Afghanistan Content Report: June 8 – June 14, 2024

Afghanistan Content Report

June 8  – June 14, 2024

Please note all items this week are concerning ISIS-K


Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 447, Published June 13, 2024
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements


Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • Unidentified gunmen killed two Taliban members in the city of Khost.


1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 447, Published June 13, 2024

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.


2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • June 11: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that two Taliban members were killed in Khost in an armed attack.

“#Urgent. An armed attack targeted two members of the Taliban militia in the Afghan city of Khost, leading to their death.”


3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • There were no Amaq claims of responsibility for Afghanistan between June 8  and June 14.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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