Counter Extremism Project Leading – And Twitter Finally Responding

(New York, NY) – The following is a statement from the Counter Extremism Project:

“Efforts by the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) and others have resulted in Twitter’s recent decision to change the rules of user conduct. By its own admission, Twitter's previous policy on violent threats was unduly narrow and limited. This decision broadens Twitter’s ban on violent threats to include violence promoted by terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. CEP has been calling for Twitter to take this step for the last six months. CEP has been vocal in its repeated calls for Twitter to hold itself accountable for the actions of users of its platform, and we are glad to see the company finally taking some steps – albeit, incrementally – to recognize the problem and take action on this issue. 

“Despite these belated first steps, we urge Twitter to invest further in their policies and efforts to curb violent rhetoric and behavior. The recent changes are an indication that the company is finally making moves in the right direction, but there is still much work to be done to put an end to online extremism. Over the last few months, we have repeatedly appealed directly to Twitter to implement what we believe are simple, sensible reforms that would prevent its platform from being further weaponized by extremist groups. We want to reiterate the five immediate and practical steps we believe Twitter must take:

  • Trusted Reporting Status: Granting trusted reporting status to government and groups like CEP to accelerate the removal of extremists from the platform.
  • Streamlined Reporting: Development of a more accessible reporting system so users can quickly report suspected extremist activity.
  • Verified Accounts: Use the concept of verified accounts and a tiered system where unverified accounts are restricted and subject to streamlined review.
  • Security Technology: Research and develop technological solutions related to security that the majority of Twitter users would accept as a fair tradeoff for lives saved.
  • Transparency: Twitter should reveal detailed information, such as the names of the most offensive cyber-jihadis, who do not deserve an anonymous platform from which to incite violence.

“CEP is hopeful that Twitter’s recent actions are just the first in a long list of new preventive measures the company will take. As always, CEP stands ready and willing to work with Twitter to craft and implement stronger, more proactive measures that will put an end to violent online abuse.”

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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