Eye on Extremism: August 7, 2024

CBS: Top U.K. Prosecutor Considers Terrorism Charges Over Ongoing Riots And Disorder

“Amid ongoing far-right riots and demonstrations fueled by misinformation online, England and Wales' Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson said his teams would consider seeking extradition for social media influencers who are accused of stoking the violence from abroad and charging some suspects with terrorism offences, CBS News partner network BBC News reported. Offenders "must know that they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide," Parkinson said. Around 400 people have been arrested in connection with the violence, and police chiefs in the U.K. said an extra 2,200 riot-trained officers would be deployed across the country, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported. One man was seriously injured after an assault Monday night in the Northern Ireland city of Belfast, which police are treating as a racially motivated hate crime. Witnesses reported seeing attackers stamp on the man's head, according to the BBC.”

Reuters: Hezbollah Pledges To Respond Alone Or With Allies To Israeli Killing Of Commander

“The leader of Hezbollah on Tuesday pledged a "strong and effective" response to the killing of its military commander by Israel last week no matter the consequences and said Hezbollah would act either alone or with its regional allies. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Hezbollah would wait for the right moment to respond but did not hint at its form or timing. All international attempts at persuading Hezbollah not to retaliate were futile, he said. "Whatever the consequences, the resistance will not let these Israeli attacks pass by," he said in a televised address to mark one week since the assassination of Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut. "Our response, God willing, will be strong, effective and impactful," he said in a speech that was met with cheers from members and supporters of Hezbollah who gathered to watch in Beirut's southern suburbs.”

CEP Mentions

The Times: British Troops On Standby To Evacuate Lebanon

“... Edmund Fitton-Brown, a former senior United Nations counterterrorism official who is a senior adviser at the Counter Extremism Project, a non-governmental organisation, warned it appeared to be getting “harder and harder to prevent escalation each time”. He said it was a “worse situation” than in April, when Iran launched 170 bomb-carrying drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles toward Israel in response to an Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy compound in Syria. Fitton-Brown said he believed the crisis was “likely to get nasty in the next 24 to 48 hours”, adding that it made sense for Iran and Hezbollah to strike Israel before all US military assets had arrived in the region.”

CapX: Censorship Isn’t The Answer To Our National Trauma

“The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby was on Radio 4 this morning to pour oil on our troubled waters. With a national insurrection flaring into life in parts of England and police struggling to contain intercommunal violence, his words were unsurprising. Hate cannot win, the criminals assaulting police defile the flag they wrap themselves in, we must recover a moral vision. So far, so Anglican. But it was his personal insight into losing his baby daughter, who he has talked about so movingly in the past, that hit home with me. It is easy to forget that this latest horrific spasm of social unrest occurred after three children were brutally murdered in an attack on a dance class in Southport, and that but for the heroism of two adults who confronted the assailant it would have been a massacre.”

The National: Britain’s First Yemeni MP Calls Out Elon Musk Over His ‘Civil War’ In UK Post

“... Director of think tank the Counter Extremism Project, Hans-Jakob Schindler told The National Mr Musk was being irresponsible. “The statement of Elon Musk that 'civil war is inevitable' is a perfect example of the complete lack of responsibility of the owner of one of the key [social media] platforms,” he said. “Rather than trying to minimise the damage that his platform is currently inflicting on British society, Mr Musk seems to prefer pushing his personal political agenda. “The damaging effects of the dissemination and amplification of mis- and disinformation and violence-orientated extremist narratives by social media platforms and messenger services, including X, currently on display in the UK must lead to a fundamental re-evaluation of the regulatory approach towards this industry.””

La Releve: Anti-Immigration Riots: UK Faces Fake News

“Violent riots have rocked the United Kingdom since the knife attack that killed three young girls last week in the northern English town of Southport, and the subsequent spate of fake news on social media. The incident would have seemed “almost ordinary” in a country where knife attacks have become commonplace through their recurrence. However, social media manipulators have taken the case to a whole new level. […] Indeed, the tenant of 10 Downing Street is under pressure to strengthen control of companies operating in the information technology sector. Pressure has intensified after the publication of information about the involvement of foreign countries in the dissemination of fake news in the United Kingdom. Ian Acheson, a specialist at the think-tank "Counter Extremism Project", indicates that the current riots show the urgency of putting in place tighter control over social networks.”

Laverite: UK Anti-Immigration Riots: The Devastating Impact Of Fake News

“Violent riots have rocked the UK following the knife attack that killed three young girls in Southport. The situation quickly escalated after false information was posted on social media about the identity of the attacker, who was described as a Muslim asylum seeker. Social media manipulation has turned a tragic incident into a national crisis. […] Experts like Ian Acheson of the Counter Extremism Project stress the urgent need for tighter regulation of social media. They say it is imperative that those who spread extremism are held accountable. Andrew Fox, an analyst at the Henry Jackson Society, points out that the current riots are a direct result of far-right discourse fueled by fake news.”

The Guardian: Revealed: US Neo-Nazi Terror Group Aims To Revive Activities Ahead Of Election

“... Joshua Fisher-Birch, an analyst at the Counter Extremism Project who has kept tabs on the Base since its inception, says the group maintains several American members and that Nazzaro often talks of having poured thousands in personal finances into the group. “Nazzaro has claimed that he has supported the accelerationist movement with over $10,000 through his ‘personal stash of crypto,’ and he has claimed that he has spent over $20,000 on the Base, not including land in Washington state he purchased,” said Fisher-Birch, who pointed out records he reviewed in the past showing Nazzaro receiving over $3,000 in Bitcoin donations. Fisher-Birch believes accelerationist entities, unlike the louder white supremacist group Patriot Front that openly marches in public streets, are turning to more furtive activities as November approaches.”

Protos: Neo-Nazi Solicits Crypto Donations To Build Us-Based Team For ‘Civil War’

“... Counter Extremism Project analyst Joshua Fisher-Birch told the Guardian, “Nazzaro has claimed that he has supported the accelerationist movement with over $10,000 through his ‘personal stash of crypto.’ Fisher-Birch suggested that these neo-Nazi groups are keeping a low profile, but added, “Their focus on promoting chaos raises the possibility that they will encourage violence or commit acts of intimidation before the election.””

The Pinnacle Gazette: Neo-Nazi Groups Escalate Threats Ahead Of 2024 Elections

“Far-right extremist groups seem to be making themselves louder and prouder as the 2024 election season heats up. This past year has seen increasing concerns surrounding the activities of these organizations, particularly those threatening political stability and social cohesion across the United States and Europe. Amidst the election season frenzy, groups like the Base and the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) have emerged as key players, each bringing their own brand of hate-fueled ideology to the forefront. […] Across email lists and forums within the group, discussions count down to election day, signaling concerns about their ability to operate unchecked. Joshua Fisher-Birch, from the Counter Extremism Project, voiced concern, describing the Base's current low profile as part of their strategy, indicating they might rely on violence or intimidation as November approaches.”

Observador: “The Base”: US Neo-Nazi Group Is Recruiting Members In The Middle Of The Election Campaign

“The neo-Nazi group The Base is recruiting leaders to form new cells in the United States of America. The information was transmitted by the group's leader, Rinaldo Nazzaro, through messages on his private Telegram channel, cited by the British newspaper The Guardian. […] However, despite the similarities with other neo-Nazi groups — such as the international Proud Boys or the Portuguese 1143 — accelerationist groups tend to keep a lower profile, rather than promoting public demonstrations, Joshua Fisher-Birch explained to the British newspaper. The analyst, who works at the Counter Extremism Project , argued that “their focus on promoting chaos raises the possibility that they could encourage violence or commit acts of intimidation ahead of the elections.””

Executive Digest: US Neo-Nazi Terror Group Plans To Revive Activities Ahead Of US Presidential Campaign: ‘Job’ Ad Goes Online

“Far-right extremists from all corners of the internet are targeting Vice President Kamala Harris as she has assumed the Democratic nomination for the White House: however, one of the oldest neo-Nazi groups in the US is also trying to continue its activities as the presidential election season begins to gather pace. […] A 2020 Guardian investigation revealed that Nazzaro had purchased several undeveloped plots of land near Republic, Washington, which he intended to use as a training ground for the Base. According to Joshua Fisher-Birch, an analyst with the Counter Extremism Project who has monitored the Base since its inception, the group maintains several American members and that Nazzaro has often spoken about investing thousands of dollars of his personal finances into the group.”

BR24: Europe In The Sights Of IS: On The Trail Of A Terrorist Network

“Apparently, the so-called Islamic State is increasingly sending its terrorists to Europe. One example can be found in Kaufbeuren. An Iraqi who had been living in Germany since the beginning of 2023 was arrested there in May. According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, he was willing to carry out orders from the so-called "Islamic State" (IS) and is said to have previously worked for an IS police unit in Iraq. In addition, according to the investigators' allegation, he received 2,500 US dollars from IS after entering Germany and maintained contacts with like-minded people. […] "They took advantage of the massive flow of refugees from Ukraine to get into the Schengen area. Once you are in Poland, there are no further border controls. And in the situation where there is war in Ukraine, it is of course much easier to insert a handful of people into this flow of refugees without anyone noticing," says Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the international non-profit organization "Counter Extremism Project".”

United States

The New York Times: US Leaders Call For Calm In The Middle East, Even As More American Forces Head To The Region

“Calling for calm in the Middle East, top U.S. national security leaders said Tuesday that they and allies are directly pressing Israel, Iran and others to avoid escalating the conflict, even as the U.S. moved more troops to the region and threatened retaliation if American forces are attacked. “It’s urgent that everyone in the region take stock of the situation, understand the risk of miscalculation, and make decisions that will calm tensions, not exacerbate them,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the close of a meeting with Australian leaders. At the same time, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin noted the attack Monday on U.S. forces in Iraq by an Iranian-backed militia group, which injured seven personnel, and made it clear that the U.S. won’t hesitate to respond. “Make no mistake, the United States will not tolerate attacks on our personnel in the region,” Austin told reporters at a press conference after the meeting. “And we remain ready to deploy on short notice to meet the evolving threats to our security, our partners or our interests.””


Voice Of America: Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘Our Response Is Coming’ To Killing Of Iranian-Backed Militants

“Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said Tuesday that his militant group and Iran were "obliged to respond ... whatever the consequences" after the death of a Hezbollah military commander in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut last week and the assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran. The twin killings of Fouad Shukur in Lebanon and Ismail Haniyeh in Iran have sharply heightened Middle East tensions. The Jewish state and Hezbollah have been trading daily attacks along the Lebanese border since the Palestinian militant group Hamas' October 7, 2023, attack on Israel. In a televised address, Nasrallah said Iran finds “itself obliged to respond, and the enemy is waiting in a great state of dread." Nasrallah said his group was also "obliged to respond." Hezbollah will retaliate "alone or in the context of a unified response from all the axis" of Iran-backed groups in the region, he said.”


Associated Press: Turkey To Submit Request To Join Genocide Case Against Israel In UN Court

“Turkey will file a request with a United Nations court on Wednesday to join South Africa’s genocide lawsuit against Israel, a Turkish official said. The declaration of intervention will be submitted at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the official said on condition of anonymity in line with regulations that bar officials from speaking to the media without prior authorization Turkey, one of the fiercest critics of Israel’s actions in Gaza, will become the latest nation to seek to participate in the case. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has frequently compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler, accused his country of genocide, called for it to be punished in international courts and criticized Western nations for backing Israel. In May, Turkey suspended trade with Israel, citing its assault on Gaza. In contrast to Western nations that have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization, Erdogan has commended the group, calling it a liberation movement.”


Voice Of America: Taliban Says Millions Of Afghans Returning Home; IOM Says Millions Leaving — Who Is Right?

“Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban said Tuesday that about 3.7 million former refugees have returned to the country since the Islamist group took power three years ago. The statement was a response to the International Organization for Migration, or IOM, which reported last week that more than twice as many Afghans have left the country since 2020. Which side is correct? Possibly both. The dispute began with a July 31 IOM report that said “nearly 8 million Afghans” have departed the country over the last four years. Of those, said the IOM, 85% moved to neighboring countries, mostly Iran and Pakistan, and almost 1 million headed to Europe. The IOM said almost 70% of Afghans who went to Iran cited a lack of job opportunities as the main factor driving their migration. The Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees and Returnees challenged the IOM figure, saying there has not been such a significant exodus of people from the country since the Soviet invasion and subsequent decade-long occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.”


The New York Times: Waiting For A Wider War, Lebanese Civilians Feel Helpless

“The town in south Lebanon appeared deserted, its roads empty and its market shuttered, after months of fighting between Hezbollah and Israel across the nearby border made many residents flee. But in a central square this summer, Hezbollah had erected huge banners for the triple funeral of a man the militant group claimed as its own and his two sisters, all killed when Israel bombed their home in this southern town of Bint Jbeil. As the coffins arrived, martial music blared and a few hundred of the remaining residents came to pay their respects. Watching the procession, Asmaa Alawiyeh, an accountant, said life was hard after months of clashes. Her two children were out of school. Her husband, a plumber, could not find work. And no one knew when life would return to normal. “There is no plan,” said Ms. Alawiyeh, 32. “We have no idea what to prepare for because we have no idea what’s coming.””

Middle East

Associated Press: Hamas Names Yahya Sinwar, Mastermind Of The Oct. 7 Attacks, As Its New Leader In Show Of Defiance

“Hamas on Tuesday named Yahya Sinwar, its top official in Gaza who masterminded the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, as its new leader in a dramatic sign of the power of the Palestinian militant group’s hardline wing after his predecessor was killed in a presumed Israeli strike in Iran. The selection of Sinwar, a secretive figure close to Iran who worked for years to build up Hamas’ military strength, was a defiant signal that the group is prepared to keep fighting after 10 months of destruction from Israel’s campaign in Gaza and after the assassination of Sinwar’s predecessor, Ismail Haniyeh. It is also likely to provoke Israel, which has put him at the top of its kill list after the Oct. 7 attack, in which militants killed 1,200 people in southern Israel and took about 250 as hostages. The announcement comes at volatile moment. Fears are high of an escalation into a wider regional war, with Iran vowing revenge against Israel over Haniyeh’s killing and Lebanon’s Hezbollah threatening to retaliate over Israel’s killing of one of its top commanders in an airstrike in Beirut last week.”


Garowe Online: Al-Shabaab Top Leader Arrested In Central Somalia

“The security forces in Central Somalia have arrested a key Al-Shabaab leader, following a crackdown that was instigated in the Galgadud region, which is prone to attacks from the militants. The suspect, officials said, is linked to extortion links in the country and was the head of Zakat, which Al-Shabaab used to finance their activities in the country. "NISA apprehended Idris Mohamed Sheikh, head of al-Shabaab's extortion operations in Middle Shabelle," state media reported the arrest on Tuesday, hours after he was apprehended in central regions. According to reports, the Zakat official was captured in Marergur village, about 28km northeast of Dhusamareb on July 30. Dhusamareb is the regional administrative capital of Galmudug. It’s alleged he worked with Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Diriye when the current emir was the militant group’s shadow governor of Bay and Bakool regions more than 10 years ago. Diriye is on the list of the most wanted Al-Shabaab terrorists globally.”


Reuters: Niger Cuts Ties With Ukraine Over Comments On Mali-Wagner Attack

“Niger's junta on Tuesday cut diplomatic ties with Ukraine over remarks from officials it said showed Ukraine's support for groups involved in fighting in neighbouring Mali that killed dozens of soldiers and Russian Wagner fighters in July. The move follows Mali's decision on Sunday to sever relations with Kyiv following comments by Ukraine's military spy agency about the fighting in northern Mali in which Tuareg rebels said they killed at least 84 Wagner mercenaries and 47 Malian soldiers. The incident appeared to be Wagner's heaviest defeat since it stepped in two years ago to help Mali's military authorities fight insurgent groups. In a televised address, spokesperson Abdourahamane Amadou said Niger had decided to act in solidarity with the government and people of Mali by cutting ties with Ukraine with immediate effect. It was not immediately possible to reach the Ukrainian foreign ministry for comment due to the late hour.”

United Kingdom

Reuters: UK PM Starmer: We Have Police In Place To Deal With Anti-Muslim Riots

“British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said sufficient police would be on the streets to handle anti Muslim and anti-immigrant riots in the coming days as he sought to reassure communities braced for more violent protests on Wednesday. Riots across a number of towns and cities have erupted following the murder of three girls at a Taylor Swift-themed event in Southport, a seaside town in northwest England, after false messaging on social media wrongly identified the suspected killer as an Islamist migrant. Unrest has spread, with rioters targeting mosques and smashing windows of hotels housing asylum-seekers from Africa and the Middle East, chanting "get them out", in the first widespread outbreak of violence in Britain for 13 years. Messages online said immigration centres and law firms aiding migrants would be targeted on Wednesday, prompting anti-fascist groups to say they would counter any demonstration. Speaking after an emergency meeting with ministers and police chiefs on Tuesday, Starmer said police would be in place to cope with any further disorder.”

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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