
Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“[M]ost of the Muslims including those residing in Europe are against the crusade war lead by America, and they hate the Arab regimes that are working as agents and that crushed their people and sold the Palestinian cause in the give-up market.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“[D]id America leave us any choice with this flagrant aggression? No doubt that the answer is going to be no. Therefore, it became our right and our duty to push away with all our strength this crusade campaign and declare clearly that the American interests are legitimate targets to us.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“We will strive to strike [Americans] whenever we can. And we are sure that America is going to loose (sic) its war against us like it lost it against Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s America that is unfair and that started evil and injustice.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“[In response to the question, ‘Do you intend to carry out any attacks on American soil?’] If the U.S. administration sees that its war against the Muslims is legitimate, then what makes us believe that our war on its territories is not legitimate?” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“We sacrifice our souls and blood to defend you [Muslims] and to protect you from the sons of France and the agents of America. Our nation must know that we are in a war against the apostates and their crusader masters.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“America or other than America will not frighten us, but we never underestimate the reason. We do strive to make the right plans to face this evil alliance against Islam and the Muslims. America must know that when it gets involved in a war with the sons of Youssouf ibn Tachfine and the grand children of Tarik ibn Ziyad, then the region will turn on fire under America’s feet, if God permits it. We will mobilize the sons of the Islamic Maghreb in order to soak the nose of the Americans in the mud, and put into their account that’s already filled with defeats, another defiance.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Qari Bashir Haqqani, Taliban commander, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008
Name of Author
Qari Bashir Haqqani

“They will have to carry many more bodies in coffins on their shoulders if they don't come to the realistic conclusion that their forces must withdraw from our country. We view [German] soldiers as being the stooges of the Americans and Jews.”“Interview with a Taliban Commander: ‘What’s Important Is to Kill the Germans,’” Spiegel Online, May 21, 2008,


Qari Bashir Haqqani, Taliban commander, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008
Name of Author
Qari Bashir Haqqani

“My guidance to the people of Kunduz is that they should avoid meeting or getting near the Germans or people from other foreign countries. Those who work for the invader in any capacity will be seen by the Taliban as enemies, just like the Germans, the Canadians and the Americans.”“Interview with a Taliban Commander: ‘What’s Important Is to Kill the Germans,’” Spiegel Online, May 21, 2008,


Mohammed Morsi, former Egyptian president, September 15, 2007

Sep. 15, 2007
Name of Author
Mohammed Morsi
Muslim Brotherhood

“The US administration has never presented any evidences on the identity of those who committed that incident [9/11 attacks]… The Muslim Brotherhood and others demanded a transparent trial with clear evidence and to have court rulings. We confirm that this isn’t a defense to those who committed these actions but we only seek the truth.”“Morsi: 9/11 a global calamity, not only for U.S.,” Ikhwan Web Homepage, Ikhwanweb: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Official English web site, September 15, 2007,

Rhetoric Category

Ali Khamenei, August 19, 2007

Aug. 19, 2007
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“We are certain that in this fight between the righteous and the wrong that is going on today—the fight between Islam, Islamic teachings, and Islamic awakening on the one hand and the avaricious arrogant policies of the satans of the world and at their head, the Great Satan that is the government of America on the other hand—victory is with us; victory is with the side of the righteous.” Masoud Kazemzadeh, “Ayatollah Khameini’s Foreign Policy Orientation,” Comparative Strategy, November 8, 2013, 450,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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