
French Twitter user “Aboû Sayf Al-Ansari” is a propagandist for ISIS who boasts residency in ISIS-held territory. In his Twitter description, Al-Ansari refers to the territory as “Dawla Islamiya” or the “Islamic State.”Abou Sayf Al-Ansari, Twitter, accessed August 18, 2015,

Al-Ansari’s Twitter description, wherein he claims to live in “Dawla Islamiya” (“Islamic State” or ISIS-held territory), notes previous account suspensions, and tells female Muslims not to direct message him.

Abou Sayf Al-Ansari laments the suspension of his @SayfAnsari account.

Al-Ansari is part of a network of ISIS propagandists. In his first tweet on his @ztlmt account, Al-Ansari bemoaned previous account suspensions.Abou Sayf Al-Ansari, Twitter post, August 16, 2015, 4:06 a.m.,

Translation: “I was suspended[;] switch to this account may Allah bless you”

Through Twitter, Al-Ansari boasts frequently of his allegiance with ISIS.

Translation: “Our identity”

Al-Ansari pops up frequently on Twitter under different aliases. In October 2015, he used Twitter to demonize Jews under the handle “@Abd_Allah__8,” writing, “Les juifs c'est des lâches de toutes façon ils aiment jouer les victimes, mais quand c'est sérieux ils se cachent chez eux ces bouffons,” roughly translating to: “The Jews, they are cowards, they like to play the victim but when it gets serious, they hide themselves at home, the buffoons.”

Tweet from October 2015. Translation: “The Jews, they are cowards, they like to play the victim but when it gets serious, they hide themselves at home, the buffoons.”

Types of Leaders
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Also Known As
Place of Residence
Iraq or Syria
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“Abu Adam al-Muhajir” is an ISIS propagandist on Twitter purportedly living in ISIS-controlled territory. He tweets about his journey to the so-called caliphate and his experiences living there.

Al-Muhajir proudly declares he lives in ISIS-held territory. Al-Muhajir criticizes Westerners who “have never seen a knife properly let alone a gun.”Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 23, 2015, 8:34 a.m., Even women and children carry knives and guns in the so-called Islamic State, he tweeted on July 23, 2015.Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 23, 2015, 8:38 a.m., Al-Muhajir has also tweeted his pride at seeing children carrying weapons and imitating ISIS fighters.

Al-Muhajir praises the concepts of jihad and martyrdom. There is “no better feeling than when the call comes for jihad,” he tweeted on July 23, 2015.Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 23, 2015, 3:26 a.m.,

Al-Muhajir has tweeted praise for other ISIS fighters, comparing them to family.

Al-Muhajir has also tweeted about his amazement upon meeting different types of immigrants to ISIS-held territory. He praises ISIS for accepting and training foreign fighters.

One series of tweets in July 2015 described how al-Muhajir crossed the border into Syria from Turkey with a group that included young children, and was almost caught by Turkish security forces.Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 29, 2015, 9:16 a.m., He described meeting ISIS forces across the border, writing “there was not a happier sight that day.”Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 29, 2015, 9:28 a.m., ISIS then “sheltered us, fed us, clothed us, trained us, protected us and taught us with Allah's mercy,” according to al-Muhajir.Abu Adam al-Muhajir, Twitter post, July 28, 2015, 12:16 p.m.,

Types of Leaders
Types of operatives
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Propagandist, foreign fighter
Place of Birth
United Kingdom (suspected)
Place of Residence
ISIS-held territory
Extremist use of social media
Current Location(s)
History Timeline
Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

French jihadist “Abu Salman al-Faranci” is a propagandist and recruiter for ISIS. Al-Faranci uses Twitter to propagandize and call on Muslims to make hijrah (migrate) to ISIS-held territory.

On August 5, 2015, al-Faranci tweeted, “One who has forsaken hijra [migration] Allah will punish...”AbuSalman_AlFaranci, Twitter post, August 5, 2015, 7:33 a.m., The next day he tweeted, “Stop being hypocrites with yourselves… the brothers of Aqeedah in France I swear to you, you are worth nothing compared to the people of Hijra [migration] and jihad.”AbuSalman_AlFaranci, Twitter post, August 6, 2015, 8:09 p.m., On August 12, he wrote, “Don’t ask Too many Questions… Don’t let Satan Dominate… Make your Preparations… Heal your Intention… #Hijrah [migration]_Party”AbuSalman_AlFaranci, Twitter post, August 12, 2015, 1:36 a.m.,

Translation: “Stop being hypocrites with yourselves… the brothers of Aqeedah in France I swear to you, you are worth nothing compared to the people of Hijra [migration] and jihad.”

Translation: “One who has forsaken hijra [migration] Allah will punish...”

In November 2014, Abu Salman al-Faranci appeared in an ISIS video titled “What Are You Waiting For?”Des combattants français de l’Etat islamique appellent les musulmans à commettre des attentats en France,” MEMRI FR, November 20, 2014, The video—produced by ISIS’s Al-Hayat Media Center—features al-Faranci pressuring his audience to make hijrah to ISIS territory. In cases where hijrah is not possible, al-Faranci urges his viewers to “operate within France,” including by terrorizing French citizens and killing them using weapons, cars, and poison. Al-Faranci says: “[P]oison the water and food of at least one of the enemies of Allah. Kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars. Do whatever you are able to do in order to humiliate them, for they deserve only this.”Des combattants français de l’Etat islamique appellent les musulmans à commettre des attentats en France,” MEMRI FR, November 20, 2014,

Types of Leaders
Types of operatives
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Foreign fighter, propagandist, recruiter
Also Known As
Date of Birth
Not determined
Place of Birth
Place of Residence
Syria (suspected)
Extremist use of social media
History Timeline
Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

“Abu Osama” is a French-speaking propagandist and recruiter for ISIS. Osama uses social media outlets—including Twitter—to propagandize and recruit members to ISIS. Abu Osama appears to have maintained at least two accounts—@AbouOuss1020 and @abouuOussama10—that retweet each other. Though unconfirmed, it appears Osama is also the same French recruiter as Abu Osama al-Faranci, who has appeared in an ISIS video titled “What Are You Waiting For?”Des combattants français de l’Etat islamique appellent les musulmans à commettre des attentats en France,” MEMRI FR, November 20, 2014, The video, produced by ISIS’s Al-Hayat Media Center, features al-Faranci pressuring his audience to make hijrah (migration) to ISIS territory.

Screenshot from ISIS’s “What Are You Waiting For?” video, produced by Al-Hayat Media Center

Through Twitter, Abu Osama uses guilt, fear, derision, intimidation, and other pressure tactics in order to convince French Muslims to join ISIS.

On August 8, 2015, Osama tweeted, “Are they good your vacations in the sun? You had fun, huh? And your brothers who are being killed bc you stayed home, does that cross your mind occasionally?”Abu Osama, Twitter post, August 8, 2015, 8:09 a.m. On August 2, 2015, Osama tweeted, “Prepare an answer to the question, ‘Why didn’t you fight My enemies like I commanded you’….”AbZeyd, Twitter post, August 2, 2015, 1:58 p.m.

These types of posts come in contrast with more direct tactics for recruitment, including a June 2015 post wherein Osama tweeted, “Hurry, there are still routes open for the Hijra [migration]… #Tawakul [trust in Allah]”AbZeyd, Twitter post, June 17, 2015, 12:44 p.m. In another June post, he wrote, “We’re almost at the middle of the night, leave your tel[ephone] and your pc [computer] and pray to your lord for your brothers. Baraka Allah fik akhi [May Allah bless you, brother].”AbZeyd, Twitter post, June 14, 2015, 4:23 p.m.

Translation: “Your sister has been raped[,] imprisoned[, and] tortured and you[,] your greatest concern is knowing what movie you’ll see tonight.”

Osama’s posts also idealize violence, and praise ISIS’s use of violence in particular. On August 3, 2015, Osama posted, “The pride you will feel when you have a Kalash[nikov rifle] in hand, when you will ensure that Allah’s laws are enforced on Earth….”Abu Osama, Twitter post, August 3, 2015, 2:42 a.m.

Abu Osama has also praised and rationalized ISIS’s history of violence. In June 2015, he touted ISIS’s killing of “46,000 disbelievers.”AbZeyd, Twitter post, June 11, 2015, 8:46 a.m. In August, he posted a tweet in alliance with ISIS’s rationalization of violence, writing, “Oh you Muslims, Islam has never been a religion of peace, Islam is a religion of combat.”AbZeyd, Twitter post, August 1, 2015, 7:13 p.m.

Translation: “The pride you will feel when you have a Kalash[nikov rifle] in hand, when you will ensure that Allah’s laws are enforced on Earth…”

Osama has also used Twitter to idealize life under ISIS rule, writing on August 3, 2015, that “the best sensation that I’ve had is when I took my first steps on the land of Islam [ISIS-held territory]…”AbZeyd, Twitter post, August 3, 2015, 12:28 p.m. In that vein, Osama occasionally posts photos advertising life under ISIS rule, looking to emphasize the so-called Islamic nature of ISIS territory through his photos.

Translation: “It’s not in France that you will see this… ma sha Allah [whatever Allah wills]”

Translation: “The Muslim population is watching Islamic State [ISIS] videos .. It’s not in France that you will see this”

Types of Leaders
Types of operatives
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Propagandist, recruiter, foreign fighter
Also Known As
Date of Birth
Not determined
Place of Birth
France (suspected)
Place of Residence
ISIS-held territory
Extremist use of social media
Current Location(s)
History Timeline
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Twitter personality Omar C. promotes the cause of radical Islam. In his Twitter profile, Omar C. claims to be “Muslim,” “African,” and in favor of “Shar’a of Allah.” He adds: “Allah is the only legislator.”Omar C., Twitter, accessed August 19, 2015.

Omar C. is sympathetic to ISIS, promoting its agenda in most every tweet. Omar C.’s Twitter feed is also a frequent source of news from ISIS’s area of operations, as well as other Islamist news ranging from Iraq and Syria to Egypt and Libya.Omar C., Twitter post, July 6, 2015, 5:37 p.m., On July 3, 2015, Omar C. tweeted in reference to the “khilafah,” or Islamic empire.Omar C., Twitter post, July 3, 2015, 4:29 a.m.,

He claims to operate out of Norway.Omar C., Twitter, accessed August 19, 2015,

Types of Leaders
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Also Known As
Date of Birth
Not Determined
Place of Birth
Not Determined
Place of Residence
Norway (claimed)
Extremist use of social media
History Timeline
Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

Twitter personality “Abu Tamale” supports a militant version of Islam on social media. Tamale has launched numerous Twitter accounts after being consistently suspended.Abu Tamale, Twitter, accessed June 24, 2015. By his own admission, Tamale has had no less than five accounts.Abu Tamale, Twitter, accessed July 13, 2015. His @IslamWilRemain account was suspended by July 28, 2015.

Abu Tamale is sympathetic to ISIS, promoting the terror army’s exploits and propaganda on a regular basis.Abu Tamale, Twitter post, July 11, 2015, 4:12 a.m. In previous Twitter bios, he has written “Baaqiyah,” referring to the community of ISIS adherents.Abu Tamale, Twitter, accessed July 13, 2015.

Abu Tamale’s twitter feed is also a source of news from ISIS’s area of operations, as well as other Islamist news ranging from Iraq and Syria to Egypt and Libya.Abu Tamale, Twitter post, July 10, 2015, 2:55 p.m. One of Abu Tamale’s tweets promoted an ISIS execution video.Abu Tamale, Twitter post, June 24, 2015, 7:22 p.m.

Tamale is a chief disseminator of Islamist propaganda in general and of ISIS-related matters in particular. For these reasons, Twitter has removed his profile numerous times – belying his pledge of being “here to stay.”

Types of Leaders
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Also Known As
  • @ISlamwilRemainAbu Tamale, Twitter, accessed July 13, 2015.
Date of Birth
Could not be determined
Place of Birth
Could not be determined
Place of Residence
Could not be determined
Extremist use of social media
History Timeline
Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

Terrence Joseph McNeil is an admitted ISIS supporter from Akron, Ohio, who distributed ISIS kill lists on U.S. soldiers. McNeil was arrested in November 2015. Kevin Johnson, “Feds: Ohio ISIL recruit called for killing U.S. military members,” USA Today, November 12, 2015,;
“Ohio man facing federal terrorism charges pleads guilty,” Associated Press, April 19, 2017,
According to authorities, McNeil suborned the murder of U.S. military members via social media by posting names, addresses, and pictures of approximately 100 members of the U.S. armed forces.Kevin Johnson, “Feds: Ohio ISIL recruit called for killing U.S. military members,” USA Today, November 12, 2015, In April 2017, McNeil pled guilty to five counts of solicitation to commit a crime of violence and five counts of making threatening interstate communications. He faces between 15 to 20 years in prison.“Akron man pleads guilty to soliciting the murder of members of the U.S. military,” Department of Justice, April 18, 2017,;
“Ohio man facing federal terrorism charges pleads guilty,” Associated Press, April 19, 2017,;
Eric Heisig, “Akron terrorism suspect pleads guilty, agrees to serve between 15 and 20 years in prison,”, April 18, 2017,

McNeil had no criminal record prior to his arrest, but had a history of issuing threats online. McNeil operated Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts which were removed due to the violent nature of his feed.Dareh Gregorian, “Wannabe ISIS jihadist from Ohio posted names, addresses of U.S. service members online, encouraged others to ‘kill them in their own lands’: officials,” Daily News, November 12, 2015,

In late 2015, before his arrest, McNeil released the personal identifying information of U.S. officials on his social media accounts. In September, for example, McNeil posted a file on Tumblr titled “Islamic State Hacking Division,” which included the names and addresses of members of the U.S. armed forces described as “Target: United States Military.”Kevin Johnson, “Feds: Ohio ISIL recruit called for killing U.S. military members,” USA Today, November 12, 2015,;
“Ohio Man Arrested for Soliciting the Murder of Members of the U.S. Military,” Department of Justice, November 12, 2015,
The following month, he posted on Twitter and Tumblr the name and address of the Navy Seal who allegedly killed Osama bin Laden.“United States of America v. Terrence Joseph McNeil, Defendant,” U.S. Department of Justice, December 8, 2015, 5,

In this novel case, FBI agent Stephen Anthony said, “While we aggressively defend First Amendment rights, [Terrence McNeil] went far beyond free speech by reposting names and addresses of 100 U.S. service members, all with the intent to have them killed.”“Ohio man charged with soliciting killings of U.S. service members,” CBS News, November 12, 2015,

After his November 12, 2015, arrest on one charge of solicitation of a crime of violence,Kevin Johnson, “Feds: Ohio ISIL recruit called for killing U.S. military members,” USA Today, November 12, 2015, McNeil was charged in December 2015 on three further counts of solicitation of a crime of violence and three counts of threatening military personnel.“Ohio Man Indicted for Soliciting the Murder of Members of the U.S. Military,” McNeil originally rejected a plea deal in favor of going to trial. In April 2017, however, as part of a plea deal, McNeil pled guilty to five counts of solicitation to commit a crime of violence and five counts of making threatening interstate communications. He was sentenced to 15 to 20 years in prison.“Akron man pleads guilty to soliciting the murder of members of the U.S. military,” Department of Justice, April 18, 2017,;
“Ohio man facing federal terrorism charges pleads guilty,” Associated Press, April 19, 2017,;
Eric Heisig, “Akron terrorism suspect pleads guilty, agrees to serve between 15 and 20 years in prison,”, April 18, 2017,

Types of Leaders
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, Pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Propagandist, inciter to violence
Date of Birth
1989 or 1990
Place of Birth
Ohio, United States
Place of Residence
Ohio, United States
11/12/2015: solicitation of a crime of violence
Extremist use of social media
Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr
History Timeline
Select Al-Awlaki Grid
U.S Homegrown Radicals
Al-Awlaki Description

Attempted domestic terrorist and inciter to violence: Accused on charges of solicitation of a crime of violence. Pledged allegiance to ISIS on Twitter before soliciting the murder of U.S. service members and publishing names and addresses of 100 such personnel online.

Connection to al-Awlaki

According to the criminal complaint filed against him, McNeil operated a Tumblr blog at (now suspended)According to the Guardian, the account user of a Tumblr blog believed to be McNeil’s often posted al-Awlaki’s sermons.

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Type of extremist
Attempted terrorist facilitator

Distributed ISIS kill lists featuring names of U.S. soldiers. Arrested in November 2015. In April 2017, pled guilty to five counts of solicitation to commit a crime and five counts of making threatening communications.

Propaganda type(s)
Video, Speech
Propaganda details

Posted a link on Facebook to an ISIS video depicting the execution of James Foley. The video was hosted on LiveLeak. Also operated a Tumblr blog at (now suspended), where he often posted sermons by now-deceased AQAP recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki.

Platform used to access propaganda
Facebook, LiveLeak, Tumblr
Accessed violent propaganda?
Accessed propaganda providing instructions on how to prepare or execute violent acts?
Not determined
Viewed/Discussed with others?
Not determined
Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

Twitter personality Umm UbaydullahSomali is an alleged Islamic extremist and proponent of violent ideology.Umm UbaydullahSomali, Twitter, accessed July 2, 2015, CEP believes she is female, as “Umm” in Arabic means “mother of” and “Abu” means “father of.” She is possibly of Somali descent, given the modifier used in all iteration of her Twitter name, i.e. “Somali” or “Somaliyah.”Umm ZubayrSomaliyah, Twitter, accessed August 19, 2015,

After each suspension, UbaydullahSomali references her previous suspension in a tweet and attaches a screen shot of the suspension notice from Twitter. According to the screenshots, her Twitter settings are in Dutch, and she uses the mobile provider BASE which is used in Belgium and Germany. CEP believes she operates out of Belgium.

The geotag in the below screenshot—taken of an account suspension notification—indicates the user is in “Dunya,” meaning “this life or world.”

Like other Twitter propagandists who are suspended from Twitter, this user continues to slightly modify their handle with numbers. However, Umm UbaydullahSomali often has not changed her handles in numerical order, going from @ummubaydullah1 to @ummubaydullah13 then @ummubaydullah12.

Her tweets suggest her support for strict Islamic law. In one tweet, she supports stoning and derides those who do not:Umm UbaydullahSomali, Twitter Post, June 23, 2015, 4:52 a.m.,

After several days of seemingly being off Twitter at the end of September 2015, Umm Ubaydullah activity surges under the user handle @IiiiiTaken. Despite the account showing it was created in June 2012, the first tweet shown on the account is as of September 22, 2015. It appears that she has gone back to referring to herself as Umm Ubaydullah, as opposed to Umm Zubayr.Umm Ubaydullah S, Twitter, accessed December 18, 2015,

Without being suspended or deleting her previous account, Umm Ubaydullah activity continues under a different handle, @ummubaydullah15. The user reverts back to her system of using her name and a number as a differentiator. Umm Ubaydullah appears to again be using more extremist rhetoric:Umm Ubaydullah, Twitter, accessed December 18, 2014,

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Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Type[s] of Ideology
Also Known As
Date of Birth
No information found
Place of Birth
No information found
Place of Residence
Belgium (suspected)
Current Location(s)
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Extremist Image
Extremist Entity Association

Neil Prakash, also known as Abu Khaled al-Cambodi, is a U.S.- and U.N.-designated Australian recruiter and facilitator for ISIS.“Treasury Designates Australian and Southeast Asian ISIL Operatives and Leaders,” U.S. Department of the Treasury, January 10, 2017,;
“Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 Listing 2015 (No. 2),” United Nations via Commonwealth of Australia, June 4, 2015,
He was erroneously reported killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq in April 2016.David Wroe, “Islamic State recruiter Neil Prakash killed by US strike in Iraq,” Sydney Morning Herald, May 5, 2016, In November 2016, he was arrested in Turkey after leaving ISIS-controlled territory the month prior.Chiara Palazzo, “Australia's most wanted jihadist Neil Prakash arrested in the Middle East,” Telegraph (London), November 25, 2016,;
Charles Miranda, “Australian ISIS recruiter Neil Prakash ‘survived’ air strike, was ‘wounded’ and has since been ‘arrested,’”, November 26, 2016,
The Turkish government rejected Australia’s extradition request and a Turkish court sentenced Prakash to seven-and-a-half years in prison in March 2019.Eric Tlozek, “Australian Islamic State recruiter Neil Prakash sentenced to jail in Turkey,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 15, 2019, He has admitted to being an ISIS member, but denied any link to ISIS activity in Australia.Australian Associated Press, “Australian ISIS fighter Neil Prakash’s extradition decision deferred until May,” The Guardian, February 20, 2018,; Australian Associated Press, “Neil Prakash tells Turkish court he has no links to Islamic State in Australia,” The Guardian, December 27, 2017, Prakash was released in February 2022 but remained in detention in Turkey as Australia refused to take custody of him.Padraig Collins, “Australian ISIS terrorist is released from jail and thrown in immigration detention while Turkey figures out where to deport him to - but NO country will take him,” Daily Mail (London), February 27, 2022,

Following Prakash’s arrest, some Australian media outlets suggested that ISIS had sent Prakash to Turkey in order to fight for the terror group there. The reports alleged that Prakash had led an English-speaking cell of engineers that was developing drones for use in attacks.News Corp Australia, “Australian terrorist Neil Prakash plotting remote drone attack,” Daily Telegraph (Surry Hills), December 15, 2016, However, other Australian outlets later said that Prakash traveled to Turkey in order to escape ISIS’s crackdown on members who wanted to leave ahead of an offensive by Iraqi and Kurdish forces.Mark Schliebs, “Terrorist recruiter Neil Prakash did dash as IS noose tightened,” Australian (Sydney), January 3, 2017,

Turkey charged Prakash with “being a member of, and acting on behalf of an armed terrorist organization.”Burcak Belli, “‘Sorry’ terror suspect Neil Prakash says Islamic State lied to him about Islam,” Sydney Morning Herald, September 28, 2017, Prakash issued an apology during a September 2017 appearance in a Turkish court. He took partial responsibility for radicalizing others but claimed ISIS had lied to him. Prakash told the court he had been new to Islam when he joined ISIS and the terror group had mislead him. Prakash apologized for the “trouble I have caused the world.”Burcak Belli, “‘Sorry’ terror suspect Neil Prakash says Islamic State lied to him about Islam,” Sydney Morning Herald, September 28, 2017, Turkey rejected an Australian extradition request for Prakash in July 2018. Australia revoked Prakash’s citizenship that December.“Neil Prakash: Australian jihadist stripped of citizenship,” BBC News, December 29, 2018, The Australian government based its decision on the belief Prakash would not be left stateless because he held citizenship in Fiji through his Fijian father. Fiji denied Prakash had citizenship in January 2019, but the Australian government insisted on its interpretation.Helen Davidson and Amy Remeikis, “Neil Prakash ‘not a Fiji citizen’: Dutton move to strip Australian citizenship in doubt,” Guardian (London), January 2, 2019, On March 15, 2019, the criminal court in Kilis, Turkey, convicted Prakash of belonging to a terror group and sentenced him to seven-and-a-half years in prison. Prakash’s lawyer indicated they would appeal for a reduced sentence based on Prakash’s show of remorse.Eric Tlozek, “Australian Islamic State recruiter Neil Prakash sentenced to jail in Turkey,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 15, 2019, In July 2019, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry argued that Prakash’s Australian citizenship should be reinstated because he would be more dangerous abroad than if he were imprisoned in Australia.Mark Schliebs, “A free Prakash will threaten Australia,” The Australian (New South Wales), July 1, 2019,

Prakash was imprisoned in Gaziantep, Turkey. At some point in 2021, he was transferred to a prison in Diyarbakir, Turkey, where he was registered as an Australian citizen. Given time already served, Prakash became eligible for parole at the end of 2021. In February 2022, based on time already served, authorities released Prakash and transferred him to an immigration detention center in Elbeyli as Australia and Fiji still refused to take custody.Ellen Whinnett, “Australian born Islamic State terrorist Neil Prakash released from jail in Turkey,” Herald Sun (Victoria), February 27, 2022, While in Syria, Prakash allegedly married two women. Reportedly, Turkish authorities are investigating whether Prakash can be transferred to the home country of one of his wives.Padraig Collins, “Australian ISIS terrorist is released from jail and thrown in immigration detention while Turkey figures out where to deport him to - but NO country will take him,” Daily Mail (London), February 27, 2022,

The Australian-born Prakash is the son of a Fijian father and a Cambodian mother. As of 2012, he was a practicing Buddhist but claimed to believe in a singular god. That year, Prakash made his first visit to Cambodia and reportedly found the Cambodian stream of Buddhism confusing. He abandoned Buddhism upon his return to Australia and sought to convert to Islam. Prakash converted at a local mosque where he also met Bosnian extremist Harun Mehicevic. Mehicevic and others radicalized Prakash during the latter’s visits to Melbourne’s Al Furqan Islamic Centre and bookshop. In 2013, Prakash traveled via Malaysia to Raqqa, Syria, which he referred to as “the land of jihad.”“Neil Prakash: The confused Buddhist who became a top IS jihadist,” BBC News, November 25, 2016, Upon his arrival, Prakash met an ISIS fighter who furthered his Islamic education.“Neil Prakash: The confused Buddhist who became a top IS jihadist,” BBC News, November 25, 2016, Prakash went on to become a prolific online propagandist for ISIS.

CEP long tracked Prakash on various online platforms as he has worked to recruit Muslims to ISIS-held territory and incite them to violence domestically. Although some companies made an intermittent effort to ban Prakash from their platforms, Prakash was resilient in maintaining his online presence. In August 2015, Australian counter-terrorism authorities issued a warrant for Prakash’s arrest, and scheduled Prakash to be placed on Interpol’s wanted list.Carly Crawford, “Warrant issued for Islamic State recruiter Neil Prakash,” Herald Sun (Victoria), August 19, The day after the arrest warrant was issued, Prakash’s @AbuK313 Twitter account was suspended, but he began posting under the handle @FatherOfKhalid. From ISIS-held territory, Prakash stands accused of directing the alleged April 25, 2015, Anzac Day plot, in which a group of Australians are accused of plotting domestic terror attacks on the day commemorating fallen soldiers in World War II.Lizzie Dearden, “Anzac Day terror plot: Five teenagers arrested in Australia for ‘planning Isis-inspired attack,’” Independent (London), April 18, 2015,

Prakash’s Twitter profile in September 2015. The account description references “Migration Matters,” presumably referring to migration to ISIS-held territory. The account also references his linked account on Surespot (a private messaging service), and Askbook (an interactive social media site). Prakash listed two Surespot accounts that a viewer could message if that viewer was interested in “migration.” These accounts consisted of his own Surespot account and one associated with the British ISIS recruiter Raphael Hostey.

On August 30, 2015, Prakash tweeted a message inciting Muslims to violence against “kuffar,” a pejorative term for non-Muslims.

Prakash was active under the Twitter handle @FatherOfKhalid in August 2015. Two days after this tweet was posted, Australian authorities issued an arrest warrant for Prakash.

In order to recruit and propagandize for ISIS, Prakash long maintained a presence on Twitter, as well as on Q&A social media platform Askbook. Supplementing his public image, Prakash directed viewers on these platforms to his private messaging account for one-on-one discussion.Abuk, Askbook post, July 8, 2015,; Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015,; Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015, He also directed viewers to the accounts of his ISIS recruiter cohorts, which have included deceased British recruiter for ISIS Raphael Hostey (Abu Qaqa),Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015, Nasser Muthana, and Abu Dujana.Abu Khaled the Australian, Twitter post, June 10, 2015, 2:01 p.m., Like Prakash, the other recruiters in Prakash’s network used a combination of social media and private messaging accounts in order to attract—and ultimately bring—foreigners to ISIS-held territory.

Prakash publicizes the account of fellow ISIS fighter Nasser Muthana.

Prakash touts his role as a facilitator who works to bring recruits to ISIS-held territory.

Prakash fields answers about the migration process to ISIS territory, and encourages recruits to contact him through encrypted messaging services.

Prakash employed a variety of tools to entice recruits online. These included answering questions about his supposed daily life,Abuk, Askbook, accessed July 8, 2015, propagating extremist and violent interpretations of religious texts,Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015, and even flirting with female recruits.Abuk, Askbook post, July 3, 2015,; Abuk, Askbook post, July 8, 2015, In response to the question, “Are you taken?” for example, Prakash replied coyly that “Allah allows us to have up to 4 wives.”Abuk, Askbook post, July 3, 2015,

Prakash engages with potential ISIS recruits, July 2015.

For logistical questions regarding the migration process to ISIS-held territory, Prakash asked viewers to contact him or his cohorts via private messaging services.Abuk, Askbook post, July 8, 2015,; Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015,; Abuk, Askbook post, July 2, 2015, These messaging services included Surespot, Telegram, Wickr, and Jitsi, among others.Abuk, Askbook post, July 2015,;
Abuk, Askbook post, August 2015,;
Abuk, Asbook post, August 2015,

In addition to recruiting via social media, Prakash served as a public face for the group, appearing in the ISIS video, “Stories from the Land of the Living: the Story of Abu Khaled al-Cambodi from Australia.” In the video, Prakash discussed his conversion process from Buddhism to Islam, and his hijrah (migration) process from Australia to ISIS territory.“New Islamic State video: The story of Abu Khaled Al-Cambodi from Australia,” LiveLeak, accessed July 8, 2015, He also called on Muslims, particularly in Australia, to either join ISIS or execute domestic attacks.“New Islamic State video: The story of Abu Khaled Al-Cambodi from Australia,” LiveLeak, accessed July 8, 2015, In September 2015, Australian ­intelligence officials said that they were “highly confident” that Prakash was being targeted for assassination by the U.S. military.Paul Maley, “Islamic State: Aussie jihadist Neil Prakash on US hit list,” Australian, September 2, 2015, In May 2015, ISIS published a guidebook naming Prakash as one of the group’s top recruiters and facilitators.“Australian listed in Isis guidebook as go-to man for recruits,” Guardian(London), May 7, 2015,; “Australian listed in Isis guidebook as go-to man for recruits,” Guardian (London), May 7, 2015, Prakash, however, said he was just a foot soldier, “I was just a normal soldier, I had nothing to with leadership or anything.”Farid Farid, “Islamic State leader Neil Prakash says he was ‘just a normal soldier,’” The Sydney Morning Herald, May 24, 2018,

Types of Leaders
Types of operatives
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, Pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Facilitator, foreign fighter, propagandist, recruiter
Also Known As
Date of Birth
May 7, 1991
Place of Birth
Melbourne, Australia
Place of Residence
Australian (revoked)
Not determined.
Extremist use of social media
Twitter, Askbook, Surespot, Telegram, Wickr, Jitsi
Current Location(s)
History Timeline

United States

  • January 10, 2017

    The U.S. Department of the Treasury designated “Neil Christopher Prakash” as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Executive Order 13224.“Treasury Designates Australian and Southeast Asian ISIL Operatives and Leaders,” U.S. Department of the Treasury, January 10, 2017,


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Extremists Convert Description

Recruiter, facilitator, and propagandist, Australia: U.S. and U.N.-designated Australian recruiter and facilitator for ISIS, also known as Abu Khaled al-Camboda. Repeatedly called for Muslims to join ISIS or execute domestic attacks. Stands accused of directing alleged April 25, 2015, Anzac Day plot to launch terror attacks on the day commemorating fallen soldiers in World War II. In November 2016, Australian authorities revealed that Prakash was arrested and detained in Turkey after leaving ISIS-controlled territory the month prior. Australia has reportedly requested his extradition.

Converted to Islam

Converted to Islam from Buddhism. Prakash maintained a presence on social media platforms Twitter and Askbook, propagandizing and recruiting for ISIS. (No estimated age at conversion)

Extremist Converts Sources
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Nasser Ahmed Muthana, known in jihadist circles as Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni, is a British propagandist, recruiter, facilitator, and foreign fighter for ISIS and an internationally designated terrorist. Muthana often encourages fellow Muslims to make hijrah (migration) to ISIS-held territory,Abul-Muthanna Yemeni, Twitter post, June 29, 2015, 8:09 a.m., and has directed viewers to his private messaging account on Surespot.Abul-Muthanna Yemeni, Twitter post, June 29, 2015, 7:13 a.m., He has also published incendiary and violent messages threatening the lives of kuffar (nonbelievers). In 2014, Muthana appeared in an ISIS video in which he propagandized for the group and told viewers that its fighters “will even go to [fight in] Jordan and Lebanon with no problems, wherever our sheikh [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] wants to send us.”“Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni from Britain - ISIS ‘No Life Without Jihad’ Video,” LiveLeak, accessed July 8, 2015,

Muthana has issued veiled threats toward the United Kingdom, once posting a picture of homemade bombs to Twitter writing, “So the UK is afraid I come back with the skills I've gained.”“Jihadist Nasser Muthana's Home-Made Bomb Pictures,” BBC News, July 3, 2014, Muthana has turned overtly hostile toward his home country, openly celebrating the deaths of his compatriots:

Muthana was part of a network of English-speaking recruiters and facilitators. On Twitter, U.K.-born recruiter Raphael Hostey (a.k.a. Abu Qaqa) called Muthana “a beloved brother” who has “been here since I entered Syria.”Qa’qa’ al-Baritani, Twitter post, June 5, 2015, 3:39 a.m., Neil Prakash (a.k.a. Abu Khaled al-Cambodi) also referenced Muthana, and touted Muthana’s violent history.Abu Khaled the Australian, June 3, 2015, 6:13 a.m.,

Before joining ISIS, Muthana had been on track to study medicine, and had received offers to study at four U.K. universities. He was last seen in the United Kingdom in November 2013.Tom Whitehead, Claire Duffin, Philip Sherwell and Richard Spencer, “Iraq crisis: British student identified as recruiting Isis jihadists,” Telegraph (London), June 20, 2014, That month, the 20-year-old Muthana traveled from London to Istanbul to Syria. He called his family three days after leaving Cardiff to tell them he had arrived in Syria. In February 2014, Muthana’s 17-year-old brother, Aseel, followed him to Syria.Thomas Deacon, “‘My sons left home to become terrorists and I don’t know if they’re alive or dead,’” Wales Online, March 31, 2019, The brothers’ father, Ahmed Muthana, told British media that he believed his sons radicalized after someone gave them the first-person shooter videogame Call of Duty. The elder Muthana blamed whoever purchased the game for them for also encouraging them to go to Syria.Mia De Graaf, “British brothers fighting for Isis in Syria were groomed by extremists using Call of Duty, claims their father,” Daily Mail (London), July 30, 2014, A member of Nasser Muthana’s mosque claimed he had been radicalized online.Liam Moffett, “Welsh muslim in a terror-recruiting video was radicalised online, says Cardiff mosque leader,” Wales Online, June 21, 2014,

In June 2014, Nasser Muthana appeared alongside fellow Cardiff foreign fighter Reyaad Khan in an ISIS propaganda video called “There Is No Life Without Jihad.” In it, Muthana boasted that ISIS will “come back and we will even go to Jordan and Lebanon with no problems, wherever our sheikh [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] wants to send us.”“Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni from Britain - ISIS ‘No Life Without Jihad’ Video,” LiveLeak, accessed July 8, 2015,; “Cardiff Jihadist ‘willing to die’ for Isis fight in Syria,” BBC News, July 2, 2014, In November 2014, Muthana was reportedly identified standing alongside British ISIS executioner Mohammed Emwazi, a.k.a. Jihadi John, in an ISIS video featuring the severed head of aid worker Peter Kassig. The Times of London later used facial recognition software to determine that Muthana had not appeared in the video.Jay Akbar, “British ISIS fighter who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Jihadi John in gruesome execution video has been 'killed in battle,’” Daily Mail (London), May 6, 2015,; “Father ‘spots’ son in IS beheading video,” IOL, November 17, 2014,; John Hall and Peter Allen, “Find Jihadi John's execution squad: Massive manhunt for international ISIS assassins as notorious BELGIAN is discovered among killers and family of French scooter salesman speak of their horror,” Daily Mail (London), November 18, 2014, Rumors of Muthana’s death circulated British media in May 2015 after the Daily Mail identified him as the ISIS militant Ikrima al-Nomani, who had been killed fighting in Syria that month. Muthana’s family and the British counter-extremism thinktank Quilliam Foundation denied the reports.Ruth Mosalski, “Claims Cardiff jihadi Nasser Muthana has been killed fighting for IS in Syria are ‘categorically untrue,’” Wales Online, May 7, 2015,; Jay Akbar, “British ISIS fighter who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Jihadi John in gruesome execution video has been ‘killed in battle,’” Daily Mail (London), May 6, 2015,

Because of their English and Arabic language skills, the Muthana brothers worked as translators between Arabic and Western ISIS fighters. According to his father, Nasser Muthana married a Bangladeshi woman who had also left England. Muthana reportedly told his father that ISIS had forced both him and his brother to marry and move into houses in Raqqa, then ISIS’s declared capital. Nasser Muthana and his wife had two sons. Aseel Muthana married a Somalian woman from Glasgow, Scotland.Thomas Deacon, “‘My sons left home to become terrorists and I don’t know if they’re alive or dead,’” Wales Online, March 31, 2019,

In March 2015, the United Kingdom designated Nasser Muthana under its Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010 (“TAFA 2010”).“Operation of the UK’s Counter-Terrorist Asset Freezing Regime: 1 September 2014 to 31 December 2014,” HM Treasury, March 2, 2015, On September 28, 2015, the United Nations added Muthana to its Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals.“Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Adds Names of Four Individuals to Its Sanctions List,” United Nations, September 28, 2015,

Nasser Muthana continued to call his parents regularly while in Syria to update them. According to their father, ISIS treated the brothers poorly and they regretted leaving England. In approximately 2017, Muthana stopped calling after informing his parents he was in Raqqa. As of March 2019, Ahmed Muthana had not heard from his sons in two years.Thomas Deacon, “‘My sons left home to become terrorists and I don’t know if they’re alive or dead,’” Wales Online, March 31, 2019, Aseel Muthana appeared in an October 2019 ITV News report on a Syrian prison camp holding ISIS fighters. The younger Muthana told British media that he had traveled to Syria before the brutality of ISIS was widely known and wanted to return home. He did not mention whether Nasser Muthana was still alive.Tim Stickings, “Inside a filthy Syrian prison camp where thousands of orange-jumpsuited ISIS extremists - including British jihadists - are locked up after the ‘caliphate’ fell to pieces,” Daily Mail (London), October 3, 2019,; “Aseel Muthana: Imprisoned Cardiff jihadist wants to return,” BBC News, November 15, 2019, The Independent reported in December 2019 that Nasser Muthana had died in a 2015 airstrike, but this could have been a reference to the misidentification of Muthanna as Ikrima al-Nomani as Muthanna’s parents recalled speaking with their son after 2015.Ruth Mosalski, “Claims Cardiff jihadi Nasser Muthana has been killed fighting for IS in Syria are ‘categorically untrue,’” Wales Online, May 7, 2015,; Richard Hall, “There’s no way back for British Isis prisoners languishing in a Syrian jail,” Independent (London), December 18, 2019,

Types of Leaders
Types of operatives
Extremist Entity Name
Type[s] of Organization
Insurgent, territory-controlling, terrorist, violent
Type[s] of Ideology
Islamist, jihadist, Pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Facilitator, foreign fighter, propagandist, recruiter
Also Known As
Date of Birth
April 29, 1994
Place of Birth
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Place of Residence
Syria (presumed)
Extremist use of social media
Surespot, Twitter
Current Location(s)
History Timeline

United Kingdom

United States

United Nations

  • September 28, 2015

    The United Nations Security Council added Nasser Ahmed Muthanna to its Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals.“Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Adds Names of Four Individuals to Its Sanctions List,” United Nations, September 28, 2015,

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On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded southern Israel where, in the space of eight hours, hundreds of armed terrorists perpetrated mass crimes of brutality, rape, and torture against men, women and children. In the biggest attack on Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust, 1,200 were killed, and 251 were taken hostage into Gaza—where 101 remain. One year on, antisemitic incidents have increased by record numbers. 

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