(New York, N.Y.) — The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists and terrorist groups on the Internet to spread propaganda and incite violence. Last week, CEP researchers identified an advertisement on the Telegram channel of a French chapter of the white supremacist Active Club movement promoting what appeared to be a Brazilian gambling Telegram channel. Telegram states that channel owners receive “50% of the revenue from ads displayed in their channels.”
Also, on Telegram, an Arkansas-based Active Club chapter celebrated the movement for promoting networking opportunities among the white supremacist movement. Additionally, a channel linked to the accelerationist neo-Nazi group Injekt Division claimed responsibility for sending antisemitic flyers to a Pennsylvania state police barracks, local police departments, colleges, and universities.
Also, last week, a pro-ISIS group promoted the use of commercially available drones for terrorist attacks, circulating a guide on different models of drones and their potential uses. Further, Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) released a video condemning corruption among political and military leaders in Pakistan, advocating for religious government. Finally, an online pro-ISIS security group warned about the traceability of Bitcoin when used to send money to extremist organizations.
Main Telegram Channel For French Active Club Allegedly Making Money From Telegram Ads
CEP researchers located an advertisement in the main Telegram channel used by the French chapter of the white supremacist Active Club movement. The channel has over 8,400 subscribers and posts a variety of white supremacist propaganda, including videos and event announcements. The advertisement was for what appeared to be a Brazilian gambling Telegram channel. According to Telegram, “channel owners can now receive 50% of the revenue from ads displayed in their channels.” Telegram channel administrators can choose to enable ads.
“It is concerning that a Telegram channel affiliated with a well-known white supremacist movement could allegedly receive revenue using the Telegram ads feature,” said CEP researcher Joshua Fisher-Birch. “Extreme right groups and propagandists use Telegram specifically for its lack of content moderation and the ability to gain an audience. Telegram should clarify their policies regarding whether the admins of extremist channels can earn money through Telegram ads.”

Information on Telegram Ads. Screenshot taken on May 2.
Regional Active Club Chapter Praises Movement for Networking Capabilities
On April 30, an Arkansas-based Active Club chapter praised the movement on Telegram for increasing networking opportunities among group members. The post stated that the Active Club model allowed individuals in the white power movement to “connect and build real, lasting friendships.” Active Clubs often include members of other groups, such as Patriot Front and, in some cases, the Hammerskins, and are places where groups may seek recruits or form alliances. Friendship and brotherhood are recruitment themes often employed by Active Clubs.
Accelerationist Group Posts Photos of Antisemitic Flyers Allegedly Sent to Pennsylvania Police Departments and Educational Institutions
On April 30, a Telegram channel affiliated with the accelerationist neo-Nazi group Injekt Division claimed they sent antisemitic flyers to a Pennsylvania state police barracks and two local Pennsylvania police departments. The flyers, employing an antisemitic trope, accused law enforcement officers of being controlled by a Jewish conspiracy. The same channel also posted a photo of an antisemitic flyer allegedly sent to at least one college and one university in Pennsylvania. The Injekt Division propaganda recipients were located in Central or Eastern Pennsylvania.
Online Pro-ISIS Group Releases Guide to Different Commercially Available Drones
On April 28, an online pro-ISIS group released a guide containing information on commercially available uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their potential uses in committing terrorist attacks. The handbook noted that drones can be used “for surveillance missions and supporting attacks or assassinations.” The guide included comparisons of UAV models manufactured by DJI, Parrot, and Autel Robotics. Characteristics such as payload capacity for carrying explosives were noted. Links to the guide were spread in a pro-ISIS chat. The guide is the first in a series, with future issues likely discussing other methods of committing attacks. CEP reported four uploads of the guide to the Internet Archive, which removed them.
ISIS supporters have shown a continued interest in commercial drones. Individuals in Europe have previously purchased drones and components bound for ISIS in the Middle East. In December 2023, a man in Coventry, United Kingdom, was sentenced to life in prison for terrorism offenses after building a drone using 3D-printed parts that he planned to give to ISIS operatives. Recently released pro-ISIS online propaganda has included images of drones being used in terrorist attacks.

Al Qaeda in the Subcontinent Video Condemns Corruption in Pakistan
Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) released a video on May 2 condemning corruption among political and military leaders in Pakistan and stating that religious government was the only solution. The approximately 11-minute video said that while Pakistan had ample farmland and natural resources, the country suffered due to greed and dishonesty among the elite. The video discussed the wealth and property holdings of Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, and Imran Khan, as well as the business holdings of Pakistani generals. It accused Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Asim Munir, of extorting a business. The narrator proclaimed that Pakistan’s democratic system is inherently flawed and would only allow the corrupt and those controlled by special interests to rise to power.
Pro-ISIS Operations Security Group Warns About Bitcoin Tracking
On May 2, an online pro-ISIS operations security group posted a news article from a cybersecurity website warning that Bitcoin can be tracked. The article, which appeared on a website with no connection to ISIS, provided an overview of how forensic financial analysis can be used to counter Bitcoin laundering. The privacy cryptocurrency Monero has increasingly become popular with online pro-ISIS groups seeking donations.