
Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“[M]ost of the Muslims including those residing in Europe are against the crusade war lead by America, and they hate the Arab regimes that are working as agents and that crushed their people and sold the Palestinian cause in the give-up market.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“European government started judging the Muslims about their intentions and their sympathy with the Muslims’ causes. This comes from the crusade’s religious hate that moves the West, and that blew up all the bright slogans that they hold dear, such as freedom, forgiveness, human rights and justice, those slogans that they hurt our hearing with for years.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Ali Khamenei, February 7, 2006

Feb. 7, 2006
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“Western countries allow no freedom of expression, which they claim to advocate, with regard to the myth of the massacre of Jews known as the holocaust, and nobody in the West enjoys the freedom of expression to deny it or raise doubts about it. But affronting the sanctities of about 1.5 billion Muslims is permissible in the West.” “Leader Receives Air Force Servicemen,” Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, February 7, 2006,

Khaled Meshaal, Hamas political bureau chief, February 3, 2006

Feb. 3, 2006
Name of Author
Khaled Meshaal

“We say to this West, which does not act reasonably, and does not learn its lessons: By Allah, you will be defeated. “Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al at a Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of Remorse When It Is Too Late,” MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, February 3, 2006,

Rhetoric Category

Khaled Meshaal, Hamas political bureau chief, February 3, 2006

Feb. 3, 2006
Name of Author
Khaled Meshaal

“We say to this West, which does not act reasonably, and does not learn its lessons: By Allah, you will be defeated. You will be defeated in Palestine, and your defeat there has already begun. True, it is Israel that is being defeated there, but when Israel is defeated, its path is defeated, those who call to support it are defeated, and the cowards who hide behind it and support it are defeated. Israel will be defeated, and so will whoever supported or supports it… America will be defeated in Iraq. Wherever the [Islamic] nation is targeted, its enemies will be defeated, Allah willing. The nation of Muhammad is gaining victory in Palestine. The nation of Muhammad is gaining victory in Iraq, and it will be victorious in all Arab and Muslim lands.”“Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al at a Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of Remorse When It Is Too Late,” Middle East Media Research Institute, February 3, 2006,


Ali Khamenei, January 9, 2006

Jan. 9, 2006
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“The Western values that have led to the collapse of ethics and spread of revelry, violence, legalization of homosexuality and other such fiascos in their countries, cannot be followed. Islam with its sublime values is the highest source of salvation for human beings.” “The message of H. E. Ayatullah Khamenei to the Hajj pilgrims from the whole world,” The Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, January 9, 2006,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Leader and Founder of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, November 10, 2005

Nov. 10, 2005
Name of Author
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

“[T]hese specific hotels [November 9, 2005 suicide bombings in Amman, Jordan] were selected for many reasons, including the fact that they had become the favorite work locations for intelligence services, especially those of America, Israel and some Western European countries, with the participation of the intelligence services of Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. [These locations contained] the secret war-rooms from which the battles of the so-called ‘War against Terrorism’ are commanded…” David Aaron, In Their Own Words: Voices of Jihad (Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2008), 228.


Mahmoud al-Zahar, member of Hamas’s politburo in Gaza, October 11, 2005

Oct. 11, 2005
Name of Author
Mahmoud al-Zahar

“The Taliban are 1,000 times more honorable than the American occupation and its collaborators… We are not a copy of the Taliban... Judge us according to what we are. Everyone must stop blaming the Taliban for things that in fact characterize the people of the West, who seek to turn the international community into a swamp of corruption and destruction, and to spread abomination and disease in the name of absolute freedom....”

“We are part of Allah's promise that Islam will enter Palestine and every home in the world, with a revelation of the power of Allah the Omnipotent, and a revelation of the inferiority of the infidels. Hamas is leading this plan in Gaza, the West Bank, and the 1948 territories, and the Muslim Brotherhood is leading it everywhere else. This is part of Allah's predestination.”“Hamas in Their Own Words,” Anti-Defamation League, May 2, 2011,


Imran Waheed, HT Britain spokesman, July 2005

July 2005
Name of Author
Imran Waheed

Following the July 7, 2005, bombings in London:
“When Westerners get killed, the world cries. But if Muslims get killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's the smallest of news. I will condemn what happened in London only after there is the promise from Western leaders to condemn what they have done in Falluja and other parts of Iraq and in Afghanistan.”Elaine Sciolino and Don Van Natta Jr., “For a Decade, London Thrived as a Busy Crossroads of Terror,” New York Times, July 10, 2005,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Leader and Founder of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, September 11, 2004

Sep. 11, 2004
Name of Author
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

“The enemies of God are aware that this war is a turning point in the world, that it is a choice between and absolute control of the infidel West, is culture, and way of life and the Islamic renaissance which is coming, God willing.” David Aaron, In Their Own Words: Voices of Jihad (Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2008), 228.


Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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