Yahya Farooq Mohammad

Indian-born Yahya Farooq Mohammad is a former U.S. resident who conspired to provide material support to al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and specifically AQAP terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki.“United States of America v. Yahya Farooq Mohammad, Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, Asif Ahmed Salim, and Sultane Roome Salim,” United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, September 30, 2015, 1, http://www.justice.gov/opa/file/790971/download. Mohammad and his younger brother Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, also an Indian citizen, face charges for funding the terror group.“United States of America v. Yahya Farooq Mohammad, Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, Asif Ahmed Salim, and Sultane Roome Salim,” United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, September 30, 2015, 1, http://www.justice.gov/opa/file/790971/download.

Mohammad began his studies in Hyderabad before moving to the United States to earn his Master’s degree in electrical engineering from Ohio State University in 2004.Praveen Swami, “2 NRI Brothers indicted in US for funding al-Qaeda, had discussed attacks in India,” Indian Express (New Delhi), November 7, 2015, http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/two-indian-brothers-indicted-in-us-for-providing-support-to-al-qaeda-leader/. After graduating from Ohio State, Mohammad moved to the United Arab Emirates where he worked in technology. He visited the United States in 2008 and married a U.S. citizen.Praveen Swami, “2 NRI Brothers indicted in US for funding al-Qaeda, had discussed attacks in India,” Indian Express (New Delhi), November 7, 2015, http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/two-indian-brothers-indicted-in-us-for-providing-support-to-al-qaeda-leader/.

In 2009, Mohammad allegedly traveled to Yemen to deliver $22,000 to influential jihadist and al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki.Praveen Swami, “2 NRI Brothers indicted in US for funding al-Qaeda, had discussed attacks in India,” Indian Express (New Delhi), November 7, 2015, http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/two-indian-brothers-indicted-in-us-for-providing-support-to-al-qaeda-leader/. Unable to reach al-Awlaki, Mohammad was reportedly instructed to hand the funds to an associate in the country’s capital as he described in an email to his brother, “Couldn’t meet with him, but delivered the goods to a relative.”Pete Williams, “FBI: Ohio Men Plotted to Aid former al Qaeda Propagandist,” NBC News, November 5, 2015, http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/fbi-ohio-men-plotted-aid-former-al-qaeda-propagandist-n458051.

Though he never obtained legal resident status, Mohammad resided in the United States for nearly a decade and married a U.S. citizen.“United States of America v. Yahya Farooq Mohammad, Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, Asif Ahmed Salim, and Sultane Roome Salim,” United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, September 30, 2015, 1, http://www.justice.gov/opa/file/790971/download. Mohammad and the three other men—identified as Ibrahim Zubair Mohammad, Asif Ahmed Salim, and Sultane Room Salim—were indicted in November 2015.“Four Men Charged with Providing Material Support to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,” U.S. Department of Justice, November 5, 2015, http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/four-men-charged-providing-material-support-al-qaeda-arabian-peninsula. In July of 2017, Farooq pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide and conceal material support and resources to terrorists. He also admitted to soliciting an undercover FBI agent posing as a hitman to kidnap and murder U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary.Daniel Arkin, “Al Qaeda Supporter Pleads Guilty to Plotting Judge’s Killing,” NBCNews, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/yahya-farooq-mohammad-pleads-guilty-terror-charge-plotting-judge-s-n781586. On November 7, 2017, Mohammad was sentenced to 27 and a half years in prison.“Man Jailed for 27 Years for Plotting to Murder US Judge,” BBC News, November 07, 2017, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41898016.

Extremist entity
Type(s) of Organization:
Insurgent, non-state actor, religious, terrorist, transnational, violent
Ideologies and Affiliations:
Al-Qaeda affiliated group, Islamist, jihadist, Qutbist, Salafist, Sunni, takfiri
Financier, facilitator

AQAP is the union of al-Qaeda’s affiliated branches in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. AQAP has claimed responsibility for terror attacks and plots worldwide, including the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris.

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On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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