Junes Kock

Junes Kock is a Danish national and the spokesman of Copenhagen-based Hizb ut-Tahrir Scandinavia (HT Scandinavia), the Scandinavian branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir.Kirstine Sinclair, “Same Old Message, New Wrapping: Hizb ut-Tahrir’s activities in Denmark,” Center for Mellemoststudier, March 2011, 2, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles/Files/Om_SDU/Centre/C_Mellemoest/Videncenter/Nyheder/2011/1103KS.pdf. Hizb ut-Tahrir (“Party of Liberation” or HT) is an international Islamist movement whose members believe that Muslims and non-Muslims will eventually join under a global caliphate.Kirstine Sinclair, “Same Old Message, New Wrapping: Hizb ut-Tahrir’s activities in Denmark,” Center for Mellemoststudier, March 2011, 2, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles/Files/Om_SDU/Centre/C_Mellemoest/Videncenter/Nyheder/2011/1103KS.pdf. Kock is a convert to Islam.Britta Søndergaard, “Hizb ut-Tahrir: Pigeklubber fører til moralsk fordærv,” Fredag, June 3, 2013, http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/danmark/hizb-ut-tahrir-pigeklubber-f%C3%B8rer-til-moralsk-ford%C3%A6rv.

Kock contributes regularly to HT Scandinavia’s website.Hizb ut-Tahrir-Skandinavien, accessed February 10, 2016, http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/.

In the wake of ISIS’s November 13, 2015 Paris attacks, Kock wrote an article on the website disparaging the West’s reaction to the massacre. He wrote, “On top of the attacks in Paris, Western governments are calling now for an intensification of the war in Syria and Iraq as part of the fight against ‘IS’ which was apparently behind Friday’s attack. This will cost many Muslim civilians lives in Syria, but this is the politicians’ clear position. Although it is well known that the Caliphate is the name of the Islamic ruling system—an inseparable part of Islam that hundreds of millions of Muslims yearn for—just as it is well known that support for the derailed militia known as ‘IS’ among Muslims, is nil, [the Western government believes that] every supporter of the caliphate is now an enemy to be fought.”Junes Kock, “Hykleri og barbari i kølvandet på Paris-angrebene,” Hizb ut-Tahrir-Skandinavien, November 15, 2015, http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/content.php?contentid=704&caller=http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/category.php?searchword=junes%20kock.

He added, “The fact is that successive Danish governments since 2002 have been complicit in the killing of an unfathomable number of women and children in a series of wars against Muslim countries. The governing party’s political spokesman, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (V), said in a comment: ‘We must not bomb women and children. We are not barbarians.’ In addition, we must conclude that your reactions and promises of action, and not least your past deeds in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Mali, makes you both pretenders and barbarians.”Junes Kock, “Hykleri og barbari i kølvandet på Paris-angrebene,” Hizb ut-Tahrir-Skandinavien, November 15, 2015, http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/content.php?contentid=704&caller=http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/category.php?searchword=junes%20kock.

In January 2015, Junes Kock disparaged a four-year “integration plan” launched by Copenhagen that had as its stated goal to get “the number of Copenhageners who support Sharia Law to fall.”“Islamic group's Sharia rally met with protests,” Local (Stockholm), December 8, 2014, http://www.thelocal.dk/20141208/islamic-groups-sharia-meeting-met-with-protests. Kock wrote on the group’s website, “We Muslims in no way need your help in pulling us down into a sad, western culture where youth suffer from a capitalist existential void which causes widespread depression, addiction, self-injury, and even an alarmingly high rate of suicide… We in Hizb ut-Tahrir will make all Muslims aware of these plans and their actual objective. So-called experts or not; your plans are doomed to fail.”“Islamists deride Danish anti-radicalisation plan,” Local (Stockholm), January 27, 2015, http://www.thelocal.dk/20150127/islamist-group-derides-danish-anti-radicalisation-plan.

In November 2014, Kock called on Syrian mujahedeen to fight against the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS. In a video uploaded to the Internet, he said: “To the mujahideen, to the commanders, to the brigades, to the people of Syria: It is time to make a choice. It is time to consider who you are and what you want. We are all Muslims, and you should know that there are millions of Muslims around the world who support you in every way, as long as you have an Islamic goal. We ask Allah for this victory to the beginning of the Caliphate, according to the method of the prophethood.”“#4619 - Scandinavian Islamist Junes Kock Calls on Syrian Mujahideen to Unite against International Coalition,” Middle East Media Research Institute, November 23, 2014, http://www.memrijttm.org/clip_transcript_4619.html.

Extremist entity
HT Scandinavia
Type(s) of Organization:
Political, religious, transnational
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, Sunni

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