Ahmed Abdi Godane, Audio message regarding the Federal Government of Somalia, May 2013

May 2013
Name of Author
Ahmed Abdi Godane AKA Mukhtar Abu Zubair

“In conclusion I also say the Ummah should be prepared for the betrayals of the enemy and not believe the promises that we hear from the Kuffar and their agents, and take lessons from the previous experiments, do not be stung from the same hole several times, Allah Almighty says: (He gives them promises and excites vain desires in them; and the Shaitan does not promise them but to deceive) 120 Surah An-Nisa, and know that the country is occupied and divided, Ethiopia rules you and Kenya and Uganda, and the people whom you deal with their images and names but their beliefs and customs are imported from the invading Kuffar.” (Audio message regarding the Federal Government of Somalia) "Message from the Amiir of Al-Shabaab, Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Al-Zubeyr, regarding the Second London Conference and the Situation of the Somali Government." Bilao Journal of Somali Security Studies, May 14, 2013, http://somalisecuritystudies.blogspot.com/2013/05/message-from-amiir-of-al-shabaab-sheikh.html.

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On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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