Daily Dose

In their own words
As I previously mentioned, we want to have good relations with everyone, especially with neighboring Muslim countries. And it is natural that whether we like it or not, our relation with them is a necessity. It is both a necessity for them and us.


On October 4, 2020, a 29-year-old suspect used a shovel to attack and gravely wound a Jewish man exiting a Hamburg synagogue, as congregants celebrated the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Then German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called the incident "vile antisemitism."
In their own words
Allah be praised, the images repeat themselves. Just like everybody in Saigon, Vietnam, climbed up the ladder to reach the plane, everybody in Kabul Airport climbed up the ladder to reach the plane. It’s amazing. A photocopy. Is it a coincidence?


October 4, 2019, Islamist militants attacked the Dolmané gold mining site in Soum Province, Burkina Faso, leaving 20 people dead and an unknown number injured. Though there was no immediate claim of responsibility, ISIS and al-Qaeda affiliated groups operate in the region. 


On October 1, 2017, an assailant stabbed to death two women at Saint Charles railway station in Marseille, France. The suspect, Ahmed Hanachi, was shot dead by police officers. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. 
In their own words
Our relationship (with Iran) is strategic, stable, solid, evolving, ready to face major tasks. First and foremost of which is the cause of Palestine and Jerusalem, as well as to confront the American-Zionist plans in the region.


On September 30, 2019, militants from al-Qaeda-linked Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM) ambushed military bases in Boulikessi and Mondoro, both in central Mali. The attacks killed at least 38 and dozens of other soldiers went missing.
In their own words
Whatever we may think about the legitimacy under Islamic law of those who carried out the attack, the reasons they gave in their wills and the statement of Sheikh Osama bin Laden at the time spelt out that the motives were primarily as a consequence of the presence of US forces in Muslim countries.


On September 28, 2019, in order to curb voter participation in the Afghan presidential election, the Taliban carried out over 68 attacks on polling stations across the country. At least 40 people were slain and over 190 were wounded in that attacks. 

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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