Daily Dose



On July 26, 2019, suspected jihadists on motorbikes ransacked and burned the village market in Diblou, northern Burkina Faso, and left 15 people dead.   
In their own words
We refuse to denounce anyone who has boldly taken revolutionary action against the kike system. Our priority is to seize territorial power by any means necessary.
National Socialist Order (NSO), NSO Website Jan. 2022


On July 25, 2018, ISIS militants carried out a series of suicide bombings and gun attacks in the As-Suwayda governorate of Syria, killing at least 255 people and injuring 180 others.


On July 24, 2019, an al-Shabaab suicide bomber detonated his explosives during a high-level security meeting at the mayor’s office in Mogadishu. At least six people were instantly killed and six others were injured, including Mayor Abdirahman Omar Osman, who later died from his wounds.
In their own words
Know for certain that if you carry out even the slightest act against the Iranian people, the heart of the Zionist regime will become a target for our armed forces.


On July 19, 2021, on the eve of Eid al-Adha, a suicide bomber detonated in the Al-Wuhailat market in Baghdad’s al-Sadr City, killing at least 35 and wounding more than 60. ISIS claimed responsibility.
In their own words
Any measures towards the legitimization of this (Zionist) entity, normalization of relations with it, or cooperation with it constitute an aggression against our people, our nation, our holy places, and our Jerusalem.


On July 18, 2019, Taliban fighters detonated a car bomb outside of the police headquarters in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The attack killed at least 11 people and wounded nearly 90 others.   


On July 17, 2019, four headless bodies were found in an empty street in the North Sinai town of Bir al-Abd. ISIS claimed responsibility for the beheadings, claiming the four were spies for the Egyptian military.  

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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