Lt. Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub

Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Ali Abdullah Ayoub is a senior member of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and is responsible for perpetuating violence in northern Syria. On March 17, 2020, the U.S. Department of State designated Ayoub as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.“The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in Northern Syria,” U.S. Department of State, March 17, 2020, His military actions—largely by allowing continued airstrikes and stoking on-going combat between regime forces and the opposition—in preventing a ceasefire in northern Syria have significantly contributed to the ongoing humanitarian crisis throughout the country.“The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in Northern Syria,” U.S. Department of State, March 17, 2020,

Ayoub comes from the Alawite minority, a sect of Shiite Islam, which is concentrated in the northwestern provinces of Syria.Albert Aji And Sarah El Deeb, “Syrian general: Russian strikes helping ground offensive,” October 8, 2015, From 2012 to 2018, Ayoub served as the Syrian army’s chief of staff.“Al Assad promotes top army commander in cabinet reshuffle,” The National, January 2, 2018, He was appointed by President Bashar al-Assad as the minister of defense on January 2, 2018.“Al Assad promotes top army commander in cabinet reshuffle,” The National, January 2, 2018, Ayoub’s appointment broke from tradition as the defense minister has usually been a Sunni Muslim. Assad’s regime has been described as using violence, widespread repression, and sectarian minority power to maintain its rule. The Syrian population is majority Sunni Muslim, whereas senior officials throughout the government and the military are a part of the Alawite minority.Michel Duclos and Ambassador Robert S. Ford, “Assad's Thinking: How Did Syria Get Here, and Where Does the Regime Want to Go Now?,” Washington Institute, June 21, 2019, According to Ambassador Robert S. Ford, the former U.S. ambassador to Syria from 2011 to 2014, the regime continues to eliminate opposition groups and undertakes disastrous missions to reclaim territory without considering the economic and social repercussions that will affect Syria’s public.Michel Duclos and Ambassador Robert S. Ford, “Assad's Thinking: How Did Syria Get Here, and Where Does the Regime Want to Go Now?,” Washington Institute, June 21, 2019, Additionally, Adib Aliwi, a former Syrian military officer, claims that Ayoub’s appointment was strategic as he does not demonstrate significant military prowess other than the fact that “he obeys the orders of Bashar blindly and is ready to kill the people.”“Al Assad promotes top army commander in cabinet reshuffle,” The National, January 2, 2018,

The Syrian city of Idlib falls within a de-escalation zone laid out in a deal between Turkey and Russia in September of 2018. Overall, the de-escalation zone includes four general areas that are mainly controlled by the opposition. Over 2.5 million people are believed to reside in these zones.“Syria's 'de-escalation zones' explained,” Al Jazeera, July 4, 2017,; Zulfiqar Ali, “Syria: Who's in control of Idlib?,” BBC News, February 18, 2020, The deal focused specifically on the Idlib region and outlined that the Assad-backed Russian troops and opposition-backed Turkish troops would conduct coordinated patrols to alleviate large-scale combat to restore peace in the area.Jim Heintz and Sarah El Deeb, “Turkey, Russia agree on demilitarized zone in Syria’s Idlib,” Associated Press, September 17, 2018,,-Russia-agree-on-demilitarized-zone-in-Syria's-Idlib. However, Assad’s regime forces have not observed the terms of the agreement, and have continued to undermine the ceasefire through carrying out uninhibited attacks within the zone.Michael Hernandez, “US slaps sanctions on Syrian defense minister,” Anadolu Agency, March 17, 2020, These attacks have destroyed schools, hospitals, and have killed almost a million civilians.“The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in Northern Syria,” U.S. Department of State, March 17, 2020,

According to earlier reports in 2015, Ayoub who was then the Syrian army’s chief of staff, claimed that Russia’s airstrikes were necessary to eliminate “terrorist groups”—which includes ISIS, who then had strongholds in Raqqa and Aleppo, and the Nusra Front, who maintain a strong presence in Idlib—and liberate “the areas and towns that suffered from their scourge and crimes.”Albert Aji And Sarah El Deeb, “Syrian general: Russian strikes helping ground offensive,” October 8, 2015,

Due to Ayoub’s role in perpetuating Syria’s civil war, in February 2012, a panel of United Nations investigators accused Ayoub, as well as many others in Assad’s regime of “crimes against humanity.”Julian Borger and Peter Beaumont, “Syrian regime accused of crimes against humanity by UN,” Guardian, February 23, 2012, According to the accompanying report, the investigators found evidence that “army snipers and Shabbiha gunmen [from pro-Assad militias] posted at strategic points terrorised the population, targeting and killing small children, women and other unarmed civilians. Fragmentation mortar bombs were also fired into densely populated neighbourhoods.”Julian Borger and Peter Beaumont, “Syrian regime accused of crimes against humanity by UN,” Guardian, February 23, 2012,

Ayoub was sanctioned by the United Kingdom on November 15, 2011. Additionally, in 2018, the European Union designated Ayoub on the European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List.“European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List,” European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, March 11, 2020, On March 17, 2020, the U.S. Department of State designated Ayoub under Executive Order 13894 for the “the obstruction, disruption, or prevention of a ceasefire in northern Syria.”“Notice of Department of State Sanctions Actions on March 17, 2020 Pursuant to Executive Order 13894 of October 14, 2019, Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Syria,” U.S. Department of State, June 25, 2020,

Also Known As

Extremist entity
Syrian Arab Republic
Type(s) of Organization:
Government, military
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Alawite, Islamist, Shiite
Minister of Defense

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United States

United Kingdom

European Union

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