Afghanistan Content Report: July 1 – July 12, 2024

Afghanistan Content Report

July 1 – July 12, 2024

Please note all items this issue are concerning ISIS-K


Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. ISIS-K Linked Al-Azaim Pamphlet, “The Third Doha Meeting and the Support of the Military,” Released on July 8
  5. Pro-ISIS Poster, Posted on RocketChat on July 10
  6. Pro-ISIS Al-Jahaur Media Center Web Magazine Serat ul Haq Issue 4, Released on July 11, 2024
  7. ISIS-K Linked Al-Azaim Web Magazine Voice of Khorasan Issue 37, Released on July 11, 2024 


Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • The Taliban are trying to improve relations with Russia and China.
  • The Taliban have promised the Shiite community that they will provide security for upcoming Ashura celebrations. 
  • Acts of sexual violence committed by the Taliban are widespread, and the perpetrators go unpunished.
  • The Taliban protect foreigners and religious minority groups within Afghanistan but attack Sunni Muslims.


1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 450, Published July 4, 2024

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 451, Published July 11, 2024

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.


2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • July 3: Pro-ISIS post on RocketChat condemning the Taliban for working to improve relations with China. The post specifically calls out the Taliban for ignoring the Chinese government’s persecution of the Uyghurs. 


  • July 4: Pro-ISIS post on RocketChat pointing out recent statements from Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding ties with the Taliban.


  • July 7: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban are getting ready for national Ashura celebrations. The post notes that Taliban efforts to protect Ashura celebrations are in order to improve relations with Iran.

“#Followups. The Taliban government begins preparing for the national celebrations related to Ashura and strengthening Shiite relations. In this way, the Taliban proves its loyalty to Iran, which sponsors the Shiites in Afghanistan (for its own interests, as is usual).”


  • July 8: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram mockingly “thanking” the Taliban for protecting Afghan Shiites.

“We thank the Taliban for all their efforts amid this scorching heat to protect their Shiite brothers in #Afghanistan!”


  • July 8: Pro-ISIS post on Matrix claiming that the Taliban attacked a home belonging to an individual considered righteous by ISIS. The post alleged that the Taliban protect Christians, Shiites, and Buddhists but attack Sunni Muslims.

“#Guardians of al-Qaeda [obscene].

“The house of one of the monotheists was attacked by the infidels of the apostate Taliban militia, for no reason other than that he says, ‘My Lord, God.’

“In return, they literally die in defense of the worshipers of the Cross, Hussein, and Buddha.

“Then there comes to you an impure, mangy, weak-willed dog, with a broken faith, a servile, with a dirty mind, belching, saying, ‘The Kharijites of the state kill the people of Islam and leave the people of idols.’

“May God remove your liver, you bastard.



  • July 8: Pro-ISIS post on Matrix denouncing the Taliban for protecting Shiites and “idols.” The post noted that the Taliban are blasphemous because “There is no difference between someone who guards an idol and someone who forces people to worship it.”

“When we denounce the Taliban with the words of Al-Qaeda sheiks.

“From [Ibrahim] Al-Rubaish’s words about the army of the tyrant:

“‘What do you think if a man took an idol and ordered people to worship it, and even obliged them to do so, then he asked for a guard to guard that idol and guard its worshipers, and even forced people to worship that idol under duress, and a Muslim man who prayed and fasted came and hired himself for that work with a few dirhams, so he began carrying his weapon? He guards the idol and obliges people to worship it, and in that, he pronounces the Shahada and prays and fasts. Would that be a Muslim? No, by God, even if he fasted the fast of Dawud, peace be upon him, and prayed the prayer of Ibn al-Zubayr.’

“So here is the government of evil and apostasy, the government of the Taliban. May God fight them. It protects the Rafidites, defends them, and appoints its soldiers as their guards to complete their polytheism safely under the auspices of the Taliban. Has guarding idols become non-blasphemous, or has the rule of apostasy changed and changed what its leaders were?! Answer me if you can. There is no difference between someone who guards an idol and someone who forces people to worship it, except that the second is more blasphemous.



  • July 11: Pro-ISIS Telegram post stating that the Taliban deputy prime minister met with Shiite leaders to discuss his government’s efforts to provide security for Ashura celebrations. 

“#Taliban. In continuation of Ashura preparations, Taliban Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Kabir met with Shiite leaders who exchanged their ideas on how best to celebrate their polytheism day and what security measures they need.

“The Taliban official said that the security forces have already started providing protection to all Shiites in the country so that they can conduct their ceremonies safely, and therefore, there is no need to worry about security because the Taliban will make all their efforts in this matter.”


  • July 12: Pro-ISIS post on Matrix stating that four Taliban militiamen raped three women from the same family in Baghlan Province. The post noted that villagers disarmed and arrested the perpetrators but that the perpetrators were later set free by a Taliban commander. The post stated that sexual violence has increased under Taliban rule because of impunity.

“#Guardians of al-Qaeda [obscene].

“Local sources said that four members of the apostate Taliban militia raped three women from one family in Baghlan province, and as a result of the rape, two members of the family suffered from poor physical and mental condition.

“According to the source, the rape incident occurred on Tuesday, May 19, in the village of Dehkhairi in the Farzo Valley in the Khost [Khost-Farang] region of Baghlan Province, where ‘four apostate militia members stormed the house of a man named Ghulam Hazrat at night and raped the women of the family.’

“The source said that Ghulam Hazrat, in cooperation with his neighbors, arrested the rapists and disarmed them, but the commander of the militia unit stationed in the area rescued the invaders from the residents by force of arms and took them away.

“This is not even the thousandth time that elements of apostasy have broken into the homes of safe people and violated the honor of chaste women, and because they get away with it, rapes have become widespread, and free women are no longer safe in their homes.

“Of course, he will be flogged with 39 lashes as punishment, which will help him get rid of the itch in his back.



3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • July 12: ISIS claims to have killed a Pakistani police officer in the Khyber region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Pakistani police in the village of Shalobar in the Khyber region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, and praise be to God.”

isis amaq statement


4. ISIS-K Linked Al-Azaim Pamphlet, “The Third Doha Meeting and the Support of the Military,” Released on July 8

On July 8, a 17-page Pashto document titled “The Third Doha Meeting and the Support of the Military” was released.


  • The Taliban are being supported by foreign powers to fight ISIS-K.
    • The Taliban are acting as proxies for the West.
    • At the Third Doha Meeting, the Taliban gave reports on the condition of their army to the West. They are described as reporting to their “masters.”
  • All the disbelievers of the world are working through the Taliban to destroy ISIS-K and the true religion.
  • The Taliban met with U.S. intelligence operatives in Doha, Qatar, to discuss the ongoing battle with ISIS-K.
    • The Taliban cooperates with the U.S., which supports Israel in its attack on Gaza.
    • The Taliban do not have a problem with this, and therefore share guilt.
  • The Taliban have previously stated that Gaza is an “internal issue” and that they do not want to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • Rosemary DiCarlo, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, and U.S. Special Envoy Thomas West met with Taliban representatives.
  • The Taliban are happy about the money entering the country weekly. 
  • Taliban leaders enjoy hotels and banquets in Doha.
  • The Taliban will make friends with Shiites and the government of India. 
    • The Taliban do not care about the killing of Sunnis, the destruction of mosques, or the issue of Kashmir.


5. Pro-ISIS Poster, Posted on RocketChat on July 10

  • The poster, in Urdu, states that the Taliban offer protection to Hindus, despite Indian leaders “making fun of Islamic rituals and insulting Islamic sanctities.” The poster indicated that both the Taliban and the Indian government seek to “destroy the believers.”
Pro-ISIS Poster, Posted on RocketChat on July 10


6. Pro-ISIS Al-Jahaur Media Center Web Magazine Serat ul Haq Issue 4, Released on July 11, 2024

Serat ul Haq is an English-language pro-ISIS web magazine. Its articles are mainly directed towards people in India. The previous issue was released in April 2024. Below is a summary of an article criticizing the Taliban.

“Taliban- Perpetually in Slavery of the Infidels [sic]”

  • The Taliban are the tool of Satan and are trying to trick people into thinking that a proper religious emirate has been established in Afghanistan.
  • The Taliban are the puppets of the U.S. and have established relations with “atheist” countries.
  • The Taliban are building ties with Russia.
    • This is especially egregious because of Afghanistan’s history of fighting against the USSR.


7. ISIS-K Linked Al-Azaim Web Magazine Voice of Khorasan Issue 37, Released on July 11, 2024 

Article 1: The Apostate Taliban’s Foolish Logic

  • The Taliban are hypocrites and do not follow the true religion.
  • The Taliban established friendships with non-Muslim countries and have offered their personnel protection within Afghanistan.
  • For 30 years, the Taliban claimed that they would establish religious rule in Afghanistan and enforce religious law. When allowed to do so, they implemented secular law.
  • The Taliban have offered protection to Shiites, Hindus, and Sikhs.
  • The Taliban have embraced democracy in Afghanistan, and their internal policies, such as those related to the economy, taxes, etc., reflect this.
  • There is widespread corruption among the Taliban, which includes theft, bribery, and dishonesty.
  • The Taliban are not Muslims.


Infographic 1

voice of khorasan issue 37 infographic 1


Article 2: The Islamic State Under the Shadow of the Surah Taha

By Khattab al-Iraqi 

  • ISIS members have paid a heavy price for their perfect faith.
  • Sacrifices are necessary to ensure victory.
  • The article calls on the reader to stand up for their “manhood and manliness” to prevent the killing of Muslims.
    • Those who do not fight to free women from captivity have “no qualities of manhood and manliness.”
  • People fall victim to worldly pleasures and abandon their obligations to fight.


Article 3: The Most Beautiful Ornament: Chastity

  • The article condemns women drawing attention to themselves through fashion.
  • Lack of virtue and morality leads to committing major sins.


Article 4: Hikmah [Wisdom]

  • A narrative of the humility and piety of Sa’id, the governor of Homs, Syria, during the Caliphate of Umar. (634–644).


Article 5: It Is Not For the Jackals to Overcome the Lions

  • ISIS’s Khorasan Province continues to pose a global threat.
    • Consequently, the international community has put pressure on the Taliban to crack down on ISIS-K and use the Taliban as proxy forces.
  • The Taliban have recently met with foreign states in Doha, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and other places to discuss strategies to fight ISIS-K.
  • ISIS-K has conducted attacks in Kerman, Iran; Moscow; and Bamiyan (on foreign tourists).
  • The Taliban took part in the “Unity of Religion” conference in Malaysia to encourage global religious tolerance. 
  • The Global Security Forum followed this meeting in Doha, where Taliban officials met with U.S. intelligence operatives to discuss fighting against ISIS-K. 
    • The agreement is that the Taliban will fight against ISIS in Afghanistan. 
    • The Taliban have assured global powers that they are fighting ISIS-K and seeking their destruction.
    • The Taliban receive $40 million per week and weapons to fight ISIS-K. The article compares the Taliban to the infamous private military contractor Blackwater.


Infographic 2

voice of khorasan 37 infographic 2


Article 6: From the “Sahaba” to the “Dawla” There is No Jihad Without the “Sword”

  • The article accuses Muslims in Europe of using the killing of Palestinians as a way to gain social media notoriety. The article also condemns participating in European parliamentary elections.
  • The article details the warrior traits of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions. 
  • The article accuses people of hiding the warrior traits of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions to change the religion and make it palatable to other audiences.
  • The article commands that the reader participate in religiously mandated fighting.


Infographic 3

voice of khorasan 37 infographic 3


Article 7: What to Do If You Find Out Your Favorite Da’i [caller] Is a Corrupt Person?

By Ahmed al-Bengali

  • Some people use religion to cover up their own corruption and failings.
    • Other individuals change religious doctrine into something that suits them.
  • The author advises the reader to seek credible scholars, such as ISIS leaders.


Article 8: On the Path of Being A Faithful Servant 5

  • The article's author appears to be in Turkey or concerned with Turkey.
  • The article encourages sacrificing oneself while fighting.
  • The article condemns followers of Said-i Nursi and Sufism.
  • Fighting is necessary. Anyone who says otherwise does so because they fear repercussions from corrupt rulers.
  • Worldly pleasures for 60 to 70 years are nothing compared to the punishments of the afterlife.


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Counterpoint Series

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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