
Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, July 19, 2003

Jul. 19, 2003
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“Israeli society has a unique trait that makes it different from the other human societies, and that is that as far as the people of Palestine are concerned, it is a ‘society of invaders’ who came from outside the region – from Russia or America, from Europe or from the lands of the Orient – to occupy Palestine and settle in it… Those who are invaded have the right to fight the invaders with all means at their disposal in order to remove [the invaders] from their homes and send them back to the homes from whence they came… This is a Jihad of necessity, as the clerics call it, and not Jihad of choice… Even if an innocent child is killed as a result of this Jihad – it was not intended, but rather due to the necessities of the war… Even with the passage of time, these [Israeli] so-called 'civilians' do not stop being invaders, evil, tyrants, and oppressors…”“Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – ‘Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers’,” MEMRI, February 3, 2009,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, July 19, 2003

Jul. 19, 2003
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“Our brothers in Palestine are, without doubt, in a situation of extreme necessity to carry out martyrdom operations in order to unsettle their enemies and the plunderers of their land and to sow horror in their hearts so that they will leave, and return to the places from whence they came… What weapon can harm their enemy, can prevent him from sleeping, and can strip him of a sense of security and stability, except for these human bombs – a young man or woman who blows himself or herself up amongst their enemy. This is a weapon the likes of which the enemy cannot obtain, even if the U.S. provides it with billions [of dollars] and the most powerful weapons, because it is a unique weapon that Allah has placed only in the hands of the men of belief. It is a type of divine justice on the face of the earth… it is the weapon of the wretched weak in the face of the powerful tyrant…”“Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – ‘Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers’,” MEMRI, February 3, 2009,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, July 19, 2003

Jul. 19, 2003
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Muslim Brotherhood

“[T]he one who carries out a martyrdom operation does not think of himself. He sacrifices himself for the sake of a higher goal, for which all sacrifices become meaningless. He sells himself to Allah in order to buy Paradise in exchange. Allah said: ‘Allah has bought from the believers their souls and their properties for they shall inherit Paradise…[Koran 9:111]’”“Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – ‘Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers’,” MEMRI, February 3, 2009,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, July 19, 2003

Jul. 19, 2003
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“While the [person who commits] suicide dies in escape and retreat, the one who carries out a martyrdom operation dies in advance and attack. Unlike the [person who commits] suicide, who has no goal except escape from confrontation, the one who carries out a martyrdom operation has a clear goal, and that is to please Allah…”“Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – ‘Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers’,” MEMRI, February 3, 2009,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, March 7, 2003

Mar. 7, 2003
Name of Author
Yusef al-Qaradawi

“[Suicide bombings are] the supreme form of Jihad … that is allowed by the Shari'a… These are heroic operations of martyrdom."“Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi in London to Establish ‘The International Council of Muslim Clerics,’” MEMRI, July 8, 2004,

Rhetoric Category

Ahmed Yassin, Hamas founder, January 10, 2003

Jan. 10, 2003
Name of Author
Ahmed Yassin

“Suicide attacks and jihad reinforce national unity in the ranks.... Our voice is one of struggle, of jihad and of suicide.... Iraq could win if it equipped its citizens with explosive belts and turned them into human bombs.”“Hamas in Their Own Words,” Anti-Defamation League, May 2, 2011,

Rhetoric Category

Istimata (Absolute Struggle) Webpage, In Reference to Bali bombings, December 2002

Dec. 2002
Name of Author
Istimata (Absolute Struggle) Webpage

“Let it be acknowledged that every single drop of Muslim blood, be it from any nationality and from any place will be remembered and accounted for.


“The heinous crime and international conspiracy of the Christians also extends to the Philippines and Indonesia. This has resulted in Muslim cleansing in Moro, Ambon, Poso and surrounding areas. It is clearly evident the crusade is continuing and will not stop. Every blow will be repaid. Blood will be redeemed by blood. A life for a life. One Muslim to another is like a single body. If one part is in pain, the other part will also feel it.


“To all you Christian unbelievers, if you define this act on your civilians as heinous and cruel, you yourself have committed crimes which are more heinous. The cries of the babies and Muslim women… has never succeeded in stopping your brutality. Well, here we are the Muslim men! We will harness the pain of the death of our brothers and sisters. You will bear the consequences of your actions wherever you are.


“We are responsible for the incident in Legina, Kuta, Bali.”Greg Fealy, “Hating Americans: Jemaah Islamiyah and the Bali Bombings,” International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter #31, July 2003,

Rhetoric Category

Ramadan Shallah, PIJ secretary-general, November 2002

Nov. 2002
Name of Author
Ramadan Shallah

“The operation is a clear message to the Zionist enemy that it can enjoy no security while it continues to perpetrate massacres against the Palestinian people.”Susan Aschoff, “Jihad Leader Emerged from Shadows of USF,” St. Petersburg Times, February 21, 2003,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, 2002

Oct. 22, 2002
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“The US empire, which is slithering over our region, is incapable of arresting a single sniper in its capital.”Badih Chayban, “Nasrallah Alleges ‘Christian Zionist’ Plot,” Daily Star (Beirut), October 23, 2002, accessed June 3, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, 2002

Oct. 22, 2002
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“Their aim is to redraw the world’s political map. It is said that several US presidents are affiliated with the Christian Zionists.”Badih Chayban, “Nasrallah Alleges ‘Christian Zionist’ Plot,” Daily Star (Beirut), October 23, 2002, accessed June 3, 2014,


Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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