
Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, May 25, 2021

May 25, 2021

“When holy sites face serious threats there are no red lines. All the resistance movements can’t sit back and watch if holy sites are in danger.”“Lebanon Hezbollah chief says attacks on Jerusalem mean regional war,” Reuters, May 25, 2021,

Rhetoric Category

HT Tunisia statement, May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

“Britain is the enemy of Muslims, as it brought down our state, tore apart our country, and planted the criminal Jewish entity, and America fights us everywhere and provides the Jewish entity with ways for survival. It supplies it with weapons and supports it internationally, as news agencies have announced these days the biggest arms deal between America and the Jewish entity. This America that the rulers of Tunisia introduced today and made our soldiers and officers under its command says that Muslims in Gaza are terrorists and murderers, it says that the children and women of Gaza are terrorists and deserve to be killed!”“America and Europe Kill our People in Palestine And the Rulers of Tunisia Put our Soldiers and Officers at their Disposal,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, May 18, 2021,

HT Tunisia statement, May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

“At a time when the criminal Jewish entity burns Palestine and rains rockets on its people, and at a time when Europe and America support the monstrous Jewish entity, the authority in Tunisia is allied with the aggressors and under the command of the Americans it conducts 12-day military exercise.”“America and Europe Kill our People in Palestine And the Rulers of Tunisia Put our Soldiers and Officers at their Disposal,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, May 18, 2021,

Abu Ubaida, spokesman of the Qassam Brigades, May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021
Name of Author
Abu Ubaida

“Mass up as you wish, from the sea, land and sky. We have prepared for your kinds of deaths that would make you curse yourselves.”Nidal Al-mughrabi and Rami Ayyub, “Gaza conflict intensifies with rocket barrages and air strikes,” Reuters, May 13, 2021,

Rhetoric Category

Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Speaking to an anti-Israel student rally at Tehran University:

“Today, resistance, al-Quds and Palestine are victorious. Today, Palestinian children and youth sent a message to people of the world saying resistance can target the Zionist regime with its rockets.”“Iranian people join students to slam Israel’s vicious onslaught against Gazans,” Pars Today, May 13, 2021,

Rhetoric Category

Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Speaking to an anti-Israel student rally at Tehran University:

“Certainly, your support for us in Palestine means a lot, and we will trek together on the path of destroying the Zionist regime.”

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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