(New York, N.Y.) — The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists and terrorist groups on the Internet to spread propaganda and incite violence. Last week, multiple extreme right Telegram channels promoted homophobia and transphobia at the beginning of LGBTQ Pride Month. Two channels affiliated with the neo-Nazi Terrorgram online community encouraged or celebrated acts of violence.
CEP researchers also located pro-ISIS propaganda celebrating the May 31 Mannheim, Germany knife attack and advocating lone-actor attacks. A pro-ISIS tech group offered suggestions for improving online security, including recommending websites to scan suspicious URLs and urging Samsung users to install a security update. Also, last week, al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent released a communique clarifying their approach to Kashmir.
Additionally, CEP researchers located a new website promoting chapters of the white supremacist Active Club movement in Germany, and Telegram channels affiliated with the neo-fascist group Patriot Front promoted their leader’s recent appearance on a popular YouTube show. CEP researchers also reported content on Twitter/X, including an account belonging to the antisemitic leader of the Goyim Defense League and an Active Club chapter in Southern California that specifically noted they were hoping to recruit through the social media site. Finally, CEP identified several Telegram channels that posted racist AI-generated music using the Suno AI program.
Extreme Right Telegram Channels Promote Homophobia and Transphobia in Response to LGBTQ Pride Month
During the week of June 2 to 8, CEP located multiple posts on extreme right Telegram channels condemning LGBTQ Pride Month. Two Telegram channels associated with the Terrorgram community promoted violence, including a channel with almost 200 subscribers that encouraged violence against LGBTQ people and as well as anti-Arab violence. The post had over 1,200 views and was shared by several white supremacist Telegram accounts. A notorious channel that mainly posts about white supremacist violence celebrated the first anniversary of the murder of an African American lesbian woman in Cedar Park, Texas, noting that it occurred during Pride Month.
Additional posts included the promotion of homophobia and transphobia and a post from an Active Club chapter in Lithuania promoting an anti-LGBTQ protest.
“Telegram continues to be one of the main online platforms for extreme right propagandists who promote and celebrate acts of violence,” said CEP Researcher Joshua Fisher-Birch. “In June, many white supremacist and neo-Nazi channel administrators are directing their hate towards LGBTQ Pride Month. Telegram should enforce its Terms of Service and remove extremist channels that celebrate or call for attacks.”
Pro-ISIS Propaganda Continues to Encourage Lone-Actor Attacks, Celebrates Mannheim Knife Attack
Propaganda supporting ISIS in Pakistan, located by CEP the week of June 2 to 8, encouraged lone-actor attacks. CEP found a propaganda image in Urdu on RocketChat that encouraged acts of violence allegedly in revenge for military operations in Iraq, Syria, and Gaza. An English language “open letter to Americans” stated that both civilians and military personnel were legitimate targets.
Pro-ISIS online propagandists have increasingly released easy-to-make images to encourage acts of terrorism, receive media attention, and force event planners to increase security.
Propagandists on Telegram also praised the man who murdered a police officer in Mannheim, Germany, during a stabbing spree. German authorities have stated that there was an “Islamic extremist motive” in the attack. However, the attacker has not been publicly tied to any groups.
Pro-ISIS Tech Group Suggests Virus Scan Websites, Advises Samsung Phone Users to Update Devices
On June 3, the pro-ISIS tech group Qimam Electronic Foundation (QEF) posted a list on PasteThis.To, via RocketChat, with a short list of five websites that can be used to scan URLs and files for malware. ISIS online supporters have previously expressed concern regarding the spread of malware in chats in the form of malicious links or downloadable content.
On June 5, QEF posted on RocketChat urging their followers to update Samsung devices. They directed users to an official Samsung security bulletin, which instructed customers to patch security vulnerabilities on Android devices.
Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent Releases Communique Clarifying Position on Kashmir
CEP researchers located a post from al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), posted on a pro-al-Qaeda website on May 31, stating that it was necessary to work with other violent jihadist groups in Kashmir, but that AQIS itself has not claimed a direct affiliation with a group there. The communique condemned “organizational bias or prejudice” and called for joining “correct” groups and eventually instituting a religious government.
German Active Club Chapters Launch Website
On June 6, CEP researchers located a website advertising German chapters of the white supremacist Active Club movement. The site uses the logo of the main German group and contains an email address, a Telegram channel link, and a recruitment video released from a chapter in Bavaria.
Lumaserv hosts the website according to who-hosts-this.com.
On June 5, the German Active Club Telegram channel announced that the group was selling packets of propaganda stickers advertising the website.
CEP has previously found a relaunch of the main website for the decentralized Active Club movement in February 2024, as well as a regional website for a chapter of the group in the western U.S.

German Active Club website. Screenshot taken on June 6.
Patriot Front Promotes Group Leader’s Recent YouTube Appearance
Telegram channels associated with the neo-fascist group Patriot Front promoted the group leader’s appearance on a YouTube talk show hosted by commentator Patrick Bet-David. Thomas Rosseau appeared on a May 31 episode that received over 420,000 views approximately a week later. In the interview, Rosseau promoted his group and white nationalism.
On June 5, a Patriot Front-linked Telegram channel claimed that the majority of comments on YouTube were positive and posted a sample of them that expressed support for the group. The channel administrators accused the videocast host of bias against the group but were pleased that their message reached a large audience.
Notorious Antisemitic Leader of Goyim Defense League Returns to Twitter/X After Prior Deletion
On June 6, CEP reported a new Twitter/X account to the platform belonging to Jon Minadeo II, the leader of the antisemitic group the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The account was advertised on a GDL Telegram page and had over 1,600 Twitter/X followers approximately two weeks after it first began posting on May 31. The account included a large number of videos promoting antisemitism, racism, the GDL, and Minadeo himself, as well as links to websites hosting GDL livestreams, neo-Nazi and antisemitic merchandise, and a page where antisemitic GDL flyers can be downloaded, including content promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories claiming that Jews are responsible for the September 11th attacks and the Kennedy Assassination. Minadeo also linked to another Twitter/X account with over 3,000 followers created in November 2023 and used for livestreaming on the platform.
Minadeo has previously had several Twitter/X accounts suspended for violating the site’s Terms of Service. CEP reported one of his previous accounts to the platform on February 15, which has since been removed.
CEP reported the account to Twitter/X on June 6, but it was still online on June 10.

Post from Minadeo on Twitter/X advertising a website where he sells a variety of neo-Nazi and fascist merchandise. The post received over 2,800 views within four days. Screenshot taken on June 6.
Southern California Active Club Promotes Twitter/X Account
On June 2, the Telegram channel for the Southern California chapter of the Active Club movement promoted the group’s Twitter/X account, stating that they were interested in using it to recruit. The Twitter/X account was created in May 2024 and became active on May 19, posting anti-immigration videos and a recruitment video that received over 12,000 views within four days. In addition to posting various white supremacist symbols and antisemitic content, the account declared that immigrants should be forced to leave the U.S. This specific Active Club chapter has not had a Twitter/X account before. CEP reported the account to Twitter/X on June 6, but it was still online on June 10.
White Supremacist Telegram Channels Post Racist Music Created With Suno AI
CEP researchers located several posts on white supremacist Telegram channels between June 2 and June 8 that contained racist music created using the Suno AI program. Suno allows for the creation of realistic-sounding music with vocals and instruments using artificial intelligence. On June 3, a Telegram channel with almost 10,000 subscribers that specifically shares extreme right AI creations posted a sample using Suno promoting William Luther Pierce, the author of the Turner Diaries.
CEP has previously located AI-generated images promoting white supremacist mass shooters, groups, and propaganda on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram.