Daily Dose



On April 12, 2016, an improvised explosive device killed three French soldiers in Tessalit, Mali. Ansar al-Dine (AAD) claimed credit for the attack.
In their own words
Any foolish act from your (American) side will be followed by extending the scope of attacks. We will reach you anywhere you may be, both inside and outside Iraq, especially in the countries that collaborate with you, where your bases are found. We will go after you wherever you may be. Your threats will never scare us.


On April 9, 2019, an ISIS suicide bomber exploded in the town of Sheikh Zuweid in Egypt’s Sinai, killing at least six people and wounding 27 others. 
In their own words
Some people think that if Israel bombs Iran, the lslamic Republic will rely on its friends in the region. If the Islamic Republic is bombed by the Israelis, it will retalitate directly, and this retaliation will be hard, violence, and powerful.


On April 6, 2021, militants attacked a police station in al-Saan, Syria, killing at least one civilian and taking hostage eight security officers and 11 civilians. The attack was ISIS’s largest operation in the country in at least three years.   
In their own words
In retaliation for the escalation of the Saudi-Emirati-American aggression, the Armed Forces have carried out, with the help of Allah, a high-quality, successful military operation–Operation Hurricane Yemen–in which they targeted the Dubai and Abu Dhabi airports, the Musaffah oil refinery in Abu Dhabi, as well as a number of important and sensitive Emirati sites and facilities.


On April 4, 2019, hundreds of Taliban fighters attacked the center of Bala Murgab district in Badghis province, killing at least 30 Afghan soldiers an officers and capturing 21 others. 


On April 1, 2020, a Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) suicide bomber detonated an explosive next to a pipeline in Agri province near the Iran-Turkey border. The PKK claimed the attack killed 30 Turkish soldiers. 
In their own words
We cannot bear to see injustice in a Muslim country that is perpetrated by the Zionists and the seed of the Jews…These are the very same Jews, and I’d better say Zionists, whose hearts have never aligned with Islam and even with the Prophet in his time… Are the Saud clan really Muslims? They are the same Jews who were in Arabia back then.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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