
Disguised ISIS fighter, September 13, 2014, in “A Message to the Allies of America” video showing beheading of British citizen David Haines

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Disguised ISIS fighter

"Your evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha Dam will only accelerate your destruction and playing the role of the obedient lapdog Cameron will only drag you and your people into another bloody and unwinnable war."

"If you Cameron, persist in fighting the Islamic state, then you, like your master Obama, will have the blood of your people on your hands."Steve Robson, “David Haines beheading: Full transcript of ISIS video holding David Cameron responsible for execution,” Mirror UK, September 14, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, August 2014, in “A Second Message to America” video showing beheading of U.S. citizen Steven Sotloff

Name of Author
Disguised ISIS fighter

“I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and [unclear] on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings. You, Obama, have but to gain from your actions but another American citizen. So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people... We take this opportunity to warn those governments that enter this evil alliance of America against the Islamic State to back off and leave our people alone.”“IS Behead Steven Joel Sotloff, Threatens to Execute Briton David Cawthorne Haines | Jihadist News,” SITE Monitoring Group, last modified September 2, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, August 2014, in “A Message to America” video showing beheading of U.S. citizen James Foley

Name of Author
Disguised ISIS fighter

“Obama authorized military operations against the Islamic State effectively placing America upon a slippery slope towards a new war front against Muslims… This is James Wright Foley, an American citizen of your country. As a government, you have been at the forefront of aggression towards the Islamic State. You have plotted against us and gone far out of your way to find reasons to interfere in our affairs. Today, your military airforce is attacking us daily in Iraq. Your strikes have caused casualties amongst Muslims. You're no longer fighting an insurgency, we are an Islamic army and a State that has been accepted by a large number of Muslims worldwide, so effectively, any aggression towards the Islamic State is an aggression towards Muslims from all walks of life who have accepted the Islamic Caliphate as their leadership. So any attempt by you, Obama, to deny the Muslims their rights of living in safety under the Islamic Caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people. [Beheads Foley] [Fighter holds Steven Joel Sotloff] The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision.”“IS Beheads Captured American James Wright Foley, Threatens to Execute Steven Joel Sotloff | Jihadist News,” SITE Monitoring Service, last modified September 3, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman, declaring an Islamic caliphate, June 29, 2014

Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“By Allah, if you disbelieve in democracy, secularism, nationalism, as well as all the other garbage and ideas from the west, and rush to your religion and creed, then by Allah, you will own the earth, and the east and west will submit to you. This is the promise of Allah to you.”“ISIS Declares Islamic Caliphate, Appoints Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi As 'Caliph', Declares All Muslims Must Pledge Allegiance To Him,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, June 30, 2014,


Abu Moussa, ISIS press officer, June 2014

Name of Author
Abu Moussa

“I say to America that the Islamic State has been established. And we will not stop.  Don’t be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq. We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House.”“The Islamic State (Part 1),” VICE News, August 13, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman, April 2014

Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“And whoever is thinking of entering into a war with us then he should consider this 1,000 times. O [Sunni Muslims] in Mesopotamia (Iraq), verily the battle today has become evidently clear, it is a battle between Truth and falsehood, between disbelief and belief, between polytheism and monotheism, a battle between all of the Rawāfiḍ and all [Sunni Muslims], and it will not end except with the supremacy of one of the two groups. So select which of the ranks you shall be among—and may Allah forbid—the people of polytheism be victorious over the people of monotheism.

“It is time that you O Sunnah of Iraq to know the way of honour and authority, the way of prosperity, security and happiness. It is time that you know there are no rights without Jihad, no justice without Jihad, no honour without Jihad, no security without Jihad, no hope without Jihad, no life without Jihad.

“The caravan is moving, and the barking of the dogs does not harm it, and no fitnah shall harm its soldiers ever again after today inshā'Allāh… Victory is in this path and you are firmer than the mountains. It does not violently shake you nor violently move you. A glad tiding to you for you have been patient and have gained [sic]. Inshā'Allāh the conquests of ʿUmar have began, if one of you were to travel today for hundreds of miles he would see only the flag of Tawḥīd, flying high and waving. No rule beneath it except that of Allah, and no Religion except Allah's. The hypocrites are humiliated, despised and retreating, the Monotheists are honoured, victorious and conquering. So all praise is to Allah who kept us alive to realise this victory and this blessing, and it matters not to us if after today we should be killed or wiped out. It is sufficient for us that we meet Allah, to whom belongs might and majesty, with the courts that we have established and by these limits that we have set, and by this Shari’ah that we have implemented, in spite of USA hating it and the Jews hating it, in spite the Ṭawāghīt hating it, at the head of whom there is Āl Saʿūd.”

“So O soldiers of the State, know that today you have entered into a new phase of the phases of struggle, for you have returned to the cities, and controlled the grounds, and let one of you be killed a thousand times before they think of going back. The cities and provinces that are under your control, on top of them Fallūjah, will not be ruled today, by the Will of Allah, except by the Law of Allah, and there will be no place in it for the secularists. Verily Fallūjah is Fallūjah of the Mujāhidīn, and Anbār is Anbār of the Mujāhidīn, and Nineveh, Kirkūk and Ṣalāḥuddīn are of the Muwaḥḥidīn (Monotheists), and Diyālah and Baghdād and its North and its South are of Ahlus-Sunnah. And verily, Baṣrah is our Baṣrah, for there is no place in it for the filthy Rafiḍah.”

“O Soldiers of the State, remember always that you are fighting a forsaken people, if they seek help it is by ʿAlī, and if they ask for aid it is by Al-Ḥusayn, and if they were to seek refuge it is by Al-ʿAbbās, and if they were to seek support it is by Fāṭimah, may Allah be pleased with them and her. They depend on humans and worship idols. Perfect is Allah, for he will never grant them victory over you, so let your weapons/tools be your ʿAqīdah, and your strength be your piety, and be certain of the victory of Allah, for verily you are the soldiers of Allah, fighting in the Path of Allah, and the Rāfiḍah are the soldiers of Shayṭān and they fight in the path of the Ṭāghūt. So fight the allies of Shayṭān, for indeed, the plot of Shayṭān has ever been weak, and so that Allah may grant you their shoulders, and so that by the Will of Allah you may break their strength, and so that you, by the will of Allah, eradicate their roots, and so that Allah will fill their hearts with fear and their feet with defeat, and make their weapons and equipment booty for you. So wait for them at every place of ambush and enter upon them from every gate, and slaughter them like how you slaughter sheep, and kill them like how you kill flies. For if they are supported by USA and reinforced by Iran, then know that your protector is The King The One Who Recompenses; Excellent is He the Protector, and Excellent is He the Helper.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman, April 2014


“Yes, verily the plot of Shayṭān is weak. America came to Iraq leading a frenzied crusade, in its sleeve a new map of what they call the ‘Middle East.’ It came with all its forcefulness and all of its iron (weaponry), with all of its pride and all of its arrogance. It gathered all of its allies and mobilised all of its aircraft and its fleets, and it brought its horses and its soldiers. The Crusaders thought that no one would be able to overcome them; however Allah the Mighty and Majestic disgraced them and showed us the weakness of their plot. The flame of Jihad was stoked, the Crusade campaign was broken and the Islamic State was established in spite of the villains, and America was expelled (from Iraq) disgraced and driven away, dragging their tails between their legs, defeated and broken, leaving in its wake a map of the Islamic State, ready to redraw the world upon the Prophetic manhaj (way) methodology of the [caliphate]. So verily, the [Islamic] State, with the favour of Allah alone, becomes stronger day after day. Its authority has not ceased since it was founded, by the favour of Allah, and its conquests shall not cease, with the permission of Allah, until the cross is smashed, the swine is killed and the Jizyah (tax for people of the book) is imposed, and there will be no fitnah (tribulation) on Earth and the Rule shall be for Allah alone completely.

“And so [Sunni Muslims] in Iraq, verily you should know the truth, and it is that there is no coexistence or peace with the Rawāfiḍ (Shiite Muslims.) You have seen the truth of this matter in the squares of Hawijah, in the mosques of Baʿqūbah, in the market places of Mosul and

Samarrā', in the villages of Laṭīfiyyah, in the neighbourhoods of Buhriz, Ramādī and Fallūjah, and what follows is more disastrous and more bitter. It is time that you be aware [sic] that the polytheist Rāfiḍah are the most evil to tread upon this earth, more evil than the Jews and the Crusaders. It is time that you disbelieve in democracy which will not bring better than what it has brought upon you in the past lean years. It will bring nothing upon you but shame and disgrace. It is time for you to know that democracy is nothing but a tool and method by which the Ṭawāghīt (tyrants) are empowered and by which they wage war upon the Religion of Allah. It is time that you reject your treacherous politicians, who have only been working for their own personal and private benefits, the ones who through voting for them, you gained nothing but humiliation, degradation and oppression.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, January 2014

Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“This is a message to America. Beware you protector of the ‘Cross’ that the war by delegation won’t help you in Sha[m], as it didn’t in Iraq, and soon you will be in full confrontation, forced by the Will of Allah, and that the sons of Islam have prepared themselves for that day.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Baghdādī: ‘God Knows and You Do Not Know,’” Jihadology, last modified January 25, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, January 2014

Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“We say to whoever has been involved in fights against the [Islamic S]tate from the battalions, reconsider, and repent to your Lord… Here the [Islamic S]tate is extending an arm to you to stop fighting it and it would stop fighting you, let’s be free to fight the Nusairies and Rafedha… The Nusairies are shedding your blood, attacking your honour, destroying your homes under the claim of fighting terrorism to protect you from Jews and Crusaders, collaborating against Islam and fixing up traps for the Mujahedeen and fighting them, [pretending] to cry for you while trading in your blood and cause…

“This is a message to America. Beware you protector of the ‘Cross’ that the war by delegation won’t help you in Sha[m], as it didn’t in Iraq, and soon you will be in full confrontation, forced by the Will of Allah, and that the sons of Islam have prepared themselves for that day.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Baghdādī: ‘God Knows and You Do Not Know,’” Jihadology, last modified January 25, 2014,


Al-Dabiq, ISIS Magazine, date unknown

Name of Author

“[Obama’s] decisions also expose the hypocritical politics of America that only serve the interests of their Jewish ally, Israel, and their own capitalist gluttony. So while genocide is committed by the Maliki, Asadi, and Israeli forces against the Muslims via systematic massacres, chemical warfare, rape, and starvation by siege, Obama watches with euphoria.”“In the Words of the Enemy,” Dabiq, no. 3 (2014), 35, See “The Islamic State’s (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine,” Clarion Project, September 10, 2014,


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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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