modi.’ The Taliban also said in a statement that it ‘strongly condemns the targeting of the enemies of the homeland (Mujahideen) the Hindu shrine in Kabul, and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims (and two people)!’ according to the militia's expression.”

  • “Pagans flee Afghanistan after the attacks of the soldiers of the Caliphate”

“Following the attack, the pagan Hindus demanded their government in India to quickly intervene to evacuate them from Afghanistan, and they told the media: ‘We have often pleaded with the Indian government to find a way to grant us visas, and we do not want to live here anymore.’ Indeed, the Hindu government announced a day after the attack that it issued ‘100 emergency visa’ and that it is ‘reviewing 40 more applications’ with the aim of leaving its pagan nationals from Khorasan. The soldiers of the Caliphate had attacked the temples of Hindus and the pagan Sikhs with bloody attacks that resulted in the killing of dozens of them during these past years, the most prominent of which was the attack that banished the Inghimasi (Abu Khaled Al-Hindi) - may God Almighty accept him, on a temple in (Kabul).”

  • “5 dead and wounded, including a leader, and the destruction of a vehicle in (Nanjarhar)”

“In other attacks, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Monday (20/Dhul Qi’dah) on the vehicle of a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Ghani Khel) area of ​​(Nangarhar), which led to its destruction and the killing and wounding of five in it, including the leader, and a special source added to (anNabaa) that after the explosion, the militia fired indiscriminately at the general public in the place, wounding a number of them, and the source revealed that the leader targeted by the explosion was called ‘Shah Mahmoud’ and he was a military leader who was involved in capturing, killing and torturing a number of Muslims.”

  • “Destruction of a leader’s vehicle in the apostate Taliban militia in the (Ghani Khel) area of (Nangarhar)”
  • “Assassination of a Pakistani policeman”

“On the other hand, on the same day, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted an element of the apostate Pakistani police, in the city of Peshawar, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in the state of Khorasan had killed and wounded at least 30 in the ranks of the Taliban militia and the apostates cooperating with it, including operational crews working in airports and military prisons, and destroyed and damaged four of their vehicles, as well as injuring two elements of the Pakistani police, in six separate operations. On the areas of (Kabul), (Kunar), (Mazar-Sharif), (Laghman), and (Bajaur) border area.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 345, Published June 30, 2022

  • “9 Taliban killed and wounded, and two vehicles were damaged in two explosions in Khorasan”

“About nine were killed and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban militia this week, including a leader, and two of their vehicles were damaged, with two separate explosions for the soldiers of the Caliphate in (Kabul) and (Kunduz).”

  • “3 killed and a leader wounded in Kunduz”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated a sticky bomb on Friday (24 / Dhul-Qa’dah) on a vehicle of a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Imam Sahib) area in (Kunduz), which led to its damage, killing three members and wounding the leader, praise be to God.”

  • “5 dead and wounded in (Kabul)”

“And on the following day, Saturday, the Mujahideen detonated an explosive device on a second vehicle of the Taliban militia, which was traveling in (District 9) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of about five elements in it, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“Last week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in the state of Khorasan had launched an attack by a Tajik mujahid on Inghmasiya, a pagan temple of Hindus and Sikhs west of (Kabul), which resulted in the killing and wounding of about 50 pagans and their guards, and causing great destruction to the temple, which the Mujahideen attacked in response to the attack. The pagan Hindus on the side of the Prophet, peace be upon him, wounded about 15 others, as well as the Taliban and an element of the Pakistani police, in other attacks.”

2. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • June 1: Telegram post stating that opium is cultivated, harvested, and sold openly, and that the heads of drug processing labs are close with the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. Selling opium openly, checking quality, and discussing prices, in Zerai, Maiwand and Panjwayi in #Kandahar. Factory owners and members of the apostate Taliban militia sit together at the dinner table. Harvest in full spring. Bags of opium are traded in plain sight.”

  • June 1: Telegram post stating that the Taliban duped the Pakistani Taliban into negotiating with Pakistan, and that the Taliban are the puppets of the U.S. and Pakistan.

“#Khorasan. #fools_of the century. The Pakistani Taliban militia has become the laughing stock of the century under the auspices of its patron, the apostate Taliban, and the apostate intelligence administration, Siraj Haqqani.

After sacrificing everything for the apostate Taliban militia, the Pakistani Taliban was pressured to surrender to the apostate Pakistani army or face a military operation.

Conclusion: The apostate Taliban militia is a puppet of American intelligence and the Pakistani regime.”

  • June 2: Telegram post stating that the Indian Ministry of External Affairs is sending a delegation to Kabul to monitory humanitarian aid because they do not trust the Taliban.

“Khorasan. The Hindu Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed to Kabul to monitor the process of sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. They do not trust the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • June 3: Telegram post stating that the RAND Corporation endorsed negotiating with the Taliban to achieve American interests.

“#Scandal. The Crusader Rand Corporation says that dealing with the Taliban militia has the greatest potential to achieve American interests.

The RAND Corporation is one of the biggest enemies of Islam today. They said they had three options with the Taliban militia. Engagement, isolation or opposition. The worshipers of the cross chose to engage. This says a lot about Taliban 2.0

  • June 6: Telegram post condemning al-Qaeda for supporting the Taliban, who are alleged to support freedom of religion and are trying to build good relations with the United Arab Emirates.

“Has this unbeliever been expelled as infidel? O fools of Al-Qaeda: This is your national Taliban, which you gave as a deal for your hand, so he pledged allegiance to your dementia to listen and obey!!

The breach has widened on Al-Raqi’, and testifies to their actual unbelief, so here they are citing that the reality of the situation in Afghanistan is in contrast to what was mentioned by their master America with its unfair report on them, and that the minorities in Afghanistan, regardless of their beliefs, enjoy complete and absolute freedom in the practice of their rituals and religious rituals, so there is no problem with the Emirate. The Islamic ruling is that the Hindu prostrate to a cow, or seek blessing from its dung publicly during the day, and even in the sight of the Taliban fighters and even by protecting them, or insulting the Rafidites, the Mother of the Believers and the Companions of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

These impure people contradict the clear texts of the Qur’an, and completely contradict the intent of what they ascribe to. So here are your masters, O fools of the fools, after they were able - as you claim - from the land, they allowed the polytheists of all kinds to associate with God - the Almighty - each in his own way, and God Almighty says: If they are able to do the land, they will be established, and they are the righteous, and they commanded the Ma’arouf, and it is forbidden for the sake of God.”

  • June 7: Telegram post stating that a nine-year-old child was killed and eight Taliban members were wounded in fighting in Badakhshan, allegedly in fights over lootable goods.

“#Khorasan. Local sources in Badakhshan region said that a nine-year-old child was killed and eight members of the apostate Taliban militia were wounded in a clash between them in the Dream area of the region. Clashes between militia members for worldly interests became normal.”

  • June 8: Telegram post (repost) claiming that the loya jirga and Pustunwali are un-Islamic.

“#Loya_jirga: (Pashto: loya jirga, "the great gathering")

It is a special type of jirga, or assembly of government, in Pashtunwali*, which is the customary tribal law of the constitution of the Pashtun people. It is organized mainly to choose a new tyrant of the state in the event of a sudden death, or the adoption of a new Kufri constitution, or to settle national or regional issues such as war or any other conflict. The Loya Jirga predates the written or immutable positive laws of modern times and is mostly preferred, to a lesser extent, by other neighboring groups influenced by the Pashtuns.

In Afghanistan, the Loya Jirga has been organized since at least the early 18th century when the Hotaki and Durrani dynasties rose to power.


#Pashtunuli (Pashto: Pښtonuli) is a traditional way of life and is best described as a symbol of honor for the Pashtun people, in which they live and is matched by the intolerance of nationalism and patriotism.

It was interpreted by Pashtun elders as ‘the path of the Afghans’ or ‘the law of life’. Pashtunwali is widely practiced by the Pashtuns in the Pashtunistan regions of Afghanistan, Khyber Pashtunkwa and northern Balochistan.

The history of #Pashtunwali goes back to pre-Islamic times

The apostate Taliban is still on trial in the Loya Jirga with the tribal elders, and the apostate Taliban is made up of at least 90% of the Pashtuns and the organization has a severe ignorant diet for the Pashtun ethnicity.”

  • June 9: Telegram post stating that a former Kabul chief of police stated that the Taliban have not implemented Islamic law because they are afraid of “Western criticism” and “fear…Western reaction.”

“An exclusive interview with apostate General Maupin; Former Kabul Police Chief; With Tolo News Channel.

In the interview, he said that the apostate Taliban militia had failed to implement or impose the rule of Sharia because of sharp Western criticism and fear of Western reaction.

  • June 9: Telegram post stating that Taliban leaders met with a representative from the non-profit Aga Khan Foundation, and that the Taliban invited the group’s Shiite leader to Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. For the third time, the leaders of the apostate Taliban militia met with the representative of the Aga Khan Organization for the Rafidah Ismaili.

It is reported that the leadership of the apostate militia has invited the polytheist Aga Khan to visit #Afghanistan.”

  • June 9: Telegram post stating that Iran is increasing their influence in Sunni areas of Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. With the help of the apostate Taliban militia, Magus Iran is gaining a foothold in the exclusive Sunni areas of Afghanistan that have no historical, religious or cultural ties with Iran or Shiites at all.

The Deputy Ambassador of the Rafidi Majusi Hassan Mortazavi, affiliated with the Majusi Revolutionary Guard, visited the province of #Khost at the invitation of the apostate Nabi Omari, the governor of the apostate militia in the province of #Khost.

This is the first visit of an Iranian delegation to the far east of #Afghanistan.

During the visit of the Deputy Ambassador Al-Majusi to Khost, the two sides discussed the presence of Iranian businessmen in the province, and officials of the apostate Taliban militia announced their readiness to develop trade relations with Iran.

The eastern regions of Afghanistan had no importance in the relations between Iran and Afghanistan, due to the distance and insecurity, but recent visits by Iranian officials to Khost and Nangarhar show that Iran is taking a more comprehensive look at its diplomacy in Afghanistan.”

  • June 9: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for fighting only to take over Afghanistan and not continuing to fight as a “global jihad.”

“#Khorasan. A member of the apostate Taliban militia says in an interview: ‘I wished to be a martyr, but the jihad is over, and now I have to find a job and a wife...’ The apostate Taliban declared it openly that its fight was for the sake of ruling the country only, a fight for power and nothing else, and that it would not allow anyone to use its idol as a starting point for global jihad. And it started sending telegrams of reassurance and love for the infidels as a whole, especially the protector of the cross, that there is no fear for them in the country of the Afghans.

#Notice. We posted the clip as it came and did not modify it.”

  • June 11: Telegram post stated that Pashtun and Uzbek Taliban factions are fighting each other in the city of Taloqan, and that both sides have suffered casualties.

“#Khorasan. Intense battles are taking place now in the city of Taloqan in the Takhar governorate between the apostate Pashtun and Uzbek Taliban militias, both sides using all kinds of weapons and heavy losses in the ranks of the two sides.”

  • June 11: Telegram post stating that the Taliban lied about an engagement with ISIS-K and that the fighting was actually between Pashtun and Uzbek Taliban factions.

“#Khorasan. The media of the apostate Taliban militia, the liar, says that the clash was against saboteurs and soldiers of the Islamic State, although local channels and even the militia members themselves confirmed that it was internal fighting between Pashtuns and Uzbeks.”

  • June 11: Telegram post claiming that Pashtun and Uzbek Taliban factions fought in Taloqan after an Uzbek Taliban leader was prevented from speaking at a school graduation, and that the Pashtun Taliban killed civilians and then claimed they were ISIS-K members.

“#Khorasan. The reason for the clashes between the elements of the apostate Taliban militia in Tulkan was an attempt to obstruct the speech of one of the leaders of the Uzbek Taliban movement, Romi Qadir Hami, in front of the graduates of a school. When the supporters of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi stood by him, the clashes began between the two sides, and the apostate Taliban displayed 7 bodies, falsely attributed to the Islamic State, and the investigator, with pictures and videos, will see that 6 bodies are commoners.”

  • June 12: Telegram post stating that the Taliban Minister of the Interior, Sirajuddin Haqqani, met with the UN Special Representative in Afghanistan, Deborah Leon in Kabul, and that they discussed drug smuggling and fighting terrorism. The post comments that Haqqani is wanted for terrorism by the U.S. government.

“#Khorasan. Yesterday, the Minister of Interior of the apostate Taliban and its de facto ruler and head of the Haqqani intelligence network, the apostate Siraj Din Haqqani, met yesterday with the infidel United Nations Special Representative in Afghanistan Deborah Leon in Kabul, where the apostate Haqqani praised the infidel's efforts to help his country and they also discussed the issues of combating terrorism and drug smuggling!! In addition to humanitarian issues. What is wanted by America and whose name is on the terrorist lists is cooperating with the infidels to combat terrorism. Then what kind of luxury watch do you have, O apostate?”

  • June 12: Telegram post stating that Pashtun and Uzbek Taliban factions are fighting in Faryab province, and that relations between the two have deteriorated since an Uzbek Taliban commander was imprisoned from January to April after he was accused of involvement with ISIS-K.


A new internal fighting erupted with the apostate Uzbek and Pashtun Taliban militia in the city of Maimana in Faryab province, where the supporters of the Uzbek militia leader, Qari Salahuddin Ayubi, attacked the Pashtun militia members this morning. 3 Pashtuns and Uzbeks perished during the fighting. The cause of the accident has not yet been determined.

It is reported that during the winter ethnic conflict between the militia component in the city of Maimana, Al-Ayoubi helped the central militia authorities in arresting the Uzbek leader Makhdoom Alem, who was accused of involvement with the Islamic State, but in April he was released and returned to Faryab. Since the beginning of the conflict over the servant of the world, relations between the Uzbeks and the Pashtuns have deteriorated dramatically, while the open conflict with Qari Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi may lead to a more dangerous split for the already infatuated militia.”

  • June 12: Telegram post claiming that Taliban fighters are asking that haircuts not be mandatory and claiming that Taliban forces are controlled by criminals.

“#Khorasan. Local identifiers circulated a video clip of the apostate Taliban militia members demanding their leadership not to force their members to cut their hair. They also said that the criminals seized power in the militia.”

  • June 12: Telegram post stating that the Shiite former intelligence head for Bamiyan defected from the Taliban and seized his hometown with his forces, and that the Taliban killed him as punishment. The Telegram post accuses the Taliban of hypocrisy for stating that ISIS-K kills those who do not pledge their allegiance, and then committing this act of killing.


The Rafidi leader Mahdi Belhapi, the former chief of intelligence in Bamiyan province, defects from the apostate Taliban militia and returns to his hometown in Sari Pul, where he seized it with his elements. Its members stormed the area and killed their Rafidi brother.

They were accusing the state of killing and blaspheming those who did not pledge allegiance to it, and of killing those fleeing its areas, and today the apostate Taliban is doing exactly what they accused the state of yesterday.”

  • June 13: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban killed a Salafi preacher from Chaparhar district.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia is killing Qari Shamsuddin, a Salafi preacher from the village of Kandi Bagh in Shabarhar district.”

  • June 13: Telegram post stating that the Taliban, Iran, France, and the Aga Khan Foundation have agreed to cooperate on repairing “shrines and temples” (it can be inferred that this is referring to religious sites affiliated with minority religions).

“#Khorasan. Under the auspices of the Department of Information and Culture in Herat, the Magian Iran, the Crusader France, the Rafidi Aga Khan Organization and the apostate Taliban militia agree to cooperate to repair shrines and temples.”

  • June 13: Telegram post stating that the Taliban have allowed former Afghan officials to work for the government, much to the anger of Taliban rank and file.


Elements of the apostate Taliban militia complain of the injustice of their leaders and how they are being ignored and marginalized, while the militia leadership relentlessly allows former Republican employees to work in their ranks.

He says that they did not sacrifice their blood and the honor of their women and families in order to give the allies of the Jews power in the country.”

  • June 15: Telegram post chastising Taliban leadership for visiting the grave of a Sufi Afghan leader and the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan, who supported freedom of religion, and alleging that they spend millions of dollars to restore non-Sunni holy sites.

“#Khorasan. Interior Minister of the apostate Taliban Anas Haqqani visited the shrine of Mir Wais Hotak (Sufi Naqshbandi) and Ahmed Shah Baba (who granted freedom of religion to all sects) in Kandahar, and described their graves in his Twitter account as #temples

It is reported that the apostate Taliban spends millions of dollars to restore polytheistic shrines, domes and shrines, as they are a foundation and pillar of its polytheistic religion.”

  • June 15: Telegram post complaining that Anas Haqqani was photographed next to an image of Sultan Ahmad Shah Duran, considered the founder of the modern Afghan state, who was appointed by a Loya Jirga.

“The image above the head of the apostate Anas Haqqani belongs to the founder of the Afghan state:

Sultan Ahmad Shah Duran, also known as Ahmad Shah Abdali, is the founder of the Rotary Empire and is considered the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan. In July 1747, Ahmad Shah was appointed King of the Afghans by the ‘Loya Jirga’ of Kandahar, where he established his capital as a Pashtun Qah.”

  • June 15: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban have besieged the Hazaras in Sari Pul province, and predicting that it will lead to conflict with Iran who will want to defend the Shiite Hazaras.


Rejecting the Hazaras, who are hostile to us because of them, the apostate Al-Qaeda militias fight us for their sake. They bite the hand that protected them, brought them close, enabled them from the necks of Muslims, protected their temples and pampered them until they overpowered them.

Now the apostate Taliban militia is completely besieging the Belhab area in Sari Pul province and continues to mobilize it for a military operation. At the same time, the former militia members from Bani Radhaf, the supporters of Mullah Mahdi, were placed on high alert, and the former Rafidi leader in the militia cut off all contacts with the central Taliban.

Most likely, a military operation of the apostate Taliban militia will start against their rebel brothers in the region and set their eyes on Iran, because it will inevitably defend the Rawafid Hazaras.”

  • June 16: Telegram post stating that the Taliban’s Consul General in Peshawar met with Shiite leaders in Afghanistan, spoke against sectarianism, and urged unity among all religious groups.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Hafez Muhibullah, Consul General of the Taliban in Peshawar, received the Rafidites in #Afghanistan, and welcomed the peace proposals made by the Rafidi Imami Council. Before the invitation to dinner and mourning meetings Muharram. He also prayed for the Rawafid Hazaras, the victims of the Almohad attack in the state of Khorasan in the Khani market. Mohibullah described sectarianism as a curse, and urged all religious groups to work for peace and prosperity in Afghanistan.”

  • June 17: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban’s former commander in Ghor state was released after being arrested one week ago after being accused of raping a 16-year-old bodyguard. The Telegram post claims that many Taliban leaders engage in same sex relations, and that they go unpunished by the Taliban because of widespread criminality.

“#scandal. #Khorasan.

The apostate Mullah Samim, the former head of the office of the apostate Taliban militia in Ghor state, was released today, after he was arrested last week for raping a 16-year-old bodyguard. The victim is still in the hospital.

The act of the people of Lot is widespread among the leaders of the apostate militia, and the leadership had previously threatened to expel the guilty from its ranks without the possibility of returning, disrupting the application of the legal punishment on them. However, as well as many other crimes and robberies scattered among them.”

  • June 17: Telegram post claiming that even after the Taliban banned the production of narcotics, that opium production remains unchanged. The post alleges that the Taliban stockpiled opium before the ban, and that Taliban leaders now control the flow of opium. The post states that the “Taliban militia did not ban drugs, but rather monopolized them for themselves.”

“#Khorasan. After the apostate Taliban militia banned drug production in Afghanistan, the level of opium production has not changed. The farmers noted that before the ban, the apostate Taliban began buying tons of opium to store in their warehouses, and now all trade passes through the apostate militia leaders who cover these businesses. The heroin factories were left untouched, but now smugglers need to sell the drug with greater caution, although this only applies to certain regions, otherwise they can do it as before.

At the same time, the farmers involved in these actions noted that even if the apostate Taliban decided to significantly reduce domestic consumption of opium, drug smuggling to Pakistan and Iran would continue actively through the mediation of the militia leaders themselves.

In general, the apostate Taliban militia did not ban drugs, but rather monopolized them for themselves.”

  • June 18: Telegram post celebrating the June 18 attack on a Sikh Gurdwara in Kabul.

“#Khorasan. An attack on the Sikhism Hindu temple located in the fourth district in Kabul. The attackers reportedly used hand grenades and a car bomb, killing and wounding several people including a member of the apostate Taliban militia who was guarding the entrance to the temple. The temple was completely destroyed.”

  • June 18: Telegram post mocking the Taliban for their “failure to protect minorities and followers of different religions,” stating that this is not “a picnic in Doha hotels.”

“#Statements. Indian Foreign Ministry: ‘We are deeply concerned about the attack on the sacred Gurudwara temple in Kabul and are closely monitoring the situation.’ Here is the Taliban proving its failure to protect minorities and followers of different religions, which it had pledged in Doha hotels to protect. to fulfill it for the international community. #They thought their war was a picnic in Doha hotels.”

  • June 18: Telegram post mocking a dead Taliban member for “guarding those who insulted” the Prophet Mohammad.

“Someone who perished the apostate Taliban militia. When he asks what he did in defense of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him), he will say: I was guarding those who insulted your Messenger (peace be upon him) from the revenge of his loved ones.”

  • June 19: Telegram post stating that while the Taliban execute Salafists, they are protecting Sufis and seek “blessings from the graves.”

“#Khorasan. In conjunction with the campaigns of the apostate Taliban militia in search of and field executions for the monotheists and Salafis, the militia is securing and escorting hundreds of Sufi graves to visit their sheikh Saifi Pir. Most of the apostate Taliban members seek blessings from the graves.”

  • June 19: Telegram post stating that after the ISIS-K attack in Kabul, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prioritized visas for Afghan Hindus and Sikhs, which could be interpreted as a successful secondary effect of the attack from ISIS’s point of view.

“#Khorasan. In the wake of yesterday's attack on a Hindu temple in Kabul, Indian media reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to prioritize issuing electronic emergency visas to more than 100 Afghan Hindus and Sikhs.”

  • June 19: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for protecting Hindus and Sikhs and offering condolences after the ISIS-K attack on a Kabul Gurdwara.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia, according to its official spokesman, Zabih for apostasy and impurity:

‘The apostate Taliban strongly condemns the targeting of the ‘enemies of the Afghan people’ the Hindu shrine in Kabul. The apostate Taliban militia expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and affirms that serious measures will be taken to identify and punish the perpetrators of this crime.’

A despicable nationalism shown by the apostate Taliban, as it began to worship the idol of patriotism and made it a tyrant that it owed Tartars of the apostate Al-Qaeda in their unclean neck, a great pledge of allegiance to these people.

Previously, you used to join the militia and say ‘bad branch and good branch’ and today your patches are hot in them by the devil.”

  • June 19: Telegram post stating that the Taliban met with Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan following the Gurdwara attack, the post states that the attack was conducted as “retaliation” for Indian politicians’ comments on the Prophet Muhammad.

“#Khorasan. As a sign of their solidarity with the boredom of unbelief and their persistence in proving their apostasy and stressing the apostate Taliban, the apostate Taliban militia gathered with their fellow Sikh and Hindu pagans to console them and hear their complaints about the impact of the attacks of the monotheists in retaliation for the Messenger of God (peace be upon him).”

  • June 20: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are fighting with Hazaras, and that the Hazaras have accused the Taliban of “colluding with” ISIS-K to wipe out Shiites.

“#Khorasan. The elements of the #Dajjal_Emirate tried to storm the Belhab area in which the Rafidi Mahdi and his group of the Rafidite Hazaras are fortified, and the fighting lasted for about an hour, while the Rafidis published a video in support of their leader, claiming that the Anti-Dajjal Emirate was trying to end the Shiite component in Khorasan. They also accused the militia of colluding with the Islamic State to fight them.”

  • June 20: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for speaking about Palestine in terms of nationalism in the group’s magazine, and accusing the Taliban of caring more about building a copy of the Dome of the Rock than fighting.

“Photo: Quote from the editorial of the Taliban Emirate's (Somood) magazine

The Taliban stress the same old nationalist terminology on the ‘Palestinian question’ as ‘the first battle, and the main field of action.’

Then in the end it became clear that the entire editorial of the Taliban magazine centered on the victory of Jerusalem and Palestine, by building a model of the Dome of the Rock, with an area of 17 square meters, and a height of 9 meters.

This is the value of Jerusalem for the temple guards and the protectors of idols.”

  • June 20: Telegram post stating that an Indian government official met with the family of one of the victims of the Kabul Gurdwara attack, and that the Indian government has suspended the opening of their embassy in Kabul, which is portrayed as a secondary victory.

“#India. The Minister of Housing, Urban Affairs, Oil and Natural Gas, Majusi Hardeep Singh Puri, met with the family of one of the victims of the attack of brother Abu Muhammad the Tajik - may God accept him - on a Hindu temple in Khorasan, expressing his condolences to them. India has so far issued 111 e-visas to Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan to allow them to flee the country. It was also reported that the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs suspended the work of opening an embassy in Kabul, which was planned after a trip by Indian diplomats to meet representatives of the Antichrist Emirate, due to fears of a terrorist attack.

Although the Antichrist Emirate is trying hard to pacify and downplay what happened, including through promises of the pagan Sikh community to rebuild the destroyed temple with their own money and provide heavy security...

The Almohad brothers in #Khorasan were able not only to launch strikes in response to the insult of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but also to disrupt the plans of the #Dajjal_Emirate to empower the infidels from the country.”

  • June 20: Telegram post stating that the increase in drug production in Afghanistan has led to an increase in addiction in the country, and claiming that many people grew addicted to narcotics while working in Iran. The post also claims that the Taliban have not adequately funded treatment for individuals with drug addiction problems.

“#Khorasan. The impact of the #Dajjal_Emirate on the exacerbation of drug abuse.

After the advent of the Dajjal Emirate in Afghanistan under American sponsorship, a serious economic crisis began, and the new apostate government could not fight it and had to rely on the humanitarian assistance of atheist nations. At the same time, there was a sharp increase in drug production in the country; which were sold directly in the city markets for more than half a year with complete and willful inaction by the militia leaders; Among the poor population, they are increasingly resorting to drugs as a way to escape from reality, and because the #Dajjal_Emirate is not able to give any alternatives, but rather its direct complicity in the production and sale of drugs has been proven.

In the photos, drug addicts gather under the Paul Sokhta bridge and in the slums of Kabul to use heroin and methamphetamine on a large scale, most of them were working in Iran and there they got addicted.

The Antichrist Emirate, and to show off to the West, last fall sent thousands of them to Ibn Sina Hospital for treatment, but the result was a lack of funding and a total disappointment.”

  • June 22: Telegram post accusing the Taliban of killing two men in Nangarhar, who were accused of belonging to ISIS-K. The post alleges that the Taliban did not have any evidence for their allegations and asks why the two men were not given the same protections as Shiites or Hindus.

“#Nangarhar. The Taliban killed two men from the city, who were described by the local media as sectarian ‘people of hadith.’ They were killed on the suspicion that they were connected to the ‘Muslim Jamaat’ operating under the name ‘Wilayat of Khorasan.’

‘Ahl al-Hadith wa’l-Athar’ is a description given to the followers of Ibn Hanbal's approach to the 'Aqeedah-Aqidah. Usually, Ahl al-Sunnah like to describe themselves as ‘Ahl al-Hadith.’ As well as the so-called Salafism, with its various correct and ill orientations, and regardless of their orientation, they were both killed on suspicion and without evidence, and they falsely accused us of it, so they did it today. The city of Nangarhar is one of the most prominent strongholds of the group and its detachments in Afghanistan. Aren't these Afghans worthy of life like the Shiites or the Hindus, O Taal-Ban!?”

  • June 23: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are fighting with Hazaras, led by former Taliban Hazara commander Mawlawi Mehdi Mujahid, in Balkhab District, and have suffered losses.

“#Khorasan. Violent clashes erupted between the followers of the Rafidi Mawlawi Mahdi and the militias of the #Dajjal_Emirate in the Abklan area in #Balkhab, and despite the militia's mobilization of thousands of elements, it brought armored vehicles and tanks, it suffered a humiliating defeat.”

  • June 23: Telegram post stating that the Taliban’s Deputy Prime Minister met with the head of the Shiite Ismaili community, and that the latter voiced his support. The post claims that this meeting happened when the Taliban need the continued support of Shiites.

“#Khorasan. A meeting was held in Kabul between the Deputy Prime Minister of the Antichrist Emirate Mullah Abdul Kabir and the chiefs of the Ismaili Rafidah in Afghanistan, who during the conversation confirmed their full support for the new government and their satisfaction with the Antichrist Emirate.

Perhaps this measure is carried out in order to maintain order among the Rafidah in the country, as the rebels in Sari-Pul are actively using the religious factor to attract the Rafidah to fight against the #Dajjal_Emirate.”

  • June 23: Telegram post stating that India was giving more aid to Afghanistan than Muslim countries following the earthquakes.

“#Khorasan. Aid pouring out on the Emirate of Dajjal from the neighboring country, and it was noticed that the Hindus were superior to their counterparts affiliated with Islam.”

  • June 24: Telegram post outlining the areas where the Taliban have coordinated with the U.S., including “The welfare and safety of US citizens abroad,” “supporting the formation of an inclusive government,” combating terrorism, and respect for human rights.

“#Khorasan. The account of the Observer General for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan:

America has engaged with representatives of the Antichrist Emirate on a wide range of issues related to America's national interests and has closely monitored the actions of the Antichrist Emirate in a number of areas. According to the State Department, these policy priorities include:

The welfare and safety of US citizens abroad

The release of American hostage Mark Frerich (who was taken hostage in February 2020).

Addressing the humanitarian and economic crises in the country

Ensuring that the Antichrist Emirate abides by its commitments to allow people to leave the country

Afghanistan for US Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents and Special Immigrant Visa bearers, Afghans of Special Importance to America

Supporting the formation of an inclusive government that reflects country diversity

Ensure that the Anti-Terror Emirate fulfills its obligations to combat terrorism, including

It was mentioned in the February 29, 2020 agreement between America and the Antichrist Emirate

Encouraging the #Dajjal_Emirate to respect human rights in Afghanistan, including those religious and ethnic minorities, women and girls, civil society leaders, Former Administration Officials, and Individuals Previously Affiliated with the United States Government, Military, and American Non-Governmental Organizations or Media Institutions.”

  • June 24: Telegram post stating that Indian diplomats and technical teams will be returning to their embassy in Kabul. The post states that the Taliban view this as a sign that security is improving.

“#Khorasan.  The apostate Balkhi, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Antichrist Emirate tweeted, rejoicing at the return of relations with the pagan Hindus, saying:

Welcome to the #Emirate of Antichrist. India's decision to return the diplomats and technical team to their embassy in Kabul to continue their relations with the Afghan people and their humanitarian assistance.

The return of Indian diplomats to Afghanistan and the reopening of the embassy show that security is enshrined in the country, and that all political and diplomatic rights are respected.

The #Dajjal_Emirate assures all the existing embassies that the security of its complexes will be taken care of in line with international diplomatic practices. #Emirate_Antichrist

 It calls on other countries to return to their diplomatic complexes and reopen their embassies.”

  • June 25: Telegram post claiming that Taliban intelligence officials met with the Shiite community and promised to increase security.

“#Khorasan. Intelligence officials in the Emirate of Dajjal, including the commander of the tenth security region in Kabul, attended a large gathering of the polytheistic Rejectionists.

The gathering was held in the Rafidi Husseini Mosque in Shar Qala.

The apostate Mawlawi Sahib Shakir, the head of the department, promised them various measures to improve security for the Rafidah, their temples, schools and religious schools in the department and assured them: ‘We will do our best to protect you, we will stand by you, and we will protect your property.’

The apostates did not delay the prayer together with the polytheistic Rafidah.”

  • June 26: Telegram post stating the Iranian special envoy to Afghanistan described the conflict between the Taliban and the Hazaras as an American plot “looking for an ethnic and religious war in Afghanistan,” thereby not placing blame with the Taliban.

“Khorasan. Al-Majusi Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the Iranian special envoy to Afghanistan, said that the war of Belkhab between the Dajjal Emirate and the former Rafidi leader of the militia is an American sedition looking for an ethnic and religious war in Afghanistan.”

  • June 26: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for praying with Pakistani soldiers after receiving aid for earthquake victims. The post mocks al-Qaeda for their support of the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. A void prayer for the elements of the #Dajjal_Emirate, led by an apostate soldier of the Pakistani Special Forces, at the artificial border, on the occasion of receiving aid for the victims of the #Paktika earthquake. The princes of the apostate Al-Qaeda pray behind every infidel, polytheist and apostate.”

  • June 26: Telegram post regarding the re-opening of the Indian embassy in Kabul, stating that because countries control their embassies, that the Taliban “allows the rule of the tyrant” referring to India, in Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. Pagan Hindu Embassy in Kabul. For information, embassies are included as part of the country to which they belong and are governed according to the laws and laws of that country, and there are intelligence offices and are secured by the army of that country, and the host country has no authority over the embassy at all. The Emirate of Antichrist allows the rule of the tyrant over its land.”

  • June 28: Telegram post stating that the Taliban received eight million dollars in aid from China.

“#Khorasan. Chinese aid worth $8 million paves the way for the Antichrist Emirate.”

  • June 29: Telegram post claiming that Sirajuddin Haqqani gave $86,000 to Sikhs in Kabul affected by the ISIS-K attack on their gurdwara, and that the Taliban pledged to protect religious minorities.

“#Khorasan. By direct order of the apostate Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani Network, deputy and interior minister of the Antichrist Emirate and the de facto ruler of it and very close to the intelligence of Pakistan, 7.5 million Afghanis (about $86,000) were distributed among the infidel Sikh community members who were harmed by the attack. The monolithic Muslim Abu Muhammad the Tajik on their temple gurdwara in Kart e Parwan. He also pledged to protect religious minorities and always help him.

The Emirate of the Antichrist, the guardian of Tartour, the senile dementia, pays blood money to the original infidels, and they are happy and acknowledge their actions, but they boast about it.”

  • June 29: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are fighting with the Hazaras for “worldly”/political rather than spiritual reasons.

“#Khorasan. The #Islamic_State kills the Hazara Rejectionists for their disbelief in God = It is not permissible. The #Dajjal_Emirate kills the Rawafid Hazaras for worldly reasons = it is permissible, to defend themselves, as a punishment for them. Inside Ras Affan Qasaji a donkey.”

  • June 29: Telegram post stating that the Taliban have replaced Tajik employees of the Parwan Provincial Statistics Department with Pashtuns.

“#Khorasan. The Dajjal Emirate has sent all the Tajik-born employees of the Parwan Statistics Department to Ghorband District and replaced them with Pashtuns.”

  • June 30: Telegram post stating that a leader of the Afghan Shiite Fatimiyoun militia, who are fighting on the side of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, was a prominent invitee to the Taliban’s Loya Jirga.

“The Rafidi, Nasrallah Al-Hazari, one of the ideologues of the #Fatimiyoun militia that is fighting Muslims in #Syria, is one of the most prominent invitees by the #Taliban to the #Loya_Jirga conference.”

  • June 30: Telegram post complaining that the Taliban invited Sikhs, Hindus, Shiites, and Sufis to the Loya Jirga.

“#Khorasan. Even the pagan Sikhs and Hindus were invited to attend the Loya Jirga, along with the Rafidites and Sufis, and every thrust and fall into the depths of Hell.”

  • June 30: Infographic originally created in May 2021 listing accusations from ISIS regarding why the Taliban have committed Nullifiers of Islam.

“1. Abandoning the ruling by what Allah azzawajal has revealed, and ruling by tribal laws mixed with Shariah.

2. Fighting the Muslims while receiving support from the kuffar (e.g Russia and USA) and murtadin (e.g Iran).

3. Not making takfir of the mushrikeen (Shias) and appointing them to high positions of power.

4. Not disbelieving in the tawaghit and not making takfir of their Government’s, Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies.

5. Befriending the kuffar (e.g USA, Russia, China) and muratdin (e.g Qatar, Pakistan, Iran) and taking them as allies.”

3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • June 1: ISIS-K claims to have burned two stores owned by a Taliban leader in Nangarhar.

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate burned two shops of a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Achin) area of (Nanjarhar) yesterday, and praise be to God.”

  • June 1: ISIS-K claims to have beheaded an accused Taliban spy in Kunar after raiding his house.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate captured a spy for the apostate Taliban militia, after raiding his house in the (Norkel) area in (Kunar) the day before yesterday, and beheading him and seizing his gun, praise be to God.”

  • June 1: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded five members of the Taliban in an attack on a four-wheel drive vehicle in Kabul.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a four-wheel drive vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Area 11) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of about 5 members, and praise be to God.”

  • June 3: ISIS-K claims to have killed a member of the Taliban in Kunduz.

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Imam Sahib) area in (Kunduz) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • June 4: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded four members of the Taliban, including a “leader,” in Kunar using an IED on a vehicle.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate blew up a sticky bomb on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of (Saadabad) in (Kunar) yesterday, which led to its damage and killing and wounding 4, including a leader, and praise be to God.”

  • June 5: ISIS-K claims to have killed a member of the Taliban in Logar.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of (Bul Alem) in (Logar) the day before yesterday, with automatic weapons, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • June 6: ISIS-K claims to have killed an alleged Pakistani spy in Bajaur Agency.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy for the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the (Bajaur) area, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • June 6: ISIS-K claims to have killed three Taliban members and injured one in an attack with explosives on a vehicle in Kabul.

“Urgent, Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Nabih 4) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage, killing 3 members and wounding a fourth, and praise be to God.”

  • June 6: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban barracks in Kunar, killing and wounding an unknown number.

“Khorasan Province, with the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a barracks of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Nurkel) area in (Kunar) the day before yesterday, with medium weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing and wounding of a number of them and the barracks damaged, and praise be to God.”

  • June 12: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police barracks in Bajaur Agency with hand grenades, injuring two police officers and damaging the building.

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police near the (Khar) bridge in the (Bajaur) region yesterday, with four hand grenades, which led to the injury of two members and the barracks damage, and praise be to God.”

  • June 12: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a bus in Kabul transporting workers at Pul-e-Charkhi prison, killing an estimated six people, and wounded an additional unknown number.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a bus carrying a number of apostates working in (Bul Charkhi) prison, east (Kabul) yesterday, which led to its destruction, killing at least 6 of them and wounding others, and praise be to God.”

  • June 12: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban vehicle with an IED in Kunar killing two and wounding two, including a leader.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated a sticky bomb on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of (Asadabad) in (Kunar), which led to its destruction and the killing of two members and the wounding of a leader and an element, and praise be to God.”

  • June 13: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a bus in Mazar-i-Sharif transporting airport workers, killing and wounding “more than ten.”

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked a bus belonging to the apostates working at (Mazar Sharif Airport), in the city (Mazar Sharif) yesterday, with automatic weapons, which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of more than ten in it, and praise be to God.”

  • June 14: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban leader in Laghman province in an ambush and then fought off a support patrol.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate ambushed a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Alinkar) area in (Laghman), and they targeted him with a machine gun, which led to his death, then they clashed with a support patrol that tried to intervene and they returned to their positions safely, praise be to God.”

  • June 14: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban vehicle in Kabul with explosives, killing and wounding eight people, including a Taliban leader.

“Urgent, Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Nabih 8) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its wrecking and killing and wounding 8 in it, one of them is a leader, and praise be to God.”

  • June 17: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Taliban headquarters in Kunar on June 15, killing one Taliban member and injuring 3 others.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked a headquarters of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Suki) area in (Knar) the day before yesterday, with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing of one element and the wounding of 3 others, and the mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and praise be to God.”

  • June 17: ISIS-K claims to have injured a Taliban leader in Laghman with an IED.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Alinkar) area in (Laghman) yesterday, which led to his injury, praise be to God.”

  • June 18: ISIS-K alleges to have killed and wounded approximately 50 Hindus, Sikhs, and Taliban members in a series of coordinated attacks in Kabul against a Sikh temple, claiming that it was conducted as an act of revenge following Indian leaders’ derogatory remarks against the Prophet Muhammad.

“Amaq Agency: About 50 ‘Hindu, Sikh and Taliban’ were killed and wounded in a combined attack by Islamic State fighters on a temple in Kabul.

Afghanistan – Kabul – Amaq Agency: About 50 followers of the Hindu, Sikh and Taliban sects were killed and wounded in a combined attack by Islamic State fighters in Kabul. Military sources told Amaq Agency that an inghimasi fighter from the Islamic State stormed this morning a Hindu and Sikh temple. West Kabul, after killing the temple guard. The sources added that the inghimasi, “Abu Muhammad al-Tajiki,” who was armed with a rifle, a pistol and hand grenades; He proceeded to shoot the followers of the two sects inside the temple.

The sources indicated that when a Taliban militia arrived at the temple gate, two explosive devices were detonated on them, killing and wounding a number of them. The sources revealed that after the Taliban summoned large reinforcements from its elements to the vicinity of the temple, the Islamic State fighters detonated a car bomb on them, and two other explosive devices were detonated in the vicinity of the temple on Taliban patrols that were trying to reach the place.

Where the sources confirmed that the militia had repeatedly failed to storm the temple and reach the inghimasi, which continued to clash for more than 3 hours until he was killed in the operation, which the sources revealed came in response to the insult to the honor of the Prophet Muhammad- may God bless him and grant him peace – by an official in the Hindu government, which it was only a few days ago in the hospitality of the Taliban. The attack resulted in the killing and wounding of about 30 Hindus and Sikhs, and the temple was badly damaged, and the five bombings and clashes killed and wounded at least 20 militia members and damaged a number of their vehicles.”

  • June 18: ISIS-K alleges to have killed 30 Hindus and Sikhs and 20 members of the Taliban in coordinated attacks against a Sikh temple in Kabul.

“A victory for the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. About 50 pagans and apostates were killed and wounded in an attack on a Hindu and Sikh temple in Kabul.

With the success of God Almighty, the inghimasi brother (Abu Muhammad al-Tajiki) – may God accept him- stormed a sanctuary of polytheistic Hindus and Sikhs in Kabul, after killing his guard, and began targeting the pagans inside with machine guns and hand grenades, this coincided with the explosions of 4 car bombs. On the patrols of the Taliban militia that tried hard to intervene to protect the temple, throughout 3 hours of clashes it ended with the killing and wounding of about 30 Hindu and Sikh pagans and 20 apostates from the protectors of idols, and that was a victory from the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and praise and gratitude be to God.”

  • June 19: ISIS-K claims to killed and wounded five Taliban members in Kunar in an ambush on a vehicle.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate ambushed a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Norkel) area in (Kunar) yesterday, and targeted them with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to its wrecking and killing and wounding 5 members on board, then the Mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and praise be to God And the manna.”

  • June 20: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded five Taliban members, including a leader, in Nangarhar using explosives.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a leader’s vehicle in the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Ghani Khel) area in (Nangarhar), which led to its destruction, killing and wounding 5, including the leader, and praise be to God.”

  • June 21: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani police officer in Peshawar.

“Khorasan Province By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Pakistani police, in the city of (Peshawar) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • June 24: ISIS-K claims to have killed three and wounded a Taliban leader in Kunduz in an IED attack on a vehicle.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated a sticky bomb on a leader’s vehicle in the apostate Taliban militia in the village of (Jagal) in the (Imam Sahib) area in (Kunduz), which led to its damage, killing 3 members and wounding the leader, and praise be to God.”

  • June 25: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded five members of the Taliban in Kabul in an attack on a vehicle with explosives.

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Nabih 9) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its wrecking and killing and wounding about 5 in it, and praise be to God.”

4. The Taliban Mentioned in ISIS West Africa Province Video “A Book That Guides And A Sword That Gives Victory,” Released June 14, 2022

The video briefly accuses the Taliban of being apostates and claims that they have not enforced religious law despite controlling territory in Afghanistan. This is contrasted with the enforcement of religious law in ISIS held territory in West Africa.

5. Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 7, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on June 2, 2022

Please note that neither Afghanistan nor the Taliban are directly mentioned in this issue.

Article 1: The Three Stages of Jihad

  • Stage 1: When permission to engage in jihad is established and granted.
  • Stage 2: The stage of defending oneself.
    • Self-defense against attacks from outsiders.
  • Stage 3: “The stage of fighting until Islam is either accepted as a belief or a political system”
  • Non-Muslims must convert or pay jizya (tax).

Article 2: Can Scholars Become Taghut?

  • There is only one way to be Muslim.
  • We reject voting, participating in democratic assemblies or non-religious judicial systems
  • A sheikh can encourage falsehood if they do not encourage participating in religious fighting, or encourage participating in a non-religious court system, etc.
  • You cannot participate in elections because it is a form of disbelief.

Article 3: The Reality of the Dawah of Salaf

  • Some Muslims promote falsehood.
  • The Salafist scholars were pure.
  • There are many sects that dispute Salafism.
  • Salafism is not man made, but divinely inspired.

Article 4: Women: Commodity or Human?

  • There is a global Islamic revival, including among women.
  • Young, middle class, non-Muslim women are embracing Islam.
  • Feminism has failed women.
  • Women in the West have fought hard to have access to basic rights in politics, the economy, and society as a whole, but rights in Islam are both guaranteed and created by a divine power.
  • Physical stereotypes are oppressive to women.
  • By participating in the economy, women have become commodities, exploited for financial reasons.
  • In Islam, the roles of women and men are clearly defined and created by a divine power.
  • In Islam, women have the rights of ownership and inheritance.
  • In the caliphate, women could participate in public affairs and had political rights.
  • Islam protects women by preventing them from being exploited.
  • All of these rights and expectations are why so many modern women are converting to Islam.

Article 5: Shirk of Obedience, By Abu Ali al-Anbari

  • Idolatry is the greatest sin.
  • You have committed the sin of idolatry if you consent to constitutions, manmade laws, or tribal codes.
  • Idolatry cannot be forgiven.
  • Goes into detail regarding different major and minor sins.
  • Those who draft or follow a constitution have committed the sin of shirk.
  • There is a binary between those on the path of truth and those on the path of falsehood.

6. Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 8, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on June 17, 2022

Article 1: Khorasan: The Graveyard for Kuffar and Apostates

  • The article is celebrating ISIS-K attacks between May 2 and May 30.
  • ISIS-K attacked Tajikistan, Bajaur Agency, and Shiites in Afghanistan.
  • After the Taliban claimed to have destroyed ISIS-K, ISIS-K attacked Tajik forces on the border with rockets.
  • The Tajik government closed their border with Afghanistan due to the Taliban’s inability to protect it.
  • The Taliban cannot prevent ISIS-K from launching attacks within Afghanistan, and hopefully soon ISIS-K will be able to attack Iran and China, as well as conduct more attacks against Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
  • An ISIS-K fighter, identified as Shahram Muwahid, attacked a Taliban gathering on the sixth anniversary of the death of Mullah Akhtar Mansour with a suicide vest at the Istiqlal Hotel, killing ten and destroying five vehicles.
  • The Taliban claims that ISIS-K is unable to launch attacks, however these various assaults prove that they are lying.
  • ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban spy in Nangarhar.
  • ISIS-K claims to have destroyed four “power grid towers.”
  • ISIS-K claims to have killed two Sikhs.
  • ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police barracks in Bajaur.

Infographic: Harvest of the Soldiers from Wilayat Khorasan on Shawwal 1443H

  • Total operations: 29
  • Killed: 102
  • Security operations: 1
  • Armed attacks: 2
  • Explosions: 15
  • Martyrdom attacks: 2
  • Katyusha rocket attacks: 1
  • Guerilla attacks: 9
  • Attack locations:
    • Afghanistan: Nangarhar, Kabul, Balkh, Takhar, Kunar, Laghman, Aybak
    • Pakistan: Peshawar, Bajaur
  • Shiites killed: 44
  • Sikhs killed: 2
  • Pakistani police and soldiers killed: 3
  • Destroyed and damaged vehicles: 17

Article 2: American Project

  • The Taliban was created by the Pakistani ISI and the CIA.
  • Thousands of Taliban fighters have joined ISIS-K.
  • Pakistan bought the allegiance of the Taliban. The Taliban have sent many to their deaths to do Pakistan’s bidding.
  • The Taliban needs the support of Pakistan, Shiites, and others to fight ISIS-K, because they cannot do it alone.
  • The Taliban claim that ISIS-K are an “American project,” but the Taliban themselves are supported by the U.S.
  • Taliban leaders are corrupt and sinful.
  • ISIS-K are attacked by drones, online supporters are surveilled, their leaders are blacklisted by the UN, but the Taliban still claim that ISIS-K are an American project.
  • Pakistan is doing the bidding of the U.S. while fighting ISIS-K.

Article 3: Nullifiers of Islam Applicable on Taliban Part 1

  • The Taliban are nationalists and acknowledge the existence of human made borders.
  • The Taliban accept human rights principles as defined by the UN and believe that Sunnis and non-Sunnis have the same rights.
  • The Taliban cannot help Uyghurs in China because of their acknowledgement of borders.
  • There are three rights: 1) Worldly rights, 2) Sharia rights, 3) Judgmental rights.
  • Worldly rights: the rights that God has given to all people. For instance, all people were created from the same building blocks, and there are no differences between races.
  • Sharia rights: all people have free will and can perform good deeds and therefore be saved in the eyes of God. 
  • Judgmental rights: having free will, humans can accept or reject Islam and its principles.
  • Muslims should: 1) not associate with non-Muslims, 2) make takfir, 3) stop all relations with non-Muslims (relations between the Taliban and others are invoked here), 4) despise and hate non-Muslims, 5) show enmity towards non-Muslims, especially through fighting. Not following these principles is an act of apostasy.
  • The Taliban have said that they will not fight non-Muslims and therefore they are apostates.
  • The Taliban have said that they will protect Shiites and non-Muslims and therefore they are apostates.
  • The Pakistani government has killed Muslims children in Afghanistan, yet the Taliban will not avenge them.
  • The Taliban have not instituted religious law in Afghanistan.
  • The Taliban provide protection for non-Muslims and Shiites and have invited Russia and China into the country.
  • The Taliban’s special forces units are used to protect non-Muslims and not used to invade Jerusalem, free Uyghurs, or wage holy war.

Article 4: Jihad is the Pillar of Faith

  • Waging holy war is an important part of faith because paying a fifth of war booty has been declared a pillar of faith.
  • One cannot abandon fighting a holy war.
  • One risks “grievous suffering” if holy war is abandoned.
  • If Muslims do not fight a holy war, God will find another group that will.
  • Abandoning a holy war means humiliation in this world and the afterlife.
  • Abandoning a holy war means abandoning pledges and is a sign of hypocrisy.
  • Abandoning holy war increases corruption on earth.
  • Without holy war, Islam will turn into something unrecognizable.
  • Anyone who abandons fighting a holy war is a “linguistic apostate.”

Article 5: Deceitful Paths and Faces

  • Groups that do not understand or practice Islam risk being captured by the intelligence services of non-believers.
  • Taliban leaders were trained by foreign intelligence agencies.
  • The Taliban defanged their forces at the request of the U.S.
  • Now the Taliban pretend to lead Afghanistan. The world will not accept religious law in Afghanistan, so the Taliban will not impose or enforce it so that financial sanctions are removed.
  • Despite sanctions, the Taliban are still receiving billions of dollars.
  • Even though the Taliban were not given Afghanistan’s seat at the UN, the UN chief has urged other countries to work with the Taliban.
  • Even though the Taliban are not recognized in other countries, foreign envoys and diplomats come to Afghanistan.
  • The world is officially closed off to the Taliban, yet they travel to other countries to make deals.
  • Even though Taliban officials are on U.S. terror lists, they still travel around the world.
  • The Taliban previously fought non-Muslims, but now they allow them into the country to set up embassies.
  • The article questions how it is that the U.S. could have supported the Ghani government solely with intelligence and military aid, but now the U.S. allegedly provides humanitarian aid to the Taliban.
  • The Taliban want good relations with Russia and China, despite both countries killing of Muslims.
  • The Taliban have also accepted many non-Muslim beliefs and declared them to be permitted.
  • The Taliban have abandoned their fight and are therefore apostates and hypocrites and have increased corruption on earth.

Article 6: Wounded Lion

  • A first-person narrative about the bravery, courage, and selflessness of an unnamed ISIS-K fighter.
  • The story concludes with an admonition to not “betray widows and orphans” as the Taliban did.

Article 7: The Polytheist Hindus and the Polytheist Taliban

  • The Taliban are clearly guilty of violating the principles of Islam.
  • The Taliban will institute democracy.
  • The Taliban have forged a friendship with India, despite Hindus attacking the honor of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Taliban would rather follow their national interest than defend Islam.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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