
  • Rhetoric

Omar Bakri Muhammad, Facebook Post, November 2014

In reference to the allowance of killing women and children: “…one must distinguish between killing women and children and the Mujahideen fighting the Kuffar [non-believers] enemies wherever they find them, whether that be in a school or hospital or elsewhere.”Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik, “Hate cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad preaches killing of women and children on Facebook,” Telegraph, November 29, 2014,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, Facebook Post, November 2014

In reference to the religious authority to kill fellow Muslims: “Anybody who allies with a taghoot regime [non-Muslims] whether Sunni or Shi’i has no sanctity and his blood is permissible.”Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik, “Hate cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad preaches killing of women and children on Facebook,” Telegraph, November 29, 2014,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, Facebook Post, November 2014

In reference to Jews and Christians as enemies: “That animosity is exposed, clear, explicit, there is no doubt about it.”Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik, “Hate cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad preaches killing of women and children on Facebook,” Telegraph, November 29, 2014,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, 2012

“The head of the snake is America, so al-Qaeda is looking for big targets in the United States, but smaller organizations settle for smaller targets.”“A Profile of Syrian Jihadist Omar Bakri Muhammad,” Jamestown Foundation, December 21, 2012,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, November 2010

“I will not hand myself in to any court. I do not believe in the law in Britain as in Lebanon.”“Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad arrested in Lebanon,” BBC News, November 14, 2010,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, August 2005

“Why [would] I condemn Osama Bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair. I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama Bin Laden or any Muslims.”Dominic Casciani, “Profile: Omar Bakri Muhammad,” BBC News, August 12, 2005,; “Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad arrested in Lebanon,” BBC News, November 14, 2010,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, May 2005

“The fact that Americans were attacked was no surprise, what was surprising is that they came under such a devastating attack in their own country. The attacks were really a magnificent operation in every way. They were magnificent terrorists.”Mahan Abedin, “Al-Muhajiroun in the UK: Interview with Omar Bakri Muhammad,” Jamestown Foundation, May 25, 2005,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, May 2005

“I believe this phenomenon of al-Qaeda is not going to stop. The phenomenon of martyrdom operations is contagious as the Prophet Muhammad correctly said.”Mahan Abedin, “Al-Muhajiroun in the UK: Interview with Omar Bakri Muhammad,” Jamestown Foundation, May 25, 2005,

Omar Bakri Muhammad, Date Unknown

“When you meet [infidels], slice their own necks. And when you make the blood spill all over, and the enemy becomes so tired, now start to take from them prisoners. Then free them or exchange them until the war is finished.”Robert Mendick and Robert Verkaik, “Hate cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad preaches killing of women and children on Facebook,” Telegraph, November 29, 2014,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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