John Walker Lindh

John Walker Lindh—known colloquially as the “American Taliban”—is a U.S. citizen and convicted former foreign fighter for al-Qaeda and the Taliban. He was captured in Kunduz, Afghanistan, in November 2001 and was transferred to the United States to stand trial on terrorism-related charges, including supplying services to the Taliban and carrying weapons while committing a crime. He was convicted in October 2002 and sentenced to 20 years in the Terre Haute Federal Correctional Institution in Indiana.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016,; Felicia Sonmez, “Sen. Shelby says Trump opposes early release of John Walker Lindh,” Washington Post, April 1, 2019, He was released early for good behavior on May 23, 2019.Rachel Weiner, “‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh released from prison after 17 years,” Washington Post, May 23, 2019,

According to his testimony to the FBI, Lindh grew interested in Islam at age 12 after watching the movie “Malcolm X,” which depicted Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. In 1997, at the age of 16, he converted to Islam and began attending a mosque in Mill Valley, California. He adopted the names Suleyman al-Lindh and Suleyman al-Faris.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, Lindh reportedly became involved with the Sunni missionary group Tablighi Jamaat, which encourages followers to live as the Islamic prophet Muhammad did while rejecting organizational Islam. At the time of Lindh’s capture, experts on the group called it apolitical and did not believe it acted as a bridge to al-Qaeda or the Taliban.Associated Press, “JOHN WALKER LINDH: An American's journey to the Taliban front lines,” Kitsap Sun, December 21, 2001, However, authorities have since investigated the group’s links to a number of radicalized militants.Susan Sachs, “A Muslim Missionary Group Draws New Scrutiny in U.S.,” New York Times, July 14, 2003,

Soon after converting to Islam, Lindh moved to Yemen to study Arabic and Islam.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, In October of 2000, he ventured to Pakistan where he enrolled in a madrassa, or an Islamic religious school. He then joined the Pakistani Harakat-ul Mujahedeen (HuM), a terrorist organization dedicated to wrenching Kashmir from Indian control and forming an Islamic state.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016,;
Stanford University, “Harkat-ul-Mujahedeen,” accessed October 2016,

According to interrogation reports, Lindh crossed the Afghan border in July or August of 2001 to join the Taliban.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, In addition to fighting for the Taliban, Lindh also reportedly trained with al-Qaeda.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, According to his testimony to the FBI, Lindh spent seven weeks at al-Qaeda’s al-Farouq training camp near Kandahar, Afghanistan, beginning on June 1, 2001. Three of those weeks were devoted to weapons familiarization, one week to studying maps/topography, one to battlefield training, and one to explosives.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, According to the FBI, Lindh met al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, who thanked him for “taking part in the Jihad.”“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016,

Lindh was deployed to the Taliban front lines following al-Qaeda’s September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. He was captured in Kunduz by the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance in November of 2001, and was held prisoner in the Qala-e Janghi fortress outside Mazār-e Sharīf. After a prison uprising on November 25, Lindh was wounded in the thigh by shrapnel while Northern Alliance troops quelled the riot. On December 1, he was transferred to U.S. custody.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, The following day, Lindh gave an interview to CNN in which how his “heart became attached” to the Taliban’s cause while reading about the group in Pakistan.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed May 8, 2019, He affirmed his decision to wage jihad, calling it the right choice and “exactly what I thought it would be.”“Walker: Prison uprising was ‘a mistake,’” CNN, December 20, 2001,; “The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed May 8, 2019, Lindh claimed he belonged to the Ansar (“Helpers”), a group of Arabic-speaking foreign fighters funded by bin Laden.“Walker: Prison uprising was ‘a mistake,’” CNN, December 20, 2001,

Lindh was held and interrogated at U.S. bases in Afghanistan for two weeks before he was transferred to a navy ship—the USS Peleliu—in the Arabian Sea.“John Walker Lindh Timeline,” Fox News, July 15, 2002,; “The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed May 8, 2019, He was transported to the United States in January 2002, and charged with 10 counts, including conspiring to kill U.S. citizens and aiding a terrorist organization.“Walker Lindh indicted on 10 counts,” CNN, February 6, 2002, Lindh’s lawyers claimed that he had been subjected to torture during his detention and interrogation in Afghanistan.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016,

Lindh reached a plea bargain with prosecutors in July 2002. He agreed to plead guilty to charges of supplying services to the Taliban and carrying weapons while committing a crime. He also agreed to rescind his claims that he had been tortured while in custody. In return, prosecutors dropped the more severe charges of supporting terrorism and conspiring to kill U.S. citizens.Neil A. Lewis, “American Who Joined Taliban Pleads Guilty,” New York Times, July 15, 2002, In October 2002, Lindh was sentenced to 20 years in prison.“The case of the Taliban American,” CNN, accessed October 2016, Under the terms of his plea deal, Lindh provided the U.S. government with information on al-Qaeda and Taliban training camps and fighting in Afghanistan.“Fact Sheet: the Department of Justice Ten Years After 9/11,” U.S. Department of Justice, September 7, 2011,; Tom Jackman, “In Deal, Lindh Pleads Guilty to Aiding Taliban,” Washington Post, July 16, 2002,

Lindh obtained Irish citizenship in 2013 by citing his paternal grandmother’s birth in the country. He reportedly is reportedly seeking to relocate to Ireland upon his release.Lukas Mikelionis, “John Walker Lindh, American ex-Taliban militant, obtained Irish citizenship thanks to his Irish grandmother,” Fox News, March 20, 2019, Irish government representatives have stated that, as a citizen, Lindh will not be refused entry into the country. According to a 2017 assessment by the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC), Lindh remains radicalized.Lukas Mikelionis, “John Walker Lindh, American ex-Taliban militant, obtained Irish citizenship thanks to his Irish grandmother,” Fox News, March 20, 2019, A Los Angeles NBC affiliate wrote to Lindh in prison in 2015 asking about his views on ISIS. Lindh wrote back praising ISIS as “very sincere and serious about fulfilling the long-neglected religious obligation to establish a caliphate through armed struggle….” This correspondence reportedly formed the basis for the NCTC’s assessment.Ken Dilanian, “In letter, ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh said ISIS ‘doing a spectacular job,’” NBC News, May 22, 2019,

Lindh received an early release for good behavior on May 23, 2019, despite the NCTC assessment and objections from President Donald Trump and other government officials. Lindh was subjected to three years of supervised release. He was not immediately subjected to restrictions against leaving the country, though he was forbidden from holding a passport. Lindh reportedly refused to sign a document guaranteeing he would not make a pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition to required meetings with a parole officer and mental health counseling, Lindh was forbidden from unmonitored Internet usage, using any language online except English without prior approval, and communication with known extremists.Rachel Weiner, “‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh released from prison after 17 years,” Washington Post, May 23, 2019,; Mary Harris, Marina Perelman, and Conan Nolan, “Prison Letters From ‘American Taliban’ Underscore Concerns Over His Supervised Release,” NBC4 Los Angeles – KNBC, May 22, 2019, Lindh’s supervised release requirement reportedly expired in 2022.Matthew Barakat, “FBI: ‘American Taliban’ Lindh meets with released extremist,” Associated Press, January 26, 2023,

Despite the restrictions, the FBI recorded Lindh meeting with convicted ISIS supporter Ali Shukri Amin during the summer and fall of 2021.Adam Rawnsley and Seamus Hughes, “‘American Taliban’ Was Ordered Not to Meet With Extremists. He Did Anyway,” Rolling Stone, January 26, 2023, Amin was sentenced to 136 months in prison in 2015 for conspiring to provide material support and resources to ISIS. His prison time was to be followed by a lifetime of supervised release and monitoring.“Virginia Man Sentenced to More Than 11 Years for Providing Material Support to ISIL,” U.S. Department of Justice, August 28, 2015, He was released on May 4, 2020.“ALI SHUKRI AMIN,” Find an Inmate – Federal Bureau of Prisons, accessed March 9, 2021, Amin was subjected to lifelong restrictions against meeting with extremists. According to court documents, the FBI recorded the pair meeting on three separate occasions in 2021. Though Lindh’s restrictions expired in 2022, they were in effect during his meetings with Amin in 2021. Authorities launched an investigation into Amin’s alleged parole violation but did not immediately begin an investigation into Lindh. According to court documents, however, Lindh “remains a known extremist and is believed by the FBI to hold extremist ideations.”Matthew Barakat, “FBI: ‘American Taliban’ Lindh meets with released extremist,” Associated Press, January 26, 2023,

Also Known As

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Insurgent, regional, terrorist, transnational, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Deobandi, Islamist, jihadist, Pashtun, Salafi, Sunni, Wahhabi
Foreign fighter

The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021 after previously leading a violent insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The group is closely affiliated with al-Qaeda.

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Non-state actor, religious, terrorist, transnational, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Jihadist, pan-Islamist, Qutbist, Salafist, Sunni, takfiri
Foreign fighter

The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021 after previously leading a violent insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The group is closely affiliated with al-Qaeda.

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On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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