Hamas statement, November 2, 2022

Nov. 2, 2022

Statement on the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration:

“On the 105th anniversary of the so-called "Balfour Declaration", Hamas states the following: 

“First: The ‘Balfour Declaration’, which was followed by political injustices, massacres against the Palestinian people and infringement upon their rights and historical homeland amid the continuous US bias towards the Israeli occupation and the double standards adopted by some Western nations against the Palestinian rights, will neither succeed in perpetuating the Zionist settler-colonial project nor will it wipe out the just Palestinian cause.

“Second: Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are the core of the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation, which is trying to impose a new fait accompli at the Muslim sacred site through desecration and provocative raids. The Palestinian people, however, will continue to defend the mosque at any cost.    

“Third: All massacres, killings, and displacement schemes targeting the Palestinian people and their homeland since the "Balfour Declaration" will not be forgotten with the passage of time. We call for serious and effective international action to put an end to Israeli crimes and prosecute the Israeli occupation leaders as war criminals at the international court.

“Fourth: The right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, from which they were forced out, is an unwavering legitimate and legal right. We renew our call for protecting Palestinian refugees everywhere and providing them with a decent life by granting them their humanitarian rights until they return to their towns and villages in historic Palestine. 

“Fifth: Reversing the effects of the ‘Balfour Declaration’ is a renewed historical responsibility and a national duty that the Arab and Muslim nations and the free peoples of the world have to take on. They have to put an end to the Israeli occupation’s terrorism and isolate it internationally, and back the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle until ending the occupation and establishing a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

“Sixth: We renew our rejection of all forms of normalisation with the Israeli occupation. We urge all parties that have normalised ties with the Israeli occupation to backtrack on this wrongful move and support the Palestinian people and their legitimate fight to defend their homeland and holy sites. 

“Seventh: We call on the Palestinian people everywhere to keep up their freedom struggle against the Israeli occupation with all means possible and to hold on to their homeland, rights, holy sites, and national identity. We also urge the Arab and Muslim world to boost their support for the Palestinian people and their fight for their lands and right to self-determination.”“Statement on 105th anniversary of ill-fated Balfour Declaration,” Hamas, November 2, 2022, https://hamas.ps/en/post/4374/Statement-on-105th-anniversary-of-ill-fated-Balfour-Declaration.

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