Hamas statement, November 21, 2023


“The Nazi Israeli occupation army persists in disseminating deceptive and false narratives surrounding Zionist prisoners, such as the claim that a female soldier was killed within the said hospital premises, and her body was later discovered. It is imperative to underscore the following points:

“The Al-Qassam Brigades have unequivocally verified that the well-being of injured Zionist prisoners was meticulously monitored, and requisite medical attention was administered in hospitals before their subsequent return to their places of detention. Therefore, the Zionist military spokesperson’s contributions contribute nothing new but rather serve as a veiled attempt to mask their deceit, particularly their unfounded claim that the Hamas movement has used Al-Shifa Hospital as the command and control center.

“The same occupation army, which, as per the Zionist police investigation disclosed in the Haaretz newspaper and Hebrew media, inflicted casualties upon its citizen through aerial bombardments on October 7, is now implicated in the killing of some of its own prisoners during Zionist raids, a detailed disclosure by the Al-Qassam Brigades.

“We assert that the occupation force lacks the aptitude to conduct investigations and pass judgments, being the very aggressor responsible for committing egregious war crimes against hospitals, among others. We have repeatedly called for the establishment of an international committee to scrutinize the Israeli Nazi occupation’s fabrications regarding hospitals, now transformed into Israeli military outposts after coercively evacuating patients and medical staff at gunpoint and under duress.”Hamas Press Statement, Hamas Online Telegram Channel, November 21, 2023.

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On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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