
“Our State is Victorious” ISIS music video released December 10, 2014

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“You [enemies of ISIS] are crying out of help and distress, where as we wish to die, with the press of a button, everything blows up, our state is victorious!”

“We set out to battlefield, against kuffar [nonbelievers] and murtaddin [apostates], the enemies of this noble religion, our state is victorious!”

“We do everyone a favor, when we drop bombs on you, your system will collapse, our state is victorious!”

“You believe that you have power (shows clip of Barack Obama,) weapons, and a lot of might, but we will eventually kill you, our state is victorious.”

“Because you worship Shaytan, without sense and concept, you have no chance against our religion, our state is victorious!”“al-Ḥayāt Media Center presents a new nashīd from The Islamic State: ‘Our State Is Victorious’,” Jihadology, December 10, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, October 3, 2014, in “Another Message to America and its Allies” video showing beheading of British citizen Alan Henning

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Disguised ISIS fighter

"The blood of David Haines was on your hands David Cameron. Alan Henning will also be slaughtered but his blood is on the hands of the British parliament."

"Obama you have started your aerial bombardment in Sham (Syria), which keeps on striking our people, so it is only right we keep on striking the necks of your people"Gavin Allen, “Full transcript of ISIS video claiming to show beheading of Alan Henning,” Mirror UK, October 3, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, September 13, 2014, in “A Message to the Allies of America” video showing beheading of British citizen David Haines

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Disguised ISIS fighter

"Your evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha Dam will only accelerate your destruction and playing the role of the obedient lapdog Cameron will only drag you and your people into another bloody and unwinnable war."

"If you Cameron, persist in fighting the Islamic state, then you, like your master Obama, will have the blood of your people on your hands."Steve Robson, “David Haines beheading: Full transcript of ISIS video holding David Cameron responsible for execution,” Mirror UK, September 14, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, August 2014, in “A Second Message to America” video showing beheading of U.S. citizen Steven Sotloff

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Disguised ISIS fighter

“I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and [unclear] on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings. You, Obama, have but to gain from your actions but another American citizen. So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people... We take this opportunity to warn those governments that enter this evil alliance of America against the Islamic State to back off and leave our people alone.”“IS Behead Steven Joel Sotloff, Threatens to Execute Briton David Cawthorne Haines | Jihadist News,” SITE Monitoring Group, last modified September 2, 2014,


Disguised ISIS fighter, August 2014, in “A Message to America” video showing beheading of U.S. citizen James Foley

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Disguised ISIS fighter

“Obama authorized military operations against the Islamic State effectively placing America upon a slippery slope towards a new war front against Muslims… This is James Wright Foley, an American citizen of your country. As a government, you have been at the forefront of aggression towards the Islamic State. You have plotted against us and gone far out of your way to find reasons to interfere in our affairs. Today, your military airforce is attacking us daily in Iraq. Your strikes have caused casualties amongst Muslims. You're no longer fighting an insurgency, we are an Islamic army and a State that has been accepted by a large number of Muslims worldwide, so effectively, any aggression towards the Islamic State is an aggression towards Muslims from all walks of life who have accepted the Islamic Caliphate as their leadership. So any attempt by you, Obama, to deny the Muslims their rights of living in safety under the Islamic Caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people. [Beheads Foley] [Fighter holds Steven Joel Sotloff] The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision.”“IS Beheads Captured American James Wright Foley, Threatens to Execute Steven Joel Sotloff | Jihadist News,” SITE Monitoring Service, last modified September 3, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, July 2014

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Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“So let the world know that we are living today in a new era. Whoever was heedless must now be alert. Whoever was sleeping must now awaken. Whoever was shocked and amazed must comprehend. The Muslims today have a loud, thundering statement, and possess heavy boots. They have a statement that will cause the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism, and boots that will trample the idol of nationalism, destroy the idol of democracy and uncover its deviant nature.”Aaron Y. Zelin, ““al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Message To the Mujāhidīn and the Islamic Ummah In the Month Of Ramaḍān,’ Jihadology, last modified July 1, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, July 2014

Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“Indeed the Muslims were defeated after the fall of their khilāfah (caliphate). Then their state ceased to exist, so the disbelievers were able to weaken and humiliate the Muslims, dominate them in every region, plunder their wealth and resources, and rob them of their rights. They accomplished this by attacking and occupying their lands, placing their treacherous agents in power to rule the Muslims with an iron fist, and spreading dazzling and deceptive slogans such as: civilization, peace, co-existence, freedom, democracy, secularism, [B]aathism, nationalism, and patriotism, among other false slogans.”Aaron Y. Zelin, ““al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Message To the Mujāhidīn and the Islamic Ummah In the Month Of Ramaḍān,’ Jihadology, last modified July 1, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghadi, ISIS leader, July 5, 2014

Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghadi

“[T]ake advantage of this noble month [Ramadan,] O worshipper of Allah! Fight therein! This is the month in which the Prophet commanded armies to fight against the enemies of Allah. The month in which he would wage jihad against the polytheists… And Allah likes us to kill his enemies, and make jihad in his sake.”

“[Y]our brothers the mujahideen, indeed did Allah… give them victories and conquests… And they were firm against the enemies of Allah, and He made them powerful in the land until the declaration of the Caliphate and choice of an imam.  And this is a matter obligatory upon all [M]uslims. It is [the highest level of obligation]! And it must be applied upon the earth entirely.”

“[I]f you are pleased with the promise of Allah, then make jihad in his sake! And call the believers to this, and have patience in the times of doubt. If you knew what was in the jihad, from the [air], [generous blessing], raising in rank, the honor in this life and the next, none of you would stray from the path of jihad!”

“O worshippers of Allah! Apply your religion and act upon it. And fear Allah… If you are given hardship, fear Allah! If you are bestowed with [pre-determined wealth], then fear Allah. And if you are given a life full of blessings fear Allah, and make jihad in his sake.”

 “O Allah, give Islam victory over the disbelief and the disbelievers, and give victory to the mujahideen, in the East of this earth and [its] West.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: “Khuṭbah and Jum’ah Prayer in the Grand Mosque of Mūṣul (Mosul),” Jihadology, last modified July 27, 2014,


Al-Dabiq, ISIS magazine, July 2014

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“Many readers are probably asking about their obligations towards the [Caliphate] right now… The first priority is to perform hijrah [migration] from wherever you are to the Islamic State, from dārul-kufr [the abode of unbelief] to dārul-Islām [the abode of Islam]… Rush to the shade of the Islamic State with your [family]… You can be a major contributor towards the liberation of [Mecca], [Medina], and al-Quds [Jerusalem].”

“As for the massacres taking place in Gaza against the Muslim men, women, and children, then the Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its path towards Palestine… [ISIS’s] actions speak louder than words and it is only a matter of time and patience before it reaches Palestine to fight the barbaric [J]ews and kill those of them hiding behind the gharqad trees—the trees of the [J]ews.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Ḥayāt Media Center presents a new issue of the Islamic State’s magazine: ‘Dābiq #2,’” Jihadology, July 27, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, July 2014

Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“[L]isten, O ummah [community] of Islam. Listen and comprehend. Stand up and rise. For the time has come for you to free yourself from the shackles of weakness, and stand in the face of tyranny, against the treacherous rulers—the agents of the crusaders and the atheists, and the guards of the [J]ews. O ummah of Islam, indeed the world today has been divided into two camps and two trenches, with no third camp present: The camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) and hypocrisy—the camp of the Muslims and the mujahidin everywhere, and the camp of the [J]ews, the crusaders, their allies, and with them the rest of the nations and religions of kufr, all being led by America and Russia, and being mobilized by the [J]ews.”Aaron Y. Zelin, ““al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Message To the Mujāhidīn and the Islamic Ummah In the Month Of Ramaḍān,’ Jihadology, last modified July 1, 2014,


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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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