
Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the IRGC, March 11, 2014

Name of Author
Hossein Salami

“Islam has given us this wish, capacity and power to destroy the Zionist regime so that our hands will remain on the trigger from 1,400km away.”“Iran’s Commander: Iran’s Finger on Trigger to Destroy Zionist Regime,” Fars News Agency, March 11, 2014,

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“And if he does not find any, he will wage Jihad alone wherever he is. Thereupon, America will not only fear the Afghani soldiers, but she will also be haunted by fear wherever her interests are. She will also fear the homegrown Muslims, and even American reverts. Everyone of those will be considered a time bomb which may blow up anytime, during a soccer game, a car race, or in a club.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“With time Al-Qaeda may disappear. Not that Jihad has ceased, but the whole Ummah will be waging Jihad. Every Muslim will see that it is his obligation to fight with all his power against America. Just like when he hears the adhan [Islamic call to prayer] he makes wudhu (preparation for formal prayers) and goes to the nearest Jama’ah [group of worshippers], if he does not find Jama’ah he prays alone wherever he is. The same way when he hears the call of Jihad against America, he will strive to answer it by joining the nearest Jihadi group.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“The unmanned drones propel the Jihad against the crusaders. They make the issue clearer to Muslims. They drive them to take on the path of Jihad. While Obama thinks he is killing Al-Qaeda, he is actually building an army which he will fight against eventually.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski, Tweet, February 14, 2014

Feb. 14, 2014
Name of Author
Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski

“I fight for Allah and yea [I am in] Al Qaeda...” (Tweet)Anthony L. Kimery, “Jabhat Al Nusra Praises American Suicide Bomber As Other Americans Join Jihad,” Homeland Security Today, May 30, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Shannon Maureen Conley, 2014

Name of Author
Shannon Maureen Conley

“[I am determined to defend] Muslims on the Muslim homeland against people who are trying to kill them.”Jenny Deam, “Colorado woman’s quest for jihad baffles neighbors,” Los Angeles Times, July 25, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hakimullah Mehsud, then-Emir of TTP, October 9, 2013

Oct. 09, 2013
Name of Author
Hakimullah Mehsud

“We will stand with the Muslims. We call on both governments and the Muslim people to submit themselves to the Islamic system, which guarantees success in this world as well as in the hereafter. We will stand by the Muslims.”“Full text: BBC interview with Taliban’s Mehsud,” BBC News, October 9, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, September 25, 2013

Sep. 25, 2013
Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“[T]he Islamic Revolution is in good conditions and today the Islamic Revolution’s security is at its peak, while the enemies of the Islamic Iran hatched devilish plots to undermine security and create security problems, but, thanks God, they could not achieve success in any field.”“IRGC Commander: Majority of Iranians Fervently Supporting Islamic Establishment,” Fars News Agency, September 25, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Maulanda Fazlullah, September 2013

Sep. 2013
Name of Author
Maulanda Fazlullah

“We will remove any hurdle to enforcing Sharia. Our goal is very clear- we want the law of Allah in Allah’s land.”Agence France Presse, “Mullah Fazlullah: Pakistani Taliban's ruthless new commander,” Express Tribune (Karachi), November 7, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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