
Akram Abdullah Kassem, one of the Hamas prisoners released in exchange for Gilad Shalit, 2011

Name of Author
Akram Abdullah Kassem

“I’m demanding to the resistance not to spare any effort to kidnap more soldiers. The Jews only understand one language—the language of force.”Ernesto Londoño, “Prisoner Swap with Israel Emboldens Hamas,” Washington Post, October 18, 2011,


Anwar al-Awlaki, Former Senior AQAP Media Official, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Anwar al-Awlaki

“In the case of the United States, both the government and private citizens should be targeted. America and Americans are the Imam’s of kufr (disbelievers) in this day and age. The American people who vote for war mongering governments are intent on no good. Anyone who inflicts harm on them in any form is doing a favor to the ummah.”Anwar al-Awlaki, “The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers wealth in Dar al-Harb,” Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 59.

Adil al-Abab, Former Chief Religious Cleric, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Adil al-Abab

“It is the mujahidin who are fighting America which is supporting Israel and are fighting their way to get through to Israel, and the ones that are standing in the way of the mujahidin and fighting Israel is the Arab states. Allah has blessed the mujahidin from ahl as-sunnah to strike rockets at variant times at Israel under the instruction of Shaykh Usama.”“Q&A with Shaykh Adil al-Abbab,” Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 22.

Adil al-Abab, Former Chief Religious Cleric, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Adil al-Abab

“This is why we target the [Yemeni] soldiers of evil... We target them because their eyes are awake guarding the rule that is the reason behind the violation of the rights of Allah and the rights of the creation. They are the eyes that guard the laws that compete with the laws of Allah and go against the rule of Qur'an. They are the ones guarding the places of disbelief such as the parliament... [The rulers of the Arabian Peninsula] are ruling with laws other than shari'ah and accepting the laws of the disbelievers and changing the laws of Allah and therefore they should be fought against along with their soldiers who are defending them and fighting for them.”“Q&A with Shaykh Adil al-Abbab,” Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 21.

Rhetoric Category

Anwar al-Awlaki, Former Senior AQAP Media Official, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Anwar al-Awlaki

“In the case of the United States, both the government and private citizens should be targeted. America and Americans are the Imam’s of kufr in this day and age. The American people who vote for war mongering governments are intent on no good. Anyone who inflicts harm on them in any form is doing a favor to the ummah.” Anwar al-Awlaki, “The Ruling on Dispossessing the Disbelievers wealth in Dar al-Harb,” Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 59

Adil al-Abab, Former Chief Religious Cleric, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Adil al-Abab

"The Jews and the Christians have attacked the Muslim nation in order to suppress their identity, uproot them, violate their honor and steal their wealth. When the Muslims stood up to defend themselves, to protect their holy places, and to establish the rule of Allah on land, the armies of tyrants fought against them in the name of the war on terror which is in reality a war on Islam. So can one say that these armies cannot be targeted?""Q&A with Shaykh Adil al-Abbab," Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 21.

Ibrahim al-Banna, Former Head of Media, November 2010

Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Banna

“[T]here is a small band of mujahidin who are putting the nose of America in the dirt even though they do not possess the means that are available to the traitor governments. Dear Muslim hasten to join the ranks of the mujahidin or to form cells to perform operations against the disbelievers in their own land. We are paying back America for only a small portion of what they do to our nation (sic).”Ibrahim al-Banna, “Tawaghit Exposed,” Inspire Magazine 3 (2010): 11.

Ibrahim al-Banna, Former Head of Media, November 2010

Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Banna

“The operation of the explosive packages which was performed by the mujahidin of the Arabian Peninsula against the companies of air freight belonging to the disbelieving nations is our right... It is a response to the continuous support to the usurping Jews who are invading Jerusalem and are blockading Gaza.”Ibrahim al-Banna, “Tawaghit Exposed,” Inspire Magazine 3 (2010): 10.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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