Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi

Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi was the leader of ISIS. Following the death of former ISIS leader Abu Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, Abu al-Hussain was announced as the new caliph on November 30, 2022.Mina Aldroubi, “ISIS announces new leader after terrorist chief killed in battle,” The National, November 30, 2022, https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/syria/2022/11/30/isis-announces-new-leader-but-reveals-little-about-him/. Less than a year following the former caliph’s death, Abu al-Hussain died in an operation conducted by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) on April 29, 2023 in Syria’s Afrin province.Turkey Offers Details Of Islamic State Chief's Death,”Agence France Presse, May 1, 2023, https://www.barrons.com/news/turkey-offers-details-of-islamic-state-chief-s-death-cf5480ac. On August 3, 2023, ISIS releases an audio statement confirming Abu al-Hussain’s death.Jared Malsin, “Islamic State Confirms Top Leader Is Dead,” Wall Street Journal, August 3. 2023, https://www.wsj.com/articles/islamic-state-confirms-top-leader-is-dead-dfc114a3.

Although there were reports that Abu Hasan was captured by Turkish forces in May 2022, ISIS later confirmed the death of the late caliph on November 30, 2022.Chris Matthews, “New ISIS leader 'is captured in Istanbul raid' three months after previous chief was killed in US operation,” Daily Mail, May 26, 2022, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10857583/New-ISIS-leader-captured-Istanbul-raid-three-months-boss-killed-operation.html; Mina Aldroubi, “ISIS announces new leader after terrorist chief killed in battle,” The National, November 30, 2022, https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/syria/2022/11/30/isis-announces-new-leader-but-reveals-little-about-him/. In an official statement, the group claimed the deceased leader was killed “in combat with enemies of God” but offered no other details regarding the date or circumstances leading to his death. The statement also declared Abu al-Hussain as the new leader of the extremist enterprise. Reportedly a veteran jihadist who began his career with ISIS in 2013, not much else is known about Abu al-Hussain.Rachel Hagan, “ISIS leader 'killed in action' as murderous group names its new caliph,” Mirror, November 30, 2022, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-isis-leader-killed-action-28621464; Mina Aldroubi, “ISIS announces new leader after terrorist chief killed in battle,” The National, November 30, 2022, https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/syria/2022/11/30/isis-announces-new-leader-but-reveals-little-about-him/;“Turkey Offers Details Of Islamic State Chief's Death,”Agence France Presse, May 1, 2023, https://www.barrons.com/news/turkey-offers-details-of-islamic-state-chief-s-death-cf5480ac.

On April 29, 2023, Turkey’s MIT intelligence agency carried out an operation in Syria’s Afrin province, resulting in the death of Abu al-Hussain. MIT agents reportedly surrounded a house harboring Abu al-Hussain, leading the ISIS leader to detonate a suicide vest to evade capture and detention. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed the death of al-Hussain the next day.“Turkey Offers Details Of Islamic State Chief's Death,”Agence France Presse, May 1, 2023, https://www.barrons.com/news/turkey-offers-details-of-islamic-state-chief-s-death-cf5480ac; “ISIS chief killed in Syria by Turkey's intelligence agency, Erdogan says,” CBS News, April 30, 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/isis-leader-abu-hussein-al-qurashi-killed-erdogan-syria-turkey-intelligence-agency/.

ISIS did not confirm Abu al-Hussain’s death until August 3, 2023. In the audio statement, Abu al-Hussain was killed in clashes with a rival group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Details regarding the location and timeline of his death remain unclear. However, HTS controls a portion of northwestern Syria, and ISIS regularly accuses HTS of working in Turkey’s favor.“Islamic State Group Announces Death of Leader,” Defense Post, August 4, 2023, https://www.thedefensepost.com/2023/08/04/islamic-state-leader-dead/. In the same statement, ISIS also announced the appointment of new leader, Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi.Jared Malsin, “Islamic State Confirms Top Leader Is Dead,” Wall Street Journal, August 3. 2023, https://www.wsj.com/articles/islamic-state-confirms-top-leader-is-dead-dfc114a3.

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Caliph (deceased)

ISIS is a violent jihadist group based in Iraq and Syria. The group has declared wilayas (provinces) in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the North Caucasus. ISIS has also waged attacks in Turkey, Lebanon, France, Belgium, Iraq, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tunisia, and Kuwait.

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On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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