Daily Dose



On June 6, 2019, unidentified assailants opened fire on a paramilitary vehicle in Quetta, Pakistan, killing two troops before fleeing. Though no group claimed responsibility, Quetta is a target in a low-level insurgency by Baloch separatists. 
In their own words
People are talking about making concessions to America or others in order to become immune to the sanctions. This means severing the arm of our policy and this bargaining chip, so that, God forbid, they won’t slap us with sanctions if we display toughness.


On June 2, 2019, a gunman with far-right ties shot and killed Walter Lübcke, a German politician and member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in front of his home. Authorities later linked the suspect, who had issued death threats over YouTube, to members of neo-Nazi group Combat 18. 
In their own words
History hasn’t recorded this many suicide attacks before. Didn’t we fight for 20 years to establish an Islamic system?
Muhammad Hanafi, Minister for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice, of the Taliban government Feb. 2022


On May 30, 2020, militants attacked a cattle market in the village of Kompienga in northern Burkina Faso, killing 25 people and wounding several others. In a separate attack, armed groups targeted a humanitarian convoy in the northern village of Foube, killing five civilians and five military police, and injuring 20 people. 


On May 26, 2017, suspected ISIS gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying Coptic Christians in central Egypt, killing 28 people and injuring 25 others on board.   
In their own words
In that which has become, several members of The Base and and our closest comrades from Atomwaffen Division held a joint operation of winter survival training in our efforts to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
The Base, Telegram Jan. 30, 22


On May 24, 2017, two Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) suicide bombers detonated explosives at a bus terminal in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. The attack killed three police officers and wounded 12 people, including six civilians.   
In their own words
Today–and this is no secret to Israel, but I want you to be happy too–just like we have obtained the technological capability to turn our missiles into precision missiles, we started a long time ago to manufacture drones in Lebanon. Whoever wants to buy should place an offer. We do not need to bring them from Iran.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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