Afghanistan Content Report: May 11 – May 17, 2024

Afghanistan Content Report

May 11  – May 17, 2024

Please note that all items in this issue are concerning ISIS-K 

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 443, Published May 17, 2024
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements


Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • Posts noted the May 17 attack on a market in Bamiyan, where several Afghans and foreign tourists were killed or injured.
    • Please note that ISIS claimed this attack via the group’s Amaq news outlet on Saturday, May 18.


1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 443 Published May 17, 2024

  • There were no ISIS-K news items in this week’s al-Naba.


2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • May 14: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that approximately 12,000 families were affected by severe flooding and associated natural disasters in the provinces of Baghlan Takhar, Badakshan, Ghor, and Herat.

“#News. A new Afghan tragedy: 12,000 families suffer from devastating floods.

“In Afghanistan’s Baghlan, Takhar, Badakhshan, Ghor, and Herat provinces, tens of thousands of people fell victim to widespread floods, mudslides, and landslides following a series of rains.”


  • May 15: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that a Taliban military helicopter crashed in Firozkoh while landing.

“#Followups. A Taliban military helicopter crashed in the Afghan city of Firozkoh after colliding with a wall during landing.”


  • May 16: Pro-ISIS post on RocketChat stating that Taliban-Russia relations are improving. 
pro-isis post on rocketchat stating talliban-russia relations


  • May 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that at least eight people were wounded, “including four foreign tourists,” in an attack on a market in Bamiyan.

“#Urgent. An attack on a market in Bamiyan Governorate, the stronghold of the Shiites. The attack resulted in the injury of at least eight people, including four foreign tourists.”


  • May 17: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram consisting of photos from the Bamiyan market attack.

“#Urgent. Pictures from the attack site.”

pro-isis post on telegram consisting of photos from the bamiyan


3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • [Pakistan] May 13: ISIS claims to have killed one Pakistani soldier and injured two others after attacking a checkpoint in Quetta. 

“State of Pakistan. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a checkpoint of the apostate Pakistani forces in the Hazarganji area of the city of Quetta in Balochistan yesterday with a hand grenade, which led to the death of one soldier and the injury of two others, and praise be to God.”

isis claims to have killed one pakistani soldier


  • [Pakistan] May 14: ISIS claims to have killed a member of the Pakistani security forces in an attack in the town of Bostan in Balochistan Province.

“State of Pakistan. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a checkpoint of the apostate Pakistani forces in the town of Bostan in the Pishin region of Balochistan with pistol shots, which led to the death of a member, and praise be to God.”

isis claims to have killed a member of pakistani security

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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