
William Carter, president of the CCC’s South Carolina chapter, rally, September 4, 1994

Sep. 4, 1994
Name of Author
William Carter

“If we can have a Martin Luther King Day, a Black History Month, why can’t we have the Confederate battle flag fly above the Statehouse?”“South Carolina March Supports Use of Rebel Flag,” New York Times, September 5, 1994, http://www.nytimes.com/1994/09/05/us/south-carolina-march-supports-use-of-rebel-flag.html.

Rhetoric Category

David Duke, founder and former leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1977

Name of Author
David Duke

“The Mexican birthrate in this country is five times that of white people. The black birthrate is four times larger. America will become a Third World nation if these trends continue. Unless we slow down and cut off immigration by beefing up border control and encourage welfare recipients to have fewer kids, the white population in America will be swamped.”“Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,” Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed November 13, 2015, https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/knights-ku-klux-klan.


Robert Shelton, United Klans of America, December 23, 1969

December 23, 1969
Name of Author
Robert Shelton

“You can’t raise the nigger race of people that aren’t equal to white. Whether it’s in schooling, whether it’s in housing, in the community, or in society or what it is. You can only do one thing as the situation has proven itself in the Washington D.C. school system. You can only bring the white race down, and by continually bringing the white race down you’re bringing them down to a level with the nigger race of people. You don’t bring the nigger up to the level of the white. You’re bringing the white and driving the white down on to a level of that of the nigger. And that’s the entire program of desegregation that’s transpiring and taking place.”  “An interview with Robert Shelton,” by Marcia Tompkins, WBAI, November 16, 1970, http://crooksandliars.com/gordonskene/all-hate-all-time-conversation-robert. See also “An interview with Robert Shelton (Part 2 of 4),” Pacifica Radio Archives, accessed February 8, 2016, http://pacificaradioarchives.org/recording/bc279302.


Robert Shelton, United Klans of America, December 23, 1969

December 23, 1969
Name of Author
Robert Shelton

“If we’re going to have racial integrity and we’re going to have decency and morality and advancement we’ve got to have complete separation.”“An interview with Robert Shelton,” by Marcia Tompkins, WBAI, November 16, 1970, http://crooksandliars.com/gordonskene/all-hate-all-time-conversation-robert. See also “An interview with Robert Shelton (Part 2 of 4),” Pacifica Radio Archives, accessed February 8, 2016, http://pacificaradioarchives.org/recording/bc279302.

Rhetoric Category

Eldon Edwards, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, May 5, 1957

May 5, 1957
Name of Author
Eldon Edwards

“I sure will believe in segregation for the simple reason we believe in preserving and protecting God’s word. He created the white man. He intended for him to stay white. He created the nigger. He intended for him to stay black. And we believe that Mongolization destroys both races and creates a Mongol which is not a race.”Eldon Edwards, “The Mike Wallace Interview,” May 5, 1957, http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/multimedia/video/2008/wallace/edwards_eldon_t.html.


CCC website, undated

Name of Author
CCC website

“So, what’s changed? Well, since the extremist Barack Obama became president, one dramatic difference is that many more traditional Americans can see that they are no longer in charge. The present administration doesn’t represent our interests or the interests of OUR people.”“Please Donate to the CofCC,” Council of Conservative Citizens, accessed July 7, 2015, http://conservative-headlines.com/why-you-should-donate/.

Rhetoric Category

Sayyid Qutb, Theologian, Date Unknown

Date Unknown
Name of Author
Sayyid Qutb
Muslim Brotherhood

“Let us…plant the seeds of hatred, disgust, and revenge in the souls of these children. Let us teach these children from the time their nails are soft that the white man is the enemy of humanity, and that they should destroy him at the first opportunity.”Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower, (New York: Random House, 2011), 27-28.

Rhetoric Category

Hiram Wesley Evans, Imperial Wizard, Ku Klux Klan, December 1925

December 1925
Name of Author
Hiram Wesley Evans

“Also, we believe that races of men are as distinct as animals; that any mixture between races of any great divergence is evil; that the American stock, which was bred under highly selective surroundings, has proved its value and should not be mongrelized…”Hiram Wesley Evans, “The Klan: Defender of Americanism,” in The Twenties in Contemporary Commentary: The Ku Klux Klan, ed. National Humanities Center (Research Triangle Park, NC: National Humanities Center, 2012), 2, http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text1/colcommentaryklan.pdf. Originally published as “The Klan: Defender of Americanism,” Forum, December 1925, http://www.unz.org/Pub/Forum-1925dec-00801.

Rhetoric Category

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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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