
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“If the ameer command a target here we will follow...Now brother if you have any contacts with any commanders let them know we are in the process of organizing. [ . . . ] Its a little slower here cause of security and spies but we are on it. Oaths have been given. When the time is right we will strike. If the dawlah has any high let us know so we can link in with them inshaAllah. [sic]”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“In all honesty the best way to bet them is to break their will. With the U.S. no matter how many you kill they will keep coming unless the soldiers and the american public no longer have the will to fight.”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“If we can break their spirits we will win. Whenever we attack them instead of killing them all try to take a few as prisioners for either ransom or to show the world the hours the kufar army will suffer at the hands of the lions of Allah. [sic]”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 27, 2015

Jan. 27, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“It would be hard to pull off a lager scale attack on the government but police stations and courts are pretty easy and its been done before by kufar sometimes just one person. [sic]”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 27, 2015

Jan. 27, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“If this happens the way we want insha Allah we'll all be there if not though my sahaba [“companion”] will put the fear of Allah in their hearts and minds right here in the homeland.”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 24, 2015

Jan. 24, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Conversation with undercover FBI agent:

“Not be easy but i'd rather struggle and strive hard in the cause of Allah rather than sit back and live a 'comfortable' life. And what you say is true brother but the banners are up. The State has been established and it is our duty to heed the call. InshaAllah we will complete our task or be granted shahada1 1 trying. And yes I look forward to the training. I am already in the american kafir 1 2 army (back when I was still in this dunyah1 3 and not muslim) and now I wish only to serve in the army of Allah alongside my true brothers.”“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hasan Rasheed Edmonds, January 20, 2015

Jan. 20, 2015
Name of Author
Hasan Rasheed Edmonds

Facebook message to an undercover FBI agent:

“I wish to go to Dawlah akhi. I would love to study at in Islamic university but my first mission is simply to show up and be accountable on judgement day in front of our Lord.” (Facebook)“United States of America v. Hasan Edmonds and Jonas M. Edmonds,” U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, March 25, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Harlem Suarez, Facebook post, April 14, 2015

Apr. 14, 2015
Name of Author
Harlem Suarez

“I need some ernest! from any brother. How to make a bomb send me a video or something, and what do I need to make it [sic].” (Facebook post)“United States of America v. Harlem Suarez a/k/a Almlak Benitez,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, July 27, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Harlem Suarez, Facebook post, April 7, 2015

Apr. 7, 2015
Name of Author
Harlem Suarez

“Be a warrior, learn how to cut your enemies head and then burn down the body learn how to be the new future of the world Caliphate.” (Facebook post)“United States of America v. Harlem Suarez a/k/a Almlak Benitez,” U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, July 27, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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