Daily Dose



On July 8, 2017, 15 al-Shabaab militants attacked Jima village in Kenya’s southeastern Lamu County. The assailants beheaded nine men from the village. 
In their own words
The brothers in Iran and in Hezbollah spared us nothing... Now there are Arab and other Muslim brothers who support the resistance generously with large resources. Today we cannot name them because they are afraid of international surveillance, harassment, and accountability


On July 7, 2016, ISIS suicide bombers and gunmen stormed the mausoleum of Sayyid Mohammed bin Ali al-Hadi, a Shiite holy site in Balad, Iraq. The attackers targeted pilgrims celebrating Eid al-Fitr, killing at least 56 people and injuring 75 others.   
In their own words
Our goal now is to convince the Americans and make them understand that we are ready and that we have capabilities and weapons… They will learn that the price for keeping their forces in Iraq will be very heavy.


On July 2, 2019, 130 Taliban militants captured the Qosh Tepa district of Afghanistan’s Jowzjan province, killing 20 Afghan security forces.  
In their own words
Britain is the enemy of Muslims, as it brought down our state, tore apart our country, and planted the criminal Jewish entity, and America fights us everywhere and provides the Jewish entity with ways for survival.
Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office May 18, 2021


On July 1, 2016, ISIS gunmen attacked a restaurant frequented by foreigners in the wealthy Gulshan Thana area of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka. The assailants killed at least 22 civilians and two police officers, and injured 50. 
In their own words
I’d like to use this opportunity to warn the Zionist occupation and its leaders… The decision to erase your state is linked to the implementation of your plots at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.


On June 28, 2019, two suicide bombers detonated their explosives at a Philippine army counterterrorism camp in Jolo, Sulu, leaving six people dead. ISIS claimed responsibility, though local officials blamed Abu Sayyaf Group. 

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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