Afghanistan Terrorism Report: March 2023

Following is the March 2023 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

In March 2023, ISIS-linked propaganda outlets resumed reporting on attacks by the group in Afghanistan. In several messages and posts, several high-profile attacks were highlighted, the killing of the Taliban governor of Balkh province, Mohammad Dawood Muzammil, on March 9 in Mazar-e Sharif, an attack on a Shiite cultural center in the same city on March 11, as well as an attack near the foreign ministry in Kabul on March 27. Additionally, ISIS-linked online outlets reported on several shootings in Herat in recent weeks, the most recent being the killing of the Taliban official in charge of the water supply department in the city on March 8. The fact that ISIS-linked outlets published the videos of these shootings in Heart is reminiscent of the early ISIS online propaganda tactic in Iraq from 2014 onwards, which regularly published videos of such incidents to instill fear among the local population and the adversaries of the group. These attacks in Afghanistan also demonstrate that the slight reduction in terrorist activities by the group during the winter months has ended. Furthermore, these propaganda reports also intend to show that, despite continuing attempts by the Taliban to suppress Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), its ability to target high-ranking officials and key installations in the country remains intact.

Mohammad Dawood Muzammil was the highest-ranking Taliban official killed by ISKP since the former’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021. Before assuming his position in Balkh, Muzammil was Taliban governor in Nangarhar Province after serving as first deputy minister of interior of the Taliban regime. The inability of the Taliban to protect such a prominent member of the movement is striking, particularly since Muzammil was killed by a suicide bomber inside his office in Mazar-e Sharif. Furthermore, only two days after this significant attack, ISIS operatives were able to again target a high-profile event, the gathering of journalists at a Shiite center in the city. These attacks demonstrate that ISKP can maintain a very effective network in the province. Incidents such as these also underline the current assessment of the U.S. military that ISKP in Afghanistan is likely to be able to conduct attacks outside Afghanistan within the next six months.

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As in previous months, pro-ISIS online propaganda continued highlighting Taliban cronyism and corruption. In particular, the resignation of the acting finance minister of the Taliban regime, Mawlawi Hidayatullah Badri, a.k.a. Gul Agha Ishakzai, in March presented a propaganda opportunity for ISIS. According to media reports, Badri resigned over the misappropriation of funds by the Taliban leadership. The resignation of Badri was a blow to the Ishakzai faction within the Taliban movement. He was their highest-ranking member in the Kabul power structure. A childhood friend of former Taliban leader Mullah Omar, Badri headed the finance commission of the Taliban before August 2021 and is designated as a global narcotics trafficker by the US government. Badri’s subsequent appointment as acting governor of Da Afghanistan Bank, the central bank of Afghanistan, is not a lateral move but a downgrade of his position within the Taliban power structure.

Continuing its propaganda line that the Taliban are connected to narcotics, several pro-ISIS propaganda posts alleged in March that the Taliban had concluded a contract with a pharmaceutical company for the commercial production of hashish and that the Taliban would share narcotics with “the Germans.” This refers to news reports from the end of 2021, which indicated that the Taliban were in negotiations with a German company named Entwicklungsgesellschaft CPharm International mbH (ECI) concerning a potential investment in Afghanistan. However, it is unclear whether this deal ever came to fruition. The website of the German company only refers to ongoing talks about the investment with the Taliban and has not been updated since December 2021.

Pro-ISIS online propaganda highlighted alleged disagreements within the Taliban leadership concerning the education of women and girls in Afghanistan in February 2023. The topic remains a contentious one in Afghanistan. Already in December 2022, the Taliban announced that women are no longer allowed to work for national and international non-governmental organizations in the country. The issue seemed to have been partially resolved at the beginning of 2023, with several international humanitarian organizations resuming operations in Afghanistan. However, at the beginning of April 2023, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) was informed that the Taliban had decided that women can no longer work for United Nations organizations in the country. As this would greatly affect the provision of humanitarian support and support for basic human needs by the United Nations in Afghanistan, this apparent decision by the Taliban leadership was strongly condemned by the Secretary General of the United Nations. In 2022, the United Nations and its partner organizations provided aid to 26.1 million Afghans, more than half the country’s population. Therefore, endangering these vital operations for Afghan civilians by prohibiting a significant part of the United Nations workforce in the country from operating is another striking demonstration that for the Taliban regime, key ideological decisions trump the survival of their compatriots.

Not only have the Taliban repeated their contentious relationship with United Nations humanitarian organizations in Afghanistan from the 1990s, but the regime also seems to have reverted to taking Western hostages to pressure governments to engage with it directly rather than primarily through aid organizations. At the beginning of April 2023, the U.K. government announced that three British citizens were arrested by the Taliban intelligence service in January 2023 and held since without consular access or clear charges. In mid-March, the Taliban also arrested two Polish citizens and accused them of espionage, forcing Poland to engage directly with the Taliban regime to secure their release after a few weeks. Two U.S. filmmakers were arrested by the Taliban in August 2022 and held on unspecified charges until December of that year. These behavioral patterns demonstrate that the current Taliban regime is not only led by the same team of Taliban leaders as in the 1990s, but is also systematically reverting to its old tactics in dealing with the international community, including behavior that is to the detriment of the Afghan population.

Afghanistan Terrorism Report

March 2023

Table of Contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters, March 2023
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 23, Released March 4, 2023
  5. ISIS Amaq Video, Released March 10, 2023
  6. Pro-ISIS Image Celebrating Assassination of Mohammad Dawood Muzammil, Released on March 10, 2023
  7. Pro-ISIS Serat ul-Haq Web Magazine, Released March 14, 2023
  8. Pro-ISIS Al-Marhafat Foundation Video, Released March 22, 2023
  9. Pro-ISIS Al Azaim Media Video, Released on March 28, 2023
  10. Pro-ISIS Al Murhafat video, Released on March 30, 2023

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters, March 2023
  • ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Editions 380, Published March 2, 2023

There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.

  • ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Editions 381, Published March 9, 2023
  • “In broad daylight, a leader of the Taliban militia, along with his companions, was assassinated in a qualitative operation in Herat, western Afghanistan”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province inflicted at least seven deaths and injuries among the Taliban militia, including an administrative leader, with a qualitative and daring operation in the city of (Herat) in western Afghanistan, in the third attack of its kind in the same city and in the same way.”

  • “The attack was carried out by one Mujahid”

“In particular, and in the details, a security source told (Al-Naba) that an Inghamasia of the Caliphate’s soldiers attacked on Wednesday (16th Sha’ban) a car that was carrying an administrative leader of the apostate Taliban militia, accompanied by a number of guards and militia members, while it was passing through (District 15) in the city of (Herat). The source explained that the Mujahid appeared in broad daylight and fired from his machine gun directly and accurately and from a very close distance at the passengers of the car, which resulted in the killing of the leader along with a number of his companions and wounding others.”

  • “Shots speak louder than statements!”

“The source confirmed to Al-Naba that the mujahid who carried out the attack returned safely to his bases, praise be to God. It is noteworthy that the attack, which took place in broad daylight and in full view of all the people in the street, came days after the militia leaders profusely once again talked about their success in stopping the operations of the militia. The Mujahideen, similar to dozens of previous statements that used to hide each time behind the bullets of the Mujahideen, which dispelled the illusion of the Taliban, as it dispelled before the illusion of its allies in Washington.”

  • “The third attack of its kind in (Herat)”

“It should be noted that it is not the first time that the soldiers of the Islamic State carry out daring attacks of this kind in the city of (Herat) and in broad daylight as well. The second attack was on (2/Rabi’ al-Akher) of this year, when the two attacks targeted two Taliban buses, resulting in the killing and wounding of about 30 militia members. At the time, Amaq Agency published two video tapes of the two attacks, which included bold footage of the Mujahideen attacking the buses and shooting from a distance. Close face to face without any significant resistance from the militia.”

  • “A picture from two previous attacks by the soldiers of the Caliphate on two buses of the Taliban militia in the city of (Herat)”
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  • ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 382, Published March 16, 2023
  • “Two blows to the Iranian regime... the assassination of the ‘Governor of Balkh’ and the bombing of the ‘Al-Tebyan" center’”

“This week, the Rafidite Iranian regime and its allies in the Taliban received two successive painful blows. The first was the assassination of a senior official in the Taliban militia who held the position of ‘Governor of Balkh Province’ and was an obedient servant of the Iranian regime, past and present, with a qualitative martyrdom attack that hit the leader in his headquarters and among his entourage in (Balkh). The Mujahideen followed it up with a second strike only two days later, targeting the Rafidite (Al-Tebyan) center, with a booby-trapped bag that killed and wounded about 30 of the followers of the Rafidite Iran, including members of the militia who were guarding the center which the Mujahideen had previously struck years ago with a major martyrdom attack that overthrew dozens of the Rafidah, including the director of the center.”

  • “The martyrdom brother (Abdul-Haqq Khorasani) - may God Almighty accept him –“
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  • “The killing of a (provincial governor) in the Taliban in a martyrdom operation in (Balkh)”

“And in the details, with the grace of God Almighty, one of the Knights of Martyrdom, brother (Abdul-Haqq Khorasani) - may God Almighty accept him - set out on the morning of Thursday (17 / Shaban), heading to the headquarters of the governor of the region (Balkh) in northern Afghanistan, the apostate called ‘Muhammad Dawood Muzammil’ the prominent leader in The militia, where the Mujahid was able to enter the headquarters after bypassing all the security measures of the militia around its administrative and security headquarters, and he stayed inside the headquarters waiting for the leader to arrive at his office, and as soon as he saw him heading to his office, the martyrdom brother rushed to him, detonating his explosive belt on him directly, which resulted in his death along with a number of his guards, praise be to God.”

  • “Governor of Balkh Province with officials of the Rafidite Iranian regime”
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  • “War against the Mujahideen”

The dead leader had held several prominent positions in the ranks of the militia before and after the US withdrawal, where he was appointed ‘Deputy Military Committee’ for the militia prior to the US withdrawal, and after signing peace with America, he was appointed ‘Deputy Minister of Interior of the Taliban.’ During the American campaign against the Mujahideen in (Nangarhar), the apostate was appointed ‘governor of the Nangarhar region’ and led the military war against the Mujahideen and their families there, coinciding with the American campaign, which was a practical proof by the militia about its seriousness in combating the jihad that America describes as ‘terrorism’ and the Taliban describes those responsible for it as ‘kharijites’.”

  • “A servant of the Iranian regime!

“The slain leader was known for his distinguished relationship with the Rafidite Iranian regime for many years, especially during his field activity in the areas near the Iranian borders, even before the militia assumed power. He was also known for his hostility and his fight against those belonging to what is known as the ‘Salafi movement’ in general, which explains the reasons for his distinguished relationship with Rafidite Iran, which strives to spread Shiism in Afghanistan, noting that he is not the only one among the militia leaders who has distinguished relations with the Iranian regime, especially if we know that turning towards the Iranian axis is an official option at the level of the militia leadership, and whoever approached Iran did not succeed.”

  • “Not the first and won't be the last”

“The Islamic State’s statements about the attack carried threatening messages to the militia leaders, stating: ‘The mill of war is raging against them, that the days are short, and that the coming is worse and worse, God willing.’ The sources of the Mujahideen also confirmed that this qualitative strike that the Taliban received today ‘is not the first.’ It will not be the last, God willing. During the past few years, the soldiers of the caliphate killed many prominent leaders in the militia, the last of whom was months ago the ‘chief of police of Badakhshan region’ who was killed by a car bomb, just as the mujahideen killed the former ‘commander of Kabul unit’ in the apostate militia ‘Hamd Allah Mukhlis’ during the attack on The largest military hospital run by the militia in the center of (Kabul), and the media described the dead man at the time as ‘the greatest leader to be killed since the Taliban took power,’ and it is the same phrase that they renewed today after the killing of the ‘governor of Balkh province.’ Who will play the role of the Taliban leaders next time? We ask God to direct the Mujahideen's shot.”

  • “The bombing of the Iranian (Al-Tebyan) center, killing and wounding 30 apostates from Iran”

“In a related context, on Saturday (19 Shaban), the soldiers of the Caliphate managed to plant and detonate a booby-trapped bag inside the Rafidi (Al-Tebyan) center, in the (Balkh) region, northern Afghanistan. The bombing targeted a party held by the Rafidi center in the presence of a number of apostate journalists fighting the Mujahideen, with the guarding and participation of the apostate Taliban militia, which resulted in the death and injury of about 30 of them, and great damage to the targeted center. Praise be to God, and the attack came only two days after the assassination of the ‘Governor of Balkh’ in the same city, to translate the Mujahideen's threats into action, and prove once again the success of the Islamic State in repeating its strikes against painful targets in a record period of time and in the same place, as well as confirming the failure of the Taliban in securing its allies loyal to the Iranian regime, which greatly strengthened its relationship with the militia after it came to power, and they now have a common goal in fighting the mujahideen.”

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  • “Previously targeting (Al-Tebyan) center”

“It is noteworthy that the Mujahideen had previously targeted the Rafidi (Al-Tebyan) center, with a major martyrdom attack in the year 1439 AH in the capital (Kabul), which resulted in the death of dozens of Rafidis, including the center’s director. The aforementioned center receives direct Iranian support, and is responsible for spreading Shiism among Afghan youth under the cover of ‘social, cultural and media activities...,’ as the center has been very active over the past years, in recruiting the Afghan Rafidites and sending them to supply the Rafidite militias in the Levant with individuals to fight the Muslims under the banner of the ‘Fatemiyoun Militia’ and other Rafidite militias. This week is sad for the Iranian regime and its allies, as the Mujahideen overthrew the ‘ruler of Balkh Province’ who was an obedient servant of Iran for many years, then they praised the bombing of a Shiite center affiliated with Iran, which prompted the Iranian government to ‘condemn the two attacks together,’ and no wonder, So the pain is shared and the judgment is one, and God is our Lord and there is no Lord for them.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province had inflicted, during the past week, about seven dead and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban militia, including an administrative commander, with a qualitative and daring operation in the city of (Herat) in western Afghanistan. Amaq Agency presented a videotape of the operation that took place in broad daylight.”

  • ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 383, Published March 23, 2023
  • “One dead and 4 wounded Taliban, including two leaders, in two attacks in (Kabul) and (Nangarhar)”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan killed a member of the Taliban militia and wounded four others, including two leaders, and destroyed one of their vehicles, in two separate attacks in the regions of (Kabul) and (Nangarhar) in Khorasan.”

  • “The killing of a Taliban member”

“And in the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted, on Wednesday (23/Shaaban), a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 5) in the city of (Kabul), with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God. A security source added to (Al-Naba) that the targeted element is one of the militia pretenders who were involved in fighting the Mujahideen and inciting against them.”

  • “Wounded Taliban, including two leaders”

“In a related context, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device, on Wednesday (23/Shaban) on a vehicle that was carrying the governor of the (Sherizade) region, accompanied by another commander and two guards, in the (Nangarhar) region in eastern Afghanistan, which led to its destruction and the wounding of all those in it. Various injuries, thank God.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in the province of Khorasan had dealt two painful blows to the Rafidite Iranian regime and its allies in the Taliban this week. The first was the assassination of a senior official in the Taliban militia holding the position of ‘Governor of Balkh Province’ and who was an obedient servant of the Iranian regime, past and present, with a qualitative martyrdom attack that struck the leader in his headquarters. And among his entourage in (Balkh), to be followed by the Mujahideen with a second strike after only two days, targeting the Rafidi (Al-Tebyan) center, with a booby-trapped bag that killed and wounded about 30 followers of the Rafidite Iran, including militia members who were guarding the center.”

  • ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 384, Published March 30, 2023
  • “20 dead and wounded among the employees and guards of the ‘Foreign Headquarters’ in the same center (Kabul)”

“About 20 people were killed and wounded this week among the employees and guards of the headquarters of the ‘Foreign Ministry of the Taliban Militia’ in the second martyrdom operation targeting the same headquarters, which is located within a fortified security area in the center of the capital (Kabul), in a practical indication of the superiority of the security effort of the Mujahideen against the continuous security failure of the militia in the file ‘Fighting the Jihad,’ while the Mujahideen assassinated a Pakistani intelligence spy on the other side of the border, which the Mujahideen seek to remove by force.”

  • “A martyrdom operation in front of the Taliban foreign headquarters”

“And in the details, with the grace of God Almighty, on Monday (5/Ramadan), one of the knights of martyrdom, brother (Abdul Hamid Khorasani) - may God accept him - set out towards the foreign headquarters of the apostate Taliban militia, in the center of the capital (Kabul), after passing all the fortifications and security measures imposed by it. According to the predetermined plan, the martyred brother waited for the moment the Foreign Ministry employees exited the headquarters gate, then detonated his explosive belt on them, specifically near a checkpoint in front of the headquarters building, which resulted in the death of about 20 people and wounded them, including ‘diplomatic’ employees, as well as members of the militia and militia guards.”

  • “The martyrdom brother (Abdul Hamid Khorasani) - may God Almighty accept him –“
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  • “The official Taliban narrative between lies and contradiction”

“As usual, the militia hastened to impose a security cordon on the area, and prevented anyone from reaching the site of the attack, as a prelude to weaving its own version of the attack, so the official version of the Taliban came quickly through its spokesman in (Kabul), where he said: ‘In the square of Malik Asghar, (Mujahid) was spotted He killed him at a checkpoint, before reaching his target, but the explosives he had exploded!’

The Taliban narrative that it stopped the bomber and did not stop the bombing; She claimed that the Mujahid had not reached his goal, without daring to name this target, to escape the heavy confession that the attack had targeted the headquarters of its ‘foreign ministry’ again, despite the strict security measures in this particular area.

The contradictions in the Taliban’s narrative did not stop there, claiming that the attack, after being foiled, resulted in the ‘killing of 6 civilians,’ following the tyrants’ habit of floating results and misleading the observer. After the bombing, employees of the ‘Foreign Ministry’ published pictures of at least two of the ‘diplomats’ working in the targeted headquarters. One of the crusading institutions also announced a ‘preliminary outcome’ in which it said that its hospital ‘received 12 wounded and two dead,’ while several media outlets reported that ‘four Foreign Ministry employees and two members of the militia were wounded, and at least 13 other guards from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and militiamen were injured.’ On the international and political level, the ‘Crusader Security Council’ hastened to 'condemn the attack' that targeted the ‘Taliban Foreign Ministry,’ and the ‘United Nations’ council considered that ‘terrorism (jihad) threatens peace and security in Afghanistan,’ as they said.”

  • “A picture from the site of the explosion in front of the Taliban Foreign Affairs headquarters building in central (Kabul)”
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  • “The second attack of its kind targeting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

“The Mujahideen had previously targeted the same headquarters with a similar martyrdom attack less than three months ago, when a martyrdom worker was able to detonate his explosive belt on the staff of the headquarters the moment they left the headquarters gate, killing about 20 in addition to the wounded. The success of the mujahideen in repeatedly targeting the militia’s foreign headquarters, which is a sovereign headquarters in a complex security area full of security and sovereign headquarters of the militia and teeming with security barriers; is a practical indication of the superiority of the security effort of the mujahideen, and necessarily the continued security failure of the militia in combating jihad, which is the condition that brought it back to power. After quietly removing the ‘former regime’ from the scene.”

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  • “Assassination of a spy in (Bajaur)”

“On the security level, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Sunday (4/Ramadan) A spy affiliated with the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the Tarkho area of Bajaur, with pistol shots, which led to his injury and later death of his wounds, according to a private source, and praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan Province had killed, during the past week, a member of the Taliban militia and wounded four others, including two leaders, and destroyed one of their vehicles, in two separate attacks in the regions of (Kabul) and (Nangarhar) in Khorasan.”

     2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • March 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Baradar has accused the U.S. of preventing “countries from dealing with the Taliban” and prevented sending/releasing funds to the Afghan government.

“#Khorasan. The tyrant Baradar: America prevents countries from dealing with the Taliban.

On the third anniversary of the Doha Agreement between the Taliban militia and the garrison of the cross, the Taliban Deputy of the Taliban Militia, said that America illegally prevented the assets of Afghanistan, and was placed on the black list of Taliban's tyrants. They did not allow the world to interact with them.”

  • March 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that four Pakistani Taliban leaders were killed in an explosion while they were at a restaurant in Khost. The post states it was a drone strike or an explosion inside the restaurant. The post stated that the Taliban prevented people from accessing the site afterward and that two days prior, representatives of Pakistani intelligence had met with Taliban officials, suggesting a connection.

#Khurasan. An explosion was reported in a restaurant in the city of #Khost, where members of the Pakistani Taliban were present in the place.

Information was reported on the killing of four militia leaders.

There are two novels of what happened, some believe that it was a drone raid (perhaps Pakistani), while others - an explosion inside the restaurant. The Taliban Militia has surrounded the scene of the accident and prevented anyone from reaching it.

By the way, two days ago in #Kabul, a meeting was held between the representatives of Pakistani intelligence and the militia tyrants, and among the issues that discussed a problem related to the Pakistani Taliban militia. Coincidence?”

  • March 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a UN envoy “blessed the efforts of the Taliban” in their fight against ISIS-K.

“#contemplation. The envoy of atheistic nations blesses the efforts of the Taliban militia, which is in its fight against the Monotheists.”

  • March 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that a member of the Haqqani Network called Ahmed Shah Massoud a “martyr and a national hero.”

“#a witness. A tyrant belonging to the Haqqani Intelligence Network announces in public that the deceased Ahmed Shah Massoud, who was killed by Sheikh Osama, may God have mercy on him; A martyr and a national hero!”

  • March 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the CIA Chief, William Burns, met with Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul.

“The Washington Post: CIA chief William Burns held a secret meeting with Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday.”

  • March 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a 60-year-old sheikh died in a Taliban prison “due to poor conditions.” The post contrasts the Taliban’s harsh treatment of some Sunnis while asking to reopen foreign embassies and releasing an Iranian soldier “with gifts” who had been detained.

“#a witness. Afghans in the prisons of the brothers of the apostate #Taliban_militia, chained, mentioning the death of a 60-year-old sheikh in prison due to poor conditions.

And the powerful Kharijites of the apostate #Taliban militia beg the infidels for east and west to open the temples of the embassies, and recently they sent back a rejecting soldier with gifts, honoring and honoring.”

  • March 4: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban are bragging about killing Sunni women.

“#contemplation. The Kharijites of the apostate #Taliban militia have no hesitation in killing Sunni women, rather they have begun to brag about it openly, by means of the lying trumpet that sacrifices apostasy…”

  • March 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are “working diligently to court New Delhi.”

“Taliban is working diligently to court New Delhi. Active quiet diplomacy between India and Afghanistan.”

  • March 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Iranian Embassy in Kabul “opened a trade center and fair” for Afghan merchants to see Iranian goods in an attempt to “strengthen trade relations between” the two countries.

“#Khorasan. Today, the Magian Embassy in Kabul opened a trade center and fair where Afghan merchants can learn about Magian goods. The Magian side wants to strengthen trade relations between the Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • March 5: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that a Pashtun Deobandi religious leader stated that Pashtuns were “God’s chosen people.”

“#a witness. One of the Pashtun Deobandi rabbis and Kharijite mullahs #the apostate_Taliban, lies against the Messenger of God (PBUH) and claims that the Messenger mentioned the Pashtuns in his hadiths and that they are God’s chosen people and that they conquer the world and they have paradise and poplars…

What is the difference between their lie and the rejection lie?

These are the rulers of the affairs of the fragmented captives, and they are desperate to defend them to the last dog in hell.

A seal on their hearts, so they do not understand.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that “the first meeting of special representatives of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries” began to meet in Tashkent.

#Uzbekistan. The first meeting of special representatives of Afghanistan's neighboring countries started today in Tashkent. The Uzbek Foreign Ministry said that representatives of Uzbekistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took part in this meeting and are discussing the establishment of long-term peace and stability.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that another funding package has arrived in Afghanistan and that it is proof that the West has “complete satisfaction” with the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. The arrival of a package of new sums of $100 bills, worth $40 million, sent by the Garrison of the Cross, America and NATO, which is evidence of their complete satisfaction with their dog, the Taliban.

God, His Majesty, says in His Noble Revelation: {Neither the Jews nor the Christians will be satisfied with you until you follow their religion}.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that ISIS released a book to “incite the Uyghur Muslims to jihad, self-defense and honor,” but that the Taliban responded by releasing a video in the Uyghur language stating that ISIS commits beheadings. The post insinuates that ISIS cares about the Uyghurs while the Taliban do not.

#contemplation. The supporters in #Khorasan issued a book inciting the Uyghur Muslims to jihad, self-defense and honor, so the intelligence of the Kharijites of the apostate #Taliban_militia only published a clip in the Uyghur language accusing the monotheists of the heinous crimes of beheading the infidels and apostates out of envy of themselves!! Heretics have fulfilled all the conditions of being judged by the Kharijites.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s Minister of Water and Energy, Mullah Abdul Latif Mansoor, has stated that the Afghan government is “comprehensive” and that within the country there “are citizens of every nation, language, political and religious orientation.”

“#a witness. The appointed tyrant of water and energy, Mullah Mansour | The government of the Kharijite Emirate is completely comprehensive. There are citizens of every nation, language, political and religious orientation.

All creeds except the revealed Islam, so these are the descendants of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Khawarij, the dogs of Hellfire.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban considered the killing of al-Zawahiri to be a violation of the Doha agreement but that the Taliban are “begging the Americans not to repeat the violations.”

“The Taliban considered the killing of al-Zawahiri a violation of the Doha agreement.

Did they do what the Messenger of God did with Quraysh when the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was broken?

He invaded Mecca with the army of Aramram, and he did not accept Abu Sufyan's endeavor to sign the peace.

Rather, the opposite happened

It is the Taliban who are begging the Americans not to repeat the violations

There is no comparison between the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

And the Doha agreement.

# Turjman Al Asawirti”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban has allowed the U.S. to conduct military operations inside Afghanistan.

“Taliban spokesman. If any party feels threatened by the provisions of the Doha agreement, they can defend themselves.

This clause in the Doha agreement allows the Crusaders to kill Muslims inside Afghanistan if the Crusader Pentagon assesses that the target poses a threat to them.

This item is a public and explicit apostasy

Because of this clause, Al-Zawahiri's neck snapped.”

  • March 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have pledged not to allow terrorist groups to threaten the U.S. or its allies from Afghan soil, but that the Taliban have allowed individuals to join the Shiite Fatemiyoun militia fighting in Syria.

“The tyrants of the militia kept chanting until the deaf were tired; We will not allow anyone to use Afghanistan against America and its allies.

And #But exporting the Hazara Rafidites as Afghan militias to support the Nusayri regime and the Rafidi mobilization against the Muslims is a matter of consideration!

These rejected Hazaras are considered to be #Muslim slaves of captives.”

  • March 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have received money in exchange for “killing Sunni prisoners in cold blood and…raided a hideout of terrorists.”

“#contemplation. For the second day in a row, the Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia received 40 million dollars from their crusader master for their war on terrorism.

$80 million in two days.

What is the reason?

Because the Kharijites killed Sunni prisoners in cold blood and announced that they had raided a hideout of terrorists. The actions of the apostate Egyptian army in #Sinai follow the example of…”

  • March 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban executed eight men who were tied up and then placed weapons next to them, claiming that they were ISIS-K fighters. The post compares this behavior to the Egyptian army in Sinai.

“#Khorasan. The scandal of the Kharijites, the guardians of the captives.

Kharijites claimed that the apostate Taliban militia had killed eight Muwahideen in a clash that lasted only half an hour!

It is clear from these photos that after executing these people, the guardians of the captives put weapons next to their corpses and took pictures of them to send to their supportive Crusader master.

Eight people with three guns in half an hour, and one uniter occupying them day and night.

Through the pictures, an ignorant person understands that the corpses had their legs and hands tied before their execution, and even a child tells you that the gun was placed on the hand of the dead man.

We told you the actions of the infidel Sisi army in #Sinai, step by step.

May God’s curse be upon the captives, as many as they breathed the air.”

  • March 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that al-Qaeda killed Ahmad Shah Massoud for cooperating with the West. The post asks why al-Qaeda does not do the same to the Taliban.

“Ahmad Shah Massoud was meeting with the Crusaders and assuring them that he would cooperate with them. This was one of the reasons for Al-Qaeda's expiation of him. What is the resemblance of the Taliban today to Massoud yesterday?

# Turjman Al Asawirti”

  • March 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are building a relationship with Russia despite their abuses in Syria.

“Memorial photo. Taliban leaders in the bosom of the Russian crusader. Which exterminated the people of Al-Sham and destroyed them to destruction.

# Turjman Al Asawirti”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram providing additional information on the killing of Mohammad Dawood Muzammil. The post states that a suicide attacker with an explosive belt attacked Muzammil’s office during a meeting of Taliban delegates from Kabul and that “many Pashtun nationalists” were killed. Muzammil is described as leading the Taliban’s campaign against ISIS-K in northeastern Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. #follows. The field commander of the Kharijite militia #the apostate Taliban and the governor of #Balkh, the apostate Mohammad Dawood Muzammil, have been liquidated.

The accident occurred in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. The attack was carried out with an explosive belt inside the office of the apostate provincial governor, where he was holding a meeting with a delegation of Kharijites of the apostate #Taliban from #Kabul. During the blast, many Pashtun nationalists were wiped out.

He gained his reputation as an effective commander through combat operations against the British armed forces in 2003-2004, in Helmand Province. Later, he led the Kharijite Pashtun nationalists in the battles against the militants of the Islamic State in northeastern Afghanistan under American air cover and direct support from the apostate Afghan army.

The operation is considered a major violation of the intelligence services, as the bomber, with his explosive vest, arrived in the midst of a meeting, to say the least, of a ‘high level’ of the leaders of the Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming to show footage of the suicide attacker entering the Balkh government building before killing Mohammad Dawood Muzammil. The post states that Muzammil was “the most important leader” killed since the Taliban came to power, as the former governor of Nangarhar and former Deputy Interior Minister.

“#a witness. #Khorasan. Video footage captured by the security cameras of the Balkh government building. It shows how the porter freely entered the building while he was comfortable, determined, and with steady steps, and went directly to his goal.

The doomed ruler, Mullah Dawood Muzammil, is the most important leader who has been trampled on since the Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia took power, and he was previously the governor of Nangarhar province and deputy interior minister.

Slowly but surely, the heads of the most powerful tyrants will be cut off, God willing.”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that relatives of the child run over by the Taliban in Panjshir did not receive blood money, nor has the killer, who has not been caught, been punished.

“#Khorasan. Relatives of the child Wathiq Al-Banjshiri, who was run over by a guard belonging to the Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia yesterday, told them that they buried the body of the child. But the killer is still at large. No retribution, no blood money.”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that Taliban leaders are hypocrites for depriving women of rights in Afghanistan while their daughters “study in the most luxurious schools and play (the) violin.”

“#contemplation. This idiot says that people talk about women's rights and that a woman's real right is to feed and drink her and to dress her in the best clothes to take her to bed.

Wow, this idiot and dementia wants to convince the men of Islam that Muslim women are captives in their hands who have no rights except food, drink and sex, while you find his family members and the family members of other leaders loose in the mini-state of Qatar or in Europe and their daughters study in the most luxurious schools and play violin, and they have more rights than rights their men.

These are the Kharijites of the apostate #Taliban militia and snatches of al-Qaeda captives. Their thought does not extend beyond that to the rights of women who live under their tyrannical rule?”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for “friendly relations” with Iran.

“The Taliban exchange friendly relations with the Rafidah, which is worse than stepping on pebbles. There is no loyalty, disavowal, or implementation of Islam, so why does al-Qaeda love them?!

#white _ monotheists”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram showing a video of Muzammil allegedly leading the fight against ISIS-K in Nangarhar.

“#a witness. The doomed leader, Mohammad Dawood Muzammil, as he leads the crusade against the soldiers of the Caliphate and their families in #Nangarhar. Oh, God bless you, look at the weapon they are using.”

  • March 9: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Iran was the “first to offer condolences” after the killing of Mohammad Dawood Muzammil.

“Afghanistan – Iran. The state of Iran was the first to offer condolences to the governor of Balkh province, Mohammad Dawood Muzammil.”

  • March 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban leaders enjoy “expensive fruits and nuts,” while regular Afghans “sell their organs in Iran and their children in the market” to get bread.

“Just a rest session and all these expensive fruits and nuts. People below the poverty line sell their organs in Iran and their children in the market in order to win a loaf.”

  • March 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban “kidnapped 8 Tajik people from their homes” and executed them, alleging that they were kidnappers.

“#Khorasan. The Kharijites of the apostate Taliban militia kidnapped 8 Tajik people from their homes the day before yesterday and shot them on the charge that they were kidnappers.

And today, in full bloom, they announced that they are cooperating with the #Islamic_State in covering up the wave strike that eliminated the most important leader loyal to Iran explicitly.”

  • March 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban’s Minister of Finance, Mullah Badri, resigned after a “dispute with…Akhundzada.”

“#Khorasan. The resignation of the financial tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, Mullah Badri, on Wednesday, March 8. According to sources in the apostate militia, the reason for this decision is the dispute with the apostate Taliban tyrant, who leaked Akhundzada over economic issues, squandering money and misusing it for personal interests.”

  • March 10: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban executed 12 people in Balkh “for allegedly cooperating” with ISIS-K. The post claims that among those executed were Tajiks and Hazaras and four former soldiers from the previous government.

“News. Afghan media.

Local sources in Balkh say that the Taliban shot 12 residents of this province for allegedly cooperating with the Islamic State.

According to the sources, the Taliban took these people out of their homes last night, and then shot them in Dasht Shadian district of Mazar-i-Sharif city.

According to information, the dead were Tajiks and Hazaras.

According to the sources, among them are four soldiers of the former government.

The Taliban has not said anything about this yet.

It is worth noting that the Taliban movement has already shot dozens of civilians on various charges in separate parts of the country, especially in Balkh.


This gang, after the two successive strikes it received and the opium abuse that licked their minds, those who killed the Hazaras and attributed their cooperation with the state know this, and also terror became running through their veins.”

  • March 11: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban kidnapped and executed a man in Jalalabad. The post alleges that the man was killed by the Taliban “to avenge the attacks of the soldiers of the Islamic State on its apostate leaders” because there are many Sunni Salafists in Jalalabad. The post states that similar attacks occurred in Kunduz and Logar.

“#Khorasan. The genocide against the Sunnis and the Salaf in Khurasan is reaching its climax.

The militia of the apostate #Taliban was kidnapped the day before yesterday

In Jalalabad, a local citizen came to the foreign exchange market, and after one day his body was returned to his family without giving reasons.

Most likely, he was the victim of the militia's attempt to avenge the attacks of the soldiers of the Islamic State on its apostate leaders, because Jalalabad is inhabited by a large population of Sunni Salafists, whom the new regime considers hostile to it doctrinally.

Similar incidents occurred in Kunduz and Logar provinces. In the first case, the apostate militia stopped three people from traveling from Balkh Province to Kunduz, killing one and arresting two others, accusing them of being involved with the #Islamic_State. In the second case, the apostates shot a resident of Logar province on the same charges. No evidence was provided for the false allegations.”

  • March 11: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram containing information on the attack on the Tebyan Center in Mazar-i-Sharif. The post states that the target of the attack “were journalists who came to film a report.”

“#Khorasan. This morning, an explosion occurred, believed to be an explosive device, in the Rafidi Cultural Center in Tebyan, in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. According what was reported, the targets were journalists who came to film a report. As a result, 33 people were killed and injured.”

  • March 11: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the resumption of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia a “positive step in the path of strengthening peace and stability” in the region.

“#Khorasan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate Taliban welcomes the return of relations between the Majus of Iran and the Salul family, describing it as a ‘positive step in the path of strengthening peace and stability’ in the region.”

  • March 11: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that 10 Taliban soldiers died due to food poisoning in Helmand. The post alleges that the poisoning was intentional.

“Afghan media: Local sources in Helmand province said that 10 Taliban fighters died due to food poisoning in Naveh district in Helmand province.

Today, Saturday, the sources added, these 10 Taliban members were poisoned with food by unknown persons last night in their security center in Sarkodz district of Naveh district. without further details.”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban’s Minister of Commerce announced that exports to Pakistan have grown and that he called on Iran to increase Afghan exports to improve Afghanistan’s economy. The post states that the Taliban need the money to embezzle and fight ISIS-K.

“#Khorasan. The tyrant of the Ministry of Commerce of the apostate Taliban militia, Nooruddin Azizi, said that exports of goods to Pakistan have begun to grow compared to imports.

as called; And we quote from his words: ‘Brotherly Iran’ to increase Afghan exports similarly to support the economy of the apostate militia.

The Sanakih captives kept stabbing the #Islamic_State for selling oil in dollars to the Nusayri regime, and with its money buying weapons and preparing Mujahideen to fight the Nusayri himself.

Their lords beg the infidels to trade with them to fill their pockets first, then to wage war on Islam and the Muslims.”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are killing those who oppose their system while accusing ISIS of killing “the common people.”

“#Khorasan. The high ignorance tyrant in the militia of the apostate Taliban:

‘Anyone who opposes this system deserves to be killed.’

The captives were and still are accusing the #Islamic_State - may God honor it - of killing the common people who do not swear allegiance falsely on their part, and today God’s justice is applicable to them.

Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of glory, above what they describe.

Every suspicion they uttered came back to their side many times over.

Praise be to God, he supported his servants, even after a while.”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram accusing the Taliban of allowing their intelligence services and “death squads” to “hunt Sunnis and Salafis.”

“#contemplation. This tyrant of lofty ignorance is wasting the blood of all those who oppose blasphemy, warfare, collusion, crimes, theft, debauchery, and atrocities of the apostate #Taliban militia. What about its intelligence services and death squads that hunt Sunnis and Salafis?”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that the Taliban are pawns of the ISI.

“#a witness. We overthrew Najibullah by using the Taliban, and we will overthrow the Ashraf Ghani regime as well, by using the Taliban, because the Taliban is ours and at our disposal. The most senior and well-known operative of the ISI, Zaid Ham”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. is attacking ISIS-K in Afghanistan with the cooperation of the Taliban, who receive billions of dollars from the U.S. The post states that the Taliban “bravely defeated America with agreements stipulating the protection of America’s security first.”

“#contemplation. According to the prisoners of captives and their masters, the fools:

Afghanistan is a wonderful place where America crazily bombards its terrorist agents from the #Islamic_State.

On the other hand, billions of dollars are pumped into the real Mujahideen, the heroes of the Taliban who bravely defeated America with agreements stipulating the protection of America’s security first.”

  • March 12: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram containing information on individuals allegedly present during the bombing of the Tebyan cultural center.

“#Khorasan. It became known that among the wounded in the bombing in Mazar-i-Sharif was a local Shiite preacher, Ustaz Abbasi. According to the photos published by the journalists, there was another Shiite general in the building before the explosion, and his condition has not been determined yet.

The apostate Atta Muhammad Saha, the tyrant of the media and culture department of the apostate Taliban militia in Balkh province, also spoke on stage during the ceremony.

Once again, the blood of the polytheistic Rafidites is mixed with that of their apostate brothers.”

  • March 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding the split between Akhundzada and Haqqani.

“sequel: Haqqani refused

Especially since Watheq belongs to Ghazni Province, southwestern Afghanistan, and Haqqani sees him as neutral in his stances between him and the Kandaharis, and refuses to change him in any way.

However, Akhundzada aspires through this change to gain full access to all intelligence files and sensitive security issues, because the current head of Taliban intelligence refuses to inform the leader of the movement of all files, whether from the previous or current government, and even his meetings with intelligence officials in other countries.

Rare criticism

These efforts come after the emergence of splits within the Taliban between the Haqqani wing and Akhundzada, especially with the Interior Minister's endeavor to form a semblance of a Shura Council for governance, so that decisions within the movement would not be taken unilaterally. He was already able to woo Defense Minister Muhammad Yaqoub, son of the movement's founder, Mullah Omar. And persuade him to consult with the leaders in order to work seriously on the formation of this council.

Last month, Haqqani directed veiled and rare criticism of the movement’s isolated and far-from-show guide, considering that since the movement took power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the movement should show more patience, with the aim of ‘calming the citizens, and acting in a way that people do not hate and with it they hate religion.’”

  • March 13: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban employees would receive “4 days of training from the Hindu (Indian) embassy.” The post asks if this is happening openly, what is happening secretly.

“#contemplation. According to the circular issued by the apostate Taliban militia, employees in the ministries are scheduled to receive 4 days of training from the Hindu Embassy from March 14 to 17. If they're doing it openly, imagine what they're doing behind the scenes.”

  • March 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban has taken control of the Afghan embassy in Dubai but that the UAE “does not officially recognize it as an authority over the country.”

“The state of Dubai hands over the building of the Afghan embassy to the apostate Taliban militia. It is noteworthy that whoever handed over an embassy to the militia does not officially recognize it as an authority over the country.”

  • March 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding meetings between the Taliban’s Commerce Minister and Iranian delegates. The post states that Azizi claimed that trade between the two countries could eventually reach $10 billion and discussed ways of increasing trade between the two countries.

“The closeness of the brethren of faith. Taghut visited the Ministry of Commerce of the apostate Taliban militia, Nooruddin Azizi, Iran to discuss the issue of expanding trade between the two countries.

In his opinion, the volume of trade exchange between Rafidah Iran and Afghanistan could reach $10 billion.

He also visited with the governor of Iran's southern Khorasan Province a free trade zone on the borders of the two countries, where he asked the leaders of the apostate militia to facilitate the process of crossing the border for the Afghans.

They also raised a supplication with the polytheistic Rafidah in order to facilitate the construction of a road to the province of Sistan-Baluchestan, on which work has been suspended.”

  • March 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have “resumed kidnapping, torturing, and killing Salafist Sunnis.” The post states that the Taliban killed the son of a Salafist scholar and two teachers.

“#Khorasan. The death squads of the #Taliban_murada militia have resumed kidnapping, torturing and killing Salafist Sunnis.

Three days ago, the apostate militia arrested and killed the son of a Salafist scholar, Noman, and two teachers of the Sheikh Abd al-Rashid al-Sunnah school.”

  • March 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pashtuns have committed acts of violence against Uzbeks in Faryab Governate.

“#a witness. Imitation of Pashtun wearers of the crimes of Bani Zion. A new round of violence in the north of Faryab Governorate. Many Uzbeks were killed and injured by Pashtun settlers supported by the apostate Taliban militia from southern Afghanistan to occupy and steal the original Uzbek lands.”

  • March 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for killing Uzbeks who joined ISIS-K.

“#For God then for history. The treachery of the apostate Taliban against our Uzbek brothers who fled on foot to Khurasan. They betrayed them and killed children and women, and their crime was that they pledged allegiance to Sheikh Al-Baghdadi - may God accept him. And all of this was before the fighting between the Islamic State and the apostate Taliban began.”

  • March 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban Ministry of Interior is claiming that ISIS-K leadership had ordered attacks in Kabul using suicide belts against police stations and bank branches, as well as government employees collecting their salaries.

“A statement issued by the Ministry of Interior of the apostate Taliban militia on March 6 claimed that the leadership of the Islamic State in Khorasan had recently ordered attacks in Kabul during a meeting in Tirah Valley in Pakistan..

The message warns of possible attacks with explosive belts by the martyrs of the Islamic State targeting police bases and bank branches, aiming to target the employees of the apostate government who will meet to collect their salaries.”

  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Pakistan assisted the U.S. in locating and killing Dadullah Akhund because he described Pakistan as an enemy.

“Mullah Dadullah describes Pakistan as an enemy country. This is one of the reasons why the Pakistani intelligence wing within the apostate Taliban militia (Akhtar Mansour, Mullah Baradar, Obaidullah, etc.) helped the Americans locate him to kill him.”

  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Akhundzada granted an amnesty to all Afghans as long as they do not fight or criticize the Taliban system.

”#a witness ‘The war is over, do not try to start it again, all Afghans will resist you, we have declared a general amnesty, come to your homeland and enjoy freedom, you have no honor in the infidel countries, but never try to criticize or be hostile to the system here.’

An audio attributed to the tyrant of the militia #Taliban_apostate, Al-Masridib Mullah Prestige of Satan Akhund.

This short statement contains unparalleled lies, lies, schizophrenia, and hypocrisy.

The first one announces the end of jihad, the damned lie; Now the fighting has come, and its market will continue until the Hour begins.

As for the wicked, he admits that their fight was for the sake of ruling and power, and nothing else.

Then he says that the countries are unbelievers together with his tongue and his men fly from one country to another begging for recognition and opening embassies and calling them brothers, neighbors and Muslims.

False amnesty, where his cronies hunt down the elements of the former regime and finish them off without supervision or accountability.

A house of safety for every infidel and polytheist, and a house of fear and persecution for every Sunni Muslim.

Then beware and beware of speaking ill of their side, otherwise woe to you.”

  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that five people in Paktia were publicly punished by flogging for theft, embezzlement, trying to flee, and posting immoral photos on social media. The post states that they were punished by Pashtun tribal rule and not religious rule.

“#Khorasan. The Supreme Court of the apostate Taliban militia said in a press release that 5 people were publicly flogged on Wednesday in Paktia province on charges of theft, embezzlement, running away from their homes and posting immoral pictures on social media. From which law was the rule withdrawn, from the law of Pashtun tribal rule.”

  • March 16: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Ministry of the Interior is collecting data, including phone numbers, on those who purchase smartphones.

“Dictatorship in the making. The Ministry of the Interior of the apostate Taliban militia has instructed smartphone sellers to record the data of the buyer and his mobile phone number in a special form that will be distributed by this ministry. It was not enough for them to storm homes, terrorize their occupants, and violate their veils and sanctities. They even want to know how often you go to the bathroom.”

  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding a meeting between the Taliban Minister of Commerce and Iranian officials, including the Minister of Industry, Mining, and Trade. The post states that those present agreed to “facilitate trade between” the two countries, increase the number of work visas, reduce customs duties, and increase trade overall. The post states that the Taliban Minister thanked Iran and also asked for Iranian investors in the Afghan agricultural sector.

“#Khorasan. The trade tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, Nooruddin Azizi, met the Magusi Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, Reza Fatimi Amin, and other Magus officials.

During the meeting, a number of agreements were reached to facilitate trade between countries, including: increasing the validity of work visas, reducing customs duties, expanding trade, and solving a number of other problems.

The two sides also announced the establishment of two trade passages between the two countries.

The dear apostate thanked his colleagues and described the Rafidite Iran as a friend of the Afghan people… He also asked for the help of Magian investors in the agricultural sector in Afghanistan…”

  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Taliban leaders are “granting their sons and relatives high positions” in the new government. The post says that Akhundzada is angry that they are “monopolizing positions and marginalizing the qualified.” Leaders have been ordered to remove their family members from these positions, but they have ignored the order.

“#Spider's home. Mistaken all their hearts and various…

The tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, who is left behind, is very dissatisfied with the leaders of the new regime granting their sons and relatives high positions in the apostate government, as all the tyrants of the world do, and blame them for monopolizing positions and marginalizing the qualified and qualified specialists among the common people.

In his statement, the leader of the gang of thieves ordered the officials to remove their sons and relatives from these positions and replace them with experienced commoners.

I wouldn't be surprised if they told him to ‘mind your own business, bastard’ in response to his request, given the recent events of domestic political tensions and power infighting...

The apostate militia, especially the leaders, have repeatedly ignored the orders and directives of the tyrant.”

  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. gave Afghanistan to the Taliban and that the latter are Kharijites.

“#a witness. From their mouths we condemn them.

The tyrant of the current ministers of the Kharijites, the apostate Taliban militia, acknowledges the knowledge…

‘Just twenty days ago, we could not have imagined that the Taliban would sit on this throne (the Kabul rule). But by one decision of the Americans and within ten days, this country was handed over to us.

They were insulting the succession's conquests by submission and acceptance, so God tested them for what they challenged in the jihad of the Monotheists..

And they accused the victorious sect - God willing - of the Kharijites, so God, Glory be to Him, placed them in their throats and made them pledge allegiance to those who meet all the characteristics of the Kharijites and more.

The dream of your Lord, the Mighty, the Mighty, the Almighty.”

  • March 18: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Iran has sentenced two Sunnis to death and three others to life imprisonment for the attack on the Shah Cheragh Shrine. The post states that the Taliban kills Sunnis without a trial.

“#Iran. The Magi sentenced two Sunnis to death and three others to life imprisonment for the attack on their temple in Shiraz. As for their brothers, the Taliban, they kill Sunnis in their place without trial.”

  • March 19: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that after Taliban leaders were told not to give government jobs to family members, multiple jobs in the Ministry of Justice went to leaders’ family members.

“After the issuance of the decree of the tyrant, the apostate Taliban militia, not to monopolize the positions of power from the families of the leaders, there will be great sadness in this house today, as all family members have obtained positions in the current Ministry of Justice.”

  • March 19: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban threatened to harm a man unless his son, a former soldier, returned to Afghanistan after fleeing to Iran.

“#a witness. A video clip sent by the apostate Taliban dogs to the son of this sheikh because he was in the apostate army and fled to Iran, threatening him to return or he will bear the punishment that will befall his father.”

  • March 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban “wants to legalize” the cultivation of opium and control it.

“#contemplation. The apostate Taliban militia and some of its tyrants are promoting that the cultivation or trade in opium has become prohibited by the decree of the Masdarib Akhundzada, and this is not true because the militia wants to legalize the product by allowing government agencies to control it and prevent the random fields spread in the country because it does not control the product as a whole.

The militia traded in it with the Germans!”

  • March 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban will allow the cultivation of 20 square kilometers of opium in partnership with the pharmaceutical company C-Pharm. The post states that there are currently 24 square kilometers of cannabis cultivated for C-Pharm in Afghanistan.

“The apostate Qari Saeed liar tells the Ministry of Interior that they will plant 20 square kilometers of opium after partnering with C-Pharm. And that 24 square kilometers is the current land area used for cannabis cultivation”

  • March 20: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have received more than $8 billion from the U.S. since taking power.

“America says that since its installation of the apostate Taliban militia on the throne of power, it has supported them with more than 8 billion dollars.

  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Nowruz is being celebrated in parts of Afghanistan.

“#Khurasan. At the same time that the Taliban_Maard militia prevented the celebration of the birthday and roses; Milad and Employee Establishment was held in Nangarhar … Note that the pagan feast of Noruz was actually held in some regions of Afghanistan.”

  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban will prevent girls and women from receiving education past the sixth grade.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia announces that there is no study for females after the sixth grade.”

  • March 21: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban told “Israel News that ‘relations with a Jewish state are in the interest of Afghanistan.’”

“#urgent. An official in the apostate Taliban militia told Israel News that ‘relations with a Jewish state are in the interest of Afghanistan.’ #Source.”

  • March 23: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating the Taliban Minister of Education broke his arm while fighting with the “head of the government examinations department” regarding “the registration of students (acquaintances and relatives of the Taliban) who had failed the entry exams to study in medical colleges.”

“A picture appeared on the Internet showing the injury of the Minister of High Ignorance in the apostate Taliban militia, Nada Muhammad Nadeem, with a fracture in his hand. And local media, quoting sources in the apostate militia, reported that the minister broke his arm during a quarrel with the head of the government examinations department. The reason for the quarrel was the registration of students who had failed the entry exams to study in medical colleges (acquaintances and relatives of the militia).”

  • March 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban lied in claiming they were not persecuting former Afghan soldiers, including high-ranking officers. The post says that those who “did not want to deal” with the Taliban were executed. 

“#Khorasan. A number of generals of the apostate Ghani regime met with the deputy of the tyrant of ministers, Mullah Abdul Kabir. The apostate declared in the meeting that the new regime was not persecuting the former Afghan soldiers (and this is an outright lie), and that the apostate Taliban militia needs the experience of the generals, and they will be integrated into the army.

Previously, the recruitment of the new regime's army relied largely on ex-soldiers, while many who did not want to deal with the militia were killed and this practice continues to this day.

It is noteworthy that these generals used to describe the militia as the enemy of the Afghan people, and the militia does not listen to anyone, no matter what.”

  • March 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. left behind weapons and equipment worth $7.2 billion in Afghanistan. The post states that the Taliban have offered to sell the military equipment to China, Russia, or Iran if the U.S. does not send more money.

“The Taliban militia showed pictures of hundreds of pieces of military equipment left by the NATO coalition forces during their withdrawal from Afghanistan

The Taliban militia acquired US weapons and military equipment worth $7.2 billion, which the US forces left before their withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

The Taliban militia is playing a bone-breaking game with its mother, America, more dollars in exchange for not selling a large percentage of this equipment to China, Russia and Iran.”

  • March 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban “beheaded a Quran reciter in front of his family members” in Jowzjan province.

“#Khorasan. The apostate Taliban militia beheaded a Quran reciter in front of his family members. Sources in Jowzjan said that the apostate Taliban militia beheaded Abd al-Wadud, the reciter, in front of his family members in the village of Karaken on the Jawzjan-Sarpul highway.”

  • March 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the U.S. “has spent 4 billion dollars in Afghanistan (on) propaganda” against ISIS-K in order to convince Ulema Councils to label ISIS-K as Khawarij.

“#contemplation. America has spent 4 billion dollars in Afghanistan as propaganda in order to make the #Islamic_State Kharijites in the eyes of the people, using the help of those who are strangled, suffocated, degraded, and overthrown by the blasphemy and callers of Hell…”

  • March 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai supports the Hazara and that the Taliban provides them with security.

#a witness. A message from the apostate Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, one of the engineers of the apostate Taliban militia today, says that the Hazara brothers can freely associate partners with God, and we are their protectors.”

  • March 25: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai has stated that democracy is a legitimate form of government and that the Taliban would not interfere if it were chosen by the Afghan people.

“#a witness. Chief negotiating delegation of the Taliban (Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai). He acknowledges democracy and says that if the people choose the republican system, they have no objection!!”

  • March 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for protecting Sufis. The post compares this to the harsh treatment of Sufis in ISIS territory in Sinai.

“#a witness. In Wilayat Sinai, Sufis are arrested, legal courses are held for them, and plural prayers are resented, with severe warnings to those who return.

Under the rule of the apostate Taliban militia, everyone practices their polytheistic rituals openly during the day, and you have protection.”

  • March 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are promoting an Imran Khan speech on Twitter.

“#contemplation. The tyrants of the apostate Taliban militia are promoting a speech close to the former Pakistani tyrant, Imran Khan.”

  • March 26: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram sharing an op-ed from the Taliban’s Foreign Minister, stating that they are “ready to work with” the U.S. in exchange for sanctions relief.

“The Emirate of Afghanistan is ready to work with the United States, provided the sanctions are lifted.

All in accordance with the law according to the recommendations of the bastard Kasasbi captivity of the son of Judaism…”

  • March 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram regarding the ISIS-K attack on the Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, naming two individuals who were allegedly killed.

“#Khorasan. An attack with an explosive belt targeting the entrance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate Taliban militia resulted in the death of the official of the ministry, Asad Amiri, and the director of internal correspondence in the ministry, Amanullah Salem, who continued to work with the new regime after replacing the old regime.”

  • March 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Haqqani Network are the real leaders of Afghanistan and that Akhundzada is a figurehead. The post states that “the emergence of…internal conflicts in the open” warns of future “widespread (factional) fighting.”

“The Haqqani Network rules Afghanistan and keeps Akhundzada as just an image. The emergence of Taliban internal conflicts in the open portends widespread fighting.”

  • March 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram mocking the Taliban for claiming to have defeated ISIS-K several days before the ISIS-K attack targeting the foreign ministry.

“#contemplation. A few days ago, this mule, announced once again the defeat of ISIS #the Islamic State forever in Afghanistan, and today brother Abdul Hamid Khorasani harms them in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate #Taliban militia, which led to the death of diplomats and a number of apostates…”

  • March 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that while the Taliban currently claim to be preventing the cultivation and sale of poppies, they previously charged a 10% tax on opium sales. The post alleges that the CIA formerly “financed its operations” from opium. 

“#a witness. Before handing over the rule to the apostate Taliban militia by the Americans, the militia used to take a 10% tax on opium sales to finance some of its war, and today it wants the powerful militia to delude us that its tyrant prevented the cultivation and trade of poppies, knowing that it is the only income for the country for decades. And America, through the CIA, used to finance its operations from him.”

  • March 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that shop owners in Kabul went on strike to protest “the three-fold increase in taxes” by the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. A number of shop owners protested in the ‘Mujahideen’ market, known as Bush Market in Kabul, and closed their shops in response to the three-fold increase in taxes by the apostate #Taliban militia.”

  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban have received 40 tons of food and medical aid sent by the UAE.

“#Khorasan. A plane carrying 40 tons of medicine and food arrived at Kabul International Airport, sent by the tyrants of the UAE state in support of their brothers, the apostate Taliban militia. Bombs and missiles are sent on the heads of the apostate Taliban militia captives in Yemen.”

  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for allowing the practice of minority religious sects.

“Under the Taliban, major shirk is permissible.

The Jews of jihad and those who claim monotheism in polytheism are like a dumb monkey.”

  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are “part of the crusader alliance” because they are the “guard dog” of the U.S.

“What the Taliban tyrants do

It is the same as what the Arab tyrants do

Every guard dog fights the enemy of America within the borders of his regions, and this develops by opening the airspace for aviation to kill those who the guard dogs are unable to repel.

Look at reality from afar

You will find that the Taliban is part of the crusader alliance

There is no room for deception after today.”

     3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • March 8: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban militia leader and several others in Herat.

“The assassination of a leader of the Taliban militia, along with a number of his companions, in an attack by the soldiers of the Caliphate in Herat, Western Afghanistan.

By the Grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate attacked a bus that was carrying an administrative leader of the apostate Taliban militia, in the city of Herat, Western Afghanistan, with machine guns, which led to his death along with a number of his companions and the wounding of others, and the mujahideen returned to their positions safely, and praise be to God.”

  • March 9: ISIS-K claims to have killed the provincial governor of Balkh in a suicide attack on his headquarters building.

“Khorasan Province. The killing of the (provincial governor) of the apostate Taliban militia in a martyrdom operation in Balkh region, northern Afghanistan

With the grace of God Almighty, one of the Knights of Martyrdom, brother (Abdul-Haqq Khorasani), may God Almighty accept him, set off towards the headquarters of the governor of the (Balkh) region in northern Afghanistan, where he was able to enter the headquarters after bypassing all the security measures imposed on the region, and when he saw the leader inside the headquarters, he hurried to detonate his belt which led to his death along with some of his guards. Let the leaders of the apostate militia know that the wheel of war is raging against them, that the days are short, and that what is to come is worse and worse, God willing.”

  • March 9: Additional information from Amaq regarding the killing of Mohammad Dawood Muzammil. The post states that the bomber waited for Muzammil to enter his office before committing the attack, and that he was “one of the most prominent leaders…at the military and administrative levels.”

“A senior official of the Taliban militia was killed in a qualitative strike by the Islamic State in Balkh province, northern Afghanistan

Afghanistan-Balkh- Amaq Agency: A senior Taliban militia official was killed in a qualitative strike by Islamic State fighters in the northern Afghan province of Balkh.

Security sources told ‘Amaq’ agency that a martyrdom fighter from the Islamic State succeeded this morning, Thursday, in penetrating all the security fortifications imposed by the militia around its sovereign and administrative headquarters, and was able to reach the headquarters of the ‘Governor of Balkh Province’ called ‘Mohammad Dawood Muzammil’ in the city of ‘Mazar-i-Sharif’ the provincial capital.

The sources added that the martyrdom fighter, after entering the headquarters, stayed inside a hall waiting for the leader to arrive at his office, coming from his house, which is only a few minutes away from the place.

The sources indicated that the martyred man, as soon as he saw the targeted leader inside the hall, headed towards his office. He rushed to him, detonating his explosive belt, targeting him directly, which resulted in his death along with some of his guards.

The sources assured Amaq that this qualitative blow that the militia received today at the top of its leadership hierarchy is not the first and will not be the last, and it is a practical and quick response to the militia leaders' recent allegations of eliminating the activity of the Islamic State.

The killed leader is considered one of the most prominent leaders who held high positions within the militia at the military and administrative levels. He previously held the position of ‘Governor of Nangarhar Province’ and was then involved in leading the military war against Islamic State fighters and their families, in conjunction with the US air campaign against them.

It is noteworthy that the fighters of the Islamic State overthrew several prominent leaders of the militia, the last of which was the ‘chief of police of Badakhshan Province,’ who was killed in late ‘December’ when a car bomb exploded while he was on his way to his office.”

  • March 12: ISIS-K claims to have killed 30 people, including journalists and Taliban members, in an attack with placed explosives at the Tebyan Cultural Center in Mazar-i-Sharif, Balkh province.

“Khorasan Province. About 30 of the Rafidah and apostate journalists, including Taliban members, were killed and wounded in a new bombing in the (Balkh) region.

By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate were able to detonate a booby-trapped bag inside the Rafidi “al-Tebyan” center in the region (Balkh) in northern Afghanistan yesterday, during a ceremony honoring a number of apostate journalists fighting the mujahideen, guarded and secured by members of the apostate Taliban militia, which resulted in the killing and wounding of about 30 of them, and inflicting injuries on them. Significant damage in place, thank God.”

  • March 12: More information regarding the ISIS-K attack on the Tebyan Cultural Center in Mazar-i-Sharif. The post states that the journalists killed worked “in various media agencies that were involved in the war and incitement against the Islamic State.” The post also noted that this attack showed “the ability of the Islamic State to repeat and strike despite the continuous alertness of the militia members.”

“30 Shiites and journalists hostile to the Islamic State were killed and injured in a new bombing that hit a Shiite center in Balkh province.

Afghanistan-Balkh- Amaq Agency: A new explosion shook the city of ‘Mazar,’ the capital of ‘Balkh’ province, two days after the assassination of the governor of the province, in a qualitative attack by Islamic State fighters in the same city.

Security sources told Amaq news agency that the explosion was caused by a booby-trapped bag that Islamic State fighters were able to plant and detonate on Saturday morning, inside the Iranian-affiliated Shiite ‘Al-Tebyan’ center in the city of ‘Mazar’ in Balkh, north of the country.

The sources indicated that the bombing targeted a party that was organized inside the Shiite center to honor a number of journalists working in various media agencies that were involved in the war and incitement against the Islamic State.

The sources indicated that the explosion resulted in the death and injury of about 30 journalists and Shiites organizing the party, as well as members of the Taliban militia who were guarding the place, which was severely damaged as a result of the explosion.

The sources pointed out that the bombing came two days after the qualitative strike that overthrew the ‘governor of Balkh province,’ and it also came on the first day of the new governor's assumption of office, which confirms the ability of the Islamic State to repeat and strike despite the continuous alertness of the militia members, which again failed to secure allies loyal to the Iranian regime.”

  • March 16: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban member in Kabul.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 5) in the city of (Kabul) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

  • March 16: ISIS-K claims to have wounded the chief of the Shirzad region, a Taliban commander, and two guards in Nangarhar with an explosive attack on a vehicle.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle that was carrying the governor of the (Shirzad) region, accompanied by another commander and two guards, in the (Nangarhar) region yesterday, which led to its destruction and the wounding of all those in it, and praise be to God.”

  • March 27: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded 20 people in a suicide attack on the Foreign Ministry in Kabul. The Amaq claim states that the explosion hit a checkpoint and diplomats were among the dead and injured.

“About 20 dead and wounded employees and guards of the ‘foreign headquarters’ of the Taliban militia, including diplomats, in a martyrdom operation in (Kabul)

With the grace of God Almighty, one of the Knights of Martyrdom, brother (Abdul Hamid Khorasani), may God Almighty accept him, set out towards the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry of the apostate Taliban militia in the center of (Kabul), after bypassing the security fortifications in the area, then detonated his explosive belt on the employees and members of the militia near a checkpoint the moment they left. From the gate of the headquarters, which led to the death and injury of about 20, including ‘diplomats,’ and praise be to God.”

  • March 27: Additional information regarding the ISIS-K attack on the Taliban Foreign Ministry in Kabul. The post states that the attacker waited for the staff to leave the building before detonating his explosives. The post notes that this is the second attack in 2023 on the Foreign Ministry using similar tactics.

“20 killed and wounded, including ‘diplomats,’ in a new martyrdom attack in front of the ‘foreign headquarters’ of the Taliban militia in the capital, ‘Kabul.’

Afghanistan - Kabul - Amaq News Agency: Islamic State fighters succeeded again in carrying out a new martyrdom attack in front of the ‘foreign headquarters’ of the Taliban militia in the center of the capital, ‘Kabul.’

Security sources told Amaq news agency that a martyrdom fighter from the Islamic State was able to reach the gate of the militia's ‘external headquarters’ in Kabul after breaching all the security measures and fortifications imposed by the militia on this sensitive area that is full of headquarters and security buildings.

The sources added that the martyr waited for the moment the staff of the headquarters left, and detonated an explosive belt on them near a militia checkpoint located in front of the headquarters building, killing and wounding about 20 among them, including ‘diplomatic’ employees.

It is worth noting that this is the second attack of its kind targeting the ‘foreign headquarters’ of the militia, after a similar attack that took place in ‘January’ and left 20 dead and a number of wounded.”

  • March 27: ISIS-K claims to have killed an alleged Pakistani spy in Bajaur.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a spy of the apostate Pakistani intelligence, in the (Tarkho Bazar) area in (Bajaur) yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his injury, and praise be to God.”

     4. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khorasan Web Magazine Issue 23, Released March 4, 2023


Article 1: A Message to the Inhabitants in the Land Occupied by Cow and Mice Worshipping Filths

  • The article encourages attacks on the Indian government, military, police, and members of the BJP.
  • Fighting is obligatory.

Article 2: Strengthen the Media War

  • The media/propaganda war is an important part of ISIS’s strategy
  • The Taliban are currently trying to portray their government as Islamic, despite their alleged embrace of democracy.
  • The West still exerts power over media in Afghanistan.
  • Social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, etc.) are controlled by the West.
    • ISIS content is removed from these platforms, but Taliban content is allowed.
  • The Taliban rank and file are wavering.
  • The media/propaganda front is crucial for broadcasting ISIS’s message and winning support.
  • Media work is “equal to that of shooting arrows and in some cases even more than that.”
  • Inspiring others to commit attacks or perform hijrah is one of the best acts.
  • “The media department of Khurasan Wilayah of the Islamic State welcomes all sincere munasireen to support the Islamic State in every possible way, including media related works.”

Article 3: Victory Belongs to the Patient

  • Modern life is determined through metrics.
  • People are too attached to the idea of comfort and give up on religious obligations.
  • People in the West are overly reliant on machines and technology.
  • The U.S. military is overly reliant on complex expensive technology, some of which can be destroyed using inexpensive techniques, such as IEDs.
  • Patience is key to victory.

Article 4: Stones Turned Red

  • The story of the wife and children of an ISIS-K member.
  • The ISIS-K fighter is described as having been an engineer who taught at a university prior to immigrating to Afghanistan.
  • He is killed while coming back from a market, bringing scarce food to his family.

Article 5: Operations That Pave the Way to Victory

  • Sahel Wilayah
    • Al-Qaeda is trying to create alliances in order to fight against ISIS.
    • ISIS has dealt heavy casualties to al-Qaeda in the Sahel area.
    • The West has “no practical solution for filling the security vacuum.”
    • ISIS killed 70 soldiers from Burkina Faso, and captured five in Oudalan in northern Burkina Faso.
    • ISIS also ambushed a convoy in Deou in Oudalan province.
    • 27 motorcycles were seized and an armored vehicle was destroyed.
  • West Africa Wilayah
    • ISIS attacked an elections center in Kogi Area using explosives.
  • Pakistan Wilayah
    • ISIS attacked a Pakistani security forces checkpoint in Mastung, Balochistan, killing two.
  • Iraq Wilayah
    • North Baghdad: 10 members of the Iraqi security forces were killed or injured in an attack north of Baghdad.
    • ISIS claimed to have killed a lieutenant colonel who was the regimental commander.
  • Mozambique Wilayah
    • ISIS fighters attacked a Mozambiquan army barracks in the Monteuez region of Cabo Delgado.
    • Five soldiers were killed, the barracks building was destroyed, three vehicles were destroyed, and weapons were seized.

Article 6: And Gas Balloon Intimidates the Goliath of the Time

  • The U.S. claimed to have shot down a Chinese spy balloon on February 4th.
  • The balloon caused fear and confusion in the U.S., attacks by ISIS supporters would bring even more panic.
  • The balloon story was a distraction from major issues afflicting the U.S., such as homelessness and mass shootings.
  • Additionally, the U.S. commits abuses against their own people through surveillance and heavy-handed policing tactics.
  • The U.S. will spend a great deal of money to deal with the problem of balloons and other UFOs in their airspace.

Article 7: Pakistan – A Tumor Cell in the Body of the Islamic Ummah

  • Pakistan chose to follow a democratic system, instead of a religious system which will be their downfall.
  • Shahbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister, unsuccessfully tried to secure additional loans for Pakistan from many countries, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Turkey, China, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.
  • The UAE prolonged the loan repayment period to lessen pressure on Pakistan.
  • Pakistan has passed pro-LGBTQ laws.
  • Pakistan’s economic crisis is due to “obscenity (which) increases poverty.”
  • Muhammad Taqi Usmani, the religious scholar and former judge, has traveled to Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban.
  • After the UK left India, the new Pakistani government created a secular state.
  • Pakistani politicians are not religious and participate in immorality, such as drinking alcohol, having illicit relationships, participate in “theft, corruption, extortion, blackmail.”
  • The Pakistani ISI claims to be religious when it suits them.
  • ISI worked with the U.S. to support the mujahideen in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet Union.
    • ISI “manipulated the feelings and sacrifices of the general Afghan people.”
  • Several high-ranking ISI personnel fought the Soviets in Afghanistan.
  • Taliban members received medical care in Pakistan.
  • Mullah Omar received training and assistance from the ISI.
  • ISI “retained their ominous grip on the jihadi arena for their own interests.”
  • Pakistani intelligence has been playing both sides. ISI “re-armed the Taliban commanders, who were committed to serve Pakistan's interests against America,” before “selling Taliban militias to America.”
  • ISI kidnapped family members of Taliban members, threatened them with blackmail, or confiscated property, in order to exert control over the group.
  • ISIS is the only group in the region not created or controlled by ISI.
  • The Taliban support Pakistan and express their grief when there are attacks within Pakistan or against Pakistani interests in the region.
  • ISI created Laskhar-e-Taiyyebah in order to “tame the muwahhidin,” and intercept individuals who would otherwise join other militant groups. They serve the interests of the Pakistani government.
  • ISI similarly created Jaise-e-Muhammad for the same purpose.
  • The politician Fazlur Rahman has changed his religious views based on his own interests.
    • Rahman has promoted interfaith dialogue and has supported democracy and secularism.
    • Rahman has supported China in their abuses against the Uyghurs.

      5. ISIS Amaq Video, Released March 10, 2023

A 45 second Amaq video that shows a vehicle being shot at.

“Amaq Agency: #Video Bold footage of an Islamic State fighter attacking a Taliban militia leader's car the day before yesterday in Herat, western Afghanistan. 03/10/2023”

ATR_March 2023_9

      6. Pro-ISIS Image Celebrating Assassination of Mohammad Dawood
          Muzammil, Released on March 10, 2023

Released by Pro-ISIS Al-Marhafat Foundation

“Brother Abd al-Haqq al-Khorasan, the leader of the qualitative attack on the headquarters of the governor of Balkh province in Northern Afghanistan.

Khorasan State: May God brighten the faces of the Mujahideen in Khurasan, the people of steadfastness and sacrifice, for they have made the Muslims happy, enraged the unbelievers, cut the noses of the apostates and disturbed the lives of their tyrannical leaders, with their blessed attacks and their successive sacrifices, by the grace of God alone who has no partner, and so that the infidel Taliban movement may know that these strikes have not and will not stop. So that there is no strife and the religion is entirely for God, God Almighty said: (And fight them with sweetness, so that there is no compulsion, and those who are all for God) [Al-Anfal: 39]”

ATR_March 2023_10

     7. Pro-ISIS Serat ul-Haq Web Magazine, Released March 14, 2023

The second issue of the pro-ISIS Serat ul-Haq web magazine was released on March 14, 2023. The fifth article (out of six), was titled “The True Face of the Taliban.” The web magazine mainly concerns issues in India.

  • Arab governments are seeking to create diplomatic ties with the Taliban.
  • The Taliban first sought to ingratiate themselves with the U.S. and now China.
  • The Taliban are doing this despite China’s persecution of the Uyghurs. This is the ultimate betrayal.

     8. Pro-ISIS Al-Marhafat Foundation Video, Released March 22, 2023

An approximately one-minute 45-second video celebrating the attacks on the Governor of Balkh and the bombing of the Tebyan Cultural Center. The video contains images from al-Naba and news reports.

“Two blows to the Iranian regime. The assassination of the ‘ruler of Balkh’ and the bombing of the ‘Al-Tebyan; center, Iran and the Taliban are bleeding at the hands of the Mujahideen in Khorasan.”

      9. Pro-ISIS Al Azaim Media Video, Released on March 28, 2023

An approximately 20-minute pro-ISIS video titled “Taliban Followers of Firaun (Pharaoh)” released on March 28, 2023.


  • The Taliban are committing atrocities against the Sunni population of Afghanistan. This is compared to the Egyptian Pharoah’s killing of Jewish men in the Quran. The Taliban are described as killing Sunnis because they fear that they will topple their government.
  • The U.S. turned control of Afghanistan over to the Taliban. The Taliban are instituting a modified version of democracy.
  • The Taliban are banning Sunni madrassas and masjids.
    • The U.S. is financing this Taliban effort.
  • During night operations, the Taliban kill women and children.
    • (The video contains an audio phone message from a woman while gunfire can be heard in the background)
  • The video states that the Taliban destroyed homes in Parwan, burying women and children in the rubble.
  • In 2022, the Taliban killed women and children in Herat, admitting to killing seven women and children.
  • The Taliban have committed various atrocities in Kabul and Nangarhar, including killing women and children, and have also committed atrocities against ISIS-K fighters in prisons.
  • In Mazar, the Taliban killed a woman and publicly displayed her body in the city square.
  • The Taliban claimed that they had defeated ISIS-K. ISIS-K was momentarily quiet.
  • The Taliban conducted a staged raid in Herat, using ISIS-K prisoners they had freed from prison for this very purpose. The Taliban killed the prisoners and a woman during the staged raid.
  • While ISIS-K has the capabilities to kill the wives and children of Taliban members, they would not do that because of religious law.
    • But the day of reckoning for the Taliban is close. ISIS-K will seek revenge.
  • Video montage celebrating the killing of Mohammad Nader Kakar, the director of water supply in Herat, along with two departmental employees, and the killing of the governor of Balkh, Mohammad Dawood Muzammil.
  • While ISIS-K can kill the families of Taliban members, they choose not to and instead focus on fighting the Taliban in the field. ISIS-K chooses to attack in daylight with “dignity.”
  • ISIS-K chooses to attack high-ranking officials in response to the Taliban attacks on women and children.
    • A montage of footage shows ISIS-K suicide attackers with hidden explosives and weapons.
  • ISIS-K also launched an attack on journalists in Balkh who allegedly supported the U.S. (Referring to the March 11 attack on the Tebyan Cultural Center Mazar-i-Sharif).

     10. Pro-ISIS Al Murhafat video, Released on March 30, 2023

  • A 50 second video celebrating the March 27 attack on the Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The video contained previously released news footage.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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