While interrogated by police on charges of inciting racial hatred:
“My views are that very large numbers of Jews, certainly, almost certainly hundreds of thousands, were killed during the war for no other reason but that they were Jewish. In the same way that several million Germans were killed for no other reason but that they were German and the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were killed for no other reason than that they were Japanese. If you end up with a full-scale war then huge numbers of innocent people are killed…But the allegation that there was a systematic and deliberate policy whereby six million Jews were gassed to death is for a variety of forensic and common sense reasons, utter nonsense.”Ian Cobain, “Nick Griffin’s vision for BNP-led Britain shown in 1990s police interviews,” Guardian (London), May 6, 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/may/06/nick-griffin-vision-bnp-britain-1990s-police-interviews.