CEP Germany

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Islamistischer Extremismus

März 6, 2023

This policy paper, authored by CEP senior research analyst Sofia Koller, features an analysis and series of recommendations surrounding the prosecution of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) who left France to travel to the territory of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq and have since returned home.

This policy paper, authored by 18843
Cover of publication


Januar 7, 2023

This report analyzes and describes the function of the Independence March as an ideological “apparatus” and meeting hub for European neo-fascist, nationalist, nationalist-revolutionary, and neo-Nazi activists and supporters.

This report analyzes and describes 18844
The Taliban’s Takeover in Afghanistan – Effects on Global Terrorism

Islamistischer Extremismus

Dezember 31, 2022

In August 2021, following nearly two decades of armed resistance, the Taliban movement forced their way to power in Afghanistan, coinciding with the withdrawal of international troops from the country. 

In August 2021, following nearly 18623
Recent Legal and Political Developments in the Repatriation of European Nationals from Northeastern Syria

Islamistischer Extremismus

Dezember 16, 2022

This policy paper presents selected legal and political developments regarding the repatriation of European nationals from Northeast Syria in 2022. 

This policy paper presents selected 18624
Policy Brief: Update zur rechtsextremen Infrastruktur auf Facebook, Instagram und YouTube in Deutschland


November 27, 2022

Author: Alexander Ritzmann

Author: Alexander Ritzmann Download 18625
UPDATE: “Prosecution of German Women Returning from Syria and Iraq”

Islamistischer Extremismus

Oktober 20, 2022

This updated policy paper presents initial insights regarding the prosecution of female returnees—women who left Germany to travel to the former territory of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq and have returned.

German version: Download This updated 18085
Prosecution of German Women Returning from Syria and Iraq

Islamistischer Extremismus

September 1, 2022

This policy paper presents initial insights regarding the prosecution of female returnees—women who left Germany to travel to the former territory of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq and have returned. It also presents recommendations for policymakers and security agencies.

German version: Download This policy 17857
Western Extremists and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022 – All Talk, But Not a Lot of Walk


Mai 1, 2022

This analysis of the far-right and right-wing extremist scenes in seven countries—the United States, Canada, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and Poland—reveals that the current conflict has not led to a significant flow of extremists to the war zone.

This analysis of the far-right 17858
Foreign Fighters in the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War: An Assessment of Extremist Volunteers


April 5, 2022

This policy brief provides a risk assessment of the potential threats posed by violence-oriented extremists in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war once they return to their prior countries of residence/homeland. 

This policy brief provides a 17859
Transferring Good P/CVE Practices Across Phenomena and Countries

Weitere Themen

Januar 27, 2022

This report summarizes a CEP webinar supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. Moreover, it provides detailed CEP policy recommendations regarding the issue set.

This report summarizes a CEP 17860

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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