Daily Dose



On November 25, 2021, al-Shabaab carried out a suicide car bombing targeting an African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) convoy as it drove by a school in Mogadishu. The attack left 8 dead and 17 wounded, including teachers and students at Mocaasir Primary and Secondary School. 
In their own words
No Israeli targets on land or at sea is beyond the range of the resistance’s precision missiles. If the state of Lebanon officially informs me that they agree to accept fuel from Iran as a gift, Hezbollah is ready to employ its contacts and friends in Iran in order to bring the necessary amount of fuel, and deliver it as a gift to the Lebanese state.


On November 20, 2018, six suspected al-Shabaab gunmen opened fire in Kilifi, Kenya. The armed men kidnapped Italian aid worker Silvia Romano and wounded five others. Romano, who worked for Italian charity Africa Milele, was freed in May 2020. 
In their own words
Over the last half century, the Jew has used every means at hand to foster anti-White hatred and malice in the minds of non-Whites. Slowly, as exemplified by the steady increase across the decades of violent black-on-White crime, there unfolded an actual physical war against Whiteness.
Michael Hill, League of the South Founder and President June 1, 2020


On November 15, 2021, a magnetic bomb attached to a vehicle exploded in the Kota-e Sangi district of Kabul, wounding at least two people. A separate explosion went off in western Kabul, with no casualties reported. There were no immediate claims of responsibility, though ISIS was suspected.  
In their own words
There are no red lines in this war. Tel Aviv will be one of the targets under the reach of the resistance missiles, inshallah, and this applies to all the Zionist cities.


On November 14, 2021, 32-year-old Syrian refugee Emad Al Swealmeen detonated an improvised explosive device inside a taxi outside the Liverpool Women’s Hospital, killing himself and injuring the cab driver. Al Swealmeen was previously known to authorities.  On November 15, the United Kingdom raised its threat level to “severe.” 


On November 11, 2020, jihadists ambushed a military convoy from Tin-Akoff, an area of Burkina Faso that borders Mali and Niger, killing 14 people. Two days later, Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM) claimed responsibility for the attack. The following day, ISIS’s Amaq News Agency announced that Islamic State in Greater Sahara (ISGS) was responsible.
In their own words
The Jewish subhumans and their disgusting religion are a cancer that must be excised from the Earth.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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