Afghanistan Content Report: March 30 – April 5, 2024

Afghanistan Content Report

March 30 – April 5, 2024

Please note that all items in this issue are concerning ISIS-K

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 437, Published April 4, 2024
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements


Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • Pro-ISIS accounts posted the Pashto translation of the March 28 audio message from ISIS spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari.
  • The U.S., allegedly with the cooperation of the Taliban, is operating drones in several Afghan provinces due to ISIS-K activity. 
  • The Taliban shot two people during a land dispute in Farah province.
  • Iran is seeking to turn Afghanistan into a reliable regional ally.
  • Russia is considering removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist organizations. 
  • The Taliban would rather follow international law than religious law. 
  • Muhammad Nabi Omari, the Taliban’s first deputy minister for interior affairs, called on the Pakistani Taliban to negotiate with the Pakistani government.


1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 437 Published April 4, 2024

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.


2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban act as if they are above the law. The post alleges that Taliban soldiers shot two people in Farah Province “over a land dispute.”

“#Khorasan. Rule of the jungle, the apostate #Taliban militia applies the law to the people only, not to themselves.

“Residents of the Bala Buluk District in Farah Province engaged in massive protests against the brutal policies of the apostate militia after its members shot two local residents over a land dispute.”


  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Iran’s ambassador to Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, claimed that Iran is trying to “transform Afghanistan into a strategic partner that shares the same goals” as Iran. 

“#Khorasan. The Iranian Magian ambassador to the apostate Taliban militia, the polytheist Hassan Kazemi Qomi, said that the political goal of the Tehran Shiites, while continuing to improve relations with the apostate Taliban militia, is to transform Afghanistan into a strategic partner that shares the same goals with the Iranian Magians.

“He pointed out that America, with the help of soft power (or rather, weekly sending $40–80 million), is still trying to struggle for influence over this country.”


  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram advertising the Pashto release of the March 28 audio speech by ISIS spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, which was originally released in Arabic. The pro-ISIS English language group Halummu released the English translation on April 1. 

🌐 The Pashto language (Pashto).

“Al-Azaim Foundation presents it.

“Pashto audio translation of the audio speech of the official spokesman of the Islamic State, Mujahid Sheikh Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, from #Al-Furqan Institute:

“’By Allah, This Matter Will Be Made Possible.’


pro isis telegram post
  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram of the March 28 audio message from ISIS spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, translated into Pashto.

🌐 The Pashto language (Pashto).


“Pashto audio translation of the audio speech of the official spokesman of the Islamic State, Mujahid Sheikh Abu HudhayfahAl-Ansari, may God bless him and grant him peace.

“‘By Allah, This Matter Will Be Made Possible.’”

telegram march 28
  • March 31: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram of the March 28 audio message from ISIS spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, in PDF form translated into Pashto.

🌐 The Pashto language (Pashto).

“Pashto translation of the speech of the official spokesman of the Islamic State, Mujahid Sheikh Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, may God bless him and grant him peace.

“PDF 📱 & 💻.”


  • April 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that the Taliban gave an Australian national a new iPhone after his phone was stolen a month ago. According to reports, an Australian professor who previously taught at the American University in Kabul and was held hostage by the Taliban, Jibra'il Omar—formerly known as Timothy Weeks—was given a new phone by Taliban officials after he was robbed in March.

“#Khorasan. The renegade #Taliban militia gives an iPhone 14 Pro Max to an Australian whose phone was stolen a month ago with a cable.”


  • April 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Russian government is considering removing the Taliban from their list of terrorist organizations. The post stated that the Taliban have been invited to participate in a meeting in Kazan, Russia, on April 25.  

“#Contemplation. Today (Monday), the Russian Crusader Foreign Ministry told TASS news agency that Moscow is considering removing the apostate Taliban militia from the list of terrorist groups.

“She [sic] added that the Ministry of Justice, Foreign Affairs, and other relevant institutions in the Russian Crusader government are working on the issue of removing the name of the apostate militia from the terrorist list. The infidel Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special representative in Afghanistan, told TASS on Monday that Moscow is regularly cooperating with the #Taliban_apostate militia in the war against #Islamic State.

“Crusader Russia will make the final decision on this matter. He stated that the apostate militia was invited to participate in the meeting of the International Non-Islamic Forum in the Russian city of Kazan, which will be held on April 25.”


  • April 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban defense minister, Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob, launched a search for ISIS-K infiltrators in the military and police. The post states that this occurred after successful attacks by ISIS fighters in Afghanistan “and beyond.”

“#Al-Qaeda_The Apostate Guardians. After the successful invasions launched by #Islamic_State fighters in Khorasan Province and beyond, the defense tyrant ordered the apostate #Taliban militia to check all its army and police officers due to fears of the mujahideen infiltration into the ranks of the apostate security forces.



  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for condemning Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus and for denouncing Israel’s actions in Gaza because of alleged violations of international law and the potential to cause regional instability. The post stated that the Taliban are wrong for opposing this on the grounds of “infidel international laws.”

“#Al-Qaeda_The Apostate Guardians.

“The apostate #Taliban militia condemned the Jewish [Israeli] attack that targeted the Magian consulate in Damascus.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate militia described the Jewish [Israeli] attack as a clear violation of diplomatic norms and a provocative act to spread security chaos in the region. The apostate Abdul Qahar Balkhi, the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate militia, wrote that the guardians of #al-Qaeda want influential countries in the world and the region to stop the ‘crimes’ of the Jewish state in Gaza. The apostate Balkhi added: ‘On the one hand, the continuation of the crimes of this regime has become a serious threat to the security of the region.’ On the other hand, the world has serious questions about the effectiveness of international laws and resolutions. 

“The guardians of the [obscenity deleted] believe and are being tried according to infidel international laws.”


  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that American drones had been seen overhead in several Afghan provinces. The post claimed that the Taliban confirmed the sightings and alleged that the drone operators were “actually present in Kandahar” and were working directly with the Taliban’s intelligence services. 

“#Al-Qaeda_The Apostate Guardians.

“American drones were spotted in the skies of Badakhshan, Panjshir, Kunar, Laghman, and Kandahar provinces. The false official spokesman for the apostate Taliban militia confirmed this information.

“It is reported that the drone operators are actually present in Kandahar and are providing information to the intelligence services of the loyalists of #Al-Qaeda’s apostate [obscenity deleted].”


  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that American drones are performing missions in Afghanistan due to ISIS-K activity in Afghanistan and potential operations in Russia, Europe, and the U.S.

Above Text Box: “Issues of extremism and terrorism: CNN: ISIS Khorasan’s ambitions extend beyond South Asia to Russia, Europe, and America. #trends”

“#Follow Ups. This is the reason for American flights in the skies of Khorasan.”


  • April 2: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram asking how the Taliban can condemn ISIS attacks against Iran, Pakistan, and the U.S., alleging that these countries “are the bases of polytheism, disbelief, and apostasy.” The post asserts that the Taliban do not consistently follow religious doctrine but make up their own.

“There is a limit to misguidance. Until yesterday, the Taliban militia used to claim that ‘We consider Islamic Caliphate (ISIS) as Kharijites, takfiris, and infidels and can take help from any infidels against them,’ but now, according to them, a disbeliever kills another disbeliever, what is the need to be sad now?

“Now the defense of one disbeliever and the condemnation of another became lawful under what argument?

“What is the basis of complete enmity with one unbeliever and full cooperation and sympathy with another?

“Now the Taliban militia condemns the explosion, attack, and strife in Iran, Pakistan, and America, which are the bases of polytheism, disbelief, and apostasy. Consider welfare.

“But why? And for what?

“The Taliban militia claimed to be true soldiers of religion? Where did that religion go? Where did those Sharia slogans go? Where did those sacrifices go?

“Seeing the militia, even Satan must have been confused.”


  • April 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that Muhammad Nabi Omari, the Taliban’s first deputy minister for interior affairs, called on the Pakistani Taliban to cease fighting the government of Pakistan and begin negotiations.

“#Al-Qaeda_The Apostate Guardians.

“The deputy of the internal tyrant of the apostate Taliban militia, the apostate Muhammad Nabi Omari, called on the militants opposed to the apostate government of Pakistan, in a public reference to the apostate Pakistani Taliban militia, to abandon the armed opposition to the government of Pakistan.

“He advised the apostate Pakistani Taliban militia to sit at the negotiating table, just as they did with America, and sold their religion and their world for the life of others. And they said: ‘Look, we have witnessed war and revolution. Wars destroy countries and destroy economies. It creates widows and orphans and destroys regimes, so come to peace among yourselves.’”


  • April 3: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that Abdul Salam Hanafi, the Taliban’s second deputy prime minister, called for global cooperation in fighting against ISIS-K. The post condemns the Taliban for allegedly wanting “friendship and mutual understanding” with other states. 

“#Al-Qaeda_The Apostate Guardians.

“The infidel deputy of the tyrant of the ministers of the apostate Taliban militia, Hanafi, said in a meeting that included representatives of the desired and infidel governments that all the fleeing countries in the region and outside it need to cooperate in fighting the soldiers of the #Islamic_State in Khorasan.

“According to his damned words, only the joint action of all can be achieved so that they can curb the caliphate.

“He is a damned infidel and his captive pigs.

“The unfortunate dog Hanafi also pointed out that the new infidel regime wants friendship and mutual understanding with all countries of the world.

“He stressed that the guardians of [obscenity deleted] do not try to interfere in anyone’s internal politics (we, and damn every other Muslim).”


3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • There were no Amaq claims of responsibility for Afghanistan between March 30 and April 5.


Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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