Daily Dose



On August 30, 2019, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants beat and fired live rounds at protesters in the Atmeh camp for internally displaced people. The demonstrations were against Turkey’s closure of the border and inaction against the Syrian regime’s bombing campaign if Idlib.   


On August 29, 2016, Abu Sayyaf Group fighters clashed with Philippine Army soldiers in Patikul in the southern Philippines. The militants killed 15 troops, two of whom they beheaded amid the firefight. 
In their own words
We are a Palestinian movement of resistance against the occupation. Yes, our roots are in the Muslim Brotherhood. Ideologically, we were, and still are, part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but we are an independent Palestinian movement.


On August 24, 2020, an explosion in Damascus, which targeted a gas pipeline, led to a nationwide blackout in Syria. ISIS was allegedly behind the attack.  
In their own words
…the European peoples loathed the presence of the Jews in their countries and longed for them to leave. For they were the reason for every despicable deed, the mechanism for the commission of every crime, and the source of all social and economic corruption.
Mustafa al-Lidawi, former Hamas official Feb. 27, 2018


On August 23, 2019, Boko Haram reportedly killed 12 civilians in Lamana, Gueskero district, in Niger’s Diffa region.   


On August 20, 2017, fighters of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) overran the town of Kukawa in northeastern Nigeria. The insurgents took hundreds of hostages, many of whom had recently returned to the village after spending two years in displacement camps.
In their own words
Therefore, there is no need at all (for American advisors), and we consider this a deception that is meant to prolong the presence of the (American) forces. And let me tell you this loud and clear: The targeting of these forces will continue, and they will be considered (legitimate) targets by the Iraqi resistance.


On August 19, 2019, a series of 10 bombs struck restaurants and public squares in Jalalabad on Afghanistan’s 100th Independence Day. At least 66 people were wounded. No group claimed responsibility, though ISIS and the Taliban operated in the area.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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