ICYMI: Editorial, Updated Resource Detail Al-Awlaki’s Online Radicalizing Influence

(New York, NY)The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) today published an editorial and an updated resource detailing the radicalizing influence American-born radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki continues to exert, five years after his death.

Al-Awlaki was the first U.S. citizen targeted by a U.S. drone strike (September 30, 2011) due to his role in taking the “lead in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans,” according to President Barack Obama. Al-Awlaki also published detailed bomb-making instructions in AQAP’s online magazine, Inspire.

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace’s editorial published by Fox News details the extent of al-Awlaki’s connection with high profile terrorist attacks before and after his death and describes how the application of CEP’s eGLYPH technology could reduce the number of violence inciting al-Awlaki videos available on the Internet and social media platforms.

CEP’s resource, Anwar al-Awlaki’s Ties to Extremists, has been updated with a Case study: Anwar al-Awlaki on Youtube, a detailed analysis, including statistics and quotes, from al-Awlaki videos readily available on YouTube. Al-Awlaki’s presence continues to grow on the platform. For example, a YouTube search for Anwar al-Awlaki yielded 68,200 results on September 28, 2016, as opposed to 61,900 on December 18, 2015.

Additionally, CEP’s petition demanding that YouTube act to remove Anwar al-Awlaki videos from its platform has also been initiated and can be found here



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