Hamas statement, December 14, 2022

Dec. 14, 2022

Statement in honor of Hamas’s 35th anniversary:

“On this anniversary, Hamas states the following:

“First: Palestine, from the river to the sea, is our land and we will hold tightly onto it and onto our legitimate right to defend and liberate it with all possible means, including armed struggle until liberation and return.

“Second: Occupied Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque are the core of the freedom struggle against the Israeli occupation, and there is no legitimacy nor sovereignty for the Israeli occupation over them.  The Israeli occupation’s Judaisation attempts are doomed to failure.

“Third: We salute the free Palestinian detainees and their families and express pride in their steadfastness and sacrifices in the face of the Israeli occupation. Hamas reiterates that liberating them tops Hamas’s priority.

“Fourth: Establishing a true national partnership based on a unified struggle program is the only way to confront the Zionist occupation, and that would only be achieved by implementing the Algerian Declaration and the preceding agreements and understandings. This would pave the way for the rearrangement of the Palestinian house.

“Fifth: Hamas emphasises that the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their lands from which they were forcibly displaced is inalienable and all resettlement projects are rejected. It also calls on all states and organisations to protect them and enhance their steadfastness until their return.

“Sixth: We renew our faith in the Arab and Muslim world as a strategic backer of the Palestinian people's struggle for liberation and return. We call for keeping the Palestinian cause and freedom struggle high on the agenda of every forum and on every occasion and for working on rejecting, criminalising, and boycotting all attempts to integrate the Israeli occupation into the region through normalising ties with it or whitewashing its heinous image and policies.

“Seventh: We urge the United Nations and the international community to work to achieve justice for the Palestinian people and their cause and endorse their rights to end the occupation, self-determination, and establish their independent state. We call for an end to double standards and bias in favour of the Israeli occupation against the just Palestinian cause and legitimate Palestinian rights.”“Statement on 35th anniversary of Resistance Movement Hamas,” Hamas, December 14, 2022, https://hamas.ps/en/post/4446/Statement-on-35th-anniversary-of-Resistance-Movement-Hamas.

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