Samy el-Goarany

Samy el-Goarany was a U.S.-born foreign fighter for ISIS who died in combat.Faith Karimi, “New York college student killed after joining ISIS in Syria,” CNN, October 19, 2016, El-Goarany traveled to the Middle East in January 2015.Jake Pearson, “Terror mystery: How US man went from suburban bliss to jihad,” Monterey Herald, December 13, 2016, He arrived in Syria via Turkey, having made contacts with ISIS facilitators prior to his departure.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, El-Goarany died in November 2015 while fighting alongside ISIS in Syria.Faith Karimi, “New York college student killed after joining ISIS in Syria,” CNN, October 19, 2016,

In February 2015, el-Goarany contacted his brother Tarek el-Goarany to apologize for his sudden disappearance, informing Tarek that he was undergoing religious training for his new “company,” as he referred to ISIS, and that once the training was complete, he would be able to communicate more regularly.James Nani, “Local ISIS fighter was radicalized in 2014, prosecutors say,” Times Herald-Record, October 20, 2016,

Following the start of an FBI investigation into el-Goarany’s disappearance, Samy’s father Mohamed el-Goarany traveled to Turkey in March 2015 in an effort to find his son.Kaja Whitehouse, “Shame made father lie about son ditching college to join ISIS,” New York Post, January 19, 2017, The two exchanged messages over social media in which Mohamed begged his son to find time to see him.Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017, Samy denied his father’s request, reportedly telling him to stop wasting his time and money in Istanbul and to return to the United States.Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017, During this time, Mohamed reportedly met with Samy el-Goarany’s contact in Turkey, Ateia Aboualala.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, Aboualala confirmed for Mohamed el-Goarany that Samy had traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS. Mohamed, who had traveled to Turkey against the advice and without the knowledge of the FBI, testified in court in 2016 that he “[didn’t] want them to arrest Samy. If I [Mohamed] bring him back with me they don’t arrest him.”aja Whitehouse, “Shame made father lie about son ditching college to join ISIS,” New York Post, January 19, 2017, His statements appear to have been made to justify his attempt to retrieve his son without the approval of the FBI.Kaja Whitehouse, “Shame made father lie about son ditching college to join ISIS,” New York Post, January 19, 2017,

On November 23, 2015, el-Goarany’s family was contacted online by a suspected ISIS fighter to inform them of their son’s death. The suspected ISIS fighter sent pictures taken of a handwritten letter purportedly authored by el-Goarany and intended to be sent to his family upon his death.Faith Karimi, “New York college student killed after joining ISIS in Syria,” CNN, October 19, 2016,;
“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017,
The letter read, “If you’re reading this then know that I’ve been killed in battle and am now with our Lord InshAllah… I want you to know how much I love you ... but I don't think words will ever be enough to describe it.”Faith Karimi, “New York college student killed after joining ISIS in Syria,” CNN, October 19, 2016,

El-Goarany’s parents chose to hide the circumstances behind their son’s death from friends and family, claiming that he died in a car crash, and that the body was too badly burned to be identified.Erika Norton, “Community reacts to Goshen grad’s alleged ISIS involvement,” Warwick Advertiser, October 27, 2016, El-Goarany’s neighbors, acquaintances, and members of the Islamic Center of Middletown, New York, held funeral services for el-Goarany in November 2015.Erika Norton, “Community reacts to Goshen grad’s alleged ISIS involvement,” Warwick Advertiser, October 27, 2016,;
Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017,
The truth surrounding el-Goarany’s death surfaced when his name was used publically in October 2016 during the trial of Ahmed Mohammed el Gammal, who was accused of providing material support to ISIS as well as helping el-Goarany become involved with the organization.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, El-Goarany’s father claims that Gammal manipulated Samy into joining ISIS and that the decision was not Samy’s alone.“How a New York man went from comfortable suburban life to jihad,” CBS News, December 13, 2016,

Several acquaintances and community members spoke out against el-Goarany’s actions, expressing surprise at his radicalization. Al-Tariq condemned el-Goarany’s behavior as well as ISIS, calling the group “the number one enemy of Islam.”Erika Norton, “Community reacts to Goshen grad’s alleged ISIS involvement,” Warwick Advertiser, October 27, 2016, Peter Kwon, a friend of el-Goarany, posted on Facebook that he “had been close to this guy for the past 10 years, and I honestly wouldn’t have suspected him of joining this deplorable group.”“How a New York man went from comfortable suburban life to jihad,” CBS News, December 13, 2016, Multiple acquaintances, who wished to remain anonymous, reported being “stunned.”Jake Pearson, “Terror mystery: How US man went from suburban bliss to jihad,” Monterey Herald, December 13, 2016,

Samy el-Goarany’s brother, Tarek el-Goarany, acknowledged being aware of Samy’s intentions to join ISIS. Tarek testified that in the summer of 2014 that Samy became “increasingly obsessed” with ISIS and that Samy had asked him if Tarek thought he should join ISIS. Tarek claims to have advised Samy not to join the group, but said that he did not inform anyone of Samy’s plans to travel abroad because he believed he could prevent Samy from leaving the country. According to Tarek, he joined his brother in shopping for supplies to help prepare for joining ISIS, supposedly to give him more time to attempt to convince his brother. Tarek also initially lied to the FBI during their investigation because “I [Tarek] didn’t know what would happen to my family.” Tarek began cooperating with the FBI in summer 2015 with an agreement that he would not be prosecuted.Victoria Bekiempis, “Brother of Baruch College student who joined ISIS says he helped him get ready for Syria but didn’t want him to fight,” New York Daily News, January 17, 2017,

El-Goarany and Gammal first came into contact with one another in August 2014, when el-Goarany discovered Gammal’s pro-ISIS Facebook posts.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, El-Goarany messaged Gammal via Facebook Messenger on August 14, 2014, and according to court documents, the two began communicating using an unnamed encrypted messaging platform shortly thereafter.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, According to authorities, Gammal sent el-Goarany with a video on ISIS’s training process.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, Gammal and el-Goarany would regularly delete their electronic correspondence in an attempt to destroy any incriminating evidence, according to court documents.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, Gammal met with el-Goarany in person in October 2014, travelling from Phoenix, Arizona to New York City, where el-Goarany was living at the time.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, During this time, Gammal allegedly vetted el-Goarany as a potential recruit for ISIS and passed along contact information for his associate in Turkey, Ateia Aboualala, who would later help el-Goarany travel from Turkey to Syria.“Arizona Man Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For Material Support To ISIS,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, January 30, 2017, Shortly after arriving in Turkey, el-Goarany reportedly used Facebook Messenger to contact Aboualala, using coded conversation to avoid detection.Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017,

Later in August, el-Goarany bought an airline ticket for Istanbul to depart in November 2014, but canceled it. El-Goarany then bought a ticket for January 27, 2015. On January 26, 2015, el-Goarany left his parents’ house in New York, and departed from JFK airport on January 27 to arrive in Istanbul on January 28. The next day, on January 29, 2015, el-Goarany met with Aboualala to begin arrangements to travel into Syria.Erika Norton, “Community reacts to Goshen grad’s alleged ISIS involvement,” Warwick Advertiser, October 27, 2016,

El-Goarany gave conflicting cover stories to friends and acquaintances prior to his departure. According to prosecutors, el-Goarany told his parents that he was returning to NYC to continue his studies before leaving the country.Faith Karimi, “New York college student killed after joining ISIS in Syria,” CNN, October 19, 2016,;
Larry Neumeister, “Testimony by NY Man’s Family May Be Key at Terrorism Trial,” New York Law Journal, January 13, 2017,
According to one of Gammal’s lawyers, Annalisa Miron, el-Goarany had said that his intentions in travelling were to join the humanitarian relief effort aiding Syrian refugees.Victoria Bekiempis, “NYC college student who died fighting for ISIS got help from Arizona man: feds,” New York Daily Post, January 10, 2017,;
Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017,
In exchanges with Gammal, el-Goarany referred to his activities in Syria as being employed by a “company.” He sent messages back to Gammal expressing his eagerness to begin an “internship,” presumably referring to ISIS. This is believed to be code designed to keep el-Goarany’s true intentions discreet.John Riley, “Lawyer: Baruch College student chose on his own to join ISIS,” Newsday, January 25, 2017,

In September 2015, el-Goarany appeared in an ISIS video released on YouTube, stating that he had joined ISIS of his own free will.Victoria Bekiempis, “NYC college student died fighting for ISIS in Syria last year,” New York Daily News, October 19, 2016, El-Goarany specifically named Gammal in this video, who had recently been arrested, stating that Gammal “had nothing to do” with el-Goarany’s decision to join ISIS.Victoria Bekiempis, “NYC college student died fighting for ISIS in Syria last year,” New York Daily News, October 19, 2016, The video was later used in the U.S. trial against Gammal.

El-Goarany also operated a page on social media site Tumblr. There, he posted about social justice, criticizing U.S. policy abroad and competing Islamist groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017, In the summer of 2014, prior to his first interactions with Gammal, el-Goarany began expressing a more direct interest in militant Islam online, posting gifs of jihadists onto Tumblr and defending ISIS in debates online about the group’s alleged war crimes.<Katie Zavadski, “Mom and Dad Hid a terrible ISIS Secret,” Daily Beast, January 17, 2017, In December 2014, el-Goarany posted in a social media message that ISIS was the solution to “the real problem,” which according to el-Goarany is “US imperialism, mass murder, economic exploitation, systematic torture, the whole 9 yards.”James Nani, “Local ISIS fighter was radicalized in 2014, prosecutors say,” Times Herald-Record, October 20, 2016,

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Insurgent, territory-controlling, religious, terrorist, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Islamist, jihadist, pan-Islamist, Salafist, takfiri
Foreign fighter

ISIS is a violent jihadist group based in Iraq and Syria. The group has declared wilayas (provinces) in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the North Caucasus. ISIS has also waged attacks in Turkey, Lebanon, France, Belgium, Iraq, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tunisia, and Kuwait.

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