CEP Applauds Twitter Action on Extremist Accounts but Broader Problems Ignored

The Counter Extremism Project commends Twitter for reportedly suspending 10,000  accounts linked to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).  According to recent studies by online extremism experts, however, there are between 46,000 and 70,000 Twitter accounts dedicated to promoting ISIS atrocities, ideology and propaganda.  As noted repeatedly by CEP, given that suspended Twitter users can easily open new accounts, it is important that Twitter adopt a systematic and comprehensive approach to identifying and permanently removing online purveyors of hate and violence.  

"While Twitter’s response to the persistent criticism of its policies for removing extremist content is welcome, it does little to resolve CEP's more fundamental concerns.

“CEP has for many months been appealing directly to Twitter to implement simple, sensible reforms to prevent its platform from being weaponized by ISIS and other extremists to radicalize and recruit new members, and plan violent attacks against innocent people around the world.

“Twitter has been less than receptive to CEP’s repeated attempts to work collaboratively to permanently eliminate the worst misusers of social media while protecting our values and liberties.  In testimony on Jan. 27 before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, CEP proposed six immediate and practical steps Twitter should take: 

  • Trusted Reporting Status – Twitter should grant trusted reporting status to government and groups like ours to swiftly identify and ensure the expeditious removal of extremists online.
  • Streamlined Reporting – The reporting process on Twitter is long and cumbersome. A more accessible reporting protocol should be added for users to report suspected extremist activity.
  • Policy on Extremism – America’s leading tech companies should adopt a policy statement that extremist activities will not be tolerated.
  • Verified Accounts – Twitter has a system where people can verify their accounts. This concept can be the foundation for a tiered system whereby unverified accounts are restricted and subject to streamlined review.
  • Security Technology – There must be a technological solution related to security that most Twitter users would accept as a fair tradeoff for lives saved. 
  • Transparency – When one of the most influential and pro-ISIS Twitter accounts, ShamiWitness, was publicly revealed to be an Indian businessman it shook the cyber-jihadi network. He immediately stopped his online jihad. Twitter should reveal detailed information – including the names of the most egregious cyber-jihadis.  The most egregious cyber-jihadis do not deserve an anonymous platform to from which to spew hate and incite terror and murder.

“CEP hopes that Twitter’s actions indicate that the internet giant is belatedly but finally ready to take responsibility for those who use its platform to carry out violent attacks and encourage hatred.”

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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