
Nasir al-Wuhayshi, former leader, January 2009

Name of Author
Nasir al-Wuhayshi

“O Muslim nation! You must take a truthful stance in regards to the rulers in the Islamic world. These rulers must either send their armies to Gaza and Baghdad, or they must let the masses march, armed or unarmed, to face the Jews.”“Qaeda: From Here We Begin…and at Al-Aqsa We Meet,” World Analysis, February 19, 2009,

Mukhtar Robow, Addressing a rally in Baidoa after al-Shabaab seized the city, January 2009

Jan. 2009
Name of Author
Mukhtar Robow

“We are informing all Somalis we want to rule with justice, and the almighty Allah's sharia law...We are informing Somalis we will not accept any man-made constitution. We will not accept it. We shall fight with anyone who opposes it." "Sharia Imposed at Somali MPs Base," BBC, January 27, 2009,

Rhetoric Category

Zakir Naik, November 29, 2008

Nov. 29, 2008
Name of Author
Zakir Naik

Interviewer: “Here is a question from a non-Muslim from India. Are non-Muslims allowed to preach their religion and to build their places of worship in an Islamic state? If so, why is building of temples and churches disallowed in Saudi Arabia, whereas Muslims are building their mosques in London and Paris?”

Zakir Naik: “I ask the non-Muslims, suppose you are the principal of a school and you intend to select a mathematics teacher. Three candidates come and you ask them, what’s the total of 2 plus 2? The first replies: 2 plus 2 equals 3. The second answers: 2 plus 2 equals 4. And the third one answers that 2 plus 2 equals 6. Now, I ask these non-Muslims, will you allow the candidate to teach in your school who says that 2 plus 2 equals 3 or that 2 plus 2 equals 6? They’ll say, no. I ask, why? They’ll say, because he does not have correct knowledge of mathematics. Similarly, as far as matters of religion are concerned we (Muslims) know for sure that only Islam is a true religion in the eyes of God. In the Holy Quran (3:85), it is mentioned that God will never accept any religion other than Islam. As far as the second question, regarding building of churches or temples is concerned, how can we allow this when their religion is wrong and when their worshipping is wrong? Therefore, we will not allow such wrong things in our Islamic country.”“Hilarious Mulla, Hilarious Logic 2+2=Zakir Naik,” YouTube Video, 4:54, posted by “feeziman007,” November 29, 2008,; Sudheendra Kulkarni, “Who’s Responsible for the Stereotypes of Islam?” Indian Express, April 01, 2007,

Rhetoric Category

Zakir Naik, November 29, 2008

Nov. 29, 2008
Name of Author
Zakir Naik

Interviewer: “But is it not that they (non-Muslims) also think that their religion is true, whereas we (Muslims) think that our religion is true?”

Zakir Naik: “In religious matters only we know for sure that we Muslims are right. They (non-Muslims) are not sure. Thus, in our country we can’t allow preaching other religions because we know for sure that only Islam is the right religion. However, if a non-Muslim likes to practise his religion in an Islamic country, he can do so inside his home — but he can’t propagate his religion. It is exactly as if a teacher thinks in his mind that 2 plus 2 equals 3. He has the right to do so, but we can never allow such a person to teach this to our children. Non-Muslims are no doubt experts in science and technology. But they (non-Muslims) are not sure about religious truths. Therefore, we are trying to get them to the right path of Islam.”“Hilarious Mulla, Hilarious Logic 2+2=Zakir Naik,” YouTube Video, 4:54, posted by “feeziman007,” November 29, 2008,; Sudheendra Kulkarni, “Who’s Responsible for the Stereotypes of Islam?” Indian Express, April 01, 2007,

Rhetoric Category

Abdelmalek Droukdel, July 1, 2008

Jul. 1, 2008
Name of Author
Abdelmalek Droukdel

“[W]e want to bring back the place of Islam in the country and the ruling of the Koran over the people.” “An Interview With Abdelmalek Droukdal,” New York Times, July 1, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Mukhtar Robow, BBC Interview regarding al-Shabaab’s listing as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, March 2008

Mar. 2008
Name of Author
Mukhtar Robow

“Al-Shabab feels honoured to be included on the list. We are good Muslims and the Americans are infidels...We are fighting a jihad to rid Somalia of the Ethiopians and its allies, the secular Somali stooges...We will continue to attack peacekeepers in Somalia, regardless of their nationality." Harper, Mary. "Profile: Somalia's Islamist 'lads'" BBC, March 21, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Zahra Maladan, editor of a women’s magazine linked to Hezbollah, February 2008

Name of Author
Zahra Maladan

“I tell my son, if you’re not going to follow the steps of the Islamic resistance martyrs, then I don’t want you.”Robert F. Worth and Nada Bakri, “Hezbollah Threatens Attacks on Israeli Targets,” New York Times, February 15, 2008,

Rhetoric Category

Ali Khamenei, August 19, 2007

Aug. 19, 2007
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“We are certain that in this fight between the righteous and the wrong that is going on today—the fight between Islam, Islamic teachings, and Islamic awakening on the one hand and the avaricious arrogant policies of the satans of the world and at their head, the Great Satan that is the government of America on the other hand—victory is with us; victory is with the side of the righteous.” Masoud Kazemzadeh, “Ayatollah Khameini’s Foreign Policy Orientation,” Comparative Strategy, November 8, 2013, 450,

Rhetoric Category

Hani al-Sibai, July 10, 2007

Jul. 10, 2007
Name of Author
Hani al-Sibai

“The Islamists are always the ones who help people and save them from their plight. They are active and that is why they are envied by these microbes, which have spread their ideology throughout our countries. These Islamists, even in Jordan. Take any place in the world, and you will see that the Islamists are the masters of the world. There are no real men except for the people of Islam.”“Egyptian Liberal Sayid Al-Qimni and London Islamist Hani Al-Sibai Debate Secularism and Fundamentalism in the Arab World,” Middle East Media Research Institute, July 10, 2007,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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