Islamic Republic of Iran

  • Rhetoric

Ali Khamenei, July 24, 2014

“[The] only way to solve this problem is full annihilation and destruction of the Zionist regime.”“Supreme Leader: Palestinians Need to Continue Armed Resistance Against Israel,” Fars News Agency, July 24, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, May 25, 2014

“Battle and jihad are endless because evil and its front continue to exist. … This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought….”Cheryl K. Chumley, “Iran’s Ayatollah: Jihad Will Last until America Is Wiped out,” Washington Times, May 26, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, May 11, 2014

“They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten Iran with military action. So this is a stupid, idiotic expectation ... The revolutionary guards should definitely carry out their program and not be satisfied with the present level. They should mass produce. This is a main duty of all military officials.”Michelle Moghtader and Mehrdad Balali, “Iran Leader: We Should Mass Produce More Missiles,” Business Insider, May 11, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, March 21, 2014

“[The] Holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened, it’s uncertain how it has happened.” Herb Keinon, “Iran’s Khamenei Questions ‘Certainty’ of Holocaust,” Jerusalem Post, March 21, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, February 17, 2014

“[T]he Americans are enemies of the Islamic Revolution, they are enemies of the Islamic Republic, they are enemies of this flag that you have raised.”Arash Karami, “Ayatollah Khamenei: Nuclear Negotiations Won’t Resolve US-Iran Differences,” Al-Monitor, February 17, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, October 14, 2013

“We should not make a mistake in knowing the main enemy, who in the present time is global arrogance and the criminal Zionist network… We should properly identify the methods of this hostile enemy which is creating discord among Muslims, promoting moral and political corruption, threatening and tempting outstanding personalities, exerting economic pressures on all nations and arousing doubts about Islamic beliefs… Arrogant governments, headed by the USA, conceal their true character with the help of comprehensive and advanced propaganda tools. By claiming that they support human rights and democracy, they deceive public opinion in different countries.”“Supreme Leader's Hajj Message,” The Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, October 14, 2014,

Ali Khamenei, May 11, 2013

“Today, a number of western intellectuals feel that they are in danger on the issue of women. Issues such as homosexuality result from such an outlook. This outlook is, definitely, one of the factors which will lead to the fall of western civilization.”“Supreme Leader Meets with Outstanding Women,” The Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, May 22, 2013,

Ali Khamenei, March 21, 2013

“At times the officials of the Zionist regime (Israel) threaten to launch a military invasion but they themselves know that if they make the slightest mistake the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.”Marcus George and Zahra Hosseinian, “Iran Will Destroy Israeli Cities If Attacked: Khamenei,” Reuters, March 21, 2013,

Ali Khamenei, March 21, 2013

“I am not optimistic about these talks [with Western powers on Iran’s nuclear program]. Why? Because our past experiences show that talks for the American officials do not mean for us to sit down and reach a logical solution ... What they mean by talks is that we sit down and talk until Iran accepts their viewpoint.”Marcus George and Zahra Hosseinian, “Iran Will Destroy Israeli Cities If Attacked: Khamenei,” Reuters, March 21, 2013,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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