
Abu Imad al-Rifai, PIJ representative in Lebanon, January 19, 2015

Jan. 19, 2015
Name of Author
Abu Imad al-Rifai

“When the Syrians see that there is a war between Israel and the (Syrian) regime, a large part of the opposition will stand alongside the regime, and fight the Israeli enemy… We are part of the resistance, and we will be at the middle of the fighting with the Israeli enemy if it breaks out. Within 72 hours, half of the Galilee will have fallen into the hands of the resistance, because the Israeli army’s ability to stand ground has been corroded.”“#4739 - Palestinian Islamic Jihad Representative: In a Future War, Half the Galilee Will Fall within 72 Hours,” MEMRI TV, accessed March 2, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, January 16, 2015

Jan. 16, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“We are busy in Lebanon, in Syria and probably in other places. But our utmost priority remains to stay ready to confront Israel.”“Nasrallah warns Israel against any "stupid" moves in Lebanon, Syria,” Al Akhbar, January 16, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, January 15, 2015

Jan. 15, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“If the Israelis think that the resistance is weakened or exhausted ...then they are mistaken.”“Hezbollah Says Assad’s Allies Have Right to Respond to Israeli Attacks in Syria,” Reuters, January 15, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

PIJ statement on a terrorist attack in which four rabbis were murdered in a synagogue, November 18, 2014

Nov. 18, 2014
Name of Author
PIJ statement

“The operation in Jerusalem was a natural reaction to the crimes committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces and Zionist settlers.”“Two Palestinian storm Jerusalem synagogue, kill four Israelis,” Al Akhbar English (Beirut), November 18, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Sami Abu Zuhri

“[Israeli officials are] legitimate targets for the resistance.” “Hamas Says Israeli Leaders Are ‘Legitimate Targets’,” Times of Israel, November 21, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Sami Abu Zuhri

In reference to the November 18, 2014 terror attack at the Har Nof synagogue in Jerusalem in which four Jews and one Druze policeman were killed: “The operation in Jerusalem is a response to the murder of the martyr Yusuf Ramouni and to the series of crimes by the occupier at Al-Aqsa and Hamas calls to continue these operations. Hamas calls for more operations like it.” Lazar Berman, “Hamas spokesman said to have harassed female foreign reporter,” Times of Israel, December 7, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“The Israelis imagined that the developments in the region, particularly in Syria, will weaken the resistance... and would distract it from preparations [for a future war] and would drain it. I tell you today, that the resistance is stronger than before and is more developed and has more experience.”Mariam Karouny, “Hezbollah Chief Says Ultra Hardline Sunni Militants Will Be Defeated,” Reuters, November 4, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Raad Al Kafaji, KH commander, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Raad Al Kafaji

“[D]on’t forget there is a big difference between Hezbollah in Iran and Hezbollah in Iraq. Philosophically, we have the same enemy – Daish (ISIS) and Israel – but we are fighting here for justice.”Janine di Giovanni, “Nemesis: The Shadowy Iranian Training Shia Militias in Iraq,” Newsweek, November 27, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, October 21, 2014

Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“Now the Islamic Iran doesn’t allow the Zionist regime’s expansion in the region and it is considered as the opposite point of the Zionist regime.”“IRGC Commander: Iran Prevents Expansion of Zionist Regime in Region,” Fars News Agency, October 21, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, October 20, 2014

Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“We thank God for the security that has been established in the Southeastern parts of the country despite all the investments of our trans-regional enemies, including the Americans and the Zionists, as well as certain regional enemies and despite their too much planning.”“IRGC Top Commander Reiterates Enemies’ Failure in Creating Insecurity at Iranian Borders,” Fars News Agency, October 20, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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